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Old 17-11-2010, 12:32 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
I am in my teens... that is why I always need uncle jackbl to bring me out

'teens'???serious bo???....most of the bros i meet in HCMC r mostly quite senior in age liao,hence giving me the idea that most bros in the forum r 'seniors' liao.........but still 'hyper active' regardless of age.....very gd e.g is bro deptrai
Old 17-11-2010, 12:33 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
I need you to bring me go find a good teacher
U always got a big group of frens going with u.... where u got need me to go with u??? I still sick, cant drink beer, only can drink VINAMILK
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Old 17-11-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
I still sick, cant drink beer, only can drink VINAMILK

do u want to try 'Long Thanh sua chua' instead???.......sometimes its gd for a change of flavor......
Old 17-11-2010, 12:39 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Reasons why BRO in VN cannot watch their fav EPL matches as compared to last year :

What is K Plus?

VietNamNet has received many emails asking what K plus (K+) television station is. Some people collected hundreds of opinions protesting K+ to send them to VietNamNet.

A senior coal worker in Quang Ninh province asked what K+ was, whether it was a private or a state-owned television station. Why it holds the exclusive right to broadcast some foreign football events in Vietnam? Why it has up to 70 television channels?

K+ is the product of a limited liability company owned by the Vietnam Cable TV Technology Centre, a subsidiary of the national Vietnam Television (VTV) and Canal Plus International Development, a French firm. The chartered capital of this firm is $20.1 million, including $9.87 million or 49 percent from the French partner.

The partnership between a Vietnamese and a French firm is legal but the law doesn’t allow the operation of private television stations in Vietnam so this company is only permitted to provide technological services, not to produce television programs.

Some wondered why this company had to call for modest investment ($10 million) from a French firm, not from local firms. K+ is also using equipment of VTV, TV programs from VTV and VCTV.

Many people suspected that K+ is the disguise of privatization of Vietnam’s television. This company is trying to hold the television market, firstly the broadcast right of the British, Italian and Spanish leagues. What will they do in the future?

They also questioned whether VTV wanted to give the exclusive right to K+ so it failed to buy the broadcast right of major Spanish and Italian football events.

K+ currently offers very expensive services while most of its 70 channels come from VTV, HTV, HNTV, VOV, SCTV and VCTV. It has only one special product – K+ football which exclusively broadcasts the UK, Spanish and Italian leagues.

A lawyer said that VTV should end its contract with K+ by re-purchasing the broadcast right of foreign football tournaments. It can mobilize capital from local firms or ask the government’s permission to issue television bonds.

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Old 17-11-2010, 12:43 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
do u want to try 'Long Thanh sua chua' instead???.......sometimes its gd for a change of flavor......
I tried VINAMILK sua chua aka YOGHURT liao
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Old 17-11-2010, 01:04 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Thought I can contribute a bit. Some common Vietnamese names...

* 男 Ái Quốc : 愛國
* 女 Ái Vân : 愛雲
* 男 An : 安
* 女 An Bình : 安平
* 兩者 Anh : 英
* 女 Anh Đào : 櫻桃
* 男 Anh Dũng : 英勇
* 男 Anh Hào : 英豪
* 男 Anh Hùng : 英雄
* 男 Anh Kiệt : 英傑
* 男 Anh Minh : 英明
* 女 Anh Nguyệt : 英月
* 男 Anh Tài : 英才
* 女 Anh Thư : 英雌
* 男 Anh Tú : 英秀

* 男 Ba : 三〔𠀧〕
* 男 Bá Hiệp : 霸合
* 男 Bách: 柏
* 女Bạch Dương : 白楊
* 女Bạch hạc : 白鶴
* 女Bạch Kim : 白金
* 女Bạch Liên : 白蓮
* 女Bạch Tuyết : 白雪
* 女Bạch Vân : 白雲
* 女Bang Thuy : 邦水 ?
* 女Bang Tâm : 邦心
* 男 Bao : 寶
* 女Bao Châu : 寶珠
* 女Bao Ngoc : 寶玉
* 男 Bao Quôc : 保國
* 女Bao Trâm : 寶針
* 男 Bay : 七
* 女Bé : 小()
* 女Bích : 碧
* 女Bích Thuỷ : 碧水
* 女Bích Trâm : 碧針
* 男 Bình : 平
* 男 Bình Minh : 平明

* 男 Cam: 柑
* 女 Câm Nhung : 衿絨 [velours brodé] ?
* 女 Câm Vân : 絳雲 [nuage pourpre] ?
* 男 Cao Minh : 高明
* 男 Cao Son : 高山
* 男 Chân Ly : 真理
* 女 Châu : 珠
* 女 Châu Loan : 珠鸞
* 男 Chi : 志
* 男 Chi Hiêu : très pieux [很虔誠]
* 男 Chi Linh : très sacré [很多人]
* 男 Chi Thành : 志誠
* 男 Chi Tài : 智大
* 男 Chin : 九 ?
* 男 Chinh : 征 conquête[宴會]
* 男 Chinh Truc : honnête, équitable ?
* 男 Chiên : 戰
* 男 Chiên Thang : 戰勝
* 男 Chung : 鐘
* 男 Chuong : 彰
* 男 Chuyên : 專
* 男 Công : 工/功
* 男 Công Danh : 功名
* 男 Công Minh : 功明
* 男 Công Tâm : 功心
* 男 Công Thành : 功成
* 女Cuc Hoa : 菊花
* 男 Cung : flèche ?
* 男 Cuong : 強
* 男 Cuu : 九

* 女Dao : 桃
* 女Dat : 達
* 女Diêm : 艷
* 女Diêm Hanh : 艷行
* 女Diêm Huong : 艷香
* 女Diêm Lê : 艷麗
* 女Diêu Hàng : douce lune ? [姚{行,杭}]
* 女Do : rouge [紅]
* 女Doan Trang : 端莊
* 女Doàn : union
* 女Dung : 容
* 女Duong : 楊
* 女Duong Câm : 楊琴
* 女Duong Liêu : 楊柳
* 女Duyên : 延

女En : 燕

* 女Hai Au : 海鷗
* 女Hai Yên : 海燕
* 女Hanh : 行
* 女Hanh Dung : 行容
* 女Hiên : 軒
* 女Hoa : 花
* 女Hoa Lê : 花麗
* 女Hoa Mi : 畫眉
* 女Hoai : 懷
* 女Hoài Huong : 懷鄉
* 女Hoàng Mai : 杏美
* 女Hoàng Yên : canari
* 女Huong : 香
* 女Huong Lan : 香蘭
* 女Huyên Trân : merveille [X珍] [奇景]
* 女Huê : lys [百合]
* 女Hà Giang : 河江
* 女Hà Thanh : 河清
* 女Hàng : lune
* 女Hông : 紅
* 女Hông Dào : 紅桃
* 女Hông Hac : 紅X flamand rose
* 女Hông Loan : 紅鸞
* 女Hông Ngoc : 紅玉
* 女Hông Nhan : 紅顏
* 女Hông Quê : 紅桂
* 女Hông Vân : 紅雲

* 女Khanh Ngoc : grande plaque en jade X玉
* 女Khanh Vân : nuage coloré X雲
* 女Khuê : 閨
* 兩者 Kim : 金
* 女Kim Anh : 金銀
* 女Kim Chi : 金枝
* 女Kim Cuong : 金鑽
* 女Kim Huê : lys d'or [金{百合}]
* 女Kim Liên : 金蓮
* 女Kim Thoa : 金釵
* 女Kim Xuyên : 金釧
* 女Kiêu : 嬌
* 女Kiêu Diêm : 嬌艷
* 女Ky Duyên : 機緣

* 女Lam : 藍
* 女Lan : 蘭
* 女Lan Anh : 蘭櫻
* 女Lan Chi : 蘭枝
* 女Linh : 靈
* 女Linh Huê : 靈蕙 lys sacré [敬畏的百合]
* 女Liên : 蓮
* 女Liêu : 柳
* 女Loan : 鸞
* 女Luu : 榴
* 女Luu Ly : 琉璃
* 女Lê : 淚
* 女Lê Thu : 淚秋

* 女Mai : 梅
* 女Mai Lan : 梅蘭
* 女Mai Phuong : 梅芳
* 女Minh Châu : 明珠
* 女Minh Hiên : 明顯
* 女Minh Nguyêt : 明月
* 女Minh Tâm : 明心
* 女Minh Thu : 明秋
* 女Minh Tuyêt : 明雪
* 女My : 美
* 女My Châu : 美珠
* 女My Duyên : 美延 ?
* 女My Hanh : 美行
* 女My Hiên : 美顯
* 女My Kim : 美金
* 女My Lê : 美麗
* 女My Thu : 美秋
* 女My Tiên : 美仙/鮮 ?
* 女My Tâm : 美心
* 女Mông : 夢
* 女Mông Ngoc : 夢玉

* 女Nam Phuong : 南方
* 女Nga : 雅
* 女Ngoc : 玉
* 女Ngoc Anh : 玉英
* 女Ngoc Bich : 玉碧
* 女Ngoc Dung : 玉容
* 女Ngoc Giao : 玉嬌
* 女Ngoc Huong : 玉香
* 女Ngoc Lan : 玉蘭
* 女Ngoc Loan : 玉鸞
* 女Ngoc Suong : 玉霜
* 女Ngoc Trân : 玉珍
* 女Ngoc Yên : 玉顏
* 女Nguyêt Anh : 月英
* 女Nguyêt Nga : 月雅
* 女Ngân Hà : 銀河
* 女Nhan : 顏
* 女Nhu Quynh : 如瓊
* 女Nhung : 絨
* 女Nuong : 娘

女Oanh : 鶯

* 女Phi Yên : 飛燕
* 女Phong Lan : 芳蘭
* 女Phuong : 芳
* 女Phuong Liên : 芳蓮
* 女Phuong Mai : 芳梅
* 女Phuong Thao : 芳草

* 女Quynh Anh :瓊英
* 女Quynh Chi : 瓊芝
* 女Quynh Dao : 瓊桃
* 女Quê : 桂

* 女Sen : lotus 蓮 ?
* 女Son Ca : rossignol 夜鶯
* 女Suong : 霜

* 女Thai Hà : 大河
* 女Thanh : 清
* 女Thanh Huong : 清香
* 女Thanh Hà : 清河
* 女Thanh Lan : 清蘭
* 女Thanh Loan : 青鸞
* 女Thanh Mai : 青梅
* 女Thanh Thuy : 清水
* 女Thanh Tuyên : 清源
* 女Thanh Vân : 清雲
* 女Thanh Xuân : 青春
* 女Thi : 詩
* 女Thiên Huong : 詩香
* 女Thiên Nga : 詩雅
* 女Thiêu Hoa : 詩花
* 女Thoa : 釵
* 女Thu : 秋
* 女Thu Hà : 秋河
* 女Thu Hông : 秋紅
* 女Thu Suong : 秋霜
* 女Thu Thao : 秋草
* 女Thu Thuy : 秋水
* 女Thu Trang : 秋莊
* 女Thu Vân : 秋雲
* 女Thuy Diêm : 水艷
* 女Thuy Duong : 水楊
* 女Thuy Ngoc : 水玉
* 女Thuy Tiên : 水仙
* 女Thuy Trang : 水莊
* 女Tiên : 仙
* 女Trang : 莊
* 女Trinh : 貞
* 女Truc Dào : 竹桃
* 女Truc Linh : 竹靈
* 女Truc Mai : 竹梅
* 女Trâm : épingle à cheveux
* 女Trâm Anh : famille noble x英
* 女Trân Châu : 珍珠
* 女Tu Khuê : jeune fille belle et élégante
* 女Tu My : 智美
* 女Tu Quynh : joli x瓊
* 女Tuong Vi : rosier
* 女Tuyên : 源
* 女Tuyêt : 雪
* 女Tuyêt Mai : 雪梅
* 女Tâm : 心
* 女Tâm Giao : 心嬌
* 女Tô Nga : 素雅
* 女Tô Tâm : 素心

* 女Xuân : 春
* 女Xuân Hoa : 春花
* 女Xuân Huong : 春香
* 女Xuân Lan : 春蘭
* 女Xuân Son : 春山

女Yên : 燕
Old 17-11-2010, 01:06 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
I tried VINAMILK sua chua aka YOGHURT liao

try the Long Thanh brand when u visit Vietnam next time.....the difference is same like 'vb in God Father last time' compare with 'vb sitting at lao ban niang' when the pubs r full of customers.....kekeke....manage to 'catch the ball' bro???
Old 17-11-2010, 01:10 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
"Tay oxa dau lam phai khong", in this context, TAY refers to hand/arm.......

U hv to drink more VINAMILK
the vb i hook up lately all lack of this ingredient.
maybe I have go for MILF to llok for vinamilk...

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
U always got a big group of frens going with u.... where u got need me to go with u??? I still sick, cant drink beer, only can drink VINAMILK
where got big group... like that is illegal gathering liao
your sickness is lack of beer.
Old 17-11-2010, 01:12 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by leecs View Post
Thought I can contribute a bit. Some common Vietnamese names...

great effort by u bro.....but why u never add in 'de thuong'..???....tats wat most of the gals call me in Vietnam......kekeke....
Old 17-11-2010, 02:01 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Hi Bros Volcano, Jackbl,Kangtuo

Thanks a lot for your translation. Bro here planning to marry my baxa soon. Hope all you bros can wish me luck. Been learning a lot here espicially "Understanding my Viet partner".
Please continue the good works. Thanks.
Old 17-11-2010, 02:55 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

It's me again. Actually my baxa is referring to my injured arm. Can bro Kangtuo help to translate for me. I am moderated. So cannot reply so soon. Thanks again.

Nguoi phu nu viet nam mot khi lay chong la chi biet chong va con?nguoi viet nam quan trong nhat la gia dinh! Oxa
Hieu khong?
Old 17-11-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
great effort by u bro.....but why u never add in 'de thuong'..???....tats wat most of the gals call me in Vietnam......kekeke....
We have the same name?
Old 17-11-2010, 05:07 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
great effort by u bro.....but why u never add in 'de thuong'..???....tats wat most of the gals call me in Vietnam......kekeke....
Originally Posted by AdGuy View Post
We have the same name?
I thou the gals called u guys DEP TRAI?
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Old 17-11-2010, 05:10 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
try the Long Thanh brand when u visit Vietnam next time.....the difference is same like 'vb in God Father last time' compare with 'vb sitting at lao ban niang' when the pubs r full of customers.....kekeke....manage to 'catch the ball' bro???
Can't catch. Maybe u in VN too long while I m in sgp. We got territory different
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Old 17-11-2010, 05:22 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by leecs View Post
Thought I can contribute a bit. Some common Vietnamese names
Good contribution! Keep up the good work.
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