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Old 19-02-2012, 10:56 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
Yup nowadays weather condition have changed. Do take care.
Seems like SMS in AC is really getting worst. So next time really have to load more as will be doing more calling follow by sms

Thanks bro, it's my fault as i m too lazy to carry very thick clothings to AC.
Weather is erratic sometimes w temp change of abt 12 deg in a day in PRC.

Yes, i got no reply again from my girl when i texted her on the hotel van to the airport. Had to borrow the hotel boss hp to call her as had passed almost all my loads to her.
Had decided to drop her off halfway, though she wanted to follow me to airport as only passengers are allowed in the main building.

Though I arrived in airport 1.5hrs before departure time, took a swift dinner at ministop n enter mainbuilding there was quite a queue through all process n I stayed in waiting area only 20min till boarding.
No fleecing by the officers except 2 of them tries to get friendly at the entrance, maybe my no expression response got me through easy.
So bros try not going airport too late, they may try asking money seeing u hav limited time.

Talk about fleecing.
When I parted from the group after lunch, was taking the jeepney back to hotel to checkout. I gave a 20p peso n was expecting the change, while seated infront on a single seat n put my plastic bag of fruit on my right side.

He asked me whether I m carrying fish n i replied no. (carry fish extra charge?)
Not givin up he told me my seat is good for 2.( so my small plasticbag is another passenger??)
WTF , the seat was like the normal front seat of a sedan car n my butt was ocuppying 90% of it.
I told him to look and asked him how can it be a seat for 2 ?? Told him I'll change to the back seat if it is such.
He keep quiet ,LanLan give me back 12p change.
They just don't give up aint they? Fleecing u even w the slightest opportunity.

So when is your next trip?
Old 19-02-2012, 01:20 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Old 19-02-2012, 03:57 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post

wow...she a cutey...
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Old 19-02-2012, 05:17 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Just got back home! Only hear snippets of what is happening on the from Bro Ziebart and Datou.. My cheap dual phone cards phone no internet connection - took bro Beefstick's advice to get the cheapest Nokia 101 for SGD55 (then just from out from Guapo that it cost SGD32 at Mustafa)

Anyway, rushed back to turn-on computer and see what is happening. Too blur to post FR now.. will gather my thoughts and post later.. very tired, but also very happy.. BIG thank you to Bro Ziebert (a super master in my eyes), Bro Datou, Bro Xiongmong, Guapo and my bro (I'll give him the nick Bruno- since I saw the girls txt each other about him and one said he looks like Bruno Mars in the txt I saw! )
Old 19-02-2012, 05:38 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

update 18-Feb-2012

this part is boring here. no barhopping for me pls bear with me.

morning down to take breakfast then lazed ZIEBART and told me he going to Nepo Mall, can follow if want to, but i declined, will contact him later if available again..yesterday's local friend YY sms me and arranged to meet up. so after took her into room we had drinks then went to around Astro Park and street surroundings walking.

had lunch at Jolliebee with YY, then went back hotel where we spent a quiet afternoon together.

YY left at around 7pm. i went out to carinderia opposite pawn shop same row as Chow King to takeaway fried chicken and rice at 78p. also 2 bottle drinks at 7-11 41p.

didn't join any barhopping cos already spent after 'some workout' with YY...through the afternoon..

intend to rest early as tomorrow will need to wake up around 730am.
Old 19-02-2012, 05:43 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

update 19-Feb-2012

goodbye AC,...finally trip ends..

woke up at 730am then packup stuffs then after bath, had breakfast and surf net at same time. finished packup, then went down to check out..hotel bill 3840 for 4 nights, deluxe room

hotel driver sent me to DMIA at 900 am for my flight back to KL at 1105 am. departure tax is still 600p for international flights.

For this trip:

Charity work at Hensonville: something different here..other than usual barhopping, buying drinks, groping gals, barfining gals..a visit to another part of AC seeing the villagers receiving goods and other gifts made me feel happy to contribute to the society..other than bars revenue

Meeting up fellow cheongsters: ZIEBART, datou, Boat Collector, K (Boat Collector's handsome friend) and GUAPO. Thanks to ZIEBART for organising charity session at Hensonville and some useful advise. Nice to meet the rest of u guys as well.

Just too bad I didn't join other outings available, as occupied with something else.

End of AC trip FR. Please point out and correct any mistakes if found. Thanks for reading..SURE will make another trip next time.

Last edited by xiongmao; 19-02-2012 at 05:46 PM. Reason: adding text
Old 19-02-2012, 09:32 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

It's really nice to see our fellow sbf bros here united in ac taking care of each others getting together in doing charity work instead of just cheonging.keep it up guys!u made we sbf sg/Msia man proud
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Old 19-02-2012, 09:53 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

While waiting for my dinner to arrive, I thought I might as well write my FR. - submit my paperwork on the forum first... (the dinner arrived before I finished my FR - so ate first then continued.)

16th Feb:-

Touched down an hour late due to delay at Changi caused by the Singapore Airshow. Being the kiasu person, and afraid that more time will be wasted doing "un productive things" like queuing at the immigration, I walked as fast as I could. Paid off- I was first in the immigration line for foreigners (the left most lane - Filipinos have a separate lane - info for newbies). No checked in luggage, so straight for the custom counter. The custom people was only slowly starting work and walked slowly out from some office.. delay again!! Custom official gave me a look over, and sent me on my way.. no questions asked..

Stepped outside, and change money enough for immediate expenses. walked out the main door, and took a taxi to the hotel. Didn't ask how much, was ushered by the minders (not sure if they are touts) and just jumped into one.. Told the guys Devera hotel, at first they are not sure where it is.. but said next to Pony Tails, and they said "ahhh... the new hotel". Driver has never sent someone there before.. or so he said.

Half way there, suddenly remembered I didn't ask for the price... so asked him how much.. he showed me the coupon.. says PHP500 .. Cannot be, I told him I am a frequent visitor and never paid more than PHP300.. he didn't deny this, but said that is what the little counter outside the airport wrote on the coupon.. I said "No lah, cannot, I know you also know the price is PHP300." He remained quiet... Then told him that I would have to go back to the airport late to pick up my bro, Bruno. at the airport at midnight later, and asked him if he wanted the biz, of course he did! So when I got down from the taxi, I just paid him PHP300. (there are cheaper ways of getting to fields/parimeter, but I was too lazy and it was dark so didn't want to risk it, plus I was already 1 hour late!!)

Quickly change, then rush to phoneshop to buy Philippines Sim card.. paid PHP50 for it. Chose number, slotted in the new card, and first message to Bro Ziebert and Datou.. No immediate response, and worried after reading all the post about the delayed txt msg.. I tried calling Bro Ziebart.. no answer... was about to try again, when he call me back. The guys not ready to party yet as was busy... *no wonder no answer*.. so agreed to meet after I picked up Bruno from the airport. Got an hour to kill so decided to go to Genesis, to see if the girl Wetdevil and I met the last time was there..

Walked in Genesis, girl not in sight. so sat down to have a drink.. Very friendly waitress. Didn't want to buy any of the waitress a lady drink, but did suggest that we cross the road for a bbq.. which they agreed.. chose what I wanted and paid (also allowed them to choose what they want to eat) and I went back into Genesis. 1 of the waitress then waited for the food to be ready.

Waitress hard sell the dancers and each other to me, but I resist.. Time up.. went to airport to pick up my bro.. While waiting for him to show up, I text missing Genesis girl. Says it is her off day today, but want to meet me at Genesis.. I don't want to pay BF... so said no, meet elsewhere. Brother arrives. We go back to the hotel for him to check in.. a quick change and we were off to look for Bro Ziebart who was by now also waiting for us at a Hanna's Videoke..

Walked along road behind fields avenue. Very dark.. cannot see Bro Ziebart at first.. then spotted the only non Filipino guys sitting at a videoke. must be Bro Ziebart, as there was this guy who kept looking at his mobile phone.. Introduce myself, was relieved to find Bro Ziebart.. he introduce us to Datou (who somehow reminds me of Jackie Chan!), and Guapo..

Got txt from missing Genesis girl - now says she wants to come meet me. I said ok. She came, sat for like 3 minutes then left.. I thought that was it.. Sat, drink, eat and sing. After a while, wanted to show my bro Fields avenue... Bro Ziebart very kindly showed a the short cut through one-eyed wrench - (Bro Ziebart bang on door until they open the door). Went from club to club.. Finally ended up in Crystal Palace at 2am.. Called a few girls down from the stage (were the first girls we paid LD for).. my bro really hit it off with this wild sexy young thing. stayed until it closed at 3am.

We then started wondering from bar to bar again... Those that were still open at 3am.. ended up in Dollhouse, when the WSYT msg my bro saying she wanted to meet.. By this time quite a few of the dancers were eyeing my bro.. No one paying any attention to the guy sitting next to him.. Lesson to learn from this, at night, don't wear shorts, sandals and a football jersey! No one will pay you any attention!!

The WSYT came to join us at Dollhouse and you could clearly see the dancers annoyance when she walked up to my bro and started talking to him. Dancers were pointing at them and from their faces you knew that they were talking bad about her.. hahaha.. At about the same time, the missing Genesis girl msg me asking if I wanted to meet. I said sure... at the hotel.. So she said she was coming...

We decided to leave, now that both of us had found bed warmers.. We walked on ahead... and asked the missing Genesis girl to catch up.. or meet us at ministop. We reached there first, and after about 10mins a very black faced missing Genesis girl arrived.. face very black.. asked her why.. she said didn't know the hotel was so far away! hahahaha

Anyway, did the deed and finally went to sleep at 6.30am.. She had one of the most firm perky boobs I've felt.. and really good body.. (I'm not good in giving descriptions of what exactly happened, but safe to say 3 positions mastered, with all the usual pre-coital action included.) Genesis girl didn't sleep a wink.. kept playing with her phone.. I knocked out and stirred at 8am. Seeing me move and figuring that I was awake.. Genesis girl quick asked if it was ok to go home.. I said sure... I just wanted to get back to sleep, have to wake up "early" to meet Bro Ziebart, Datou, Guapo and Xiongmao to go to AC town.

Security was good, when she left. They called me to confirm that it was ok to leave.

But by about 9am, the construction work started.. Could hear the workmen walking up the stairs, not overly noisy, but on one or two occasions you could hear drilling.

- End of day 1.

Hope FR not too long winded..
Old 19-02-2012, 11:03 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
How I wish I'm smoking & sipping my cup of black coffee on this balcony now..

Nice pic bro lord.
Hello The Lord, may I know where exactly is this hotel? or is it the apartment that you are staying long term?

many thanks!
Old 19-02-2012, 11:17 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Bro The Lord,

Found this post and now know that it's Valentino.. Everything looks great.

1 important question -> How's the internet in room? Does 2850 includes free wifi/broadband? My work require me to online/make call online. So, broadband is very key to me. Would be great if you have this info?

Many thanks!

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Toilet could have been much better.

The shower was ok.

But i guess the toilet could have been tastefully appointed at that price!

Flat Screen TV, 99 channels, nice cupboard, luggage rack and mini Fridge.

Missin.... The Carpet.

Aircon was pretty cold...

For those who missed this picture that i had posted previously

Old 19-02-2012, 11:27 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Bro datou,

can i know 1. which hotel that you stay (cause the photo shows room quite nice); 2. is the wifi in room good?


Originally Posted by datou View Post

Old 20-02-2012, 12:06 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Waiting ur Frs

This time detailed ones sirji

On a different note lovely detailed photos from bros datou, boat collector n xiongmao

Originally Posted by NO1PUNJABI View Post
Keep the frs cmin bro. Am off to clark 24-29 feb.

Last edited by The Lord; 20-02-2012 at 12:31 AM.
Old 20-02-2012, 12:18 AM
Wetdevil Wetdevil is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Thanks bro, it's my fault as i m too lazy to carry very thick clothings to AC.
Weather is erratic sometimes w temp change of abt 12 deg in a day in PRC.

Yes, i got no reply again from my girl when i texted her on the hotel van to the airport. Had to borrow the hotel boss hp to call her as had passed almost all my loads to her.
Had decided to drop her off halfway, though she wanted to follow me to airport as only passengers are allowed in the main building.

Though I arrived in airport 1.5hrs before departure time, took a swift dinner at ministop n enter mainbuilding there was quite a queue through all process n I stayed in waiting area only 20min till boarding.
No fleecing by the officers except 2 of them tries to get friendly at the entrance, maybe my no expression response got me through easy.
So bros try not going airport too late, they may try asking money seeing u hav limited time.

Talk about fleecing.
When I parted from the group after lunch, was taking the jeepney back to hotel to checkout. I gave a 20p peso n was expecting the change, while seated infront on a single seat n put my plastic bag of fruit on my right side.

He asked me whether I m carrying fish n i replied no. (carry fish extra charge?)
Not givin up he told me my seat is good for 2.( so my small plasticbag is another passenger??)
WTF , the seat was like the normal front seat of a sedan car n my butt was ocuppying 90% of it.
I told him to look and asked him how can it be a seat for 2 ?? Told him I'll change to the back seat if it is such.
He keep quiet ,LanLan give me back 12p change.
They just don't give up aint they? Fleecing u even w the slightest opportunity.

So when is your next trip?
Well always reached the airport so early that I will be there sitting and do nothing to kill my time.
What to do fleecing is part of their life if not wrong.

Originally Posted by datou View Post

Nice photos. Tks for sharing.
Wanted to add points but was deny stating this pop box "You must spread some reputation around before giving it to datou again"
Old 20-02-2012, 12:20 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
Just got back home! Only hear snippets of what is happening on the from Bro Ziebart and Datou.. My cheap dual phone cards phone no internet connection - took bro Beefstick's advice to get the cheapest Nokia 101 for SGD55 (then just from out from Guapo that it cost SGD32 at Mustafa)

Anyway, rushed back to turn-on computer and see what is happening. Too blur to post FR now.. will gather my thoughts and post later.. very tired, but also very happy.. BIG thank you to Bro Ziebert (a super master in my eyes), Bro Datou, Bro Xiongmong, Guapo and my bro (I'll give him the nick Bruno- since I saw the girls txt each other about him and one said he looks like Bruno Mars in the txt I saw! )
Hahaha the fun and joy + missing it make you blur. So I assume Bruno is a bro I have not met back in Nov.

Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
While waiting for my dinner to arrive, I thought I might as well write my FR. - submit my paperwork on the forum first... (the dinner arrived before I finished my FR - so ate first then continued.)

16th Feb:-

Touched down an hour late due to delay at Changi caused by the Singapore Airshow. Being the kiasu person, and afraid that more time will be wasted doing "un productive things" like queuing at the immigration, I walked as fast as I could. Paid off- I was first in the immigration line for foreigners (the left most lane - Filipinos have a separate lane - info for newbies). No checked in luggage, so straight for the custom counter. The custom people was only slowly starting work and walked slowly out from some office.. delay again!! Custom official gave me a look over, and sent me on my way.. no questions asked..

Stepped outside, and change money enough for immediate expenses. walked out the main door, and took a taxi to the hotel. Didn't ask how much, was ushered by the minders (not sure if they are touts) and just jumped into one.. Told the guys Devera hotel, at first they are not sure where it is.. but said next to Pony Tails, and they said "ahhh... the new hotel". Driver has never sent someone there before.. or so he said.

Half way there, suddenly remembered I didn't ask for the price... so asked him how much.. he showed me the coupon.. says PHP500 .. Cannot be, I told him I am a frequent visitor and never paid more than PHP300.. he didn't deny this, but said that is what the little counter outside the airport wrote on the coupon.. I said "No lah, cannot, I know you also know the price is PHP300." He remained quiet... Then told him that I would have to go back to the airport late to pick up my bro, Bruno. at the airport at midnight later, and asked him if he wanted the biz, of course he did! So when I got down from the taxi, I just paid him PHP300. (there are cheaper ways of getting to fields/parimeter, but I was too lazy and it was dark so didn't want to risk it, plus I was already 1 hour late!!)

Quickly change, then rush to phoneshop to buy Philippines Sim card.. paid PHP50 for it. Chose number, slotted in the new card, and first message to Bro Ziebert and Datou.. No immediate response, and worried after reading all the post about the delayed txt msg.. I tried calling Bro Ziebart.. no answer... was about to try again, when he call me back. The guys not ready to party yet as was busy... *no wonder no answer*.. so agreed to meet after I picked up Bruno from the airport. Got an hour to kill so decided to go to Genesis, to see if the girl Wetdevil and I met the last time was there..

Walked in Genesis, girl not in sight. so sat down to have a drink.. Very friendly waitress. Didn't want to buy any of the waitress a lady drink, but did suggest that we cross the road for a bbq.. which they agreed.. chose what I wanted and paid (also allowed them to choose what they want to eat) and I went back into Genesis. 1 of the waitress then waited for the food to be ready.

Waitress hard sell the dancers and each other to me, but I resist.. Time up.. went to airport to pick up my bro.. While waiting for him to show up, I text missing Genesis girl. Says it is her off day today, but want to meet me at Genesis.. I don't want to pay BF... so said no, meet elsewhere. Brother arrives. We go back to the hotel for him to check in.. a quick change and we were off to look for Bro Ziebart who was by now also waiting for us at a Hanna's Videoke..

Walked along road behind fields avenue. Very dark.. cannot see Bro Ziebart at first.. then spotted the only non Filipino guys sitting at a videoke. must be Bro Ziebart, as there was this guy who kept looking at his mobile phone.. Introduce myself, was relieved to find Bro Ziebart.. he introduce us to Datou (who somehow reminds me of Jackie Chan!), and Guapo..

Got txt from missing Genesis girl - now says she wants to come meet me. I said ok. She came, sat for like 3 minutes then left.. I thought that was it.. Sat, drink, eat and sing. After a while, wanted to show my bro Fields avenue... Bro Ziebart very kindly showed a the short cut through one-eyed wrench - (Bro Ziebart bang on door until they open the door). Went from club to club.. Finally ended up in Crystal Palace at 2am.. Called a few girls down from the stage (were the first girls we paid LD for).. my bro really hit it off with this wild sexy young thing. stayed until it closed at 3am.

We then started wondering from bar to bar again... Those that were still open at 3am.. ended up in Dollhouse, when the WSYT msg my bro saying she wanted to meet.. By this time quite a few of the dancers were eyeing my bro.. No one paying any attention to the guy sitting next to him.. Lesson to learn from this, at night, don't wear shorts, sandals and a football jersey! No one will pay you any attention!!

The WSYT came to join us at Dollhouse and you could clearly see the dancers annoyance when she walked up to my bro and started talking to him. Dancers were pointing at them and from their faces you knew that they were talking bad about her.. hahaha.. At about the same time, the missing Genesis girl msg me asking if I wanted to meet. I said sure... at the hotel.. So she said she was coming...

We decided to leave, now that both of us had found bed warmers.. We walked on ahead... and asked the missing Genesis girl to catch up.. or meet us at ministop. We reached there first, and after about 10mins a very black faced missing Genesis girl arrived.. face very black.. asked her why.. she said didn't know the hotel was so far away! hahahaha

Anyway, did the deed and finally went to sleep at 6.30am.. She had one of the most firm perky boobs I've felt.. and really good body.. (I'm not good in giving descriptions of what exactly happened, but safe to say 3 positions mastered, with all the usual pre-coital action included.) Genesis girl didn't sleep a wink.. kept playing with her phone.. I knocked out and stirred at 8am. Seeing me move and figuring that I was awake.. Genesis girl quick asked if it was ok to go home.. I said sure... I just wanted to get back to sleep, have to wake up "early" to meet Bro Ziebart, Datou, Guapo and Xiongmao to go to AC town.

Security was good, when she left. They called me to confirm that it was ok to leave.

But by about 9am, the construction work started.. Could hear the workmen walking up the stairs, not overly noisy, but on one or two occasions you could hear drilling.

- End of day 1.

Hope FR not too long winded..
Nice + with lots of details.
Wanted to add points to your FR but was deny stating this pop box "You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Boat Collector again"
So the girl did not turn out to be runner and by the way how much is the dmg since it's her off day ? same price where she kept the whole amount or lower in dmg?

Last edited by Wetdevil; 20-02-2012 at 12:44 AM.
Old 20-02-2012, 12:20 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by alexey View Post
Bro datou,

can i know 1. which hotel that you stay (cause the photo shows room quite nice); 2. is the wifi in room good?

Well is the well known hotel where ZIEBART got a nice package. Its the Clark Star Hotel
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