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Old 22-01-2005, 03:02 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

Originally Posted by spown04
Checking any bro here got foreigner wife? How is it like? safety?
And what is the requirement for them to stay in singapore?
In order to let her stay, firstly apply long time social visit pass for her, go to here , fourth floor, ICA and get the neccessary official documents ready upon submitting to the custom official.

Once they grant in 3,6mths or 1year visa, go ahead and apply PR for your wife. (fifth floor of ICA building.) Actually you can apply both long time social visit pass and PR concurrently. This way you can prepare 2 set of documents ready. (almost the documents needed are the same, except for PR, you need more paperwork like letter of employment, educational certs for both of you.) After the PR submittion, the official attending to you will give you a postcard like card and stamped the date of acknowledgement for your documents. You will hear your application upon 3 mths. (Remember please dun call them and ask.)

What if your application is unsucessful? How to eventually get PR for your wifey?

Dun worry if your application is unsucessful, their reason like your wife has not met the residential requirement , maximum quota has been met, blar blar blar. You can still re-apply in abt after 6-9mths time. But in the meantime, you can send your wife for enrichment courses, english course, computer courses or best NTC courses!! (support germent mah! ) As some brothers has quoted, paying income tax is very essential, meaning you should be at least earning >25K per year in order to get tax. At most dun claim wife relief, insurance loh, pay abit more lah, let the germent tax you abit loh.

If not, trying to pro-create (contributing to nation birth rate) is also one of the easy-to-get-PR route although ICA didn't openly admit it. If your wife is pregnant, act fast, get a letter from your GP stating your wife preganacy and re-submit 2gether for another try. Best to top it up, get your powerful MP to help you appeal. That's all folks~
A sucker for Juicy SweetMILF....

Vietnamese Wife in Singapore

Foreigner Wife's matter.

Need Info on PRC Visa etc
Old 23-01-2005, 12:47 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Foreigner Wife!

Originally Posted by Rof|maoxz
In order to let her stay, firstly apply long time social visit pass for her, go to here , fourth floor, ICA and get the neccessary official documents ready upon submitting to the custom official.

Once they grant in 3,6mths or 1year visa, go ahead and apply PR for your wife. (fifth floor of ICA building.) Actually you can apply both long time social visit pass and PR concurrently. This way you can prepare 2 set of documents ready. (almost the documents needed are the same, except for PR, you need more paperwork like letter of employment, educational certs for both of you.) After the PR submittion, the official attending to you will give you a postcard like card and stamped the date of acknowledgement for your documents. You will hear your application upon 3 mths. (Remember please dun call them and ask.)

What if your application is unsucessful? How to eventually get PR for your wifey?

Dun worry if your application is unsucessful, their reason like your wife has not met the residential requirement , maximum quota has been met, blar blar blar. You can still re-apply in abt after 6-9mths time. But in the meantime, you can send your wife for enrichment courses, english course, computer courses or best NTC courses!! (support germent mah! ) As some brothers has quoted, paying income tax is very essential, meaning you should be at least earning >25K per year in order to get tax. At most dun claim wife relief, insurance loh, pay abit more lah, let the germent tax you abit loh.

If not, trying to pro-create (contributing to nation birth rate) is also one of the easy-to-get-PR route although ICA didn't openly admit it. If your wife is pregnant, act fast, get a letter from your GP stating your wife preganacy and re-submit 2gether for another try. Best to top it up, get your powerful MP to help you appeal. That's all folks~

Thank you Bro!! It sounds much more easier than i thought,,, but can you please brief or elaborate me more on the application of the long time social visit side as i am abit confused,,,your help is muchly appreciated.!!!
Old 23-01-2005, 04:53 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

Originally Posted by spown04
Thank you Bro!! It sounds much more easier than i thought,,, but can you please brief or elaborate me more on the application of the long time social visit side as i am abit confused,,,your help is muchly appreciated.!!!
Applying long term social visit pass for your wife is quite simple. After both of you ROM and got the marriage cert, actually you can rush down straight to ICA building, 4th flr to extend your wife stay, providing you do not wish to hold any ROM lunch for your guests. Of course, equipped with other required documents ready, you can submit the application to the official serving you. If your wife current short term visa is up. They will grant her 1 month visa in order for them to process your long term social visa. It's that simple. Just follow will do. Cheers~
A sucker for Juicy SweetMILF....

Vietnamese Wife in Singapore

Foreigner Wife's matter.

Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Last edited by Rof|maoxz; 23-01-2005 at 05:00 PM.
Old 23-01-2005, 11:23 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

Sorry, there's something i don't follow about the this enquiring about foreign wives of potential wives who were WLs here??

to my understanding...WLs here can't get married to locals/PRs, pls correct me if i'm wrong?!?!

drink water
Old 24-01-2005, 11:18 AM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

Bro, there's nothing much to be confused about and basically, don't go comparing the success of other's application as it's commonly known that getting anything done with stat boards here are based entirely on the mood of the officers serving you hence just go with the systematic flow of bureaucracy.

Only thing you have to know is there are a few criterias from ICA for PR applications and they are :-

a) Proof of income - Declaration of income (taxation) is a form of proof, reason being they (ICA) want to know that you are able to feed and house your spouse before granting an application.

b) Education - For your spouse as they need to know that in an event of something, she's able to sustain herself and not go for welfare. Remember, we are not a welfare state.

c) Origin - Certain countries have been blacklisted due to sham marriages and ICA will give most troubles to women coming from these countries.

d) Proof of relationship - Most people don't know but it's best if there's at least a few visitations from her to SG or you to Japan. ICA can check their records.

If you wish to expedite your application and if you can afford, there's always the investment plan which means that you or your current g/f simply invest an amount of SGD1 million. (not sure if the amount has been increased)

Last thing to avoid, do not ever apply for a work permit as it will only create more problems in future.

Hope these helps and good luck to you.

Originally Posted by spown04
Thank you Bro!! It sounds much more easier than i thought,,, but can you please brief or elaborate me more on the application of the long time social visit side as i am abit confused,,,your help is muchly appreciated.!!!
Old 24-01-2005, 11:29 AM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

You will hear your application upon 3 mths. (Remember please dun call them and ask.)

I totally agree with this.
Even if the application was not successful, dun be dishearten.
Try n try again till u get the PR.
just like bro Rof had mentioned, it may be due to blar blar blar.
My first application was unsuccessful and I went down to ICA (at that time still called SIR) to chak them.
I asked for the reason but the officer said NO comment.
I chak chak them but they wont tell u.
2nd try and got it before a months time.

Old 24-01-2005, 11:33 AM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

actually, if ur gf is academically qualified n have intentions to work in sg, just get her to find a job here. normally the company will offer her a contract of 1-3yrs n she can apply for pr after more than 1/2 a yr. it would b better if her employer help her apply, faster.

this way, she can get pr via her own means, not through you. this also can test whether she can adapt to living conditions in singapore and to give u a peace of mind that she won't run away after getting her pr.

btw, if u have money as some bro mentioned, can invest money in singapore. tat's the fastest way. put 1 mil with the govt, they'll return u the money in 10 yrs.
Old 24-01-2005, 11:46 AM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

it would b better if her employer help her apply, faster.

btw, if u have money as some bro mentioned, can invest money in singapore. tat's the fastest way. put 1 mil with the govt, they'll return u the money in 10 yrs. [/QUOTE]

bro, not wanna to throw cold water on u.
tell mi, which co. so good to apply PR for a fresh foreigner.
or rather if u r a boss of a company, will u apply PR for yr worker.

if our bro spown04 got 1 mil, u think he will invest. cos he no need as he is a singaporean. kekeke.
just mi sgd0.02
Old 24-01-2005, 01:35 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

Originally Posted by plman2002
it would b better if her employer help her apply, faster.

btw, if u have money as some bro mentioned, can invest money in singapore. tat's the fastest way. put 1 mil with the govt, they'll return u the money in 10 yrs.

bro, not wanna to throw cold water on u.
tell mi, which co. so good to apply PR for a fresh foreigner.
or rather if u r a boss of a company, will u apply PR for yr worker.

if our bro spown04 got 1 mil, u think he will invest. cos he no need as he is a singaporean. kekeke.
just mi sgd0.02[/QUOTE]

I concur with what bro plman2002 says, the company won't be so nice to an employee until they take efforts to apply PR for you. Even if your ger has a P1 or P2 passes, (P passes are for foreigner who hold acceptable tertiary or professional qualifications and are seeking professional, administrative, executive or managerial jobs or who are entrepreneurs or investors). she still have to apply the PR with all the necessasy documents attached. So either you support her or she equipped with good papers.
A sucker for Juicy SweetMILF....

Vietnamese Wife in Singapore

Foreigner Wife's matter.

Need Info on PRC Visa etc
Old 24-01-2005, 01:36 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

Employement pass for those who wants to apply for their spouse.

Employment Pass

Employment Pass Holders are eligible to apply for Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs):

If a foreigner works in Singapore, a company or organization must apply an Employment Pass for him/her. To apply for Employment Pass, the company must be his/her local sponsor (and the company has to be a Singapore-registered corporation).

To be eligible for an Employment Pass, the foreigner must:

hold acceptable tertiary, technical or
professional qualifications; OR
have a basic salary of more than S$2,000 per month.
The Employment Pass is classified as 'P1', 'P2', 'Q1' or 'Q2' Pass. The 'P1' and 'P2' Passes are for foreigner who hold acceptable tertiary or professional qualifications and are seeking professional, administrative, executive or managerial jobs or who are entrepreneurs or investors.

    Privileges Granted

Employment Pass Type
Dependant's Passes
Long Term Social Visit Passes

P1 Pass
Basic salary >S$7,000

P2 Pass
Basic salary >S$3,500 BUT up to S$7,000

Q1 Pass
Basic salary >S$2,000 AND at least a full NTC-2 certificate or 5 GCE 'O' levels

Q2 Pass
Does not meet income or qualifications criteria for Q1 Pass (Only granted on exceptional grounds)

Dependant's Passes are for spouse and unmarried children below 21 years of age, and Long Term Social Visit Passes are for parents and parents-in-law.

Apply for Employment Pass

The Employment Pass is valid up to 2 years upon approval and up to 3 years upon subsequent renewal or as requested, whichever is shorter. The fee for the issue of the pass is S$30 per year or part thereof. If a visa is required, the visa fee is S$20 per issue.

To apply for an Employment Pass, obtain the Application Form 8.
The employee (job applicant) needs to submit 2 copies of Form 8 (1 original and 1 photocopy or both originals). The forms must be signed by him/her and an authorized officer from the company. The forms should also be endorsed with the company's stamp/seal.
The employee (job applicant) will also need to complete and submit the acknowledgement card attached to the application form.
The employee (job applicant) is required to submit supporting documents together with his application.
What is Basic Salary?

Basic salary refers to all remuneration payable to the employee by the employer in respect of work done under the contract of service. However, it does not include the following:

additional payment by way of overtime, bonus or commission;
travelling, food or housing allowance;
any sum paid to an employee or contract worker to defray special expenses incurred by him/her owing to the special, unusual or hazardous nature of the employment;
any productivity incentive payments;
any allowance however described;
any contribution paid by the employer or contractor to any person or provident fund; or
any gratuity payable on discharge or retirement.
Overtime: Overtime means the number of hours worked in any one day or in any one week in excess of the 8 hours in one day or 44 hours in one week or the contractual hours, whichever is lesser as stated in the contract of service.

What is the Fee for an Employment Pass?

The fee for the issue of an Employment Pass is S$30 per year or part thereof. If a visa is required, the visa fee is S$20 per issue.

How Long to Process Employment Pass Application?

The processing time is about 2 weeks after receipt of the application forms and supporting documents.
A sucker for Juicy SweetMILF....

Vietnamese Wife in Singapore

Foreigner Wife's matter.

Need Info on PRC Visa etc
Old 24-01-2005, 01:39 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

For those holding P1, P2, Q1 and Q2 passes. (Q2 pass chance of applying PR quite slow, seriously)

Singapore Permanent Residents


Employment Pass ( P or Q Pass ) Holders and Investors/Entrepreneurs are eligible to apply for Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs):

Documents Required

(1) Valid Employment Pass (P or Q Pass) Holder

Original travel documents/affidavits and photocopies of pages that reflect personal particulars, official descriptions and Singapore Immigration endorsements.
Identity Card, if applicable.
Work Pass
Professional membership certificates and all vocational trade certificates (for graduates, two photocopies of degree certificates/diploma are required).
Official Marriage Certificate.
Official household census list or family register, if applicable.
Testimonials from previous employers stating the nature and duration of employment and also the last drawn salary.
Education certificates and Identity Card of spouse.
Official Birth Certificates of applicant and spouse.
Official Birth Certificates of children showing both parents and the child's names.
Death Certificate or Divorce Certificate and the Custody Papers for the children in respect of applicant/spouse's previous marriage, if any.
CPF Statement on the past 12 months' contributions and Income Tax Notice of Assessment for the last 3 years, where applicable.
A male applicant can include his wife and unmarried children (below 21 years old) in his application. On the other hand, a female applicant can only include her unmarried children (below 21 years old). Her husband will have to apply for permanent residence on his own merits.

(2) Investors / Entrepreneur

Applicable to foreign investors with substantial capital and good entrepreneurial track records. Such foreigners may apply for permanent residence under the S$1.5 million Deposit Scheme.


The fee for an Entry Permit is $100 and the fee for a Re-Entry Permit is $10 per year. For foreigners requiring a visa, the visa fee is $20 per issue.

Processing Time

The processing time for an application is 6 months. Applicants will be informed of the outcome by

mail. Applicant should notify us if there are any changes in their address.

Important Notes

Please ensure that the original documents, official translation (if the document is not in the English Language) and a copy of all documents are produced to immigration officers. Insufficient documents may result in non-acceptance of application. Additional documents to support the application may be required.

Commonly-asked Questions

(1) Am I required to apply for a Singapore Blue Identity Card (SBIC) if I am a Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)?

Yes. All SPRs are required to apply for a SBIC within 30 days after becoming a SPR. Children below 15 years of age are not required to apply for SBICs.

(2) My application for SPR has been approved. Where can I go for my medical examination?

You may go to any registered local general practitioners for your medical examination.

(3) I am a SPR. My Employment Pass/ Work Permit is expiring soon. Am I required to renew my pass?

As a SPR, you are not required to apply for any working pass in order to work here. However, it does not exempt you from having to apply for registration or any other conditions stipulated by the respective professional bodies.

(4) I am a SPR but is currently not working in Singapore. Can I apply for SPR for my dependants?

You may submit an application for our consideration on a case-by-case basis.

(5) Must I remain in Singapore while the application is still in process?

No, you are free to travel during the processing time.

(6) What if I do not/cannot produce the required supporting documents, e.g. Income Tax Notice of Assessment, Central Provident Fund Contributions?

You have to provide a written explanation on why you are unable to produce the documents.

(7) Must my wife and children come in person to collect the EP/ REP?

No, they do not need to come in person if their sponsor is collecting the EP/ REP on their behalf, otherwise a letter of authorisation stating the person's name and ID no. (NRIC no.) is required.

(8) If my wife/ children do not have a passport, can I still apply SPR for them?

A travel document is a prerequisite for SPR application.

(9)What if I cannot produce my original passport, can I produce a photocopy?

A certified true copy of your passport showing the personal particulars and expiry date is acceptable for the purpose of processing.

(10) Do I need an employer's sponsorship to apply for SPR?

No, it is not a prerequisite.

(11)Can I apply for PR immediately after working here?

You can submit an application so long as you are on any working pass.
A sucker for Juicy SweetMILF....

Vietnamese Wife in Singapore

Foreigner Wife's matter.

Need Info on PRC Visa etc

Last edited by Rof|maoxz; 24-01-2005 at 01:45 PM.
Old 24-01-2005, 01:43 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

wow ... very informative ... solid! Thanks for the effort


Old 24-01-2005, 01:46 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

Originally Posted by DNAT
wow ... very informative ... solid! Thanks for the effort
You r' welcome. Bro.
A sucker for Juicy SweetMILF....

Vietnamese Wife in Singapore

Foreigner Wife's matter.

Need Info on PRC Visa etc
Old 24-01-2005, 01:47 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

[QUOTE=Rof|maoxz]For those holding P1, P2, Q1 and Q2 passes. (Q2 pass chance of applying PR quite slow, seriously)

wah bro Rol, r u from ICA. kekeke
or either u got beri good memory or yr case was a recent one.
very good detail info for bros who wanna get PR for thier wife to be.
Old 24-01-2005, 02:19 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife!

Originally Posted by DNAT
wow ... very informative ... solid! Thanks for the effort
U bringing ur mistress from BATAM back to singapore liao??
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