Originally Posted by harddisk
Seriously no idea what she was thinking when she decided to get involved with that man and hide it from me. Maybe that man can provide for her emotionally.
Yes, this guy certainly is providing something that you normally don't provide, be it emotionally, caring, spending or adorable which may not necessary on sex.
The reason why she want to keep it away from you will most likely be she still love you and knew all along you love her and she doesn't want to hurt you. However she fails to understand that when it come to the time you knew about it, then it really hurts you. Now she cannot get out of the web as she has already committed too deep into both end. As for the other guy, he all along knew the situation so he doesn't loose out anything at all at the end of the day.
Base on what you have described she seems to be a very outgoing person meaning easily mix around and make friend, getting into such situation is unavoidable, further more she is a working class, she is outside more than at home.
It is still your inner self need to decide, whether can you go along and will there be a turning point. Belief both of you are still very young in age.