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Old 28-09-2016, 10:26 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

He moved on to a few other matters before he left the room and everyone filed out of the meeting room except Kate, me and Belinda. Actually I was about to stand up and leave but when I saw Kate with her folded arms glaring at me, I slowly sat back down.

James : What ??

Kate : That was low James….. I didn’t know you are those kind of people that would cock block people.

My jaws literally dropped .

James : What !....

What kind of language is that ?

Kate pointed a finger at me and spoke in a exasperated manner at Belinda.

Kate : Sis !.... look…..don’t you think he went overboard ???

Belinda looked a little unsure as to what she was supposed to say.

What could she say anyway ?

She of all people should know nothing good ever happens if you veer too close to Omar’s path.

There is not possible way for her to make Kate understand that.

And she instead turned towards me and shook her head slightly with a sigh.


My eyes literally popped out as I looked at Belinda.

She too folded her arms and said maybe I should have a good talk with Kate to sort things out.

Belinda quickly stood up, turned towards exit and right before she left, she stuck out a bit of her tongue at me and quickly closed the door behind her.


James : Kate…. I can explain…. You know…. Ermmm… I’ve met Omar before, he isn’t really a….

Kate just stood up and she tried to smack the table with her palm but it didn’t come out right. Instead of a forceful smack, there was hardly any impact as I only heard a soft thud, I was pretty sure she hit a bone or something as I watch her try not to wince in pain.

Kate : I don’t want to talk to you James…

Kate obviously looked irritated at me as she stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Belinda and me alone.

I got up and went over to Belinda who pretended not to know I was standing beside her.

James : Wow… really ?

We were both quiet for a good minute as we just looked at each other.

She bit her lips for a while before suggesting we head to another floor to talk.

We took the lift down a couple of floors and went to the corner of the lobby.

Belinda : Well, I don’t know what to say ….. I mean…. I can’t possibly tell Kate I was raped by Omar and his men right ?

Belinda folded her arms as I stared at her a little shocked and taken aback.

James : Whh…

Belinda closed her eyes and shook her head, waving to me and she added she’s fine.

Belinda : It’s something I want to put behind me…. I don’t want to talk about it anymore…

James : No wait…

Belinda : James… I don’t want to talk about this ever…

We were both quiet for a while before Belinda just moved instinctively closer to me and we embraced each other for a brief moment in the lobby.

Belinda : She still has her whole life ahead of her James….she cannot do it…..not like this… you know what will happen to her….. Omar…. Is a sick man….

I could tell Belinda was trying to hold back her tears.

Belinda : He kept meticulous records…. Of all his conquest…. And I’m just one of them….sobzz…

Belinda broke down for a bit when she told me Omar took time to write down in detail what he did to her completed with pictures in his diary after each time he fucked her.

And he did so too when his men had their turn.

Belinda : That’s all I have to say James…. that’s all.

I stroked her hair and told her it’s ok.

James : It’s ok…. It’s ok….. I still love you….

Another moment of silence past before we spoke again.

James : I’ll talk to her… Kate…. I’ll make sure she stays out of this…

Belinda : She’s a nice girl James…. she don’t deserve this…

I nodded.

I wiped her tears and in my attempt to lighten the mood, I asked if she’s ok with Kate being my mistress then.

James : Well, I know she’s nice….she’s already calling you sis, maybe you know…. I can… AHHHHHhh… ahhhhh… ahhhh…

Belinda pinched my waist so hard I almost went down on my knees.

James : It was just a joke..

Belinda : That’s lame… and it’s not funny…

I waited for her to compose herself properly before I went back up to the office.

I went straight to Kate but before I could say anything, she barked at me.

Kate: I’m very angry with you James…. don’t forget if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have this job…. I don’t want to talk to you right now…

James : But you don’t even know what I want to say ?

Kate : No I don’t…. I don’t want to know….

James : I’m still going to say it Kate… it’s for your own good… I don’t think you should take up the role of bringing Omar and his dad around…. Please….

I brought my chair right up to her and forcibly turn Kate to face me.

James : Kate look at me… please… trust me on this ok ?

She gave me a forced smile, narrowed her eyes and gave me the finger before turning back to her screen.


I guess she would have to learn the hard way then.

30th May 2012


Old 28-09-2016, 10:29 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

For the next couple of days, I continued in my attempt to get in touch with Sandy but had no luck in doing so.

It was a quiet start to the week after you discount the meeting on Monday.

The only unusual thing I saw would be Terry walking around the office a lot more than usual.

Not only did he venture deeper into our wing, he was also hanging around the pantry for longer periods of time. At one point he was inside the finance office for close to half a day.

Then I saw him talking to Sharon from HR for a bit and I decided to approach the best source for the latest information and gossip.


I went down and bought a few starbucks coffee , the first thing I did was to go look for Sharon and pass her one.

James : Hey Sharon …. Coffee for you…

Sharon : Wah….. how come suddenly so nice….

James : I always nice to you leh…

Sharon : You better be…. Your appointment letter and admin stuff I donno do how many times already….. you change company like change underwear….

James : I’m unlucky la… but I change my underwear everyday one ok… haha…

She gave me an irritated ‘tsk’ before accepting my coffee.

Sharon : Thanks la thanks la…. What do you want ??

She gave me a suspicious look, knowing full well I was there for the gossip.

James : Ermm.. see what you have to update me lor…. Haha… Why is Terry bugging you ? He hiring new people again ah ?

The mere mention of Terry sparked off a tirade from her, and Sharon spent a good 5 minutes cursing Terry. I nodded and pretended to be understanding, agreeing with what she said. By the time she was done, Sharon was a little breathless.

Sharon : Wah… I feel so much better after cursing him man… haha…

James : Well… sometimes you just got to let it all out..

I later found out from Sharon that Terry’s balance in his current account is running low. He only has less than 2 months of overheads for his office.

It’s been a few months since they did any proper work. The few small jobs they did were not bringing in the cash either. They billed our office for certain stuff, shit actually, basically left pocket and right pocket but Mr Liew has been slow in approving the payment.

In fact Mr Liew has been pretty bastard as well, I understand from Sharon that once the payment was declined because his signature was wrong and one more time he spotted a spelling mistake on the invoice and he stopped the payment halfway.

Sharon : Terry’s father knows about this but he bochup already…. I think Mr Liew knows how much money Terry has left, he want to just give hi pocket money slowly every month. Haha…. Si bei bastard…

James : Wah… like that one ah… but then Terry that side also not bringing in job…. And the people….

Sharon : Yah… yah… that day I see them watch youtube whole day, got 1 bugger even chase finish 1 korean drama series.

James : Wah. How you know ?

Sharon lowered her voice a little and admitted she was chasing that series as well.

James : Wah… you also very eng ah…

Sharon : Hello… I’m very busy one ok…. They pay me 1 salary, make me do 2 side work…..

We exchanged a few more gossip before parting ways.


I deliberately walked back to Terry’s wing and pretended to look for some documents and I could see the few remaining zombies looking at me suspiciously. The few local staff had left on the dot, with nothing to do, there was no point to act busy.

Raj and Sukoh were just staring at the drawing of a building I could not even recognise. Probably something they downloaded off the internet so it would appear as if they were actually doing something. They saw me looking over at them and spoke in their native tongue.

After a few more seconds, they started to pack up and shut down the computer.

Xiaoqiang and Hejun were even better.

They were opening wrapping a few packets of cigarettes up with recycled paper. There were prints of building plans on them. After wrapping, they rolled a few more dwgs over on the outside.

Now they would walk around in broad daylight with their goods and sell them at will.

No one could be bother with anyone holding a few rolls of drawings.

They cast me a hostile look before turning back to what they were doing.

Terry was not in his room.

Turning round the back of the office, I entered the small shared library and storage area through a small door.

I randomly took a file from the library compactor at the back of the room and pretended to flip through it. My mind was preoccupied with Sandy and on the other hand, I was thinking about how to get Kate out of hosting Omar.

I was so focused on the blank pages of the file that I literally jumped when Kate turned the blind corner and walked right into the narrow space I was in.

James : Woah !...

Kate : What you doing ?

James : Nothing… looking for some files…

Kate gave me an irritated look and gestured for me to move out of her way.

I stepped out as she rolled the wheel of the compactor to open up another column. She stepped in to grab some books, those that mention award winning buildings in the country, probably trying to compile some site to visit. Kate’s short dress rode up a little high as I looked at her tiptoe in her high heels, as she pulled and tugged at one of the books, she knocked over a box.

Kate : Oh… oops… crap.

A few sleeves of files fell out but after that, several cartons of cigarettes fell out onto the floor. It’s not loud but the commotion was enough to draw the attention of Xiaoqiang who was seated closest to the storage area.

Kate tried to stop the tumble but in her haste she accidentally pulled another carton and this time round loose packets of cigarettes fell out of the box, scattering all over her in the narrow space.

By the time the stuff stopped dropping. Hejun and Xiaoqiang were already at the compactors.

Xiaoqiang quickly closed the door while Hejun tried to step pass me to grab his stuff.

James : Kate come out of there.

No one spoke as Kate stared at the cigarettes on the floor before looking at Xiaoqiang and Hejun.

James : Kate, step out of there…. Come over here quick.

I saw her grab her book and took 1 step forward with her pointy heel, avoiding the loose packets of duty unpaid cigarettes.

She took a 2nd step then she paused.

I could sense a sudden change in atmosphere when her eyes met mine.

James : Kate, come out now….
Old 28-09-2016, 10:31 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Kate’s eyes drifted from me over to Hejun who was waiting by the narrow alleyway without a word.

Xiaoqiang had his back towards the door, blocking the small viewing panel in case anyone looked in.

James : Kate….. it’s none of our business…. Step out of there now…

Inside my heart I was pleading with her not to be a busybody.

When I saw Kate put the book down on the side of the shelves and her hands went to her waist, I wanted to grab my head and massage the headache that was slowly appearing.

Kate : How could you all do this !!... this is illegal!!!

Hejun and Xiaoqiang remained quiet, they just stared at Kate.

Kate : This is our office !!! … how can you all be so unprofessional ??

James : Kate ! Enough… come out now…

I reached in and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the narrow space.

Without a word, Hejun quickly dashed in and started packing up all the cigarettes on the ground.

I reached for the door but Xiaoqiang refused to budge.

James : Fuck off…

He still refused to move, I turned and saw Hejun pack up the remaining few boxes before Xiaoqiang stepped aside.

Kate : James ! Let go. !... this is wrong !!... we have to tell the management !....

James : Kate enough… it’s none of our…

Kate shook my hand away and spoke a little too loudly.

Kate : James !... can you don’t be so Kiasee ( Scare to die ) so typical Singaporean !.... this is wrong !!! …. How can you watch this happen and not do anything. !

Hejun and Xiaoqiang had already stepped out of the room and closed it behind them.

XIaoqiang : 不管你的事。。。啊。。 别惹是生非啊。。。走走走。。。 ( It’s none of your business, just go. )

HeJun : 也没什么大不了。。就几根烟呗 ( It’s no big deal. Just a few cigarettes )

James : Kate let’s go…

Kate : NO!..

Kate went on to tell them that she would report them to management.

James : Kate… listen …

Kate : James !!! If you are scare… you stay out of this… Ok… just go… I will not do nothing if I see something is wrong.

Hejun : What’s your problem Kate….

I could tell a sudden shift in his tone but Kate was oblivious to it.

Kate : The problem is you…

Kate looked at the both of them and gave them a piece of her mind. I can’t help but feel some of the comments and curses she threw at them was meant for me. Part of the pay back for speaking up against her in the meeting a few days ago.

Kate : We’re all colleagues… don’t say I never give you all chance…. I want all these out of the office by tonight…. If not I will report you..

She pushed past the both of them and walked a few steps away before stopping.

Kate : I meant it…. Tonight !!! like now !!!! I will not leave until the cigarettes are gone.

Kate stormed off and I quickly went after her. Hakim and Belinda were still in the office and I pulled Kate into the meeting room and quickly shut the door.

I wanted to tell her to calm down and it’s nothing short of pure stupidity to confront people like them head on. Sometimes in life it’s about playing it smart. Don’t do stupid things if it can be avoided.

James : Kate… please… can you just listen to me for a……

Kate stopped and wheeled around to look at me.

Kate : JAMES !!.. I’ve heard enough from you…. Don’t be so wimpy can… how can you see people break the law and not do anything !!! .. it’s people like you who makes this country unbearable !!!.... you see something wrong and you refuse to act…. Always just look away, …turn a blind eye….

My jaw dropped a little again as she went on.

Kate looked really upset at me.

I don’t know why.

Kate : Scare this, scare that… everything just keep quiet…. Then in the end just complain into thin air….. this society will not improve !!

My jaw seriously went from a small opening to a bigger one as Kate shoved me on my chest.

Kate : Say something !! Why didn’t you tell them off !! ? Do you realise what they are doing ??!!! If today is cigarette, then tomorrow is what ?? what if they smuggle some nuclear weapon or something.

My legs gave way and I sat onto a meeting chair.

James : Kate…. From cigarette to nuclear weapon….. a bit…

Kate : That is not the point. !!!! You don’t understand what I’m saying !! …

Kate : ARghghghhgghghghhh!!! ..

I just kept quiet as she panted while she tapped her chest several times in the room.

James : OUCH!...

She kicked me on the shin with her heel before calling me an idoit and she stormed out.

What the fuck is her problem man ?

I sighed and decided to just wash my hands off this.

It’s none of my business.

Just a simple text to Terry would solve the problem. Better still, I’ll snap a photo, problem solved. He saves money from 2 headcount, get rid of them and done. No work pass for them, we have 2 less individual to fight for space on this island.

Just a sms. A call at the most .

I went back to my desk and Kate was nowhere to be seen.

Belinda said goodbye to me 20 minutes later just as Hakim was packing up.


I was the only one left in my wing but Kate’s computer was still on.


Kate came back with a juice in hand and she refused to look at me in the eye.

She put down her bag and stormed off into the other wing.


Kate came back and sat down right when I was about to leave.

James : I’m leaving… you want to go off together ?

Kate looked at me from the corner of her eye before rolling them at me and turning away, crossing her legs and playing with her heel, letting one dangle off her toe.

I shook my head and walked off.

Before I went to the lift, I went into the other wing and I saw Hejun and Xiaoqiang sitting outside the compactor talking to each other.

They saw me and they stopped talking.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before I walked off and entered the lift.


I walked out of the lift and another man rudely brushed passed me to get into the lift car. He did not even wait for me to come out.

I turned and our eyes met before he looked away.

Fucking PRC.

I got out of the office and I was greeted with a cloud of smoke. I saw the familiar red colour packing of the cigarette in their hands as they spoke with accented Chinese. No prize for guessing where they’re from.

I pretended to make a call as I loitered around them. After their smokes, they went into the office tower as well.
Old 28-09-2016, 10:33 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

I deliberated with my decision whether to head back up or walk off.

I’m sure it’s nothing.

Well, it’s a lot of cigarettes, I’m sure they would have the sense to call a few friends along to help them lug it out of the office. I mean how many of those can they wrap into rolls of drawings ?

I took less than 30 steps away before I cursed under my breath and turned back.


The lift chimed open and I walked quietly towards the office. I could hear the group of them talking pretty loudly.

I turned a photoframe on the reception table to catch the reflection of what was going on in the other wing and I was surprised to see Kate with her arms folded right in front of that group.

She has some balls I got to give it to her.

They were complaining loudly that she should mind her own business.

Voice : 关你屁事啊。。( it’s none of your business )

Voice : 你以为我们傻的吗? 只有你们这群笨猪才买这么贵的烟。。。白痴啊。。滚滚。。。别挡我的财路。。 ( Do you think we’re dumb ? Only dumb pigs like you all pay for such expensive smokes… get lost… don’t get in my way of making money )

Kate : 这是犯法的! ( This is illegal ! )

The sound of their laughter drowned out Kate’s protest.

I saw her turn from the reflection and I soon heard her heels clicking down the corridor.

I stepped back to the lobby and hid in the recessed part of the lift, seconds later Kate walked right by and went back to her seat.

I decided to wrap it up and save every body’s time.

I’ll just call Terry, put him on speaker and it’s done.

Before I could do so, I saw one of the man walk pass the reception briskly and into our wing.

He did not see me and I quickly fell into step behind him.

I turned and I could hear the rest still at the other side talking and laughing.

I felt the hair on my neck stand when I saw the man approached Kate so fast that I had no time to react.

Kate was just sitting down, facing her computer.

That man just walked right up to her, removing his jacket at the same time.

Kate could hardly register the commotion when he just wrapped the jacket around her head.

Kate tried to scream but it came out as a muffled shout.

Kate : Mufffffferghhhdfdfff…

She kicked back on her chair, her legs swinging wildly. One of her heel came off.

I saw the man cursing at her that she should mind her own business as I quietly closed the less than 20 steps from behind.

15 steps

My fingers closed, clenching into a fist as I saw him took the opportunity to touch Kate’s breast.

He brushed against them a few times as he fiddled with his smelly jacket which stank of cigarette smoke. His hands even tried to reach into Kate’s dress while her hands were torn between tearing off the jacket or pushing his hands away.

10 steps

I dropped my bag onto a chair and pushed it aside.

5 steps

Kate managed to break free, pulling and throwing the jacket away.

Kate : ARGHHH!! … … HELP!! ..

That man slapped Kate on her cheek at a awkward angle right when I picked up his jacket from the floor and wrapped it around his head, taking him by surprise.

I twisted it a couple to times as Kate screamed and staggered off the chair and falling onto the floor.

I could hear the commotion from the other wing and they should be heading towards our side soon.

Before Kate could speak, I landed a well placed punch on the side of that man’s cheek. I could feel the pain in my knuckles as it connected with his face.

Kate looked flustered as she made an attempt to grab her heel as the man groaned and fell to the floor.

I quickly put a finger to my lip and pulled Kate up.

Kate : My heel, my…

I dragged her quickly across the office, cutting into colleagues’ seats and tables before reaching the end of our workspace. By the time we got to the entrance of Mr Liew’s office, I could hear the rest of the PRC at the entrance of our wing.

I tried the door, and we went inside.

I locked the door and sighed, looking at Kate.

I could hear the group of them speaking loudly in the office. Every second that past they sounded more and more agitated, cursing in their native language.

I turned to look at Kate, she looked a little pale, probably terrified.

I gestured for her to remove her remaining heel and she did as she was told.

Kate : What now ?

James : SHh…

I put a finger to my lip as I tried to pick up what they were saying.

Suddenly I could hear Hejun shout out in the office.

Hejun : KATE !!! KATE 你这个臭婊子 ! ( Kate !... you BITCH !! )

I turned and I could see Kate shaking a little as she widened her eyes and looked at me.

I could feel her fingers dig into my arm as she gave me an awkward guilty look, as if it finally dawned on her she has bitten off something more than she could chew.

Kate : My bags and wallets all still there… my phone too…

There was some more commotion, I could roughly make it out that they were spreading out, trying to look for Kate.

Then without warning, I heard the banging on the glass panels on Mr Liew’s office.

Bang ! Bang ! bang ! bang! Bang! …..

Kate : Gasp !!

Kate had a shocked and collapsed onto the floor on her butt, I caught a glimpse of her pink panty as she tried to get back up.

Voice : 在里面 !。 在里面! ( In there !... in there ! )

I sighed as I got back up on my feet.

The blinds in Mr Liew’s office was partially drawn.

I could make our 3 of them outside the office.

I turned and offered my hand to Kate. She took it and stood up beside me barefoot on the carpeted floor.

The commotion got louder.

I reached for the vertical blinds cord and pulled it in 1 swift motion, drawing aside the entire curtain to the side bringing us face to face with the 5 men standing outside the office.

I could see the man who I just punched minutes ago glaring at me. He must be dying to return the favour.

I could see Hejun looking at Kate. There was something about his eyes, he was checking out her body.

Xiaoqiang was talking to the other 2 guy, probably updating them about who I am

No one spoke.

We just stared at each other.

Only that flimsy wooden door separated us from them.

I could feel Kate’s body sticking closer and closer to me. Then without warning, her fingers interlinked with mine.

I was about to speak but Kate beat me to it.

Kate : James… do you trust me ?

I almost choked on my saliva as I turned and looked at her.

James : WHAT !!?

Kate : Don’t worry… I’ll get us out of this mess..

James : Oh……….. Ok…

Old 28-09-2016, 11:01 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thanks for the update bro! hope everything is fine for you.
Old 28-09-2016, 11:11 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

yay, an update while i was reading another story by u. ( My good friend's marriage )

The twist and turns for that story is so damn exciting.

Thanks Ilock for spending time to update even when you're tired
Old 28-09-2016, 11:50 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thanks for updating bro
Old 28-09-2016, 11:56 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

i'm gonna bet Kate is going to do something dumb again.....
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Old 29-09-2016, 09:13 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Support.. please do continue.
Old 29-09-2016, 11:33 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Very good story
Old 29-09-2016, 11:43 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Great stories. Shoot my shoot into my FB after reading the spa section. Lol.

Keep it up bro llock.
Old 29-09-2016, 11:48 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Camping here.
Old 29-09-2016, 11:58 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Great story!!
Old 29-09-2016, 01:16 PM
pubor76 pubor76 is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thanks Bro for the update - it's been a quite a while...

Hope everything is going well for you.

Bros, let's all exercise caution and don't ruin the party.
Old 29-09-2016, 02:56 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Camping here too.
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