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Old 13-01-2013, 04:59 PM
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Re: Hope U guys don't mind-I'm gonna talk about food in CP!!

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Yes, that makes a lot of sense!! It's only guys like me who would go to Singaporean restaurants in CP.... trying to capture back memories of the great food you guys have in Singapore/Malaysia. I LOVE your food courts and how I can have a total mix of all kinds of food/cuisines/style of cooking from all the various stalls in a food court. The Food courts in America/Western countries are so sterile and devoid of character in comparison - and of course full of all sorts of JUNK fast food from chain stores. Total crap.

And I guess Singapore/Malay restaurants have not caught the taste buds of PRC locals - not yet anyway, (and I wonder when that Thai restaurant is gonna close! LOL). But as much as they now travel to SE Asian countries, I can see that they pretty soon will also be like me trying to capture back memories of the great food when traveling to these places.

But how about all these Japanese restaurants in Chang Ping - even that whole "Japanese Village" on top of the Singing Dragon veggie KTV/Pozolim? That place is huge with different Japanese restaurants - but like most other Japanese restaurants in town, they NEVER seem to have but a few stragglers dining in them; how do they all stay in business? Or is it that they're so pricey that they can afford to not have to cater to the masses. Heck even their all you can eat offering (like the one next to the Pozolim) are priced very high compared to other all-you-can-eat offerings in town and certainly even pricier than in SZ or GZ!

The only ones that seems to be busy is that one in the #8 mall (which I think still offers 50% discount on all sushi after 8 pm) and that merry go round sushi one half way down Zhenhua #10 road, next to the now defunct Singapore restaurant. And oh yeah, the new Ida restaurant next to the Boton steak house which is run by a particularly friendly guy who probably have a lot of friends giving him face by patronizing his restaurant; but I wonder if his trade will also slow down when he sooner or later runs out of friends to give him face! Lets face it, the place is NOT cheap!

Actually the jp village on top of pzl 聯邦廣場specifically serves awesome jp food at a very reasonable price. Brought some friends over in the last trip. The sashimi, tempura etc are all really great quality available at a decent price. I guess most prc mms are not used to eating raw stuff tho which is a deterrence for most bros
But do try it
Old 13-01-2013, 06:30 PM
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Re: Hope U guys don't mind-I'm gonna talk about food in CP!!

Originally Posted by travelcraze88 View Post
Assume you are from USA, as a tourist to CP will you go "hunt" for Mac and KFC for your meals. Unless your diet is limited to burgers and fried chicken which is not likely.

We can enjoy Xiang (hunan) and Chuan (Sichuan) much like any other PRCs. We love the spices and the sauce that generate the aroma and taste in the food. It's in China that we can enjoy such authentic food of other provinces.

So why go for food that we can have daily in our country. Kekeke......
I get your point but I think you've made a particularly bad choice using Americans as examples! LOL!

Now I KNOW I'm generalizing (and of course with due apologies!), but IMHO, the Americans are NOT particularly adventurous when it comes to their food. Have you noticed how many Americans do go to McDonald's, Starbucks and even the new Harper's at the Federal building? I've even had an American friend discussing/detailing to me how different the meal we were then having to one we would be having if we were in the same branch of the restaurant "back in the Good Ole You Ass of Aye" - and we were at a Mcdonald's! LMAO!

Just thought of a funny story. Usually when I get my annual Internal Auditor's visit, I would take the auditor out on the town every night and get him as wasted as I possibly could make that he'd be doing only a half-assed job of auditing my office. Until one year when I got this real serious guy who will NOT go anywhere else but to his hotel Coffee shop/restaurant, telling me that he's worried that he's not used to Hong Kong food and may have problems with his tummy.

The last night he was there and in order to salvage whatever I could out of a particularly problematic audit that year, I insisted on taking him to the best Chinese food in Hong Kong as a treat and that I will make sure that there's not going to be any exotic meats, everything tip-top and bland and assured him that he's not going to have any tummy problems. Took him to Fook Lam Moon and ordered all the "safe" dishes I can think of - their famous Roast chicken, Fried rice, fresh wok-fried greens, double boiled soup, a steamed fish and a lobster etc.

The guy really went to town and was enjoying the meal until the nicely steamed Lobster came - and the guy requested that I please get him some drawn butter to accompany it!! Sigh....!!

And, I'm not from America.

And about Hunan food - Xiao Yue Tien in that corner down the street from the 85 degree bakery and in front of the China Construction bank serves pretty good Hunan food - to me anyway, even though it is a chain operation. I always order their Fish head steamed with Chilis which is their signature dish and only cost RMB 28 for a huge platter. At least I THINK its Hunan food! Much good I am at distinguishing different province dishes. Anyway, its a great place for Spicy food and there's a newer branch on Swan Lake Road across the street from in between The Clipper and The SWL hotel.

Another great place for Spicy food is that one on DongXing Road catty corner to the entrance to Swan Lake Road. And for those guys who who accompany you for the meal and cannot eat spicy foods, you can order their great Sweet and Sour Crispy fried fish as well as Tofu with salted egg sauce for them. Just those 2 great dishes should satisfy them!!


Last edited by SEAJ; 16-01-2013 at 12:53 PM.
Old 13-01-2013, 08:21 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by binbin81 View Post
saw you in the flight. 05.01.2012 back to sg. you sitting beside me across pathway.
Huh? Issit? Never notice leh, I was beo-ing one of the two prc mm~!


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Old 13-01-2013, 10:29 PM
ahpui99 ahpui99 is offline
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Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

I get your point but I think you've made a particularly bad choice using Americans as examples! LOL!

Now I KNOW I'm generalizing (and of course with due apologies!), but IMHO, the Americans are NOT particularly adventurous when it comes to their food. Have you noticed how many Americans do go to McDonald's, Starbucks and even the new Harper's at the Federal building? I've even had an American friend discussing/detailing to me how different the meal we were then having to one we would be having if we were "back in the Good Ole You Ass of Aye" - and we were at a Mcdonald's! LMAO!

Just thought of a funny story. Usually when I get my annual Internal Auditor's visit, I would take the auditor out on the town every night and get him as wasted as I possibly could make that he'd be doing only a half-assed job of auditing my office. Until one year when I got this real serious guy who will NOT go anywhere else but to his hotel Coffee shop/restaurant, telling me that he's worried that he's not used to Hong Kong food and may have problems with his tummy.

The last night he was there and in order to salvage whatever I could out of a particularly problematic audit that year, I insisted on taking him to the best Chinese food in Hong Kong as a treat and that I will make sure that there's not going to be any exotic meats, everything tip-top and bland and assured him that he's not going to have any tummy problems. Took him to Fook Lam Moon and ordered all the "safe" dishes I can think of - their famous Roast chicken, Fired rice, fresh wok-fried greens, double boiled soup, a steamed fish and a lobster.

The guy really went to town and was enjoying the meal until the nicely steamed Lobster came - and the guy requested that I please get him some drawn butter to accompany it!! Sigh....!!

And, I'm not from America.

And about Hunan food - Xiao Yue Tien in that corner down the street from the 85 degree bakery and in front of the China Construction bank serves pretty good Hunan food - to me
anyway, even though it is a chain operation. I always order their Fish head steamed with Chillis which is their signature dish and only cost RMB 28 for a huge platter. At least I THINK its Hunan food! Much good I am at distinguishing different province dishes. Anyway, its a great place for Spicy food and there's a newer branch on Swan Lake Road across the street from in between The Clipper and The SWL hotel.

Another great place for Spicy food is that one on DongXing Road catty corner to the entrance to Swan Lake Road. And those who do not eat spicy foods accompanying can order their great Sweet and Sour Crispy fried fish as well as Tofu with salted egg sauce. Just those 2 great dishes should satisfy them!!

Hi sean

One of my gals brought me to the place above pzl. Lots of spicy stuff. She comes from sichuan ad says it is the type of food they eat there quite often.

Being a silly foreigner, heh heh, it tastes pretty decent and value for money! At least for me!

One of my friends kept on bringing us to man yuan, which is just across the street. Sian man. 4 days, eat 6 times there. Cannot take it!!!! I also cannot stand the rubbish ktv food served inside the rooms.

So, really much thanks for your advice though on the food! Really appreciated. Would be great if we have a food directory , with address, name, and telephone numbers for CP chiongsters! Haha!
Old 13-01-2013, 10:35 PM
ahpui99 ahpui99 is offline
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By the way guys, was wondering....

Been to CP via HK, macau and GZ. Pretty much all the time arranged private car to fetch if going with the bros. typically will stay in ouya.

Just finished my 2nd solo run recently. Thinking of taking the train from baiyun to go CP for next solo trip, but is it possible to just ask for directions once I hit the airport? Private car just 400 rmb, but wanna be more local and more
savvy, and just able to do it at least once! Haha.

Comments welcome.

Old 13-01-2013, 10:45 PM
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Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

Great info! I gotta also go as I also love fish! And its strange how the Lihao is not usually in my stream of consciousness for being a place of any significance although I used to stay there quite often when it first opened. Maybe its that smelly river (or rather, sewage channel) in front of it that turns me off! And the KTV when it first opened had some nice, lively girls too - anybody got the latest intel on how it is nowadays?

And talking about fish and seafood - how did I forget that perennial favorite of everybody across the street from the Lucky? Even though its so popular/always packed, it seems that they've not really gone more expensive all these years. And BTW, to dine economically here, order more from the menu and NOT go and chose too many of your own seafood from the tanks; when I order from the tanks, somehow or other the bill doubles up easily....especially if you allow the girls to do the choosing! Another good seafood restaurant is the one down the street from the OuYa and I'd say the place has got a bit better ambience versus the one across the street from the Lucky and they have private rooms too.

Hi sean!
Was just near there on friday night. My girl works there and brought me to duck hot pot near there. Dunno the name. But it was really nice and spotted a lot of off duty WL there eating their supper.

Was quite shocked why my friends wanted to go lihao in nov. but while smaller than the major ktvs, it has its charm and i am now hooked to 2 gals there. Quite decent i must say. Haha.
Old 13-01-2013, 10:57 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
Hi sean

One of my gals brought me to the place above pzl. Lots of spicy stuff. She comes from sichuan ad says it is the type of food they eat there quite often.

Being a silly foreigner, heh heh, it tastes pretty decent and value for money! At least for me!

One of my friends kept on bringing us to man yuan, which is just across the street. Sian man. 4 days, eat 6 times there. Cannot take it!!!! I also cannot stand the rubbish ktv food served inside the rooms.

So, really much thanks for your advice though on the food! Really appreciated. Would be great if we have a food directory , with address, name, and telephone numbers for CP chiongsters! Haha!
The one above PZL is 湘村人家。it's Xiang chai and its ori from Hunan . As there are not many chuan chai rest I can think of in cp, the closest to spicy food to the 川妹子is 湘菜. As for man lian, it s the most farked up and most exp char chan teng in cp.try chui hua which is near to lucky hotel.

Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
Hi sean!
Was just near there on friday night. My girl works there and brought me to duck hot pot near there. Dunno the name. But it was really nice and spotted a lot of off duty WL there eating their supper.

If I am not mistaken , it should be the 老鸭汤. Frankly, I don't even have time for bfast in cp....


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Old 13-01-2013, 11:15 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
By the way guys, was wondering....

Been to CP via HK, macau and GZ. Pretty much all the time arranged private car to fetch if going with the bros. typically will stay in ouya.

Just finished my 2nd solo run recently. Thinking of taking the train from baiyun to go CP for next solo trip, but is it possible to just ask for directions once I hit the airport? Private car just 400 rmb, but wanna be more local and more
savvy, and just able to do it at least once! Haha.

Comments welcome.

It's very affordable to take public transport to CP from Baiyun.

1) Take the subway to the GZ East Train Station (7 rmb)
2) Take the bullet train from GZ East Treain Station to CP (55 rmb)

Total journey is about 120 minutes.

Sometimes if I feel lazy, I take private car (350rmb). also 120 minutes.
Old 13-01-2013, 11:32 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
Hi sean
One of my gals brought me to the place above pzl. Lots of spicy stuff. She comes from sichuan ad says it is the type of food they eat there quite often.

One of my friends kept on bringing us to man yuan, which is just across the street. Sian man. 4 days, eat 6 times there. Cannot take it!!!! I also cannot stand the rubbish ktv food served inside the rooms.

So, really much thanks for your advice though on the food! Really appreciated. Would be great if we have a food directory , with address, name, and telephone numbers for CP chiongsters! Haha!
Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post
The one above PZL is 湘村人家。it's Xiang chai and its ori from Hunan . As there are not many chuan chai rest I can think of in cp, the closest to spicy food to the 川妹子is 湘菜. As for man lian, it s the most farked up and most exp char chan teng in cp.try chui hua which is near to lucky hotel.
If I am not mistaken , it should be the 老鸭汤. Frankly, I don't even have time for bfast in cp....
Many thanks for the kind words and good that we can have more information from more bros about food in CP. And a good idea about a food directory but who's gonna compile such? Perhaps us just continuing to post whenever we discover another place would be as good.

Yes, I forgot about that place on top of the PZL - nice ambience and decent food although a bit too spicy for me; I don't like Chilli oil (Vs. fresh chilli/peppers) as it gives me gas and this place do use chilli oil on a lot of their dishes.

And you're so right about the Man Yuan being way too expensive and serving crappy food; and of course KTV food - I don't know why the KTV gals seems to like eating that crap. Perhaps a break from having to be entertaining us all night? LOL!
Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
.........Thinking of taking the train from baiyun to go CP for next solo trip, but is it possible to just ask for directions once I hit the airport?
Comments welcome.
Should not be any problems at all to just get on the MTR from Baiyun to Guangzhou East; short walk over to the CRH train and in 2 stops you're in CP. Should not take you over 90 minutes and less than RMB 70.

And thanks for your update on the LiHao – need to keep this place in mind for the next time.

Old 13-01-2013, 11:35 PM
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Thanks dudes.

will try the train next time i go solo

Old 13-01-2013, 11:38 PM
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On the ktv food, it is freaking overpriced!

I was the party treasurer for the last 2 group outings and it was disgusting! Both in terms of food quality and prices

So, i made everyone choose the gals, we F off someplace near the ktv and eat till as full as we can, with a little bit of space for booze.
Old 14-01-2013, 03:18 AM
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Re: Hope U guys don't mind-I'm gonna talk about food in CP!!

Originally Posted by ksst View Post
Next trip... end Feb since most mms are back after lunar 15th. Happy cheonging!
Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
went to this super club few days ago...deco is nice and feel much more comfy there than 2 dancers came drink with us and one now is wechatting me everyday.....
Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
Bro mayday, miss u this trip and hope to see u after CNY again...
[QUOTE=FeiGohGoh;8358857]Lets set our dates mid march as of now.....


Mid March I gone already leh.
Like ksst i also go end Feb after Lunar 15th when mms all start
returning fresh fresh.... early bird catches the fresh ones first mah..
me kiahsu.
This super club sounds great leh...can bring me there looksee looksee
...differ kind of party from the usual ktv scene....but if pick up gal there,
i won't dare take back hotel, cos if wake up morning gal dissappear with all
my belongings, how to find or trace gal's identity unless the gal works for the club.
I pm u my date...I really hope can catch up with u again cos 2 trips
no see u liao.

Originally Posted by travelcraze88 View Post
We can enjoy Xiang (hunan) and Chuan (Sichuan) much like any other PRCs. We love the spices and the sauce that generate the aroma and taste in the food. It's in China that we can enjoy such authentic food of other provinces.
Now not hard to find all these china food in sg leh....u just go
geylang from lor 8 to 28...they hv food from just abt every province in china
except no char kway teow , lak sa or bakuteh.
Old 14-01-2013, 04:03 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Ended my 5 days trip in CP together with 6 super buddies. Stayed at Miraton.. Although there are some ups and downs ... this is still my best CP trip

Day 1 Part 1
Yihao Sn: gals selection limited (maybe wrong timing 3plus pm) chose a cat938 mm and proceed to room (in fact i find that those mms below 938cat mostly cmi). Half sian after seeing her figure. only A boobs with dark nipples. No strip dancing. waterbed services was ok.. mm asked me if i wanted to try their signature (Bing huo xiang rong), I replied yes thinking it’s similar to hot water and ice bbbj.. However to my surprise.. She put a piece of tissue and cloth covering my dick and lit fire omg my dick is on fire !! I stopped the treatment before it gets too hot (wait really become hotdog )... she did the same fire treatment for my back and it feels good...other treatments i.e. poking my ass using a small vibrator (haha, not my cup of tea). clocked my 1st 2 shots in cp .... Overall services is ok ..Nothing to shout abt...

to be continued....
Bros, who've upped my points , pls pm me and I will definately up yours too Huat ah !!!!

Last edited by draken; 14-01-2013 at 04:14 AM.
Old 14-01-2013, 04:04 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Day 1 Part 2
Ouya Ktv: Not a fan of Ouya as my last experience wasn’t good.. However since my good bro wanted to try Oy , I went there crossing my fingers..

Overall selection at Oy was good ... lots of pretty mms and not much customers... I chose a cat3/7/11 & a cat4/10/13 (remaining buddies chose 2 mms each). my Cat3/7/11 mm was dam fun and was willing to serve/entertain me (lots of gangnam style dancing) while the super chio (D cups) cat4/10/13 mm was cold. Overall it was dam fun in the ktv room ... normally i would tabao the fun one however i went against my will that nite and chose to take home the super chio one.

Sadly these Oy mms never failed to chut pattern ... the whole group had chicken claypot for supper. After reaching hotel, I clocked one shot and immediately she wanted to leave (kaoz, says she got English lessons in the morn). I was abit pissed and told her off.. She initially told me in the ktv room that she would stay as long as I wanted but now chut this type of pattern.. hahaha bros pls don’t get me wrong, I’m not a guy who wants my mm to stay till next day noon (although some of my previous ktv mms can really sleep till late) but at least the normal timing i.e. 7-8am so that I can clock my 2nd shot.

As she kept apologising and insisting of leaving (although I can sense she maybe rushing for another booking), I felt that there was no point keeping her. I asked she how much she wants ... she keep apologising and said any amount.. I asked her really any amount? she kept replying yes, any amount ... hahaha I wanted to test her reaction and told her I’m giving her 700rmb, her face immediately changed from fake apologetic to serious look and told me her cat is more than 700 which is 1k.. i told her 'U said any amount mah, now I said 700 u say cannot' .. kaoz, guess what , she still have the cheek to ask more maos.. Asked me to give her 1.3k.. i told her nonsense.. Don’t want to drag further, straightaway I counted 1k (her market rate for st) and gave it to her ... although she continued apologising, I told her she can save her fake act for others.. After she left, I kaobei to my buddies and realise another buddy got chut same stunt. We went pzl for footies thereafter

The rest of my bros enjoyed their nite with their gals .. got 1 KC commando buddy chose to tabao his mm (with menses) just to sleep with her while the other kc commando (newbie in cp) gave 700rmb extra tips to his mm (paisei I know spoilt market, I advise him accordingly liao..1st time chiongster easily soften by mm's words hahaha)... my remaining buddies’ mms really gave them gfe... There was one super chio russian mixed mm (cat 4/10/13) in our ktv room. haiz too bad no one tabao her back... will confirm fk her during my next trip (hopefully she is still ard hahaha)

To be continued....
Bros, who've upped my points , pls pm me and I will definately up yours too Huat ah !!!!

Last edited by draken; 14-01-2013 at 04:18 AM.
Old 14-01-2013, 04:08 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Day 2
Miraton SN : selection was not much too ... abit worried coz after a few rounds my buddies still have not chosen. Ultimately only 4 bros manage to choose mms and the rest went pzl... Manager Li Lu was dam friendly and good. She recommend me a cat 700 gal (known as bbbj queen) and her service was mind blowing..... She is slim with a nice pair of round boobs. Best sn service I’ve tried.. I was really impressed with the deco of the sn rooms too... hahaha after hearing my fr, my buddy went to try her too...

Mayflower KTV: I must admit, my mm choosing skills really suck .. esp under the low light condition in MF flower street (more like fish market hahaha)... chose 2 cat3/7/11 mm but didn’t tabao (not really to my liking, plus after clocking 5 shots within 1+ day span, my form abit low liao).. During the nite in the ktv room, i can’t help staring at my power buddy's mm (he got her before during our June trip , dam he rtf).. My Kc commando buddy jio our waitress to join us for supper... one of my buddy chose a model cat mm (dam slim and short hair, we kept teasing saying she looked like ping pong player feng tianwei ) and she was dam wet, my buddy clocked 3 shots with her .. In general, I find MF mms more discipline and fun ... my confirm choice for ktv in CP

To be continued...
Bros, who've upped my points , pls pm me and I will definately up yours too Huat ah !!!!

Last edited by draken; 14-01-2013 at 04:22 AM.
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