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Old 20-09-2016, 11:05 PM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team Kittenz/Bote (TomMAffolter)

So the cost of her was $80 a night and $100 a day. Total $180. I had her all day and night for this for about four days plus the time in the ktv for two days or so before I decided to take her out. She was easily the best looking girl I saw in Cambodia. I know everyone says stupid stuff about how hot their girls are. But seriously. Think about how much money I throw around and think of the best girl u can imagine. And then double it. That was her. I know I sound like a wander. But she wasn't bad at all. She would have kept most dudes happy. Her pubic hair was almost non existent. She would never have had to shave or wax. Itt was so fine and covered only a tiny patch. But her bottom was her best feature. She wore short shorts and stunned me every time a saw her. On the second day she went home
To get clothes because we had come straight from the ktv and I told her to wear short shorts again. But she came I jeans. At first I accepted it but then I told her our time
Was over because I picked her partially because of her short shorts and bottom. In the end we both drove to her home to get new shorts. This was a bad act on my part. She lived in a room in a building and there was a bunch of people eating lunch on not outside table when we arrived. It was like tv. They all went silent and watched us when we arrived. I'm not sure what they said to her but I should it have gone and exposed her to that attention. But on the final day when she asked me to go say goodbye to her papa when I refused she asked me tong to her Home instead. I'm
Not sure why she wanted me t go there. I was too annoyed by then but it was kms of nice to be invited to her home again after the bad attention from the other people who lived there. So she said her living expenses were $10 a day. I gave her enough to look after herself but I won't say how much but there is a bad story there that I am too ashamed to admit right now
Old 20-09-2016, 11:11 PM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team Kittenz/Bote (TomMAffolter)

So why am I writing this as I sit in Bangkok airport. It's because I like remembering and writing t down is like a diary that I might read again in a year. I would happily try to live with this girl if circumstances were different. I can afford to look after her and change her life but a few things at the end mean I probably never will. After two or three days in our hotel she asked
Me if I wanted to g back to the ktv and said it would be free. Just for fun. But when I told her that it there were any expenses she would haven't pay for them she suddenly changed her mind and admitted her friend from
Two days earlier was asking her to make
Me come. The friend wanted to get money from me but when I said to
My girl that the moeny would come
From her Pocket she quickly changed he mind and was angry at her friend. But this was the dirt nail in our coffin. This showed me that she was putting her friend before me and was treating me as a
Money source. If she was a true friend she would have protected me
Old 20-09-2016, 11:38 PM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team Kittenz/Bote (TomMAffolter)

So I'm
Back in the boarding queue surrounded by beautiful yellow girls with non western legs and non western bodies. They are all so cute and small
And there are some western men taking some home. It's difficult to explain how jealous I am. Imagine being able to rescue one from a life with yellow men. I'm conflicted I've got a Chinese girl at home who is more into sex than any girl I've met but she is not a match to the rescue girls. If u rescue one she is special. If one gets out herself then it's different. One is into sex. One has a special form or adoration.
Old 21-09-2016, 12:11 AM
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So I'm walking to the boarding gate reflecting on the past 15 mins. Seems I've lost my charm. A girl with a whitehead on her forehead and another on her cheek asked me if I wanted an aisle seat or window. I said I'd prefer first class but she didn't give it to me. My girl from the week is sending photos of us together and when I see the good ones she picked I realise that I am still a good catch even if she is 18 and I'm the same age as her father who accepted and approved me.
Old 21-09-2016, 12:25 AM
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So a few minutes later another ugly girl confiscates my deoderant and sun screen because they are over 100ml. The sunscreen had already made it onto 4 planes. But annoyed about th new deoderant though. Sunscreen was only 15+ and my girl got me a small container of 50+
Old 21-09-2016, 12:26 AM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team Kittenz/Bote (TomMAffolter)

Don't be mad at all
My crazy posts. I just like writing it down. Can't tell anyone I know. So it's nice to have an audience and reminisce
Old 21-09-2016, 10:58 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Are you aware, you are getting comment from a non-mongerer who often copy and paste info to this forum in the hope someone applaud him. He never experience the things u post so how can he understand what you been going thru.

But he have alot of comments when u share FR, his favourite hobby is to pretend he is an expert, 纸上谈兵.
Look at my signature, it is all documented there.

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
My complaint is not that there isn't action, but that it is not easy for beginner to navigate, and you have to do alot of research and spend alot of time hunting to find something suitable at a fair price. There are so many small places, none of which stand out amongst the others, that you spend alot of time hunting and can be easily disappointed.
Old 21-09-2016, 07:35 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post

In all other threads, bros are generally helpful, provide honest opinion, reviews and experiences, and try to share so we can enjoy our trips spending our hard earned money in these foreign lands.....
i am fully agreeable in your post except the fact that HCM is not an easy place to cheong due to whatever culture or security they are talking about which is bs in my opinion.

I can understand how you derive the unhelpfullness of people here, whereby if we read the thread of Japan, HK, Batam, Philippines, NZ etc can see everyone is trying to help everyone except this particular thread. You simply don't get anything out by reading it except getting bit and pieces then you go heads out to try it. This thread is mishandled and not properly managed by the TS/admin/people posting.

I still believe every country are more or less similar if you know your way since you mentioned you are a "seasoned" traveler/cheongster whatever you call it, going to HCM only once and experience these once can only give you a rough guide how it is, but i can also understand that you do not get any info here which makes you frustrated, so just move on from this thread - pretty pointless too.
Old 22-09-2016, 10:29 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
I think this is by far the most Fucked up thread on SBF.....

In all other threads, bros are generally helpful, provide honest opinion, reviews and experiences, and try to share so we can enjoy our trips spending our hard earned money in these foreign lands.

Only in this HCM thread, is full of fighting, bickering, squabbling, hidden stealth agents, wannabe agents, wannabe cheongsters, fake clones, useless food reviews, argumentative troublemakers who do not add any value. You all know who you are so i don't have to call you out. While there are some bros and posts that are actually honest and helpful, is is a chore to distinguish the genuine people from the fake. Is it asking to much to have a thread where people can try to be honest and helpful?
I think you are correct, here not good like those other places.

As for the state of this threat, this is how moderator wants it. He likes fighting, he likes not interesting non-girl info, he try to fill it all the time with those and he don't like us to talk about girls on a sex forum. And he also like to have sextour gides here who attack any bro share info open in forums. You say something then he will mock you 'barking dog'.

Any bro can read can see this threat so terrible.

One bro wanna make post about food everyday, many. And wanna make post about movies, everyday many. Why not have threat for movie and food and whatnot? NO, mod want all together, not allow.

He do all he can to make here bad like this.
Old 22-09-2016, 10:55 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

OMG, my twin brother here barking at moderator?

His nick was created purely for flaming.

My twin bro clones started to zap.

Originally Posted by Half View Post
I think you are correct, here not good like those other places.

As for the state of this threat, this is how moderator wants it. He likes fighting, he likes not interesting non-girl info, he try to fill it all the time with those and he don't like us to talk about girls on a sex forum. And he also like to have sextour gides here who attack any bro share info open in forums. You say something then he will mock you 'barking dog'.

Any bro can read can see this threat so terrible.

One bro wanna make post about food everyday, many. And wanna make post about movies, everyday many. Why not have threat for movie and food and whatnot? NO, mod want all together, not allow.

He do all he can to make here bad like this.

Last edited by Half2; 22-09-2016 at 11:09 AM.
Old 22-09-2016, 10:58 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Checked your history and only chiong Singapore ktv in 2009 and then appeared in 2016 asking for hcm Vn.

You shared nothing and expect others to share. Anyway you entitled to your own opinion.

These means those brother who shared ktv, disco, fs, bj and massage joints all goes down the drain with his comments.

Some nicks are really kpkb. If hcm don't have those entertainment places found in bangkok and jakarta then blame others not sharing.

Originally Posted by 我是好人! View Post
i am fully agreeable in your post except the fact that HCM is not an easy place to cheong due to whatever culture or security they are talking about which is bs in my opinion.

I can understand how you derive the unhelpfullness of people here, whereby if we read the thread of Japan, HK, Batam, Philippines, NZ etc can see everyone is trying to help everyone except this particular thread. You simply don't get anything out by reading it except getting bit and pieces then you go heads out to try it. This thread is mishandled and not properly managed by the TS/admin/people posting.

I still believe every country are more or less similar if you know your way since you mentioned you are a "seasoned" traveler/cheongster whatever you call it, going to HCM only once and experience these once can only give you a rough guide how it is, but i can also understand that you do not get any info here which makes you frustrated, so just move on from this thread - pretty pointless too.
Old 23-09-2016, 05:45 PM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team Kittenz/Bote (TomMAffolter)

fun thread
Old 23-09-2016, 07:52 PM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team Kittenz/Bote (TomMAffolter)

Back to using threats and intimidation? Try that on me. U are not too difficult to spot either with your 'wanted' mug shot floating around... I hear there's a reward, too, for your capture.

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
Yeah real fun just needed your insigtful comments, btw il still on the lookout for you not getting much help from trinh and co been really missing you , i was even going to do a blind approach to a angmoh i saw riding around d8, thats how much i miss you
Old 23-09-2016, 08:21 PM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team Kittenz/Bote (TomMAffolter)

Your pic was sent to me and it made me puke... so I deleted it. That was rather silly...should have kept it or passed it around. But I am sure many of your enemies here kept your mug shot. U know what's karma, right? U threaten ppl....someday the gangsters will break your leg, too.

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
Try what on you?, you are a idiot who ignores evidence and FACTS, but instead makes comments on pure delusion and fantasy, nothing would woprk on you as you are a coward that hides. So your " try that on me" is a just like you a empty shell of a man/ yeah show me this supposed "wanted mug shot of me, and shit if there is a reward ill hand myself in....3 musketteers sidtip hoian and wendella, 3 impotent idiots who writes fancifal stories to mask their gross inadequacies
Old 24-09-2016, 07:21 AM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team Kittenz/Bote (TomMAffolter)

Are u a born loser?

You seem to have no life lurking here 24/7

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
Your pic was sent to me and it made me puke... so I deleted it. That was rather silly...should have kept it or passed it around. But I am sure many of your enemies here kept your mug shot. U know what's karma, right? U threaten ppl....someday the gangsters will break your leg, too.
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