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Old 04-01-2015, 03:59 PM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by ahboi123 View Post
Asked me for it but perhaps she's joking? But better be safe than sorry if not later tio KC, Liao....... Haha

Bro Slyer is super regular of this house, definitely get vvip treatment from the okts
maybe u have rich man face while i have peasant face so g19 didn't ask me for money

no la i not vvip in this house

Originally Posted by ffun161 View Post
Oh, I mean G16
lol i have not try g16 yet so no comments.
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters
Old 05-01-2015, 01:36 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Is G10 still there?
She very popular? Seldom see her in the tank
Old 05-01-2015, 05:32 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by slyer View Post
maybe u have rich man face while i have peasant face so g19 didn't ask me for money

no la i not vvip in this house

lol i have not try g16 yet so no comments.
Just came back from 18h18. Choose other girl instead of g19 since she's busy. While walking out of the house, g19 just happen standing near the tank to clean up(closing) and unlucky, she saw me. We stared each other for a few secs and she gave me the eye expression as if she(my wife) saw me with mistress shopping like in the tvb drama. Her expression made me feeling quite guilty... Jialat.

Hope bro Slyer take good care of her and help me apologize abit on behalf if you happen to rtf her cause most prolly I won't rtf as I tio gongtao by my mistress

Anw, I think I saw g10 on the timing board working just now.
Old 05-01-2015, 09:29 PM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by ahboi123 View Post
Just came back from 18h18. Choose other girl instead of g19 since she's busy. While walking out of the house, g19 just happen standing near the tank to clean up(closing) and unlucky, she saw me. We stared each other for a few secs and she gave me the eye expression as if she(my wife) saw me with mistress shopping like in the tvb drama. Her expression made me feeling quite guilty... Jialat.

Hope bro Slyer take good care of her and help me apologize abit on behalf if you happen to rtf her cause most prolly I won't rtf as I tio gongtao by my mistress

Anw, I think I saw g10 on the timing board working just now.
U free to bonk any wl u need to care their feeling......
Old 05-01-2015, 11:17 PM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by ahboi123 View Post
Just came back from 18h18. Choose other girl instead of g19 since she's busy. While walking out of the house, g19 just happen standing near the tank to clean up(closing) and unlucky, she saw me. We stared each other for a few secs and she gave me the eye expression as if she(my wife) saw me with mistress shopping like in the tvb drama. Her expression made me feeling quite guilty... Jialat.

Hope bro Slyer take good care of her and help me apologize abit on behalf if you happen to rtf her cause most prolly I won't rtf as I tio gongtao by my mistress

Anw, I think I saw g10 on the timing board working just now.
Ahboi Sir, we have alot of things in life to concern about other than worry about wl angry with you. They should be worried we angry with then and not return. Anyway congrats to you for breaking free from 1 gongtao but kena another 555. Cheers.
Old 06-01-2015, 01:50 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by newen View Post
Ahboi Sir, we have alot of things in life to concern about other than worry about wl angry with you. They should be worried we angry with then and not return. Anyway congrats to you for breaking free from 1 gongtao but kena another 555. Cheers.
Thanks for all the laojiao advice! 555
Old 06-01-2015, 07:11 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by ahboi123 View Post
Thanks for all the laojiao advice! 555
Yeah how can G19 think she is your wife lol if so u can sue her for adultery as she and other men bonking
Old 06-01-2015, 04:11 PM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by Allanooi View Post
Yeah how can G19 think she is your wife lol if so u can sue her for adultery as she and other men bonking
I think to be fair, not every WL behaves like a gold digger. Emotions are hard to control. It is strange but attraction does happen in the scenes like this.

I believe the best way to go about it is to think before proceeding to open your hearts to them. After all even genuine feelings can be difficult to follow up. Especially when they have difficulties coming back here. There is a lot that both parties may have to give up to make it work. Thinking back, it's even harder than marrying a local.

Of course the best advice is to keep your hearts closed, ears shut. It can save a lot of heartache in times to come.
Old 06-01-2015, 08:41 PM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

looks like this sticky situation is only applicable to thai wls?
code of conduct / unwritten rule?
Old 06-01-2015, 11:23 PM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

I am referring to WLs in general.

I remember a bro once mentioned about this before.

Think about it in the WL perspective as well. They are here to work. Falling for a customer, their thought process is just as complicated and complex as the customer himself.

Just like customers who will have doubts about the relationship, WLs will also have doubts. They are unsure how to present their problems. They also feel that commitment is a lot to ask for.
At times, They also wonder if the customers can accept what they are currently doing. On top of that, they also have sisters in the house/group/circle influencing them. I wouldn't be surprised if they are influenced to treat the customers they have feelings for as carrots.

That's why it is never an easy process. But my point is not to stereotype all WL who claims they have feelings as gold diggers.
Old 06-01-2015, 11:45 PM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by TooFast View Post
I am referring to WLs in general.

I remember a bro once mentioned about this before.

Think about it in the WL perspective as well. They are here to work. Falling for a customer, their thought process is just as complicated and complex as the customer himself.

Just like customers who will have doubts about the relationship, WLs will also have doubts. They are unsure how to present their problems. They also feel that commitment is a lot to ask for.
At times, They also wonder if the customers can accept what they are currently doing. On top of that, they also have sisters in the house/group/circle influencing them. I wouldn't be surprised if they are influenced to treat the customers they have feelings for as carrots.

That's why it is never an easy process. But my point is not to stereotype all WL who claims they have feelings as gold diggers.
Yeap. I get you. After all we are there to make love, sometimes in the process of making, real love came in. But I still advise not to have anything during her two years stay. After these two years, see if you can accept her past!

As for gold digger, I do experience WL that care about my wallet and fair amount of gold digger, but most of them are not thai ladies that's why I still prefer siambu
Old 07-01-2015, 12:33 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by ahboi123 View Post
Yeap. I get you. After all we are there to make love, sometimes in the process of making, real love came in. But I still advise not to have anything during her two years stay. After these two years, see if you can accept her past!

As for gold digger, I do experience WL that care about my wallet and fair amount of gold digger, but most of them are not thai ladies that's why I still prefer siambu
well i m laojiao but experience comes with a price.
to share my experience, with a wl, i found her very hardworking did her very best. i respected that. it was a very good tirak experience for nearly 4months. she gave me a birthday present, while i reciprocated with many times fold. book the entire day/night session on her birthday, often overnight. sometimes i will pop over book 3-8 sessions to let her take a breather and rest. got her vitamins and manuka honey for her health. so we became bf/gf lololol.
but i realised she started to take for granted, expected more. became greedy. ask for more. when i declined she throw tantrum and sulk and didn't provide service. i left. she called me and cried. my heart soften and gave her more.
i even pass her some cash ask her to make the choice to buy iPad or save up for her land purchase.
in the end i realised she has been hiding many things from me. went out with other customers and lied to me. i saw her picture in linechat ask her who she went out with, she refused to say just say friend. say friend camera take picture, but she picha lobang coz she said a different girl name with the camera.
when i came back overseas bought her little thoughtful presents she sulk and say no fuck. she was expecting a bag. i left. then she emotionally blackmailed say she don't feel my love leaw.
when i went back got a good session then she told me her iPhone spoilt. so i order 1 from apple store secretly, she said she can get cheaper from her friend boyfriend. i tested her saying i can buy for her. she replied you not getting for me? i was suddenly pissed i don't like girls making demands. i tested her saying my biz not doing well, can't buy. and she 1 week never contact me. and when she finally sms me, i told her i say no phone u no msg me, my heart die liao. i m not coming anymore. don't msg me again. she said her phone no top up can't msg but i told her can use line/wechat/watsapp right? then she said sorry she very sad. i told her i don't blame her. before i went overseas she asked me to buy 3 bottles of SK2 from overseas and said will paid me, i told her nvm i buy you as present, she say off day go out buy me mookata, in the end after i text her i will not come anymore, no news of mookata. so this is just how practical she is.
to be fair, she buys me dinner by ordering food when i overnight book her, or sometimes she passes me money to top up for 1 extra session when i book her like 2session or more. which of course just chit chat and kc.

'It must have been in love, but it is over now." Roxette

the purpose isn't to name and shame or black mouth any wl, so bros don't ask me who or try to guess who here, but to let bros know they come here to earn money, so don't blame them for trying to multi-time and try to squeeze as much as possible. give what you can afford if u song. take it as an expenditure written off and move on.
the purpose also isn't to rant or grumble and complain, i don't mind giving, showering them with gift, affections and little bit extra of money when i find them deserving but till i find it unworthy i will let go.
as what i shared in previous post, they should be worried we don't rtf. they lose a good customer, a friend that treats them sincerely beside going for a bonk.
perhaps this might even be a misunderstanding i could be wrong doubting her, but the fact that i doubted her, proves this isn't a relationship that is substainable.

so feel free to rtf if you find the service is top notch and you find them good. let them earn their well deserved keep and don't short change them. it's better to be shortchanged than to short change the wl especially their money are hard earned.

well if any bro wants, feel free to laugh or ridicule, i don't mind. 出来玩,就要玩得起。


Last edited by newen; 07-01-2015 at 01:29 AM.
Old 07-01-2015, 12:44 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by newen View Post
or ridicule, i don't mind. 出来玩,就要玩得起。

Well said bro
Old 07-01-2015, 01:22 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by newen View Post
well if any bro wants, feel free to laugh or ridicule, i don't mind. 出来玩,就要玩得起。

Kc is just part of their job. They often talk behind customers' back referring as "mun" which means "it" instead of he or him.
Which I feel is quite insulting. Meaning thing or animal?
Min 8 points for Exchange. Thank you!
Old 07-01-2015, 02:51 PM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by newen View Post
well i m laojiao but experience comes with a price.
to share my experience, with a wl, i found her very hardworking did her very best. i respected that. it was a very good tirak experience for nearly 4months. she gave me a birthday present, while i reciprocated with many times fold. book the entire day/night session on her birthday, often overnight. sometimes i will pop over book 3-8 sessions to let her take a breather and rest. got her vitamins and manuka honey for her health. so we became bf/gf lololol.
but i realised she started to take for granted, expected more. became greedy. ask for more. when i declined she throw tantrum and sulk and didn't provide service. i left. she called me and cried. my heart soften and gave her more.
i even pass her some cash ask her to make the choice to buy iPad or save up for her land purchase.
in the end i realised she has been hiding many things from me. went out with other customers and lied to me. i saw her picture in linechat ask her who she went out with, she refused to say just say friend. say friend camera take picture, but she picha lobang coz she said a different girl name with the camera.
when i came back overseas bought her little thoughtful presents she sulk and say no fuck. she was expecting a bag. i left. then she emotionally blackmailed say she don't feel my love leaw.
when i went back got a good session then she told me her iPhone spoilt. so i order 1 from apple store secretly, she said she can get cheaper from her friend boyfriend. i tested her saying i can buy for her. she replied you not getting for me? i was suddenly pissed i don't like girls making demands. i tested her saying my biz not doing well, can't buy. and she 1 week never contact me. and when she finally sms me, i told her i say no phone u no msg me, my heart die liao. i m not coming anymore. don't msg me again. she said her phone no top up can't msg but i told her can use line/wechat/watsapp right? then she said sorry she very sad. i told her i don't blame her. before i went overseas she asked me to buy 3 bottles of SK2 from overseas and said will paid me, i told her nvm i buy you as present, she say off day go out buy me mookata, in the end after i text her i will not come anymore, no news of mookata. so this is just how practical she is.
to be fair, she buys me dinner by ordering food when i overnight book her, or sometimes she passes me money to top up for 1 extra session when i book her like 2session or more. which of course just chit chat and kc.

'It must have been in love, but it is over now." Roxette

the purpose isn't to name and shame or black mouth any wl, so bros don't ask me who or try to guess who here, but to let bros know they come here to earn money, so don't blame them for trying to multi-time and try to squeeze as much as possible. give what you can afford if u song. take it as an expenditure written off and move on.
the purpose also isn't to rant or grumble and complain, i don't mind giving, showering them with gift, affections and little bit extra of money when i find them deserving but till i find it unworthy i will let go.
as what i shared in previous post, they should be worried we don't rtf. they lose a good customer, a friend that treats them sincerely beside going for a bonk.
perhaps this might even be a misunderstanding i could be wrong doubting her, but the fact that i doubted her, proves this isn't a relationship that is substainable.

so feel free to rtf if you find the service is top notch and you find them good. let them earn their well deserved keep and don't short change them. it's better to be shortchanged than to short change the wl especially their money are hard earned.

well if any bro wants, feel free to laugh or ridicule, i don't mind. 出来玩,就要玩得起。


Wa bro I'm not laojiao but have similar experience like yourself. Lotsa trust issues will come out. But the experience of kena kc is sure memorable haha
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