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Old 23-10-2023, 11:55 PM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

Lol........ raid currently in progress at VIP spa.

Hope none of the customers up the lorry.
Old 24-10-2023, 10:01 AM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

Originally Posted by Citizens View Post
Lol........ raid currently in progress at VIP spa.

Hope none of the customers up the lorry.
Do keep us updated on the status. Don't the boss have some "protection" from the polis?
Old 25-10-2023, 02:39 PM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

Originally Posted by Citizens View Post
Lol........ raid currently in progress at VIP spa.

Hope none of the customers up the lorry.
Is the raid done?
Old 25-10-2023, 10:24 PM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

Originally Posted by jefblitzz View Post
I dun normally post but I think u guys should check out NZ Spa. Currently they only have Thai gals but the service n captain here is good. Maybe becoz I fell for their No.19. Cute n petite gal super eager to please. Rub her up the right way and u will get a rollicking good time.
Bbbj : 9/10
FJ : 10/10 service orientated
GFE feeling if u guys click

Please treat this gem right bros !
Bro you ever been to pre-covid time, if have, how to you compare now or pre covid better?
Old 25-10-2023, 10:28 PM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

Originally Posted by EmCee View Post
Do keep us updated on the status. Don't the boss have some "protection" from the polis?
Originally Posted by cooler07 View Post
Is the raid done?
This was a post in the ISG forum by a customer who happen to be there during the raid. I cut n paste it here.

"5 guys (2 muds, 2 china & 1 neh) came in... when they did not take the locker bracelets the counter guy gave them I sort of suspected something is wrong. True enough they id themselves and ask for the incharge. Botak & Fatty from the counter and captain Andy brought the group to the movie room. Dint know what transpired inside as everyone was ushered out and no one else allowed to enter.

15 mins later, the group emerged with Botak & Fatty going back to the counter and Andy leading the group into the inside door where the boom boom rooms are. This time they stayed inside for much longer time finally 1 by 1 coming out @ 45 mins - 60 mins later. I suspect they were having boom boom session with the ladies.

They were sitting at the canteen when Andy came back and motioned them to the movie room again. But only 1 mud (I think their team leader) went with Andy. At the same time Botak came in from counter to give Andy an envelope.

I saw Andy pass the envelope to the Mud as they were only behind the door of the movie room and I could see them from my seat in the canteen. As they coming out from the room, I saw the Mud open the envelope, pull out a stack of ringgits and thumb through them. Quite a thick wad too which I estimate could be amount to few thousand $$.

The other guys sitting at the canteen, kept olging at the girls who were going to the counter to collect their makan and I overheard them saying to each other "lagi satu kali mau?"
Then I knew they confirm had sex session earlier while inside. The Mud guy put the envelope into his slingbag and signal the others to leave."

After reading this post...... I told my colleague I should have joined the Polis instead of becoming a tour agent.
Got money to collect and have free fucks somemore.... where to find such jobs?
Old 26-10-2023, 01:19 PM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

Originally Posted by Citizens View Post
This was a post in the ISG forum by a customer who happen to be there during the raid. I cut n paste it here.

"5 guys (2 muds, 2 china & 1 neh) came in... when they did not take the locker bracelets the counter guy gave them I sort of suspected something is wrong. True enough they id themselves and ask for the incharge. Botak & Fatty from the counter and captain Andy brought the group to the movie room. Dint know what transpired inside as everyone was ushered out and no one else allowed to enter.

15 mins later, the group emerged with Botak & Fatty going back to the counter and Andy leading the group into the inside door where the boom boom rooms are. This time they stayed inside for much longer time finally 1 by 1 coming out @ 45 mins - 60 mins later. I suspect they were having boom boom session with the ladies.

They were sitting at the canteen when Andy came back and motioned them to the movie room again. But only 1 mud (I think their team leader) went with Andy. At the same time Botak came in from counter to give Andy an envelope.

I saw Andy pass the envelope to the Mud as they were only behind the door of the movie room and I could see them from my seat in the canteen. As they coming out from the room, I saw the Mud open the envelope, pull out a stack of ringgits and thumb through them. Quite a thick wad too which I estimate could be amount to few thousand $$.

The other guys sitting at the canteen, kept olging at the girls who were going to the counter to collect their makan and I overheard them saying to each other "lagi satu kali mau?"
Then I knew they confirm had sex session earlier while inside. The Mud guy put the envelope into his slingbag and signal the others to leave."

After reading this post...... I told my colleague I should have joined the Polis instead of becoming a tour agent.
Got money to collect and have free fucks somemore.... where to find such jobs?
msia boleh!
Old 29-10-2023, 06:43 AM
TheHornyBeast TheHornyBeast is offline
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Originally Posted by Citizens View Post
Lol........ raid currently in progress at VIP spa.

Hope none of the customers up the lorry.

Hi Citizens bro, may i check with you if it is safe to visit NZ and/or Amansari Resort Spas in JB during the first 2 weeks of Nov 2023? Thanks in advance!

Last edited by TheHornyBeast; 29-10-2023 at 07:00 AM.
Old 29-10-2023, 08:29 PM
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Pictionary is stuck in moderation for some time to come
Originally Posted by Citizens View Post
This was a post in the ISG forum by a customer who happen to be there during the raid. I cut n paste it here.

"5 guys (2 muds, 2 china & 1 neh) came in... when they did not take the locker bracelets the counter guy gave them I sort of suspected something is wrong. True enough they id themselves and ask for the incharge. Botak & Fatty from the counter and captain Andy brought the group to the movie room. Dint know what transpired inside as everyone was ushered out and no one else allowed to enter.

15 mins later, the group emerged with Botak & Fatty going back to the counter and Andy leading the group into the inside door where the boom boom rooms are. This time they stayed inside for much longer time finally 1 by 1 coming out @ 45 mins - 60 mins later. I suspect they were having boom boom session with the ladies.

They were sitting at the canteen when Andy came back and motioned them to the movie room again. But only 1 mud (I think their team leader) went with Andy. At the same time Botak came in from counter to give Andy an envelope.

I saw Andy pass the envelope to the Mud as they were only behind the door of the movie room and I could see them from my seat in the canteen. As they coming out from the room, I saw the Mud open the envelope, pull out a stack of ringgits and thumb through them. Quite a thick wad too which I estimate could be amount to few thousand $$.

The other guys sitting at the canteen, kept olging at the girls who were going to the counter to collect their makan and I overheard them saying to each other "lagi satu kali mau?"
Then I knew they confirm had sex session earlier while inside. The Mud guy put the envelope into his slingbag and signal the others to leave."

After reading this post...... I told my colleague I should have joined the Polis instead of becoming a tour agent.
Got money to collect and have free fucks somemore.... where to find such jobs?
Go to johor enjoy and oogling, that is alright.

For the chiobus with big breast, please ownself declare whether u gals have any association with gangsters, especially extra protection from jhk or sinike. If yes, let other small head big head guys to patronise. Before can enjoy, already murdered or multilated on the streets during night time. Who dare to associate with these chiobus gals? Name a few so we can avoid at all cost.
Old 29-10-2023, 10:29 PM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

VIP spa location/contact pls , is that in sentosa plaza , i been to that area few times never seen a sign board?
Old 06-11-2023, 08:51 AM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

Hello Brudders,
I cheong many place before, but last night I go JB with 2 friends. Really, I never cheong JB before so yesterday is first time.

We finish work about 5pm so leave office about 6pm. We go by Tuas link, so have little bit jam and I sleep inside car my firend drive.

First we go eat dinner because we are hungry. The food in JB ischeap lah. Have parpo, big prawns, stingray, oyster eggs and others cost less than RM200!!

Then we go to sentosa area and go to the spa name is VIP.

Outside the building like normal building. Beside the lift is a timsum shop. The VIP is on top floor of building. I think 6 floor.

Inside the VIP, they give you a tag put on your wrist. This tag is used to open your locker to keep your clothes and shoes in the changing locker room. They also give you a golden shorts for you to wear.

THen go to one place with tables and chairs sitting because I want to smoke lah. Brudders, suddenly many girls walk in a row up to like "stage". Kan ni nia, brudders, I no bluff you. I think have more than 30 girls line up 2 rows leh. Have young girls and have MILF. Kan ni nia, sarting only got 2 tables got guys but the guys from other place all come to see so now have have about 4 to 5 tables have guys. My friends say girls from Vietnam.

But I didn't choose any girl. After some customers choose some girls, they girls all go back, and everyone like normal. So I go to the big hot jucuzzi pool. Brudders, jucuzzi pool also can smoking. Have many ashtrays aorund. After sometime, I go take shower. Shower already will give you the golden pants and also shirt. I also go to my locker to tke some money because later if service good, I want to give some tips. Then go to the makan area take one tea from machine and go to "viewing area" again.

I see the girls so I choose 1 MILF because I think in spa area, beetter get with experience so can service you well.

The girl name is Tiew Tiew. sound like Cantonese say fuck fuck. so is good choice lah. The girls bring me go downstairs nd inside one room. I sit there and wait and she go out for about 10 mins. The room is not bad brudders, looks clean and the shower is separate from glass. there is also a red bed in the shower room.

The girl come back but she bring one basket full of her things and many more towels leh.

Then she bring me go to shower. Brudders, I experienced many shower by girls before. I can say, this girl clean me properly lah. Not like many other girls just clean your neh-neh area and cock area. Of course Thailand girl clean better. But can say, this Tiew Tiew clean is good.

Then she bring me to the bed. After wipe dry, tell me to lie down with back face up, and face on the pillow. For there, she pour some oil and start massage me. I thinking put more oil better but then I think I know why she don't put more oil.

Because suddenly she start to lick my back with something hot. I got little surprise leh. I dunno what she use because can't see. But she lick from my shoulder down my back to my backside. Then brudders, she spread my butt cheeks, and Kan Ni Nia, she lick my Kar Ching Kang. Waaaa... NBCB, the feeling really really shiok! I already sound "argh argh" I think I forgot my name. She like use her tongue want to fuck my kar ching kang. Like got big worm want to squeeze inside. Brudders, I tell you hor, this feeling with her hot tongue, I also don't know how to say.

Then brudders, from hot suddenly become very cold!! Like ice cream leh. she do same thing. This feeling also very shiok brudders.

After she tell me turn face up. She do the same thing from my nipple to neck to stomache and then she give me blow job. Waaah.. also hot cold. I lie down there brudders, eyes close and just feeling fucking good. She no rush brudders. Quite long time. Brudders, the feeling when she put my cock complete inside her mouth, first hot, then cold, NBCB, I dunno what to say lah. Anyway because my cock is normal size so she take eat all lah.

After long time, she put the condom for me while she lick my nipples. Then she cowgirl me. First she kneeling grinding her pussy then she squatting pump me. She also lick my nipple, ears, neck. NBCB, I feeling out of the world. She also change position, turn her back and cowgirl me. I can see her back side karching and my cok in and out her pussy.

After long time, I want to go on top and she's ok. I on top, spread her legs and pump her, then put her legs up together and pump her, Finally I hug her and pump her and she hug me tight tight until I let go full load. Brudders, this one, really is a good fuck.

She take off my condom, use wet tissue clean my cock, then NBCB, she suck me again, like want to squeeze out any extra sperm! Then she go and bath while I lie down rest.

When she finish bath, she call me, and then she bath me again clean clean. We put on our clothes, then I give her RM100 tips. She bring me go out and say thank you and goodbye.

I go makan area see my 2 friends already finish makan. They ask my is it I extend my session but I said I dunno. Cos I dunno how long is one session and whether got extend or not. In thr makan area, I order instant noodles, bread and 2 half boil eggs. Actually have buffet food but I did'nt check. Anyway, the instant noodles, bread and eggs quite good brudders.

After finish, we change back the clothes and go counter pay. All pay the same. Only RM268. I think this is worth lah brudders. I compare to Batam hello kitty, this is more worth and cheaper.

I think I can go VIP again.

Brudders, this is my experience, first time go JB Spa. If my experience not same as you, don't don't angry.

Thank you brudders.
Old 06-11-2023, 03:03 PM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

[QUOTE=Citizens;22771453]This was a post in the ISG forum by a customer who happen to be there during the raid. I cut n paste it here.

Not only like that. Those mud even those gal they bring back. They also got specified which one they want then when in lock up. The gal will serve them in order to be able to come out. Many think boss will bail them the fact is bail them by letting the mud raw fuck them inside up side down and some time even 3some them. Boss usually will not care one and will pretend like all this is a show just for the mud to answer to their higher up.
Old 06-11-2023, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Citizens View Post
This was a post in the ISG forum by a customer who happen to be there during the raid. I cut n paste it here.

Not only like that. Those mud even those gal they bring back. They also got specified which one they want then when in lock up. The gal will serve them in order to be able to come out. Many think boss will bail them the fact is bail them by letting the mud raw fuck them inside up side down and some time even 3some them. Boss usually will not care one and will pretend like all this is a show just for the mud to answer to their higher up.
Nth wrong to let mud fug. They are cheekon afterall.
Use body exchange for cash. I doubt the mud dare to raw them also
Old 07-11-2023, 02:56 AM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

Originally Posted by Sex Kid View Post
Hello Brudders,
I cheong many place before, but last night I go JB with 2 friends. Really, I never cheong JB before so yesterday is first time.

We finish work about 5pm so leave office about 6pm. We go by Tuas link, so have little bit jam and I sleep inside car my firend drive.

First we go eat dinner because we are hungry. The food in JB ischeap lah. Have parpo, big prawns, stingray, oyster eggs and others cost less than RM200!!

Then we go to sentosa area and go to the spa name is VIP.

Outside the building like normal building. Beside the lift is a timsum shop. The VIP is on top floor of building. I think 6 floor.

Inside the VIP, they give you a tag put on your wrist. This tag is used to open your locker to keep your clothes and shoes in the changing locker room. They also give you a golden shorts for you to wear.

THen go to one place with tables and chairs sitting because I want to smoke lah. Brudders, suddenly many girls walk in a row up to like "stage". Kan ni nia, brudders, I no bluff you. I think have more than 30 girls line up 2 rows leh. Have young girls and have MILF. Kan ni nia, sarting only got 2 tables got guys but the guys from other place all come to see so now have have about 4 to 5 tables have guys. My friends say girls from Vietnam.

But I didn't choose any girl. After some customers choose some girls, they girls all go back, and everyone like normal. So I go to the big hot jucuzzi pool. Brudders, jucuzzi pool also can smoking. Have many ashtrays aorund. After sometime, I go take shower. Shower already will give you the golden pants and also shirt. I also go to my locker to tke some money because later if service good, I want to give some tips. Then go to the makan area take one tea from machine and go to "viewing area" again.

I see the girls so I choose 1 MILF because I think in spa area, beetter get with experience so can service you well.

The girl name is Tiew Tiew. sound like Cantonese say fuck fuck. so is good choice lah. The girls bring me go downstairs nd inside one room. I sit there and wait and she go out for about 10 mins. The room is not bad brudders, looks clean and the shower is separate from glass. there is also a red bed in the shower room.

The girl come back but she bring one basket full of her things and many more towels leh.

Then she bring me go to shower. Brudders, I experienced many shower by girls before. I can say, this girl clean me properly lah. Not like many other girls just clean your neh-neh area and cock area. Of course Thailand girl clean better. But can say, this Tiew Tiew clean is good.

Then she bring me to the bed. After wipe dry, tell me to lie down with back face up, and face on the pillow. For there, she pour some oil and start massage me. I thinking put more oil better but then I think I know why she don't put more oil.

Because suddenly she start to lick my back with something hot. I got little surprise leh. I dunno what she use because can't see. But she lick from my shoulder down my back to my backside. Then brudders, she spread my butt cheeks, and Kan Ni Nia, she lick my Kar Ching Kang. Waaaa... NBCB, the feeling really really shiok! I already sound "argh argh" I think I forgot my name. She like use her tongue want to fuck my kar ching kang. Like got big worm want to squeeze inside. Brudders, I tell you hor, this feeling with her hot tongue, I also don't know how to say.

Then brudders, from hot suddenly become very cold!! Like ice cream leh. she do same thing. This feeling also very shiok brudders.

After she tell me turn face up. She do the same thing from my nipple to neck to stomache and then she give me blow job. Waaah.. also hot cold. I lie down there brudders, eyes close and just feeling fucking good. She no rush brudders. Quite long time. Brudders, the feeling when she put my cock complete inside her mouth, first hot, then cold, NBCB, I dunno what to say lah. Anyway because my cock is normal size so she take eat all lah.

After long time, she put the condom for me while she lick my nipples. Then she cowgirl me. First she kneeling grinding her pussy then she squatting pump me. She also lick my nipple, ears, neck. NBCB, I feeling out of the world. She also change position, turn her back and cowgirl me. I can see her back side karching and my cok in and out her pussy.

After long time, I want to go on top and she's ok. I on top, spread her legs and pump her, then put her legs up together and pump her, Finally I hug her and pump her and she hug me tight tight until I let go full load. Brudders, this one, really is a good fuck.

She take off my condom, use wet tissue clean my cock, then NBCB, she suck me again, like want to squeeze out any extra sperm! Then she go and bath while I lie down rest.

When she finish bath, she call me, and then she bath me again clean clean. We put on our clothes, then I give her RM100 tips. She bring me go out and say thank you and goodbye.

I go makan area see my 2 friends already finish makan. They ask my is it I extend my session but I said I dunno. Cos I dunno how long is one session and whether got extend or not. In thr makan area, I order instant noodles, bread and 2 half boil eggs. Actually have buffet food but I did'nt check. Anyway, the instant noodles, bread and eggs quite good brudders.

After finish, we change back the clothes and go counter pay. All pay the same. Only RM268. I think this is worth lah brudders. I compare to Batam hello kitty, this is more worth and cheaper.

I think I can go VIP again.

Brudders, this is my experience, first time go JB Spa. If my experience not same as you, don't don't angry.

Thank you brudders.
From your FR.... most probably you had 566 Miu Miu.... she's one of the AngPai in VIP.
Well known for her PSE and she is a 3-holer too.
Old 08-11-2023, 11:58 PM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

Originally Posted by Citizens View Post
From your FR.... most probably you had 566 Miu Miu.... she's one of the AngPai in VIP.
Well known for her PSE and she is a 3-holer too.
PS bro, what is PSE? Thank you!
Old 09-11-2023, 01:16 AM
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Re: GBW vs VIP vs HV vs New York vs NZ vs M Spa

Originally Posted by united1 View Post
PS bro, what is PSE? Thank you!

PSE = Porn Star Experience (having sex with her is like fucking a porn actress)
Extend another session to maximise your shiokness.
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