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Old 17-10-2016, 05:28 AM
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Bow from Doll88

Just had a session with Bow from Doll88 and would like to share my FR here.

Looks: 8.5/10, haughty model look, exactly what you see in the photos
Body: 9/10, big B cup boobs, slim waist, flat stomach, long legs and a fleshy ass made for doggy; my kind of gal!
BBBJ: 8/10, willing to go deep throat and keeps going without stopping; song!
FJ: 8/10, she's not into painting & frenching so i respect her wishes. All positions very accommodating, eager to please. Highlight is doggy due to her fleshy butt despite her slim sweltering figure and girl on top, where she does all the work, grinding furiously while licking my nipples. nb I get hard just remembering it....
GFE: 6/10, very basic English

Overall: 7/10, good if you are looking for a decent bonk with a model type girl.
Old 17-10-2016, 05:31 AM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by curositykills View Post
I booked a girl but chickened out. I paid her and left.

I wanted to do it because of peer pressure and was really curios but
can't, with all the guilt.

I was wondering how and why you attached guys can do it

Doing once was understandable but constantly going when youre attached, theres something very wrong?

Enlighten me bro
Curious, how was you peer pressured into doing this? Don't let any of your friends know that you're bonking a FL. It can be used as an ammunition against you, no matter how much you trust that friend, it's just not wise.

I can't speak for everyone, but I also don't want to sugarcoat it. I don't think what I'm doing is not unfair to my gf, I just think both genders have different needs. I try my best not to get emotionally attached to the FLs though.
Old 17-10-2016, 08:06 AM
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Originally Posted by curositykills View Post
I booked a girl but chickened out. I paid her and left.

I wanted to do it because of peer pressure and was really curios but
can't, with all the guilt.

I was wondering how and why you attached guys can do it

Doing once was understandable but constantly going when youre attached, theres something very wrong?

Enlighten me bro
Are you a journalist trying to get some quotes from this "famous" website to spice up your article ?

Personally can't answer cos not attached lah.
Old 17-10-2016, 08:16 AM
justine123 justine123 is offline
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by broessex View Post
Always delete messages after receiving them or have two phones to minimise problems like this. No point keeping messages anyway. Address for RV can be saved elsewhere.

Also, don't assume everyone knows what "over and out" means lah, it's military lingo and very specifically usually people who man comms or are runners of officers will know what it means. Speaking from the POV of a rifleman, I wasn't trained in that lingo either because orders were direct and didn't require being passed by comms. It was only after I took up cross training in signals then I realised what it means.

So bottom line, if you don't want OKT to reply you after last message, just put a PS Don't reply or what.

Most OKT also not so free to reply with talk cock messages anyway. Save that for the girls lah
thanks for the tip but holding 2 phones get asked more questions by a certain someone every minute rather than i did delete the message. but it wont help in this instance.

on the lingo, yes not everyone knows. but even a girl knows what that means because google exist. its the first result in the google search. common sense to ask google when a "bro" (i assume another runner next to him) is as clueless as the runner himself, being hooligan to your customer is going against your Okt.

i am sure if this stable ever go down, its not girls whom are not good...this stable provide good service ones. its not okt that bring in bad looking ones, as i think his sourcing skills are good. its probably a competitor or his own runner sabo him (heck his runner can whack his customer, what is stopping him from whacking his own boss?)

anyway bro dt is messaging me trying to savage the situation. which is the correct step. as i said, its not the okt having the problem, its the runner. the vital link between us and the end product.
Old 17-10-2016, 08:22 AM
broessex broessex is offline
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Originally Posted by curositykills View Post
I booked a girl but chickened out. I paid her and left.

I wanted to do it because of peer pressure and was really curios but
can't, with all the guilt.

I was wondering how and why you attached guys can do it

Doing once was understandable but constantly going when youre attached, theres something very wrong?

Enlighten me bro
The question is: why did YOU want to do it?

Everyone has different reasons I'm sure. Somewhere along the way we made up our minds to seek comfort in the bodies of working ladies. It might take a while and a few times to get used to the idea though.

Search within yourself, you'll find your answer.
Old 17-10-2016, 08:57 AM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by bigmicky2010 View Post
could be that she change okt as escort8sg seems inactive since 2 days ago
Old 17-10-2016, 09:04 AM
Madhatter15 Madhatter15 is offline
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by curositykills View Post
I booked a girl but chickened out. I paid her and left.

I wanted to do it because of peer pressure and was really curios but
can't, with all the guilt.

I was wondering how and why you attached guys can do it

Doing once was understandable but constantly going when youre attached, theres something very wrong?

Enlighten me bro
Some way or other, you pay for sex.

Even if you're attached, you have to bring her out for dinners, buy her gifts, right?

And every day eat chicken rice you not sian ah?

Maybe you should be best friends with your left hand then. Don't have to pay, no guilt, fast release anywhere you want
Old 17-10-2016, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by deathboy96 View Post
My first FR

Best Bonk
Second blood
Yipzee from SOI69

place quite discreet. shower is quite big but showered alone as she is very shy

Looks: 10/10 looks better in person

Frenching: allowed like long time lovers

BBBJ: 10/10 Syiok can CIM. suck me until dry

Painting/Fingering: she doesnt like it so didnt try

FJ: 9/10 tried doggy and missionary. finished off with doggy as her ass is best for the position.

GFE: miss her already. treats you well. laugh and smile alot. shes really shy and adorable. bros pls take care of her. do guide her as it is her first time.

RTF: yesss pls
Agree with this FR.
Tried her last Friday and had a good bonk.

She is quite tall, around 1.7m. Would not say look is 10/10, but it is very close to the live pictures with the small eyes. She was very shy throughout the session (or maybe acted shy I feel), so I need to take the lead a bit, like dragging her to shower, guiding her how to do catbath, bj, etc.
Old 17-10-2016, 09:37 AM
bj_dragon bj_dragon is offline
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Originally Posted by curositykills View Post
I booked a girl but chickened out. I paid her and left.

I wanted to do it because of peer pressure and was really curios but
can't, with all the guilt.

I was wondering how and why you attached guys can do it

Doing once was understandable but constantly going when youre attached, theres something very wrong?

Enlighten me bro
Fuck off kiddo.

First, read the title of this thread. Go post your aunt agony crap somewhere else.

Second, don't give the peer pressure crap. You don't do it if you don't want it. Don't be like those idiots that want to fuck, but shy to buy condoms.

Third, you're an idiot. Period. I don't know what you hope to achieve posting your crap here. For the mates here to convince you that it's ok to go get a FL? Or to connect with you and share their sob stories. Either way, not what this thread is for. Go spend your holidays doing something more productive you SOB.
Old 17-10-2016, 10:24 AM
broessex broessex is offline
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Originally Posted by justine123 View Post
thanks for the tip but holding 2 phones get asked more questions by a certain someone every minute rather than i did delete the message. but it wont help in this instance.

on the lingo, yes not everyone knows. but even a girl knows what that means because google exist. its the first result in the google search. common sense to ask google when a "bro" (i assume another runner next to him) is as clueless as the runner himself, being hooligan to your customer is going against your Okt.

i am sure if this stable ever go down, its not girls whom are not good...this stable provide good service ones. its not okt that bring in bad looking ones, as i think his sourcing skills are good. its probably a competitor or his own runner sabo him (heck his runner can whack his customer, what is stopping him from whacking his own boss?)

anyway bro dt is messaging me trying to savage the situation. which is the correct step. as i said, its not the okt having the problem, its the runner. the vital link between us and the end product.
Good to hear that.

Sometimes just gotta take greater precautions when playing this game. It has potential to provide you with some horizontal relief, but at the same time can wreck your relationships if not handled carefully.

All the best to your chionging experience, hope it doesn't happen for you again.

Also, props to BroDT for salvaging the situation
Old 17-10-2016, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by bj_dragon View Post
Fuck off kiddo.

First, read the title of this thread. Go post your aunt agony crap somewhere else.

Second, don't give the peer pressure crap. You don't do it if you don't want it. Don't be like those idiots that want to fuck, but shy to buy condoms.

Third, you're an idiot. Period. I don't know what you hope to achieve posting your crap here. For the mates here to convince you that it's ok to go get a FL? Or to connect with you and share their sob stories. Either way, not what this thread is for. Go spend your holidays doing something more productive you SOB.
Bro bj dragon
Not sure how he got u this mad but isn't it abit over react?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against u
Old 17-10-2016, 01:23 PM
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Fr for Ann Thai Pegasus


Look: 6.5 (without the bigeyes contacts only about 65% alike fir me)
Body: 7 (tanned malay skin tone,slim 1.5+m 40+(tattoos)
Boobs: 34B (some may say C,nice shape with nip pointing out.big dark aereola)
Pussy: amazon type(good for cunt tracking)


Bbbj- nil
Fj-1 pose

Extra info

Attitude- shy,green,inexperience,1question1answer,real and unpretend.
Gfe- mild,minimum.
French- due to braces, try making her high first and she will give in to your tongue.


Ann,a quite girl.maybe still not use to it.those who want like to be trainer can go for her.dont worry she wont KC least not on 1st visit.this type usually 2nd time visit or 3rd visit to warm her up.
Love her boobs .nice pair of tits to suck.
But there is something about she is very sensitive and responsive.
Just catbath her anywhere.from ears to belly button., twin tower to her amazon.she shut her eyes pulling the bed sheet.moan and at times almost letting her scream out.
Very shiok to see when you give a fast thrust.

Rtf: yes if have extra cash.

Just to add: as a NSman i usually served the girls for cathbath and painting so i will tell them to skip bbbj and cathbath on me.555
Old 17-10-2016, 01:29 PM
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Originally Posted by happyboy69 View Post
Bro bj dragon
Not sure how he got u this mad but isn't it abit over react?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against u
Haha Monday morning blues bro. On top of that, have to deal with all my favourite stables gone, lots of fake FRs floating around and now some kid thinks this is a section in Teenage magazine? Haha. Some days you got to slap these people around hard so they use their brains.

I'm just candid that way anyway bro. Don't be offended yeah? Not directed at anyone else
Old 17-10-2016, 01:33 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

tempted to try out the thai stables but one thing scares me. almost ll the gals has gone for plastic surgery. fake boobs galore and too pretty to be true.

sometimes idk if they are ladyboys or really gals.
Old 17-10-2016, 01:34 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Short, promised fr for christmas

Booked her yesterday afternoon from bro pegasus
She is nice and friendly, she good service .
Can chat with me in a very good English . Well done for this nice thai gal.
So very happy with her greats service !!!

Thank bro pegasus to bring in nice and good quality gal.
I must give her thumb up !!! Grin

My rating for this christmas

Look : 8.5/10 sexy syt and look more like Korea or japanese mix Thai .
Body : 9/10 slim, smooth and good complexion.
Boobs : 8/10 natural tits, suits her petite figure.
Bbbj : 9/10 very deep throat , alot of it ... Super greats !!! Powerful ah !!!
Frenching : 8/10 greats for her , she like it very much ... Alot of it ... Super , very nice !!!
Very enjoying just like kissing your own gal fren !!! Well done !!!
Gfe ; 10/10 greats , friendly and good attitude....
Fj : 9/10 just like fucking a japan av pornstar !!
Rtf : sure if she is still around !!!
Overall : perfect 10 !! very good conversationalist, her English is very good also.
Rtf: yes for sure, strongly recommended

Last edited by longwinter; 17-10-2016 at 06:00 PM.
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