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Old 28-11-2005, 12:14 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Btw if any bro here wan to find any kohong amulets jus call my fren ken at 91077424. Just tel him u are intro by Ong Kiat. Maybe u will get a discount
Old 29-11-2005, 12:08 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Going to Thailand tis wednesday... Take tis opportunity to source for any gd Thai Amulets to can improve metta, health, wealth, opposite-sex attraction and protect from all harm. Btw, is it true tat wearing "iin" amulet cannot be wore 2gether with Buddha or LP amulet?

Lastly, If I am carry Guan Yin amulet in my wallet or any Taoist amulets, can I still wear Thai Amulets.. Will it be clash??
Old 29-11-2005, 07:55 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

hi all bros here, currently are looking for jatukam of siriyanchanta batch @ 2530 and @ 2530 from ac khunpan.. the stamp... anyone one willing to let chao pls pm me the price and if u have the pic(best). k thank.
Old 29-11-2005, 08:11 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by hunter2005
hi all bros here, currently are looking for jatukam of siriyanchanta batch @ 2530 and @ 2530 from ac khunpan.. the stamp... anyone one willing to let chao pls pm me the price and if u have the pic(best). k thank.
I think the price up quite alot these days!!!
Old 30-11-2005, 06:00 PM
Marlboro16 Marlboro16 is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Old 04-12-2005, 01:17 AM
sex0l0gy sex0l0gy is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Juz come back from Thailand today, had bought 1 x Sothon, 1 x Phra Somdej, 1 x Phra Khun Paen. Was told by the monk to wear the amulets such tat Sothon is on the right hand side, Somdej on the centre, Khun Paen on the left hand side. Any Bro can share his knowlegde on the above Thai Amulets

Lastly, I do not had any Altar at home and happen saw a thread stated tat amulets should not be kept in the Room even it is hang or keep on the high area (eg Study Table). Is it true?? Oh btw, I alway see ppl take their amulets and swing around the incense at the Guan Yin Temple. Any ideas y must do tat?
Old 05-12-2005, 10:38 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by hideto09
wondering if have more than one u guys normally wear? on a necklace? personally...i wear one on a chain and one with a clip....
I wear 7 amulets most of the time on a chain on my neck and keep takruts on my keychain.
its ok to clip amulets to your shirt or some of my friends they also clip rahu or loop oms to the back of their shirt at back of the neck/head, its all fine as long as you remember to keep images of BUddha and monks above the waist, i.e, don't clip your amulets in your pants pocket.

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Old 05-12-2005, 10:40 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by maeda_kenn
Hi guys! I am interested in metta amulets since 10yrs ago..all my amulets are real stuffs! currently i got an amulets name :"mae tong suai" from ahchan wala,a very famous black magician from southen thailand.Ahchan wala has 32 wife himself and he is famous making luck and metta for ppl who is involve in entertainment industrial.Singaporean has invited him to come over but due to his shedule he rejected.Another reason also bcos he is a rich and famous ahchan in thailand so money doesnt attracts him to fly over.But i went there personally to get a few amulets(limted due to source) from him and it doesnt cost cheap..ranging from $800-$3000sgd..All his amulets was make of various kinda stuffs including dead women bond,cemetary soil and oil extract from the women lower chin who commited sucided after her boyfriend had ditch her,ahchan wala had a deal with her soul and she agreed to help those who wear her amulet.Anyone interested to find out more can email me: [email protected]
If i were to pay SGD $800 to 3000, i rather get a good piece of amulet like Lp Toh's Pidta or LP Tim's KP or Somdet.
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Old 05-12-2005, 10:44 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by sex0l0gy
Oh btw, I alway see ppl take their amulets and swing around the incense at the Guan Yin Temple. Any ideas y must do tat?
it is advised not to keep amulets in your room coz thats where we often change, etc which may be disrespectful to the amulets/Buddhist images, as long as you treat your amulets with respect, even if you rent a room or have little choice but to put your amulets with you in your room , it is fine too.

Those whom swing their amulets around the incense urn at GYT are those whom believe by doing so, they will recieve blessings of the Boddhisatva.=)
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Old 05-12-2005, 10:49 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by kevin5k
Hi to all bros. I've almost painstakingly went through all of
Tks for the advise in advance....I'll keep track of this post and lastly, pardon my lengthy & lor so post....
The amulet you are interested in is with the image of the guru monk Somdet Buddhacharn Toh, abbot of Wat Rakang and it was him whom made popular somdet amulets, Katha Chinabanchorn and the temple itself.

Go for what ever you like but be sure to know what you are getting, whom you are getting from and always ask around and learn more about things before diving in.=)
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Old 05-12-2005, 09:19 PM
sex0l0gy sex0l0gy is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Thank You Bro Slipper.. Need yr advice again.. wat happen if you put the Buddha amulet in yr pocket, does it mean tat the amulet is useless... So How??? I had noticed some craving on the back of my amulets.. wat does it usually symbolize?? Lastly, between powder and clay amulet, which is better??? Hope you dun mind me asking so many questions.. Me newbie still OJT... Any Bro would like to share his knowledge on the above questions..
Old 06-12-2005, 10:34 AM
oakleyeug oakleyeug is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Dear all,

I need to seek some information and I hope that bros here can help, I am unable to provide pics due to the fact that my ambulet is in Singapore and I am in China.


I have an amulet passed down from my grandfather, from history it is around 100 years. I have taken it to a shop in Chinatown Zhen Zhu Da Sa, he offered a price of SGD$10k for this amulet if I not wrong he is now a Monk based in Thailand (Jimmy if not wrong). I refused to sell due to my grandfather, but I really wish to know what this amulet is all about.


The amulet is black in color, big and it is 2 face (on the fornt is a Monk and back is a Buddha). I heard from the guy who wants to buy this saying that this is the most unique amulet first done by Long Po Koon (Sorry maybe spelling mistake), able to bring in luck and everything to the wearer.

IF this cannot be solved when I go back Singapore this Dec I will take a pic and post it here for more to help me.

Many Thanks,
Old 06-12-2005, 11:08 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by sex0l0gy
Thank You Bro Slipper.. Need yr advice again.. wat happen if you put the Buddha amulet in yr pocket, does it mean tat the amulet is useless... So How??? I had noticed some craving on the back of my amulets.. wat does it usually symbolize?? Lastly, between powder and clay amulet, which is better??? Hope you dun mind me asking so many questions.. Me newbie still OJT... Any Bro would like to share his knowledge on the above questions..

clipping it at your pants pocket u mean?
Shirt pocket is fine as it is above the waist.
even if u clip it at your pants pocket, i think no one would know if the amulet loses its 'power' or whatever, its just not a respectful place to wear your amulets, if you have no choice, cannot wear chain, etc then get either takruts or parakits to wear as these items can be worn on the pants pocket.

The carvings on your amulets should or could be khom letterings or yants, magical scripts, etc.=)

No clear answer to what is better material, powder, clay, metals, etc all depends, some powder contains bailan-ashes from burnt scriptures, metal alloys include some metals from molten takruts, alms bowls, etc and it all depends on what you like.=) *and most importantly what u can afford.* they do make amulets from pure gold if you are loaded.hehee
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Old 06-12-2005, 11:11 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by oakleyeug
Dear all,

I need to seek some information and I hope that bros here can help, I am unable to provide pics due to the fact that my ambulet is in Singapore and I am in China.


I have an amulet passed down from my grandfather, from history it is around 100 years. I have taken it to a shop in Chinatown Zhen Zhu Da Sa, he offered a price of SGD$10k for this amulet if I not wrong he is now a Monk based in Thailand (Jimmy if not wrong). I refused to sell due to my grandfather, but I really wish to know what this amulet is all about.


The amulet is black in color, big and it is 2 face (on the fornt is a Monk and back is a Buddha). I heard from the guy who wants to buy this saying that this is the most unique amulet first done by Long Po Koon (Sorry maybe spelling mistake), able to bring in luck and everything to the wearer.

IF this cannot be solved when I go back Singapore this Dec I will take a pic and post it here for more to help me.

Many Thanks,
A picture would be most useful.=)
And if someone did offer me 10K for a amulet, i will sell it straight away!hehe

fyi, if it is by LP Koon, Wat Banrai, then the amulet cannot be 100 years old as LP Koon is still not born yet.hehee
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Old 06-12-2005, 11:18 AM
oakleyeug oakleyeug is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...


Ok I understand, I will post it when I am back in Singapore for you guys to help. I really wish to know cause it is not that the money is a issuse but that amulet is for what porpose.

I am in business and I need a good amulet to ensure smooth sailing for me, I think this is what all bros wants here. I will post the pics next year, hope by then bros here will be able to help.

Many thanks,
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