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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 28-12-2021, 12:27 PM
bluepoker bluepoker is offline
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Bro able to share contact?

Last edited by bluepoker; 29-12-2021 at 01:53 PM.
Old 28-12-2021, 02:06 PM
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Re: Massage at upper Thomson

Originally Posted by junmin95 View Post
Thanks bro for awesome recommendation.

My FR:

Sweet chatty young 20s to 30s lady. Dong bei gu niang which I have soft spot for. She is eager to please and willing to listen to customer's suggestion compared to other MLs. GFE ish 10/10.

Looks: 9/10 (dong bei girl type)
Massage: skipped as i was rushing for time.
Body: 9/10 (really ish nice melons)
RTM: yeah
Damage: $88 + $80
wa i know why the lady i got serviced by asked for 88, touch,squeeze,hj .... the "market" rate there is 88 isit..

i got Amy..which i suggest the bros here not to take. Piano massage, more focused on phone than massage. wanted to rub the nips then say sensitive and dun touch until i dulan and shoot back, then what for u ask me give tips that include touching. session was less than 1hr despite paying for 1hr.

Initially I went to the newly opened 1 directly opposite this L**A spa. But the lady told me need to wait 15mins (but the lady was busty and milfy), and then directly offer $89 package ask me try. Told her not interested becus its the first time and i dun wanna carrot off some piano for 89.
Old 28-12-2021, 02:33 PM
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Honestly is under Moderation till he learns how to behave
Originally Posted by kieso4 View Post

This ML working at one of the MPs along Upper Thomson. Got her contact via WeChat. Service oriented, not piano type. Tried her full course meal, very delicious. Price very reasonable.
Bro share contact pls
Old 28-12-2021, 02:39 PM
Pink Floyd Pink Floyd is offline
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Re: Massage at upper Thomson

OK below is a brief write up on the joints located at TE4 , Springleaf .

There are altogether 7 shops spread over 4 rows of shophouses . I will list them progressively starting with the row of shophouses nearest to Shell petrol station.

Row 1 ( Ampang YTF , 7 Eleven )

There is one along this row.

Spa Rej*****te . Used to be known as Spa Oasis , this shop has been open/closed for the past 2 years . 2 weeks ago it was reopened again , I have not visited , but saw some quite pretty and young MLs ( was wearing masks tho) hanging around .Looks China. Downside of this outlet is that it is the least discreet amongst the seven , with heavy foot traffics since its located between Ampang YTF and 7 Eleven . Awaiting bros here to try and give field report .

Row 2 ( Mookata, tyre shop, duck rice)

Three outlets as this row .

L* N* Spa is newly opened a few months ago . Have not tried , however one bro here has reported that entrance is $88 and GQ $80 . Also not very discreet as the main entrance faces the corner of the road junction.

Y**n We****ssEntrance is $50, $60 for oil . Mostly China , also got Vietnamese . GQ is $50 no roaming , $100 with roaming . All of them ask for this rate . Entrance quite discrete as shop got big awning , but weekends can be quite crowded from the Mookata and Hong Ji eateries.

Z*Y*e Javanese Spa . This one clean, can bring wife, GF, mother in law . Also offers the cheapest authentic massage . Now got promotion $70 90 mins and $90 120 mins body massage .Massues are Malay from Msia ,all good, also have guys massue if you prefer strong ones doing foot .

Row 3 ( Geylang beef , Hans )

One outlet .

E* Spa Entrance $78 , GQ depends . China and Minahs . Some offer some dont , but I think all offer . The one who offered me $50 no roaming , $100 roaming . Quite discreet as foot traffic is not heavy .

Row 4 ( Bicycle shop, Springleaf Prata)

This last row got two , both clean .

House of Bal***se . IMO the best authentic massage . All Malay aunties with 1 Vietnamese , all offer good strong massage . Pricing wise $60 for 60 min , $80 for 90 . Its also the most popular and usually requires advanced bookings.

An***nt Dy***ty All China , no GQ , pricing similair with next door but in terms of massaging skills I would rate them below Z*Y** and Bal***se .

TE4 Conclusion

Total 7 shops, 3 clean, 3 GQ , 1 unsure but I suspect will have .

Clean shops offers good priced authentic massage ; 2 of them highly recommended .

GQ shops I find entrance on high side except one , but all their GQs very ex .Seems to me like the MLs there are aware of the rates other shops asks
and all ask for same thing .

Happy massaging , or chionging .
Old 28-12-2021, 02:44 PM
Sgboringguy Sgboringguy is offline
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Re: Massage at upper Thomson

Originally Posted by Pink Floyd View Post
OK below is a brief write up on the joints located at TE4 , Springleaf .

There are altogether 7 shops spread over 4 rows of shophouses . I will list them progressively starting with the row of shophouses nearest to Shell petrol station.

Row 1 ( Ampang YTF , 7 Eleven )

There is one along this row.

Spa Rej*****te . Used to be known as Spa Oasis , this shop has been open/closed for the past 2 years . 2 weeks ago it was reopened again , I have not visited , but saw some quite pretty and young MLs ( was wearing masks tho) hanging around .Looks China. Downside of this outlet is that it is the least discreet amongst the seven , with heavy foot traffics since its located between Ampang YTF and 7 Eleven . Awaiting bros here to try and give field report .

Row 2 ( Mookata, tyre shop, duck rice)

Three outlets as this row .

L* N* Spa is newly opened a few months ago . Have not tried , however one bro here has reported that entrance is $88 and GQ $80 . Also not very discreet as the main entrance faces the corner of the road junction.

Y**n We****ssEntrance is $50, $60 for oil . Mostly China , also got Vietnamese . GQ is $50 no roaming , $100 with roaming . All of them ask for this rate . Entrance quite discrete as shop got big awning , but weekends can be quite crowded from the Mookata and Hong Ji eateries.

Z*Y*e Javanese Spa . This one clean, can bring wife, GF, mother in law . Also offers the cheapest authentic massage . Now got promotion $70 90 mins and $90 120 mins body massage .Massues are Malay from Msia ,all good, also have guys massue if you prefer strong ones doing foot .

Row 3 ( Geylang beef , Hans )

One outlet .

E* Spa Entrance $78 , GQ depends . China and Minahs . Some offer some dont , but I think all offer . The one who offered me $50 no roaming , $100 roaming . Quite discreet as foot traffic is not heavy .

Row 4 ( Bicycle shop, Springleaf Prata)

This last row got two , both clean .

House of Bal***se . IMO the best authentic massage . All Malay aunties with 1 Vietnamese , all offer good strong massage . Pricing wise $60 for 60 min , $80 for 90 . Its also the most popular and usually requires advanced bookings.

An***nt Dy***ty All China , no GQ , pricing similair with next door but in terms of massaging skills I would rate them below Z*Y** and Bal***se .

TE4 Conclusion

Total 7 shops, 3 clean, 3 GQ , 1 unsure but I suspect will have .

Clean shops offers good priced authentic massage ; 2 of them highly recommended .

GQ shops I find entrance on high side except one , but all their GQs very ex .Seems to me like the MLs there are aware of the rates other shops asks
and all ask for same thing .

Happy massaging , or chionging .
Seem like 100 for roaming is the market price.. really hope jb open..
Old 28-12-2021, 06:20 PM
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Re: Massage at upper Thomson

Originally Posted by Pink Floyd View Post
OK below is a brief write up on the joints located at TE4 , Springleaf .

There are altogether 7 shops spread over 4 rows of shophouses . I will list them progressively starting with the row of shophouses nearest to Shell petrol station.

Happy massaging , or chionging .
Fantastic and precise write up! You deserve an up
Old 28-12-2021, 09:18 PM
Hyena Hyena is offline
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Bro, u put her photo and details like this is equate to report her. Like this, we have one less place to go.

U can describe and get others to change contact. U do this cannot get points lah.

Take down the image. U can pm the details and share field report.

Last edited by Hyena; 29-12-2021 at 12:49 AM.
Old 29-12-2021, 12:48 AM
Hyena Hyena is offline
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U can PM me. Please take down her photo as this will get her unecessary attention.
Old 29-12-2021, 12:51 AM
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U can PM me. Please remove the photos.
I give u the contact.
Old 29-12-2021, 12:55 AM
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U can PM me. I give you the contacts.
If u keep the photo, it will get unecessary attention.
Old 29-12-2021, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Pink Floyd View Post
OK below is a brief write up on the joints located at TE4 , Springleaf .

There are altogether 7 shops spread over 4 rows of shophouses . I will list them progressively starting with the row of shophouses nearest to Shell petrol station.

Row 1 ( Ampang YTF , 7 Eleven )

There is one along this row.

Spa Rej*****te . Used to be known as Spa Oasis , this shop has been open/closed for the past 2 years . 2 weeks ago it was reopened again , I have not visited , but saw some quite pretty and young MLs ( was wearing masks tho) hanging around .Looks China. Downside of this outlet is that it is the least discreet amongst the seven , with heavy foot traffics since its located between Ampang YTF and 7 Eleven . Awaiting bros here to try and give field report .

Row 2 ( Mookata, tyre shop, duck rice)

Three outlets as this row .

L* N* Spa is newly opened a few months ago . Have not tried , however one bro here has reported that entrance is $88 and GQ $80 . Also not very discreet as the main entrance faces the corner of the road junction.

Y**n We****ssEntrance is $50, $60 for oil . Mostly China , also got Vietnamese . GQ is $50 no roaming , $100 with roaming . All of them ask for this rate . Entrance quite discrete as shop got big awning , but weekends can be quite crowded from the Mookata and Hong Ji eateries.

Z*Y*e Javanese Spa . This one clean, can bring wife, GF, mother in law . Also offers the cheapest authentic massage . Now got promotion $70 90 mins and $90 120 mins body massage .Massues are Malay from Msia ,all good, also have guys massue if you prefer strong ones doing foot .

Row 3 ( Geylang beef , Hans )

One outlet .

E* Spa Entrance $78 , GQ depends . China and Minahs . Some offer some dont , but I think all offer . The one who offered me $50 no roaming , $100 roaming . Quite discreet as foot traffic is not heavy .

Row 4 ( Bicycle shop, Springleaf Prata)

This last row got two , both clean .

House of Bal***se . IMO the best authentic massage . All Malay aunties with 1 Vietnamese , all offer good strong massage . Pricing wise $60 for 60 min , $80 for 90 . Its also the most popular and usually requires advanced bookings.

An***nt Dy***ty All China , no GQ , pricing similair with next door but in terms of massaging skills I would rate them below Z*Y** and Bal***se .

TE4 Conclusion

Total 7 shops, 3 clean, 3 GQ , 1 unsure but I suspect will have .

Clean shops offers good priced authentic massage ; 2 of them highly recommended .

GQ shops I find entrance on high side except one , but all their GQs very ex .Seems to me like the MLs there are aware of the rates other shops asks
and all ask for same thing .

Happy massaging , or chionging .
I think most places market rate for roaming is $100. Even the 1 i go to in amk ave 5 also charges 68 for 1hr, 100 for roaming
Old 29-12-2021, 01:40 PM
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Re: Massage at upper Thomson

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
I think most places market rate for roaming is $100. Even the 1 i go to in amk ave 5 also charges 68 for 1hr, 100 for roaming
Not sure where you go but everywhere I've tried is 50. Worst case they will tell you bottom hand cannot go in which I respect.
Old 29-12-2021, 04:07 PM
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Re: Massage at upper Thomson

Thank you bro!

Originally Posted by Pink Floyd View Post
OK below is a brief write up on the joints located at TE4 , Springleaf .

There are altogether 7 shops spread over 4 rows of shophouses . I will list them progressively starting with the row of shophouses nearest to Shell petrol station.

Row 1 ( Ampang YTF , 7 Eleven )

There is one along this row.

Spa Rej*****te . Used to be known as Spa Oasis , this shop has been open/closed for the past 2 years . 2 weeks ago it was reopened again , I have not visited , but saw some quite pretty and young MLs ( was wearing masks tho) hanging around .Looks China. Downside of this outlet is that it is the least discreet amongst the seven , with heavy foot traffics since its located between Ampang YTF and 7 Eleven . Awaiting bros here to try and give field report .

Row 2 ( Mookata, tyre shop, duck rice)

Three outlets as this row .

L* N* Spa is newly opened a few months ago . Have not tried , however one bro here has reported that entrance is $88 and GQ $80 . Also not very discreet as the main entrance faces the corner of the road junction.

Y**n We****ssEntrance is $50, $60 for oil . Mostly China , also got Vietnamese . GQ is $50 no roaming , $100 with roaming . All of them ask for this rate . Entrance quite discrete as shop got big awning , but weekends can be quite crowded from the Mookata and Hong Ji eateries.

Z*Y*e Javanese Spa . This one clean, can bring wife, GF, mother in law . Also offers the cheapest authentic massage . Now got promotion $70 90 mins and $90 120 mins body massage .Massues are Malay from Msia ,all good, also have guys massue if you prefer strong ones doing foot .

Row 3 ( Geylang beef , Hans )

One outlet .

E* Spa Entrance $78 , GQ depends . China and Minahs . Some offer some dont , but I think all offer . The one who offered me $50 no roaming , $100 roaming . Quite discreet as foot traffic is not heavy .

Row 4 ( Bicycle shop, Springleaf Prata)

This last row got two , both clean .

House of Bal***se . IMO the best authentic massage . All Malay aunties with 1 Vietnamese , all offer good strong massage . Pricing wise $60 for 60 min , $80 for 90 . Its also the most popular and usually requires advanced bookings.

An***nt Dy***ty All China , no GQ , pricing similair with next door but in terms of massaging skills I would rate them below Z*Y** and Bal***se .

TE4 Conclusion

Total 7 shops, 3 clean, 3 GQ , 1 unsure but I suspect will have .

Clean shops offers good priced authentic massage ; 2 of them highly recommended .

GQ shops I find entrance on high side except one , but all their GQs very ex .Seems to me like the MLs there are aware of the rates other shops asks
and all ask for same thing .

Happy massaging , or chionging .
Old 29-12-2021, 09:18 PM
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Smile Re: Massage at upper Thomson

Bro richardks11, please adjust your profile to allow us to private message you. Bro Honestly, please edit your post to delete the ml photo. Cheers.
Old 30-12-2021, 12:33 AM
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Re: Massage at upper Thomson

Originally Posted by weisheme View Post
Not sure where you go but everywhere I've tried is 50. Worst case they will tell you bottom hand cannot go in which I respect.
wah where you go with no chop carrot prices?
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