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Old 03-09-2023, 12:14 PM
scumofsociety scumofsociety is offline
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by desmond_lee View Post
try WH54G7, really very very pretty, can say about 8/10 above, model look.

but the mattress I cannot tahan those soft soft type, during action, bodies will start to sink in, the angle, pressure of thrust, everything will go heywire for me.

dun know is me only, or got bros got issue with soft mattress.
Hahaha u tried her after my FR ah bro? How was her service? She no xiasuay my hungry ghost FR for her right? Ms lickitung I’ve done her twice now first was a double session, so far only girl everytime I’d sweat when I fk her hahaha

Yeah the bed this house not v good best facilities I’d say is sawadee fking hotel level the viet houses rly need to upgrade la Dey. Or if rly cannot then go lying doggie Lor hehe CIM is my last resort when I’m tired heheh
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Last edited by scumofsociety; 03-09-2023 at 12:33 PM.
Old 03-09-2023, 02:05 PM
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by scumofsociety View Post
Hahaha u tried her after my FR ah bro? How was her service? She no xiasuay my hungry ghost FR for her right?
yes sos bro, as u mentioned, really very pretty. but i cannot perform in those kind of very soft mattress, won't think will rtf, lol.
Old 03-09-2023, 02:32 PM
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by desmond_lee View Post
yes sos bro, as u mentioned, really very pretty. but i cannot perform in those kind of very soft mattress, won't think will rtf, lol.
haha can can bro, I rmb u r a dfk hunter, looks wise haha wait till u see 2038g7 Annie ,highest ranking viet for looks, would be even more exquisite and does dfk (ymmv) or 1836g16 Min highest ranking Thai for look in my list (sadly no kissing)
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Last edited by scumofsociety; 03-09-2023 at 03:21 PM.
Old 04-09-2023, 07:21 PM
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by scumofsociety View Post
haha can can bro, I rmb u r a dfk hunter, looks wise haha wait till u see 2038g7 Annie ,highest ranking viet for looks, would be even more exquisite and does dfk (ymmv) or 1836g16 Min highest ranking Thai for look in my list (sadly no kissing)
Bro would you say based on all your recent GL bonks 2038 G7 is the most chio WL you've bonked?

Check my post history if you think my FRs are fake. PM me too if you're tired of fake FRs 😉
Old 04-09-2023, 07:53 PM
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by SeventhFiend View Post
Bro would you say based on all your recent GL bonks 2038 G7 is the most chio WL you've bonked?
She’s the highest ranking viet… for looks, and chioness yes but tbh I mentioned my first post I like the curvy slutty kind. 2038g7 is more of the exquisite face slender gnd gf one never had. I think if I had to choose most chio for me, I’d say 1836g16 “Min” is more my cup of tea looks wise (I’m considering to up her looks to S- tier to differentiate from g7 Annie, if I don’t discover prettier ones this year, cause enhanced boobs (it would be even better if the boobs had that natural teardrop firm sag to it, but lol CAT60 and no girl is perfect la, v nice alr)).

I rmb I was more impressed / blown away and 小鹿乱撞 when I saw her. She has some baby fat on her face that made her look gnd, esp when she smiled and yet the body is pretty curvy (enhanced C I recall?, with a nice ass) and slutty (more so than 2038g7, almost Mei Matsumoto-ish imo). That curviness combined with that gnd and tinge of slutty look wins for me. . I rmb some bros wanted to take a look but never heard from them again. Sadly her menu is too clean for my liking so I didn’t RTF (her service was solid though, for long FJ lovers and people who want a SYT looker cbj clean service), only exception for cbj service score so far was made for her, despite my dislike and cap of B+ service score for cbjs.

Why leh HAHAHA? Curious ah? Hehe, Btw new FR shortly later tonight
All my FRs in the link below, ymmv :

Last edited by scumofsociety; 04-09-2023 at 11:40 PM.
Old 04-09-2023, 08:57 PM
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Any forays so far for you in the FL scene?
Old 04-09-2023, 09:13 PM
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by RatedX View Post
Any forays so far for you in the FL scene?
Great write up bro, if only u write liddis for ur G town exploits too . Not yet and prolly not anytime soon leh, scared of all the meitu and photoshops feels like more exp more landmines and less certainty I don’t see the value / appeal. Also don’t like sailor moon LOL. Maybe the thrill of AV raping ur ass adds to the adrenaline when u shoot ah , burst into laughter when I saw the AV part in ur FR.
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Old 04-09-2023, 09:15 PM
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Originally Posted by scumofsociety View Post
Great write up bro, if only u write liddis for ur G town exploits too . Not yet and prolly not anytime soon leh, scared of all the meitu and photoshops feels like more exp more landmines and less certainty I don’t see the value / appeal. Also don’t like sailor moon LOL. Maybe the thrill of AV raping ur ass adds to the adrenaline when u shoot ah , burst into laughter when I saw the AV part in ur FR.
GL nothing much to write cos I 10 min sprinter. Rare instances when I got more time can go FL 90mins, more happening.
Old 04-09-2023, 09:28 PM
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by RatedX View Post
GL nothing much to write cos I 10 min sprinter. Rare instances when I got more time can go FL 90mins, more happening.
All the face dig shellscrape of cos sprint , hehe not for now but if I am I’ll ask u for advice.
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Old 04-09-2023, 10:00 PM
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Almost cleared my regular houses of potential girls, then I remembered someone mentioned this house (tbh this house always had solid service but struggle with looks), will have new stocks so I dropped by. Feeling adventurous and wanted to FR someone new. Here goes my 28th SBF FR, 0843g15, FR titled (“a pleasant time”)

WL name: “Donut”, in sg for 2 months Age: not sure, looks late 20s - early 30s, and imo potentially mid 20s IF she bothers putting on some light makeup tbh

Looks & body: tbh, I thought she looked mid-late 20s from afar (and late 20s-early 30s up close(?), ymmv), I think it’s her bangs fringe which made her look younger than she is and reminded (or tricked my little head) me of sec sch days when girls had that “xmm fringe cover eyes hairdo”. skin: slightly tanned skin, face / eyes / nose / hair: a rather small face with natural sharp jawline, forehead and eyes covered by her long black hair and bangs fringe (looks a lot more cuter/sweet and feminine with hair down, clipped during the deed); no make up, skin quality to me was ok (tbh most girls use make up to cover the flaws etc); nice straight white teeth; build: slim, can clearly feel her backbone when you touch her back, observed some loose skin at abdomen area, she was preggo and has a child. Ass had slight bit of meat, not curvy considering her natural tits. Overall, a natural Ex-preggo womanly body; Height: 1.5m-1.55m; Tits: A cup, natural slight sag, nipples: brown; size: normal, she’s ok for you to attack her tits; Special features: typical Thai tattoo on upper back

Language: adequate english, occasional reflexive thai, can understand each other

Pre shower routine: standard wash + lots of chatting and flirting about age

Shower & hygiene: professional w listerine and deep rinse post and prior, noted she even brushes her teeth after (with whitening toothpaste, which explains her nice teeth), plus points for hygiene and work ethics

Kissing / DFK: yes (ymmv), she kisses lightly and dfk teasingly prior to the FJ. During the FJ, she dfks passionately and sticks her tongue out like she yearns for it until and attacks you aggressively till I prolly drooled too much. Iirc, I rarely had such passionate dfk for a first visit, takes RTF to build up chemistry imo (the other 2 that topped this, being a certain “hungry ghost lickitung” and another “certain sensual gfe venus flytrap”).

Cat bath: nips, balls sucking - sucked in a pretty delicious sensual manner with good suction

AR: NA, don’t care also not an AR guy

BBBJ: seems like a feature of this house - she politely asks if u want cbj / bbbj. Obv I opted for bbbj . The way she engulfed (or rather wolfed down) my rod hungrily with that delicious head motion, slurpy comfy bbbj (no teeth at all). Occasional DTs observed. Basically, It’s a very delicious, NON-mechanical way of blowing, she’s experienced and knows what she’s doing. It’s comfortable and visually, a delicious looking style of bbbj but technically, lacks the “tickles” and sweet shiok spots on the rod head delivered by the viets, Loses in technique to the bj pros of 2038. Iirc quite silent and v v faint moaning here. Another thing to note: she does spit into tissue after awhile of bbbj, abit disruptive to staying hard but not a big issue for me tbh.

FJ: tightness:; like most WLs positions; cowgirl and missionary. Cowgirl: caps on (姐姐asks if helmet makes u pain, plus points for observant and considerate), about 2-3 mins mostly whole rod in grinding here, she was gyrating horizontally, then held my hands 十指紧扣, then eyes closed. Lack of pounding - My rod felt more numb than shiok la HAHAH, idk if to pleasure herself. She vibrates abit then after awhile then smiles and asks me to take over. haha not my cup of tea la. Missionary: about 10 mins hard pounding here - attacked her tits and we kept on DFK (for a first visit, prolly the top 3 most passionate in this part), she gave the feeling she yearned for it, NOT just so you can shoot. during FJ, she tries to be active - legs clenched onto me and grabs on tightly. First buzzer rang, She doesnt care about time, only about cumming, signals for me to pile drive harder. Cum at shortly after first buzzer, and she continued to hugged on tightly, wanting me to unload discharge every last drop. After that gave (or rather I believe acted ) the satisfied, “你很久” reply and tired look. moaning: sensual, soft and natural (non-mechanical) gasps and aggressive breathing

Attitude: excellent - smiley, extremely responsive to my questions and makes convos, not much GFE, she gave me the feeling she’s “a big experienced sister 姐姐会照顾你” taking care of me like it’s my first time (though I’m already past 30 girls at this stage ). And just wanted me to have a good time. post shot attitude: still really chatty and smiley, answered my questions and how she worked in 5 countries and her future plans etc. comfy convo till I made my way out. overall well paced and fun session w not much commercial aftertaste tbh, a professional WL.

Summary score : 8-8.5/10, room for improvement largely on the looks & body side, cause she’s insistent on natural (face and body etc), so her body not really my cup of tea and I think she’d look even nicer and sweeter with some light make up. Service wise, feels is she sincerely wants you to have a good time, only issue is that minor bbbj spitting thing the rest was really solid and comfortable for a first visit. Higher score largely attributed to her excellent svc and can do attitude (not the looks / body). RTF: yes, if her looks work for you and I’m looking for a service-oriented Thai, she’s observant and considerate, comfortably chatty, hygienic and natural (face and body) with a solid menu - dfk, visually delicious bbbj & catbath, can take long hard pounding FJs with active horny participation, and speaks sufficient English.

FRs done this house: 8, 10, 12, 15.

If you found this helpful, pls up my points so I can FR freely, intend to FR frequently. Thanks!
All my FRs in the link below, ymmv :

Last edited by scumofsociety; 05-09-2023 at 07:40 AM.
Old 04-09-2023, 10:56 PM
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by scumofsociety View Post
Hi all,

I’ve been pretty new in the community and intend to make posts regularly in the future. My first major milestone is to fuck 100 girls so I’d thought it’ll be fun to have my own thread to consolidate my own FRs and to document my journey to 100. Moving forward, I’ll post here as well as a link to this thread in the house’s thread, if any.

Some guidelines about my preferences so you’d have a better grasp of whether a girl would suit your taste / my scores:

Looks: Generally prefer sexier curvy (but not fat) slutty MILF / SYT, ideally with C-D cups (for local example of S tier looks and body: see Beverly Loh on IG / ) instead of cute & flat SYT. Scores are moderated based on prevailing CAT60 standards, $60 only not the entire world.
BJ: I emphasise and give higher scores for bbbj so for my cbj reviews, I generally don’t give above an overall 8 / service grade of B+ for cbj so houses with safer approaches (e.g. no CIM, bbbj etc) would generally score lower.
AR: For now, I don’t think I’m a big fan of AR, waiting for a WL to prove me wrong .
FJ: Lesser emphasis on tightness but whether the girl puts in effort to be passionate and active (ears licking, kissing, active roaming / pounding etc).
Service: I appreciate a hardworking average looker over a pretty face dead fish. Additional points if WL is passionate / hiong / fun / GFE / PSE. Also considers friendliness, how comfortable / commercial the session felt, any effort from WL to break the ice / to make it a more comfortable session etc.
Score: For now, I’m still hanging around in the CAT60 playground (prefer the fuck and go kind ), my score also considers the playability, looks, services offered and standards of all other houses in that particular CAT (compare apples with apples; oranges with oranges ).

List of completed FRs 英雄榜, will try to update with new FR [once a week , tiers: S: 95; A: 85; B: 75; C: 65; D: 55; E: 45; F: <40, based on latest RTF, huge ymmv for chemistry with girl]:


1. L20H38G32 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A+):

2. L20H40G03 (Looks & body: C / Service: S) :

3. L20H38G28 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A-) :

4. L20H40G05 (Looks & body: B- / Service: B+) :

5. L20H40G08 (Looks & body: D / Service: A+) :

6. L20H38G30 (Looks & body: A / Service: A-) :

7. L20H38G36 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A+) :

8. L08H43G08 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A) :

9. L20H38G33 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: A-) :

10. L20H34G19 (Looks & body: A / Service: C) :

11. L18H36G28 (Looks & body: B / Service: B+) :

12. L18H36G16 (Looks & body: S- / Service: A-) :

13. L18H36G38 (Looks & body: C / Service: B-) :

14. L08H43G10 (Looks & body: C- / Service: A-) :

15. L18H36G11 (Looks & body: B / Service: D) :

16. L08H43G12 (Looks & body: B / Service: B+) :

17. L20H38G08 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: B) :

18. L20H38G07 (Looks & body: A+ / Service: A+) :

19. L20H38G05 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: B+) :

20. L18H44BG881 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: C) :

21. L20H38G22 (Looks & body: C+ / Service: D) :

22. WH14G04 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: B+) :

23. L18H34G15 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: D-) :

24. L20H38G20 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A+) :

25. WH54G07 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A+) :

26. WH54G18 (Looks & body: C- / Service: B+) :

27. WH54G11 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A) :

28. L08H43G15 (Looks & body: B / Service: A) :

29. WH54G03 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A-) :

30. L16H51G07 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: S-) :

31. L16H51G10 (Looks & body: B / Service: B) :

32. L20H38G03 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: B-) :

33. L20H40G06 (Looks & body: C+ / Service: B-) :

34. L08H43G18 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A) :

35. WH02G19 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: B-) :

36. WH54G10 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A-) :


37. L1658A Yang Yang (Looks & body: B / Service: B) :

38. L1606 Jiao Jiao (Looks & body: A- / Service: A+) :

If you found my FRs helpful, pls up me so I can FR freely , intend to FR regularly. I’d welcome constructive feedback and happy to hear if your experience matches my FRs (ymmv).

Disclaimer: Read FRs with a pinch of salt, girls change like the weather and v ymmv (e.g. her mood, guy’s wallet, looks, approach, grooming, charisma etc), sometimes it’s not that the girl is disappointing, but the girl you imagined that disappointed you. First session is merely a good gauge, full potential of girl is unlocked with consistency and chemistry from subsequent RTFs.

Lastly, respect the girls’ wishes (sex is ymmv and it’s a honest and harsh livelihood for them), have fun and cheers. Thanks!

4 Sep 23: I would usually update my first post with all new FRs but it appears I can no longer edit/update my first post with all the consolidated FRs, seems like there’s a time limit to editing posts on SBF lol.... Have updated the latest 28th FR above, will update this post for the next wave of FRs. Thanks!

EDIT: 11, 13, 17, 19 and 30 Sep, 1 Oct, latest FRs included as well.

EDIT: 23 Sep, made slight changes to RTFed girl scores.

EDIT: new PRC section added, Yang Yang as average benchmark for PRCs , grading is different from Thais and Viets. A grade “B” might mean differently in the 2 playgrounds, since PRCs more exp, unfair to compare the 2.
All my FRs in the link below, ymmv :

Last edited by scumofsociety; 01-10-2023 at 10:28 PM.
Old 05-09-2023, 01:01 AM
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by scumofsociety View Post
She’s the highest ranking viet… for looks, and chioness yes but tbh I mentioned my first post I like the curvy slutty kind. 2038g7 is more of the exquisite face slender gnd gf one never had. I think if I had to choose most chio for me, I’d say 1836g16 “Min” is more my cup of tea looks wise (I’m considering to up her looks to S- tier to differentiate from g7 Annie, if I don’t discover prettier ones this year, cause enhanced boobs (it would be even better if the boobs had that natural teardrop firm sag to it, but lol CAT60 and no girl is perfect la, v nice alr)).

I rmb I was more impressed / blown away and 小鹿乱撞 when I saw her. She has some baby fat on her face that made her look gnd, esp when she smiled and yet the body is pretty curvy (enhanced C I recall?, with a nice ass) and slutty (more so than 2038g7, almost Mei Matsumoto-ish imo). That curviness combined with that gnd and tinge of slutty look wins for me. . I rmb some bros wanted to take a look but never heard from them again. Sadly her menu is too clean for my liking so I didn’t RTF (her service was solid though, for long FJ lovers and people who want a SYT looker cbj clean service), only exception for cbj service score so far was made for her, despite my dislike and cap of B+ service score for cbjs.

Why leh HAHAHA? Curious ah? Hehe, Btw new FR shortly later tonight
Haha of course the best person to ask is you ma..

You tried so many GL WLs in such a short span of time, which means your intel is the most updated. You are the GL Guru!

Guess I'll go give 2038 G7 a try soon since this house at least has BBBJ compared to CBJ for most of the other houses.

If CBJ i won't even bother trying to be honest even though the girl is S tier like what you mentioned.

CBJ totally no sensation for me and will most likely end up in me having a limp dick lol..

Check my post history if you think my FRs are fake. PM me too if you're tired of fake FRs 😉

Last edited by SeventhFiend; 05-09-2023 at 12:24 PM.
Old 05-09-2023, 01:44 AM
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by scumofsociety View Post
1. L20H38G32 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A+):

2. L20H40G03 (Looks & body: C / Service: S) :

3. L20H38G28 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A-) :

4. L20H40G05 (Looks & body: B- / Service: B+) :

5. L20H40G08 (Looks & body: D / Service: A+) :

6. L20H38G30 (Looks & body: A / Service: A-) :

7. L20H38G36 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A+) :

8. L08H43G08 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A) :

9. L20H38G33 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: A-) :

10. L20H34G19 (Looks & body: A / Service: C) :

11. L18H36G28 (Looks & body: B / Service: B+) :

12. L18H36G16 (Looks & body: A+ / Service: A-) :

13. L18H36G38 (Looks & body: C / Service: B-) :

14. L08H43G10 (Looks & body: C- / Service: A-) :

15. L18H36G11 (Looks & body: B / Service: D) :

16. L08H43G12 (Looks & body: B / Service: B+) :

17. L20H38G08 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: B) :

18. L20H38G07 (Looks & body: A+ / Service: A+) :

19. L20H38G05 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: B+) :

20. L18H44BG881 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: C) :

21. L20H38G22 (Looks & body: C+ / Service: D) :

22. WH14G04 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: B+) :

23. L18H34G15 (Looks & body: B+ / Service: D-) :

24. L20H38G20 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A+) :

25. WH54G07 (Looks & body: A- / Service: S-) :

26. WH54G18 (Looks & body: C- / Service: B+) :

27. WH54G11 (Looks & body: A- / Service: A) :
King of Geylang
If there is an award, they should give it to U for your selfless sharing
If an issue can be settle with $, then it is not a real issue
But the issue is... I have no $
Old 05-09-2023, 06:08 AM
scumofsociety scumofsociety is offline
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by SeventhFiend View Post
Haha of course the best person to ask is you ma..

You tried so many GL WLs in such a short span of time, which also means your intel is the most updated. You are the GL Guru!

Guess I'll go give 2038 G7 a try soon lol since this house at least has BBBJ compared to CBJ for most of the houses.

If CBJ i won't even bother to be honest even though the girl is S tier like what you mentioned.

CBJ totally no sensation for me and will most likely end up in me having a limp dick lol..
HAHAA, yeah I also more sian when it’s cbj (I emphasise bj part of the show alot ), that’s why for those houses, I only go to collect the extraordinary lookers for body count. Do share your FR after you’ve had a chance to try, prolly have to queue, she’s that popular now . Kc gfe wise, she’s the best amongst all I’ve tried (that’s her strength, do note her slightly gfe amateur slightly teethy bbbj, also the reason she’s NOT my CIM go to girl (idk if she even does CIM tbh some girls don’t, and with her looks she doesn’t have to pls)), leaves u with that gfe taste wanting more… (I’ve RTFed 4 times now, still v consistent services)
All my FRs in the link below, ymmv :

Last edited by scumofsociety; 05-09-2023 at 07:55 AM.
Old 05-09-2023, 06:11 AM
scumofsociety scumofsociety is offline
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Re: scumofsociety’s journey 笑傲芽笼

Originally Posted by havana View Post
King of Geylang
If there is an award, they should give it to U for your selfless sharing
Haha thx for ur kind words bro, no la just a fun hobby for me, I’m on a journey to 100 anyways, why not document it. I rmb I always looked to your 2038 FRs for reference when I started, the WLs who go above and beyond certainly deserves more biz (I don’t fuck WLs everyday anyways so why not share it ). Speaking of awards, maybe I’ll do a 2023 红鸡大奖 awards for the WLs at the end of the year, sounds fun! Have fun and cheers!
All my FRs in the link below, ymmv :
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