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Old 02-05-2014, 02:02 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Sounds like a very painful experience
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Old 02-05-2014, 12:24 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by p00t View Post
Sounds like a very painful experience
No pain No Gain
Old 02-05-2014, 10:46 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

What r e possible gains?
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Old 08-05-2014, 12:18 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by p00t View Post
What r e possible gains?
They say the head looks might mightier and fiercer after circumcision.
Old 09-05-2014, 02:55 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

And it is more hygiene purpose
Old 13-05-2014, 12:31 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by pleasurehobby View Post
They say the head looks might mightier and fiercer after circumcision.
Yes per my personal experience. The down side is not from the manageable pain at the time of op, but from weeks of morning erection pain, which you can't control. Just have to tough through for four weeks.
Old 13-05-2014, 11:02 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by heavensword156 View Post
hi bros. after reading like 30-40+ pages of this thread. it gave me some courage to face this problem that i have been facing for a long time.

i'm currently in the army and going to ord this year. this are some of the doubts (in order) that i'm still having.

1. firstly i know that i can get a referral from the polyclinic to see a urology. but how do I get the referral? if its a female doctor I also just explain the issue to them? like paiseh leh.

2. if get a referral, which hospital do you bros recommend? have seen one bro said that the NUH female doctor seems inexperienced

3. if going through this method, i'm able to use my medisave to pay entirely for the op right?

4. the mc is usually 1 week but extendable? i dont know what reason to give the army for such operation. any advice?

hope to get this issue solved asap. thanks bros!!
Just request for referral lor, if you don't have any medical condition that requires circumcision, just say that it's for personal hygiene.

For my case, I reported sick at my camp's medical centre & the MO asked me which hospital I wanted. I was fine with anything so he just assigned me the hospital closest to my home; not sure if polyclinic can choose hospital.

You will only get covered by SAF only if you have a medical condition that requires circumcision, e.g. phimosis. Otherwise, you're liable to pay in FULL. 2 weeks MC for me, most likely can extend.
Old 13-05-2014, 11:44 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hi mate, am planning to go for laser after reading if expereience. Don't mind can kindly share your hospital and doctor contact please. Am grateful. Thank you
Old 29-05-2014, 03:01 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hi all, I am a 42 years old man. Did my circumcision 3 and half weeks ago. due to UTI and recurrent fungal infection.

I read up a lot about circumcision and this site is the most helpful coz its in local context. Due to my tight working schedule (overseas job), I had only a short time period in SG to do it, 2 weeks in fact. I did a research and zero in on Dr Tham at Jurong East Eden Clinic. Consulted him but he was just not available to perform the op during that 2 week period. So he recommended me to his sifu !!! A urologist from Gleneagle.

Zoom over immediately and had a consultation immediately. He explained about my condition and mentioned I had redundant foreskin, meaning too long plus "beaking", ie, frenulum is tight and will pull the head downwards when fully erect. So he said he will have to cut the frenulum as well. Now, on further discussion, he uses the knife and GA only done at the operating theatre in the hospital section. Total cost will be about 4k !!! I ask about laser surgery, he said then he will have to rent the machine and will cost more !!!! I mentioned to him to let me consider first. He then said lets book the operation date soon as the hospital operating theatre can be busy but can be cancelled. I said ok and booked the date and left.

Due to the cost, I decided to look for another one. I search the web and come across Dr BC Ng Aesthetic clinic. I called up, spoke to a nice lady and went for an appointment the following day. Consultation was a breeze. We spoke and it was very casual and then he took a look and say ok he will do the cut. As for the frenulum, he will decide whether to remove during the surgery. So we set the date.

So, I actually went through 3 doctors and had 3 different opinion which gives me more information.

Dr Tham, Eden : He did not say much. Ask about frenulum, he just shake it off and say no need to cut. Price is the cheapest but its done at the clinic itself which, well, IMO, I did not quite like it. Cost of consultation, $28. Surgery, $500+.

The Urologist at Gleneagle : He is a Prof so I am sure he must be damn good. However, I felt a little pressured and the price is overwhelming. Prof, GA and at Gleneagles, I feel it is an overkill. Cost of consultation, $160. Surgery, $4k+.

Dr BC Ng : Damn friendly, including all the pretty nurses. So friendly that I was actually looking forward to the surgery. Clinic very nice also and everything were there and its laser. Cost of consultation, $64. Surgery, $1200+.

I did comparision on my own accord for my own need. At no time am I saying who is good and who is bad.
Old 15-06-2014, 10:46 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hi Bros.. I intend to go for circumcision as my foreskin is very tight even when erected..

some questions.. is there a difference between the laser and normal general circumcision?

Will the doctor give MC for this procedure?

Please advise, thanks !
Old 20-06-2014, 11:05 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

How does sex feels like after the cut? I read conflicting accounts, some say less pleasureable, some say it feels better.
Old 20-06-2014, 05:57 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Scary!!!! Good thing i dont have to do that
Old 22-06-2014, 01:02 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Hello bro out there,

I recommend Dr.Bc Ng, I did it there. He can cut according to your requirement. I had requested him to leave all inner skin after years of my reaserch on internet.

The final result will be the scar is almost middle of the shaft length, and gives you more pleasure.

Good luck to you all, I did mine 3 years ago, and enjoying it. And i also did this to my son at KK. Since Dr.Ng refuse to do it below 7 years kid.
Old 22-06-2014, 06:11 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by HusseinLim View Post
Hi all, I am a 42 years old man. Did my circumcision 3 and half weeks ago. due to UTI and recurrent fungal infection.

I read up a lot about circumcision and this site is the most helpful coz its in local context. Due to my tight working schedule (overseas job), I had only a short time period in SG to do it, 2 weeks in fact. I did a research and zero in on Dr Tham at Jurong East Eden Clinic. Consulted him but he was just not available to perform the op during that 2 week period. So he recommended me to his sifu !!! A urologist from Gleneagle.

Zoom over immediately and had a consultation immediately. He explained about my condition and mentioned I had redundant foreskin, meaning too long plus "beaking", ie, frenulum is tight and will pull the head downwards when fully erect. So he said he will have to cut the frenulum as well. Now, on further discussion, he uses the knife and GA only done at the operating theatre in the hospital section. Total cost will be about 4k !!! I ask about laser surgery, he said then he will have to rent the machine and will cost more !!!! I mentioned to him to let me consider first. He then said lets book the operation date soon as the hospital operating theatre can be busy but can be cancelled. I said ok and booked the date and left.

Due to the cost, I decided to look for another one. I search the web and come across Dr BC Ng Aesthetic clinic. I called up, spoke to a nice lady and went for an appointment the following day. Consultation was a breeze. We spoke and it was very casual and then he took a look and say ok he will do the cut. As for the frenulum, he will decide whether to remove during the surgery. So we set the date.

So, I actually went through 3 doctors and had 3 different opinion which gives me more information.

Dr Tham, Eden : He did not say much. Ask about frenulum, he just shake it off and say no need to cut. Price is the cheapest but its done at the clinic itself which, well, IMO, I did not quite like it. Cost of consultation, $28. Surgery, $500+.

The Urologist at Gleneagle : He is a Prof so I am sure he must be damn good. However, I felt a little pressured and the price is overwhelming. Prof, GA and at Gleneagles, I feel it is an overkill. Cost of consultation, $160. Surgery, $4k+.

Dr BC Ng : Damn friendly, including all the pretty nurses. So friendly that I was actually looking forward to the surgery. Clinic very nice also and everything were there and its laser. Cost of consultation, $64. Surgery, $1200+.

I did comparision on my own accord for my own need. At no time am I saying who is good and who is bad.
bro, is the surgery cost under Dr. Ng claimable from Medisave?
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Old 23-06-2014, 01:05 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Just to share my last year’s FRFR (Foreskin Removal Field Report):

I had my minor operation on the 31st July 2013 in SH Hongqiao Hospital. Had gorno last year. It got recovered and caused my foreskin to be extended with a small opening. Thus had difficulty retracting back the foreskin during sex. I had to endure this personal problem for almost more than half a year. As a result of this problem, at times I do have mini cuts and tears on the tip of my foreskin after sex. At most times, my sex partners had to BBBJ with the foreskin at the tip of penis head.

Did my own read-up on the local techniques available for circumcision and even selected the best hospital to conduct this minor operation prior a few days ago. I told a couple of my buddies about my decision to remove my foreskin. But so far I only informed one of them from the forum on the day I went for the operation. I feel I had ponder about this operation for a long time and puck up my courage to select this very day to get rid of my foreskin for a better future.

The consultancy and operation could be carried out on the same day. At 2pm, I reach the Hospital. Doctor did a visual inspection on the foreskin. He then adviced me to go for the initial blood and urine test. Found out that my sugar content in my urine content s quite high. Thus requires a longer healing process than normal. He also requests me to go a diabetic patient test too as its rated quite high. Have to cut down on daily intake on sweet stuffs and carbonated soft drinks.

Alot of crap talk about the cost of the operation and unpainless effect on the operation. When my blood & urine results were out, the doctor would then advice whether which type of foreskin removal operation should be suitable for my situation. In fact he placed a list of operation techniques for me to select my own decision. The sad thing is that they do not have laser-cut treatment nor have any face-mask for you to make you doze off during the operation.
Paid the expenses before the operation while they prepare the operation table for my foreskin operation. There were two female doctors were inside the operation room. they ordered me to pull down my pants to knee level and ask me to sit. I was even asked to remove all my belongings from my back pockets.

Feeling a bit paisey to be serviced by 2 female doctors. They shaved off my pubic hair. When I m in placed on the operation chair they placed a curtain in front of me to prevent me from prevent seeing the horrendous operation happening in front of me.

However, there was no face mask for me to wear to make me doze off. Oh shit, I have to be fully awake during the operation. WTF manz
They had about 5 to 6 numb injections at the base of my dick. The numb injection effect did not come on immediately. I could feel sudden pain on the first cut of the surgeon's knife. I could feel small bits of pain around the circumference of my foreskin being slice off away from my dick. I can sense that the surgeon lady cut by pressing first cut on the skin and followed by slice, then removal of the excessive skin. My mind was to stay focused for a better sexual experience after this operation. The operation lasted for about 20minutes. Curtains off. I can see my dick all wrapped up with skin color bandage and cotton around wrapped around the base of my dick head. The doctor advised me that I need remember to press down my penis to urine to prevent from over-spraying all over the place.

The nurse then request me to wear back my pants, collect my belongings and move over to another room to rest. She asked me to pull down my pants so that she operate another medical equipment to radiate my rod. She say it would recover faster..

3 weeks later, it got recovered and I m having all the rewards from circumcision.. I did not even went for the subsequent checks as I find it pointless to waste money on 6c6c doctor checks.. it recovered naturally.. Anyway here s my sharing of one’s experience.. No pain No gain..
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