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Old 10-05-2006, 06:03 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Dear Brothers,

I have a few amulets given to me when I go temple visits. I seldom wear this stuff, and thinking of donating them. Any ideas to where I can donate them or if any brother would want to collect them, PM me. I am not knowledgeable about this stuff, so I don't know if they are collectors' item. But I thought it is better to donate it to some people with the faith (有缘人) better than just dumping the amulets.
Old 10-05-2006, 07:02 PM
rengh73 rengh73 is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by DOM ROUGH
Hi All Bro,I recently went to FLS to check out the Amulets coz luck was really downhill..summons...windscreen smashed..lost $...swuay till peak. So went browsing around at 3rd level when I came into a shop and bought the 1st batch of Lung Pu Hin B.E 2482 from Wat LP Krang. He also had a book and shown me. Bro pls give me some advise on this amulets and how to see if its real also the back of the amulet is plain.
Greatly appericated to all Bros.

there is a LP Hin from Wat Rakang...
Old 10-05-2006, 08:42 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

My friend , you can donate it to monk at the at bukit merah Thai Temple .

Hope this info will help !

Old 10-05-2006, 11:08 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Tat is a good idea.. pass it to ur frds to wear.
But dun throw it into dustbin or anything..
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Old 17-05-2006, 12:59 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

The 2 blur pictures is also wat paknam.
Old 18-05-2006, 10:24 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by rengh73
there is a LP Hin from Wat Rakang...
Hi Bro,can tell me wat u mean from this?
Aniway if you follow my post...I later when to a shop jus above the hawker center to verified and was told its a fake...I was fumming and went back change to a Ruhu. Its not cheap...I paid like $160 ( if i still rem correctly) for the LP Hin and change for the Ruhu (same price) After that I only trust the shop I always go.As I got my 1st amulet from that shop before I go into NS and its like 5 yrs ago ler. I learnt that Ruhu is to keep u away from Xiao Ren and its usually worn at the back from that nice uncle. I would wear it if I sometimes dun feel very good or wanna keep myself free from xiao ren. If not I would place it inside my glass cabinet above my study table ( Any Bros can advise if I do that , pls thanks!) After that I went back to shop to get 2 more as I'm wearing only 1. He recommended me to wear my chinese Horoscope. Its gold in colour and different horoscope have diff design. Its not design as in the animal Its the Buddha form. also I got a Soon Teck. (Spell Correct mah?) err....i dun really know if its real...I will try to post pic. But It had a stamp of the temple at the back. Well...I will try to post pic for bros to tell me more stories as I think I still got lots to learn from all of u. Here like to thank all in advance.
Old 18-05-2006, 12:36 PM
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Talking Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by DOM ROUGH
Hi Bro,can tell me wat u mean from this?
Aniway if you follow my post...I later when to a shop jus above the hawker center to verified and was told its a fake...I was fumming and went back ......................................... But It had a stamp of the temple at the back. Well...I will try to post pic for bros to tell me more stories as I think I still got lots to learn from all of u. Here like to thank all in advance.
Hi Bro,

Does the stamp look like a bell & the colour is either red or blue? If it is, it's from Wat Rakang. That's wat I got.

Old 18-05-2006, 04:09 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by OasisG
Hi Bro DOM,
As you said you got the LP Hin amulet was a fake and went back to change for a Rahu for the same price, but did the nice uncle that you claimed told you where and which temple does the Rahu originated from? at the time and till current, the best Rahu would be from LP Noi Wat Sisathong which is high price now. but even if it's the current Rahu, it's pretty cheap but very efficious. what you paid for $160 is because they are trader and using amulet to make a living thus selling you at the price. As for him asking you to wear a amulet of your horoscope, it's not exactly what he meant, it means the day which you are born in as there are 7 days Buddha for each day depending on which day you are born in due to the lunar calendar. As for the Soon Teck, you can spell it that way, but normally we spell it as Somdej. maybe you can post up the pic, we can share around where the somdej originated from, i ain't a expert but also will try to help you around.


Hi Bro OasisG, Thank for ur prompt reply. Aniway when I go back change with him for the Ruhu...I dun expect anything else...coz I already dun trust him. I took the Ruhu because when we first start talking he say its very good lah...only left 1. As a new comer if he show me other amulets...I also blur like sotong. But for Ruhu..I had done some research....not really very fully also. Aniway Bottom line is I jus change with me and get lost. (Phew had a hard time persuding him to change...coz I only wear for a day and the feeling seems funny...I almost lost my mobile phone at night....Lucky sia ) Bro...I didnt know its wear according to ur day you are born. He told me by the chinese Horoscope...I told him rooster and he found 2 piece for me to choose.So how ah? I try to load the pic of all my amulets tomorow and let u see what isit like coz I dun have the cable in office today. To ans Bro WANKER10 ans : Mine is Blue in colour....Kinda like Christmas tree shape. Isit same as your's?
Old 19-05-2006, 08:45 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by OasisG
Hi Bro DOM,
No prob, don't mentioned it. As for the 2 piece that he said for you to choose, i wouldn't know what is it. maybe when you upload the pic, we can see and figure out what is it. As for you were saying that you didn't know which day you were born on the lunar calendar, you can just surf the net and search for english to lunar calendar to see which day you were born in or use your hp and back date to the year and date, you get the days. As what you were say about the temple to Bro Wanker stating that the logo in something like X'mas tree like logo rite? if i am not wrong, that is not the temple logo, but it is a royal logo or maybe from Wat Inn. As attach 1st piece is the logo frm Wat Rakang and 2nd pic is the logo from Wat Inn

Hi Bro OasisG,
So Its Based on my English or Lunar Bday to wear? ERrr...i cant see anything except the stupid frog. Can any kind bro let me know how to upload my pic? (I got bring cable today...heee) Hei...thank for ir invite into Siam Amulets forum. I think I did already reg there....jus not very active...hee..pai say.
Old 19-05-2006, 10:01 AM
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Talking Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi Bro Dom Rough & OasisG

Mine is blue in colour. Yes, its from Wat Rakang. Mine was made in 2537. New batch I think.

Old 19-05-2006, 12:00 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi Bros, I try to up pic...dunnoe if can see..pls try to i jus try myself.

Ruhu : This the 1 I change from the 1st shop at FLS.

Old 19-05-2006, 12:09 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Oh yeah...the link work..haa. Well I cont post my other 3.
First to come is the 1st I got before I got into NS. I had been with me for 5 Yrs ler ba. I wore this in the centre as the uncle told me as this with me the longest. but then I forget wat isit called...anyone can enlighten?

Front :

Back :
Old 19-05-2006, 12:12 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Err...sorry Its kinda blur...its the best I can get out from my Mini O2.
pls cont see below.
Second and Third is Somdej and the Horoscope ;

Front Somdej :

Back Somdej:
Old 19-05-2006, 12:13 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Here's the Horoscope 1 :

The Horoscope Front :

The Horoscope Back :
Old 19-05-2006, 05:02 PM
dom01 dom01 is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Dude, almost went blind looking at ur blurry pics...

1st piece is a Jatukam behind is rahu.
2nd piece is somdej
3rd piece is a somdej, based on the outline of the logo, shld be Wat Krang
4th piece looks like a chinnaraj...

Please correct if i m wrong..
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