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Old 24-12-2010, 12:56 AM
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Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Had anyone been in this save and stinge on everyday's walk home instead of taking bus / movie on Tuesday at Golden village to enjoy discounted movies, cut out discounted coupons to save money on groceries, dun use the paid toilet to save 10cents, dun buy papers and instead go library read papers or go online, eat at foodcourt instead of other more expensive restaurants, bargain like mad to ask for discount, save on ERP, parking etc.....

But when it comes to bonking....we just spend spend spend....

Today it happened did last week when I bonked two times....I wanted to buy Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect, I believe less than SGD 500, but didn't buy cause I thought too expensive...dun wanna waste I thought settle for Wii set...but also didn't buy cause save money....this year go holiday only go save went Sim Lim Square and wanted to buy a Samsung Camcorder for just $300 after discount...but didn't buy in the end...also as you know by save money. But Knn, after my bonk today, spent a total of $280 (plus hotel), if I top up $20, I could have bought the Camcorder. Those two thai Fls I patronize last week, if I didn't go, would have saved $350....these two weeks alone, if I didn't fucked commercial, would have saved $630....I reckon this amount alone will allow me to buy my Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect and a China made camcorder ($138 at Sim Lim Square).....

Dun count the other ladies I bonked in the past...but I am pretty much certain...if I cut down my bonking by 50%, I could have taken my whole family for an Alasaka Cruise instead of taking the ferry to Batam
You say....I say...we all say Hor Say!
Old 24-12-2010, 03:27 AM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

If you are scrimping and saving this way, then I think you cannot afford bonking the expensive FLs. In other words, you are living beyond your means, and I mean this in a factual, not insulting way.

Just settle for the $50 Geylang bonks. Then you can stop counting the dollars and feeling heart pain.

Besides, you cannot really think of money this way. Money is used for different purposes to satisfy different needs. They are not always interchangeable. Money needs to be spend for different needs : food, sex, fun, housing, insurance, investment, etc. All different areas need to be funded. You just need to know when to cut back or reduce. Stick with the cheaper bonks if you must.

Originally Posted by bastardball View Post
Had anyone been in this save and stinge on everyday's walk home instead of taking bus / movie on Tuesday at Golden village to enjoy discounted movies, cut out discounted coupons to save money on groceries, dun use the paid toilet to save 10cents, dun buy papers and instead go library read papers or go online, eat at foodcourt instead of other more expensive restaurants, bargain like mad to ask for discount, save on ERP, parking etc.....

But when it comes to bonking....we just spend spend spend....

Today it happened did last week when I bonked two times....I wanted to buy Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect, I believe less than SGD 500, but didn't buy cause I thought too expensive...dun wanna waste I thought settle for Wii set...but also didn't buy cause save money....this year go holiday only go save went Sim Lim Square and wanted to buy a Samsung Camcorder for just $300 after discount...but didn't buy in the end...also as you know by save money. But Knn, after my bonk today, spent a total of $280 (plus hotel), if I top up $20, I could have bought the Camcorder. Those two thai Fls I patronize last week, if I didn't go, would have saved $350....these two weeks alone, if I didn't fucked commercial, would have saved $630....I reckon this amount alone will allow me to buy my Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect and a China made camcorder ($138 at Sim Lim Square).....

Dun count the other ladies I bonked in the past...but I am pretty much certain...if I cut down my bonking by 50%, I could have taken my whole family for an Alasaka Cruise instead of taking the ferry to Batam
Bonk Long and Prosper.
Old 24-12-2010, 04:08 AM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

just invest in a wife for goodness sake!!!
Old 24-12-2010, 04:51 AM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk fren is one of this save that...even save on house allowances for his wife....but willing to pay for good bonks...
Old 24-12-2010, 10:10 AM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by ilovesingapore View Post
just invest in a wife for goodness sake!!!
Haha this is a foolish thinking. If you wanna bonk and gets a wife just because of this. You're gonna spend more than you are spending on FLs.
Let's make a comparison. Who thinks buying a car is more worth it compared to taking a taxi? In fact, taking a cab is saving more $ than owning a car.

Anyway, in regards to TS's post, that's why I have totally stopped on commercial sex and went on into FB relationships. At least my current FB is not demanding and we meet only occasionally.
Old 24-12-2010, 10:24 AM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

some older people used to joked that they rather grab the $50 in their left hand and wack pcc with their right.

after they cummed, at least they still have the $50 bucks in their hand to buy beer and ciggies.

maybe TS can try the same. grab $250 in one hand and wank with the other.

sex is just an urge which is the most you can wack is like 1hr if you're bonking high end FL with a price tag of 250/1/1, but after 1hr later and $250 in your pocket emptier.

You are still the same lonely soul walking home alone, not as if that FL is gonna let you use as and when you want.

but owning that dunno wat cam and watever is different. you can play with it till it makes its maker.

to sum it off, FL is like an entertainment. if you already have enough to buy what you want and you still have leftover, really dunno wat to do with that extra cash then go ahead pamper yourself to a treat.

that is if you don't even have a proper partner to fuck you silly.

my 2cents
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Old 24-12-2010, 12:23 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by ilovesingapore View Post
just invest in a wife for goodness sake!!!
If you get married in order to have sex, then you'll find that :

1. Your wife is the most expensive bonk you'll ever have
2. Sex with the same woman year after year is not quite as exciting as you thought it would be
3. You are subject to the whims of that woman : "No, I don't want to suck your cock. No I won't let you fuck my ass. No I don't feel like it today. No I won't have sex in public/car. No I don't want to role play a rape scene. No I don't want to dress in a nurse uniform."
4. She gets stretch marks and she gets fat. No way she can compare to the SYTs.

In other words, don't get married just for the sex. Marriage is a good thing in many ways, but sex is not one of them (except for the first couple of years).
Bonk Long and Prosper.
Old 24-12-2010, 12:27 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by bastardball View Post
Had anyone been in this save and stinge on everyday's walk home instead of taking bus / movie on Tuesday at Golden village to enjoy discounted movies, cut out discounted coupons to save money on groceries, dun use the paid toilet to save 10cents, dun buy papers and instead go library read papers or go online, eat at foodcourt instead of other more expensive restaurants, bargain like mad to ask for discount, save on ERP, parking etc.....

But when it comes to bonking....we just spend spend spend....

Today it happened did last week when I bonked two times....I wanted to buy Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect, I believe less than SGD 500, but didn't buy cause I thought too expensive...dun wanna waste I thought settle for Wii set...but also didn't buy cause save money....this year go holiday only go save went Sim Lim Square and wanted to buy a Samsung Camcorder for just $300 after discount...but didn't buy in the end...also as you know by save money. But Knn, after my bonk today, spent a total of $280 (plus hotel), if I top up $20, I could have bought the Camcorder. Those two thai Fls I patronize last week, if I didn't go, would have saved $350....these two weeks alone, if I didn't fucked commercial, would have saved $630....I reckon this amount alone will allow me to buy my Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect and a China made camcorder ($138 at Sim Lim Square).....

Dun count the other ladies I bonked in the past...but I am pretty much certain...if I cut down my bonking by 50%, I could have taken my whole family for an Alasaka Cruise instead of taking the ferry to Batam

Agree with you TS, we can be sometimes rather irrational

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Old 24-12-2010, 02:15 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by naturegreen View Post
Anyway, in regards to TS's post, that's why I have totally stopped on commercial sex and went on into FB relationships. At least my current FB is not demanding and we meet only occasionally.
Bro naturegreen, it's not easy to hook up a FB!!! LOL!
Old 24-12-2010, 03:54 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

bonking FL should only come out from ur free cash flow, ie u have settled ur mthly bills, installments, planned savings n everything u need to get in the mth...if not its really a waste of $
Old 24-12-2010, 05:26 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

I guess it is human nature to behave like that .... how many of us are always looking for free parking, even walking for a distance and when to paying the gal after a session (massage, bonk, ktv, etc), we are generous enough to leave some tips...
Old 24-12-2010, 05:37 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by bastardball View Post
Had anyone been in this save and stinge on everyday's walk home instead of taking bus / movie on Tuesday at Golden village to enjoy discounted movies, cut out discounted coupons to save money on groceries, dun use the paid toilet to save 10cents, dun buy papers and instead go library read papers or go online, eat at foodcourt instead of other more expensive restaurants, bargain like mad to ask for discount, save on ERP, parking etc.....

But when it comes to bonking....we just spend spend spend....

Today it happened did last week when I bonked two times....I wanted to buy Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect, I believe less than SGD 500, but didn't buy cause I thought too expensive...dun wanna waste I thought settle for Wii set...but also didn't buy cause save money....this year go holiday only go save went Sim Lim Square and wanted to buy a Samsung Camcorder for just $300 after discount...but didn't buy in the end...also as you know by save money. But Knn, after my bonk today, spent a total of $280 (plus hotel), if I top up $20, I could have bought the Camcorder. Those two thai Fls I patronize last week, if I didn't go, would have saved $350....these two weeks alone, if I didn't fucked commercial, would have saved $630....I reckon this amount alone will allow me to buy my Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect and a China made camcorder ($138 at Sim Lim Square).....

Dun count the other ladies I bonked in the past...but I am pretty much certain...if I cut down my bonking by 50%, I could have taken my whole family for an Alasaka Cruise instead of taking the ferry to Batam

There is this thing called priority..and commitment, so it's up to you
Old 24-12-2010, 05:59 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by TheGreatOne View Post
some older people used to joked that they rather grab the $50 in their left hand and wack pcc with their right.

after they cummed, at least they still have the $50 bucks in their hand to buy beer and ciggies.

maybe TS can try the same. grab $250 in one hand and wank with the other.

sex is just an urge which is the most you can wack is like 1hr if you're bonking high end FL with a price tag of 250/1/1, but after 1hr later and $250 in your pocket emptier.

You are still the same lonely soul walking home alone, not as if that FL is gonna let you use as and when you want.

but owning that dunno wat cam and watever is different. you can play with it till it makes its maker.

to sum it off, FL is like an entertainment. if you already have enough to buy what you want and you still have leftover, really dunno wat to do with that extra cash then go ahead pamper yourself to a treat.

that is if you don't even have a proper partner to fuck you silly.

my 2cents
Lol ts no harm trying , one of the best way to save money

Like i say before at other thread... All we guys want is to have a gd release but a good release does not mean there is a need to spend so much on fl..some cheap fls can also be of top graded services.After cummed the feeling of it is still the same..Be it u just bonk a local fl or just visit cat 50 at gelyang.After all it just a cummed sessions
I dont know what you all dont know
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Old 24-12-2010, 06:03 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
If you get married in order to have sex, then you'll find that :

1. Your wife is the most expensive bonk you'll ever have
2. Sex with the same woman year after year is not quite as exciting as you thought it would be
3. You are subject to the whims of that woman : "No, I don't want to suck your cock. No I won't let you fuck my ass. No I don't feel like it today. No I won't have sex in public/car. No I don't want to role play a rape scene. No I don't want to dress in a nurse uniform."
4. She gets stretch marks and she gets fat. No way she can compare to the SYTs.

In other words, don't get married just for the sex. Marriage is a good thing in many ways, but sex is not one of them (except for the first couple of years).
Your quotes are so true! I will up you if I have power.

For me, my budget is $200 inclusive of tips and other expenses. Is it true that $250 is better than $150? Like what I said, I never go beyond $200. But I find the below $200 standards are still very good. So, will $250 makes me one times better? Hope bros who had tried both can clarify this.
Old 24-12-2010, 06:49 PM
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Re: Save 10 cents by not using plastic bag, but willing to spend $250 on a bonk

you are not the worst..

the worst is buy car, but want to save coupons, petrol.. save on other part of life to feed the car..
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