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The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene Had a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty.

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Old 30-06-2011, 10:09 PM
Devilution Devilution is offline
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FR on L18H32

First time write FR

Gal no.29

Gd service and if u hit the right spot she might squirt abit.
Boobs I think got B+ (natural) has a tattoo on right breast
Looks 7
Slim figure.
Massage not bad should have a 7
Gf feeling after honking will hug wif u.
Old 21-01-2012, 10:43 PM
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L18h32 fr

I decided to pop my Geylang cherry today, figured it might be a bit quieter than usual in the afetrnoon, so I headed down around 2.30pm. Heard good things about L18H36, but when i walked in, I didn't really fancy any of the girls in the fish tank. I moved on to H34, but again was dismayed by the offerings.

Moving onto H32 (pretty sure it was 32, could be 30), I was immediately drawn to G9. Petite girl with a bright smile, so I coughed up $100 for the hour, and followed her to her tiny room. G9 had really good english, could carry on a conversation with her no problem, but that wasn't the best thing. In my opinion, she was near identical to the US porn star, Charmane Star!! Body looked very similar, more petite but her breasts (b cup) and face were amazing!

Had SOP shower, BJ but she wouldn't let me paint her. Cowgirl and missionary followed, real tight so I blew my load quite quickly. TCSS afterwards during a massage, and then got me up again. Alas, couldn't pull off the second round, so she finished me off with a HJ.

Wonderful girl, she's leaving in April, so if you fancy tagging someone who looks like a pornstar, do it here! Actually, i feel really bad I forgot to tip her....

Name: Aoy, G9
Age: early 20s
Face: look up Charmane Star, 8.5/10 for me
Height: 1.4m
Tits: B cup
Body: 7/10 slim, little belly
Ass: 7/10 something to hold onto
Legs: 7/10 short and a little stocky
Frenching: I don't french pros
BJ: 6/10
HJ: 8/10 good arm action!
FJ: 7/10 she was picky with positions, only likes cowgirl and missionary. Tight though.
GFE: 6/10 chatty but doesn't like to cuddle up
RTF: 7/10 looks v cute and talkative, but plenty more to try

Overall, very nice. Am sure if she was my GF and her attitude was nicer i would rail her ragged every night. Having said that, she told me she finished at 4am, so she was understandably tired...
Old 07-10-2015, 12:21 AM
hopper hopper is offline
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L18H32 Cat 80 Thai - a tricky place?

I went pass the place tonight, the man introduced the best service G10 to me, and said the service time is 40 minute.

Normal service takes about 10 to 15 minute (same as Cat 50), after that I thought she'll give me a massage, but she straight went bathroom and close the door,,, when she finish she ask me to have shower and leave,,,so I ask what 40 minute for? She said that if a man could keep fucking no longer than 40 minute, otherwise when you come that's finish!

Because G10 is the "best service" one like this, so I think this place is a tricky place! It just doing Cat 50 (actually many other Cat 50 provided better service!), but ask $80.
Old 08-10-2015, 10:38 PM
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Re: L18H32 Cat 80 Thai - a tricky place?

Agree -why pay $80 for the same service you can get for $50 around the same area.
Old 08-10-2015, 10:54 PM
razorwind razorwind is offline
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Re: L18H32 Cat 80 Thai - a tricky place?

Sometimes go for cat80 is because cannot finish within 25 mins bah. Personally I prefer cat80 for longer session, not so pressured to fuck and cum within 20 mins or so if you minus the showering and so on. pay $80 for 40-45 mins more worth it than $100 for 50 mins unless you 2-shot man then $100/50/2 more worth it.
Old 11-10-2015, 10:16 AM
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Re: L18H32 Cat 80 Thai - a tricky place?

Same thing happen to me. Not visiting again though the girls are pretty....

Originally Posted by hopper View Post
I went pass the place tonight, the man introduced the best service G10 to me, and said the service time is 40 minute.

Normal service takes about 10 to 15 minute (same as Cat 50), after that I thought she'll give me a massage, but she straight went bathroom and close the door,,, when she finish she ask me to have shower and leave,,,so I ask what 40 minute for? She said that if a man could keep fucking no longer than 40 minute, otherwise when you come that's finish!

Because G10 is the "best service" one like this, so I think this place is a tricky place! It just doing Cat 50 (actually many other Cat 50 provided better service!), but ask $80.
Old 12-10-2015, 08:43 PM
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Re: L18H32 Cat 80 Thai - a tricky place?

Not problem for $80/40 minute, the problem is that as long as you come (even just in 5 minute) she'll go to take shower and tell you whole service is finished. and this was done by so called "the best service girl in the house".
Old 06-11-2018, 12:02 AM
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Re: FR on L18H32

Just took a visit to this . Saw a lot of pretty girls. Any recents FR about them?
Old 18-02-2019, 11:13 AM
tayler tayler is offline
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Re: FR on L18H32

Just visited this spot. G3, pretty face though no boobs, but she compensates with her service. She can speak a fluent english and little japanese, so we role played a little like Jap AV. CBJ and FJ, she is working more than me.

Dmg: $80
Bod: 7/10. No tummy, A-cup, meaty ass
CBJ: 7/10
FJ: 8/10
RTF: Maybe, want to try other girls
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