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Old 07-07-2011, 05:23 PM
hipi911 hipi911 is offline
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Off Topic : Anyone has been refuse into a country before? [tagged]

Hi, i was refuse a entry to NZ, knn once step into NZ, most asia face or single guy/ single lady was check and question like a criminal, bag check alone take more than 1 hrs, make it short, they keep thinking i will not go back and will stay in NZ to work even tot i have more than 6k in cash. They send me back to Sg the next day!!!

Ok, my question is will i have problem going to other countries? Cos this is my first time being refuse entry to a country after so many years of travelling!! Any bro here has been refuse into a country before? Face any problem when going to other country?

Kam Sia Kam Sia.
Old 07-07-2011, 11:47 PM
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Re: Off Topic : Anyone has been refuse into a country before?

Bro the same in Singapore too!
Many are refused entry when they arrived, even when they have a visa.
Nothing surprising, its happening everwhere.
Old 08-07-2011, 03:49 AM
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Re: Off Topic : Anyone has been refuse into a country before?

TS, I feel sorry for you. But there is nothing you can do about it. You may want to search the online forums to read other people's experience next time. So you can prepare a little bit. But the actual situation may be totally different.

So far I have never been rejected. But I feel frustrated everytime I pass the check point. Just be polite and smile!
Old 08-07-2011, 05:31 AM
r0cksteady r0cksteady is offline
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Re: Off Topic : Anyone has been refuse into a country before?

TS, you writing about 'Asian face' struck a chord with me. My experience was in Australia in Sydney, where once you exit the immigration checkpoint, there are many 'counters' where the officers can ask you to go over and check your luggage.

So once I went through the customs, stamped passport in hand, was about to breeze through with my trolley happily (1st time to Australia) and next thing I know, this Caucasian officer called out to me and hauled me to the counter and made me open up my ENTIRE luggage and go through each item ONE BY ONE. Man was I pissed off. Also, some things had to be discarded. All right, never mind. After what seemed like forever, with people walking past you and looking over.... I packed everything up again and was about to leave.

Can you imagine it? Less than 10 steps another Caucasian officer asked me over to his counter and did this same shit! Asked me to opened up every single item in my luggage! This time, I lost my temper, especially seeing the single, hobo and jobless looking backpacking punks from Euro/America strutting past while I was hand picked for a full search, TWICE! Not only that, if that asshole had bothered to look and LISTEN to what I said, I was only searched a few meters away from him! Retarded fuck.

So I asked him point blank that since I have already been checked by the other officer, and yet so many single hippy looking white people have been past me, and all I saw at the other stations were either poor looking people or ASIANS, are they stopping and checking me based on RACIAL PROFILING?!
The asshole asked me to watch my words and simply said he was doing his job. I was about to go more but decided to play it cool and just let the asshole do his racist job and I just said: ''Well, for a first-time visitor to Australia, it sure FEELS like I am being racially profiled". And I just stood aside and refused to help him with unravelling every single piece of my luggage. He finished with the thing and told me "Done". And I just packed everything up (AGAIN!) and said: "Thanks a LOT!" and moved on.

IF he barred me from entering, I will be sure to make a big hoo-ha with the media.

In contrast, New Zealand (Auckland) treated me very well, no problems at all on arrival and departure.

Once I have been stopped, I think it was JFK, USA.
The reason was because I lost my passport, and when I flew into USA the previous time, I was using another passport. So they held me in a room inside the airport with other people who were taken to the room, namely Nigerians, other Africans and I think a couple of south Americans.... and I was kept there till my connecting flight took off!!!!! And at the end, I was cleared to go and they just told me to go to the airline and get the next flight. Luckily, the airlines still honoured my ticket even though it was the immigration who held me and they flew me out. Oh well.
Old 08-07-2011, 05:33 AM
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Re: Off Topic : Anyone has been refuse into a country before?

Funny that we are discussing immigration on SBF.

Last edited by r0cksteady; 08-07-2011 at 05:49 AM.
Old 08-07-2011, 09:10 AM
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Re: Off Topic : Anyone has been refuse into a country before? [tagged]

Hahaha.. It's just that the tables had been turned the other way round, since most of the time we are talking or asking about immigration for others to come into Singapore instead..

Let me give you the other extreme: to me the easiest and relax country to go through immigration has got to be Vietnam.. I went there recently on sightseeing and was astonished on the simplicity of the immigration procedure! The immigration officer who stamps your passport, his counter has got to be, to me, the most basic setup I've ever encountered! Just a small PC of Pentium 4(!) work station, a passport reader, stamp pad and a couple of rubber stamp makes up his station. No what camera that need you to stare into it, no fingerprint stamping, or shit technologies exist there.. Damn..
Stopped cheonging... since July 2008...

Still a Samster all the same and to help out anyone in need of advice or assistance...
Old 08-07-2011, 02:17 PM
hipi911 hipi911 is offline
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Re: Off Topic : Anyone has been refuse into a country before? [tagged]

Yes, they are targeting more on Asia Face. The next table was 2 young malaysian guy, visiting their girl friend in NZ. Their handphone was held and all message was read by the custom, they even call their boss in malaysia to check if they are really his worker. They browse through all my camera picture, ask this ask that, why take picture of coca cola bottle.....blah blah blah, even cut open 2 different pack of instant coffee to check if they contain drug!!!

I was held in a room for a total of 6 hours, keep asking me why i come alone (Knn who say lone ranger cannot travel alone), why my wife didnt come with me since it a holiday, did anyone pay me to come in, they even suspect i am here to work in NZ, meaning i wont go back, i told them straight in the face that no way i will choose NZ, i rather choose UK or Japan if i want to work illegally.

This is really a VERY bad experience, imagine 10hrs flight there, than kena 6hrs interogation, than sit at airport for another 16hrs, than another 10hrs to come back!!!! NEVER will i go back NZ.
Old 08-07-2011, 03:53 PM
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Re: Off Topic : Anyone has been refuse into a country before?

Originally Posted by r0cksteady View Post
TS, you writing about 'Asian face' struck a chord with me. My experience was in Australia in Sydney, where once you exit the immigration checkpoint, there are many 'counters' where the officers can ask you to go over and check your luggage.

So once I went through the customs, stamped passport in hand, was about to breeze through with my trolley happily (1st time to Australia) and next thing I know, this Caucasian officer called out to me and hauled me to the counter and made me open up my ENTIRE luggage and go through each item ONE BY ONE. Man was I pissed off. Also, some things had to be discarded. All right, never mind. After what seemed like forever, with people walking past you and looking over.... I packed everything up again and was about to leave.

Can you imagine it? Less than 10 steps another Caucasian officer asked me over to his counter and did this same shit! Asked me to opened up every single item in my luggage! This time, I lost my temper, especially seeing the single, hobo and jobless looking backpacking punks from Euro/America strutting past while I was hand picked for a full search, TWICE! Not only that, if that asshole had bothered to look and LISTEN to what I said, I was only searched a few meters away from him! Retarded fuck.

So I asked him point blank that since I have already been checked by the other officer, and yet so many single hippy looking white people have been past me, and all I saw at the other stations were either poor looking people or ASIANS, are they stopping and checking me based on RACIAL PROFILING?!
The asshole asked me to watch my words and simply said he was doing his job. I was about to go more but decided to play it cool and just let the asshole do his racist job and I just said: ''Well, for a first-time visitor to Australia, it sure FEELS like I am being racially profiled". And I just stood aside and refused to help him with unravelling every single piece of my luggage. He finished with the thing and told me "Done". And I just packed everything up (AGAIN!) and said: "Thanks a LOT!" and moved on.

IF he barred me from entering, I will be sure to make a big hoo-ha with the media.

In contrast, New Zealand (Auckland) treated me very well, no problems at all on arrival and departure.

Once I have been stopped, I think it was JFK, USA.
The reason was because I lost my passport, and when I flew into USA the previous time, I was using another passport. So they held me in a room inside the airport with other people who were taken to the room, namely Nigerians, other Africans and I think a couple of south Americans.... and I was kept there till my connecting flight took off!!!!! And at the end, I was cleared to go and they just told me to go to the airline and get the next flight. Luckily, the airlines still honoured my ticket even though it was the immigration who held me and they flew me out. Oh well.
Are you Chinese? You said you are Singporean but are you Chinese? What class are you? I dont mean air ticket but your standing in SG society?
Ask not what SG society can do for you but what you can do for SG society.
Old 08-07-2011, 04:22 PM
r0cksteady r0cksteady is offline
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Re: Off Topic : Anyone has been refuse into a country before? [tagged]

Some fucker who called himself/herself "SAM" zapped me twice for the posts above for "Off topic"?

WTF is wrong with that fucker/bitch?!!!

The title clearly said off topic. KNN. No guts. FUCK you, understand?

Last edited by r0cksteady; 08-07-2011 at 04:40 PM.
Old 08-07-2011, 05:23 PM
hipi911 hipi911 is offline
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Re: Off Topic : Anyone has been refuse into a country before? [tagged]

Bro cool down, i was zapped from Point 11 to -1, hahaha, anyway i dont care, i think these ppl are not from sg lah, let them zap whatever they want.
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