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Old 07-02-2005, 06:21 PM
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New STD take note!

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A sexually transmitted infection that before now has mainly been seen in the developing world is spreading in the UK and western Europe, experts say.
London is among a number of major cities that have reported outbreaks of lymphomagranuloma venereum (LGV).

The 24 cases confirmed in England have been in gay men but both sexes can contract LGV through unprotected sex.

Its symptoms include genital ulcers and swelling in the groin but it can be easily treated using antibiotics.

What we are seeing now is something that is quite new and is affecting gay men

Neil Macdonald from England's Health Protection Agency

Sexually transmitted infections

LGV is caused by a strain of bacteria, similar to the one that causes chlamydia, another sexually transmitted infection (STI).

In recent months, outbreaks of LGV have been reported in the cities of Rotterdam, Antwerp, Paris, Stockholm and Hamburg.

And this week, two men in New York were diagnosed with the disease.

Neil Macdonald, from England's Health Protection Agency, said: "LGV was previously hardly ever seen in the Western world.

"It is endemic in certain areas of Africa, Asia, South America and the Caribbean.

"What we are seeing now is something that is quite new and is affecting gay men."

He said it was not clear how long LGV had been in western Europe and that it might be the case that now people are checking for it more cases are being found.

Symptoms of LGV
Rectal inflammation
Rectal bleeding
Swollen groin lymph nodes
Rectal ulcers

Since the HPA set up an enhanced surveillance system for LGV in October, there have been 24 confirmed cases in England.

The HPA has been able to trace 19 of the men. All are homosexual and 17 are also HIV positive.

"We know it's here and we know it is a problem," said Mr Macdonald.

"One of the biggest problems we have is that it doesn't present like a typical STI so not only the patients themselves but also their doctors may not realise they have got it."

'Get checked'

The first symptom of LGV is usually inflammation of the rectum (proctitis) - with pain, discharge, rectal bleeding and bloody stools commonly reported, as well as genital ulcers.

The person might also notice large painful swelling in the groin because the infection invades the lymph nodes.

People need to be aware of the symptoms

Will Mutland from the Terrence Higgins Trust

LGV can be easily treated with a three-week course of antibiotics.

But if it is not detected and treated, complications can develop such as fever, weight loss and lesions and permanent scarring of the rectal lining that might need surgical repair.

In some cases, the symptoms can be mistaken for a bowel problem which can delay the diagnosis, he said.

He urged anyone who thought they might have put themselves at risk of LGV or any other STI to go to their doctor for a check-up.

Will Mutland from the Terrence Higgins Trust said: "We are working with key target groups of HIV men to raise awareness about LGV."

He said as well as having unprotected sex with multiple partners, this group might be particularly at risk because of they have a condition that affects the immune system and ability to fight infections.

"People need to be aware of the symptoms.

"We also want to encourage regular screening, not just for LGV but for a range of other STIs."

The Terrence Higgins Trust has produced an information leaflet for gay men explaining the risks of LGV.
Old 07-02-2005, 07:17 PM
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Re: New STD take note!

Thks bro for the update.Cheers
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Old 07-02-2005, 07:50 PM
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Re: New STD take note!

thank you for the research bro
Old 11-02-2005, 11:52 AM
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Re: New STD take note!

Got this piece of news at Channel News Asia too... for your reference

NEW YORK : Two New York men have been diagnosed with a rare sexually transmitted disease that has recently been making inroads among gay and bisexual men in Europe.

The disease, a rare form of chlamydia known as lymphogranuloma venereum, or LGV, can cause serious illness, permanent disfigurement and fuel the spread of AIDS, according to New York health officials.

"LGV is a serious condition and its emergence in New York City reflects continuing high levels of unsafe sexual activity among men who have sex with men," said the city's health commissioner Thomas Frieden.

"It is also critical for gay and bi-sexual men to minimize risky sexual behaviors and practice safer sex ... to help prevent the spread of this illness and HIV/AIDS," Frieden said.

The federal Centers for Disease Control has confirmed six recent cases in the United States, including the two in New York, three in San Francisco and one in Atlanta.

Previously prevalent only in less-developed countries in Africa, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean, LGV has recently gained a foothold in Europe, with the Netherlands reporting more than 60 cases in 2004, compared to fewer than five cases in recent years.
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Old 11-02-2005, 12:19 PM
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Exclamation New STD Homo & Bi!

God created men and women with two entirely different biological human body systems.

Now, god is punishing those bloody homosexual and bisexual men. Served them right! Oor-Bee!

"Got pussy don't want to poke, play 'sword-fighting'! Puwee! KNN!"


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Old 11-02-2005, 12:49 PM
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Re: New STD take note!

As if there ain't enough types of STDs to go around already...Now we have a new one.

What's next? A STD that makes your dick explode?
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Old 11-02-2005, 06:25 PM
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Re: New STD take note!

Originally Posted by spider_j
As if there ain't enough types of STDs to go around already...Now we have a new one.

What's next? A STD that makes your dick explode?

hahahaha, Read somewhere that after sex, bumble bees male head explode upon orgasm. Female spiders eat the males after sex(if they are hungry). No offence to your nick, just a fact!

A STD that makes your dick explode? U mean after sex? Do let us know if you come across it!
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 18-02-2005, 10:15 PM
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Thumbs up Re: New STD Homo & Bi!

Originally Posted by diesel
God created men and women with two entirely different biological human body systems.

Now, god is punishing those bloody homosexual and bisexual men. Served them right! Oor-Bee!

"Got pussy don't want to poke, play 'sword-fighting'! Puwee! KNN!"

ya, i wanna see you kena the new strand. Then I will post here - God says like it or not, u anyhow poke, u go to hell!!!!!!!

with sex anyway anyhow this days, and more and more underage sex, exotic sex, foreigner sex, and ass sex goin on, well, woman or man alike, they deserve no love from god.

and if you get this new HIV virus that make you die within several months, then all i can say is, WELL WELL! SERVE YOU RIGHT!
Old 18-02-2005, 10:27 PM
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Re: New STD take note!

latest news of the new strain of HIV virus. and its causing a worldwide panic.

All guys who screw around better beware!! Your days are numbered!!
Old 19-02-2005, 09:19 AM
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Re: New STD take note!

its not as if aids got cure, but this new found super resistant one, no medicine can prolong ur life.

its like the heavens are saying "ohh, so u all think u can continue to enjoy when u get this disease or try to infect more people?? never mind, Now DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Old 19-02-2005, 10:10 AM
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Re: New STD Homo & Bi!

Originally Posted by weakpig
ya, i wanna see you kena the new strand. Then I will post here - God says like it or not, u anyhow poke, u go to hell!!!!!!!

and if you get this new HIV virus that make you die within several months, then all i can say is, WELL WELL! SERVE YOU RIGHT!
Bro Weakpig,
I believed that Bro Diesel had post his reply in jest or just for the fun of it. Everyone here is entitled to his own opinion.

Therefore you should not have "curse" him to get infected!!
Old 19-02-2005, 10:22 AM
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Re: New STD Homo & Bi!

Originally Posted by Cheri_Popper
Bro Weakpig,
I believed that Bro Diesel had post his reply in jest or just for the fun of it. Everyone here is entitled to his own opinion.

Therefore you should not have "curse" him to get infected!!

no. obviously you can read from the post that he is biased against those gays. and he's doing exactly the same thing as me. He's condemning them by the way he wrote his post.

but my bottomline is simple, doesn't matter if you are gay or normal, you play other's backside or normal poking. This new STD is here to stay and if everyone still like to poke around, go right ahead, cos there's no cure for this, and you die within a matter of months.

Poke lah, go and poke more.
Old 19-02-2005, 10:32 AM
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Re: New STD Homo & Bi!

Originally Posted by weakpig
no. obviously you can read from the post that he is biased against those gays. and he's doing exactly the same thing as me. He's condemning them by the way he wrote his post.

but my bottomline is simple, doesn't matter if you are gay or normal, you play other's backside or normal poking. This new STD is here to stay and if everyone still like to poke around, go right ahead, cos there's no cure for this, and you die within a matter of months.

Poke lah, go and poke more.
I read and understand what he had written. He was just making a general statement and the comment was not directly "aim" at you! Pls note that everyone of us are entitled to his own opinion.

But your reply was more or less "aim" at him and the way I see it, its like a personal attack which should be refrained.

Old 19-02-2005, 10:49 AM
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Re: New STD take note!

ok. maybe i'm a little overzealous and i make looks like i'm trying to attack him. which i dun really intend to.

i just wanna point out the dangers of the new found super-strain HIV virus.
tats all. and the HIV strand doesn't simply attack gays and homos only, as what Diesel has implied. Rather, its the entire human population at stake here.
Old 19-02-2005, 11:37 AM
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Re: New STD take note!

Originally Posted by weakpig
ok. maybe i'm a little overzealous and i make looks like i'm trying to attack him. which i dun really intend to.
I am fine with it. I just don't want to see another "Flame War" starting.

Thks and appreciate your info about the new HIV strain!
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