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Old 07-03-2015, 03:45 PM
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White Cards for Street Walking and online FL


Appreciate if anyone can share on AV (Cantonment) issues of white cards to FL here. We know how yellow cards works with legal WL but white cards to FL ... not sure how it works.

My limited knowledge is that FL issued with white cards can stay here longer to ply but is there “anything else” they have to do …???

Thanks in advance.
Old 07-03-2015, 09:43 PM
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Re: White Cards for Street Walking and online FL


i see you asking this same question many times

i wonder what's bothering you??

those who are issued with "white card" knows very well what they can not do!
(of course ica don't tell you what you can do)

it is clearly stated in that big piece of paper!

and they have also sign the acknowledgement!

any breach of the terms carry a fine or a jail term!!!

who tell you they can stay here longer to ply ???

it is a breach of the terms!!!
Old 11-03-2015, 12:11 PM
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Re: White Cards for Street Walking and online FL

to some gals they think the white card is a privilege, but it's a 1 way ticket. those with white card are technically "offenders", only they themselves know best. and they're highly unlikely allowed re-visit again.

a classic that i've heard so often, seems like they came from the same school with the same scripted sob story; got conned by employment agency, landed without legit employment etc. and then all of a sudden, they're very willing to suck cock, drop panties & open legs.

another type is got raided & willing to identify/ testify against a particular wanted suspect etc.

if they're job is not done, they'll be required to report to ICA and/or cantonment on a prescribed routine, for whatever administrative/ investigation obligation.

once the case is closed, they'll be told to fly back on a 1 way ticket.

meanwhile, they're not eligible for employment since they've no legit documentation. so, nobody really cares what they do to fill their stomachs. for those who's primary purpose of coming here was to suck cock, drop panties & open legs, their wish of prolong stay is somewhat granted, due to the lengthy investigation process.
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Old 15-03-2015, 02:42 PM
reechart reechart is offline
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Re: White Cards for Street Walking and online FL

Originally Posted by ah_phah View Post
to some gals they think the white card is a privilege, but it's a 1 way ticket. those with white card are technically "offenders", only they themselves know best. and they're highly unlikely allowed re-visit again.

a classic that i've heard so often, seems like they came from the same school with the same scripted sob story; got conned by employment agency, landed without legit employment etc. and then all of a sudden, they're very willing to suck cock, drop panties & open legs.

another type is got raided & willing to identify/ testify against a particular wanted suspect etc.

if they're job is not done, they'll be required to report to ICA and/or cantonment on a prescribed routine, for whatever administrative/ investigation obligation.

once the case is closed, they'll be told to fly back on a 1 way ticket.

meanwhile, they're not eligible for employment since they've no legit documentation. so, nobody really cares what they do to fill their stomachs. for those who's primary purpose of coming here was to suck cock, drop panties & open legs, their wish of prolong stay is somewhat granted, due to the lengthy investigation process.
so, if gal gt a proper job here wif permit and all, and they do FL on part time basis.
will they get white card also?
r they gonna get white card upon AV raid?
if got white card will affect their job here?
will still be deported?
Old 16-03-2015, 09:51 AM
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Re: White Cards for Street Walking and online FL

Originally Posted by reechart View Post
so, if gal gt a proper job here wif permit and all, and they do FL on part time basis.
will they get white card also?
r they gonna get white card upon AV raid?
if got white card will affect their job here?
will still be deported?
if they got a work permit, nobody knows if they moonlight or not. if caught panties down during raid, depending on what evidences r found.

1) if found to be non-commercial private engagement with bf/ lover/ fb - at most take some statement, classified under "watch-list"

2) if found to be moonlighting, drag to MOM, work permit terminated, repatriate

3) if found to be commercial under the guise of work permit, same fate as point 2)

not everybody suka suka want to have white card can get.

no employer will wanna hire anyone with a white card. so its obvious if any is issued white card, good luck. from moonlighting maybe will become full-timer.
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Old 16-03-2015, 12:20 PM
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Re: White Cards for Street Walking and online FL

Originally Posted by ah_phah View Post

1) if found to be non-commercial private engagement with bf/ lover/ fb - at most take some statement, classified under "watch-list"
there is no way to prove tat non-commercial private engagement if u bring her for few hrs transit if she is holding wp ... so better book a day in a better star hotel
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Old 16-03-2015, 03:26 PM
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Re: White Cards for Street Walking and online FL

Originally Posted by loneyheart View Post
there is no way to prove tat non-commercial private engagement if u bring her for few hrs transit if she is holding wp ... so better book a day in a better star hotel
not forgetting, they will also cross reference both your statements to verify if u both telling the truth.
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Old 19-03-2015, 10:15 AM
reechart reechart is offline
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Re: White Cards for Street Walking and online FL

Originally Posted by ah_phah View Post
if they got a work permit, nobody knows if they moonlight or not. if caught panties down during raid, depending on what evidences r found.

1) if found to be non-commercial private engagement with bf/ lover/ fb - at most take some statement, classified under "watch-list"

2) if found to be moonlighting, drag to MOM, work permit terminated, repatriate

3) if found to be commercial under the guise of work permit, same fate as point 2)

not everybody suka suka want to have white card can get.

no employer will wanna hire anyone with a white card. so its obvious if any is issued white card, good luck. from moonlighting maybe will become full-timer.
oic, so prostitution is legal or not?
isn't it legal to get pay from offering sex service?
as long not street solicitation?
Old 27-03-2015, 02:14 PM
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Re: White Cards for Street Walking and online FL

Originally Posted by ah_phah View Post
to some gals they think the white card is a privilege, but it's a 1 way ticket. those with white card are technically "offenders", only they themselves know best. and they're highly unlikely allowed re-visit again.

a classic that i've heard so often, seems like they came from the same school with the same scripted sob story; got conned by employment agency, landed without legit employment etc. and then all of a sudden, they're very willing to suck cock, drop panties & open legs.

another type is got raided & willing to identify/ testify against a particular wanted suspect etc.

if they're job is not done, they'll be required to report to ICA and/or cantonment on a prescribed routine, for whatever administrative/ investigation obligation.

once the case is closed, they'll be told to fly back on a 1 way ticket.

meanwhile, they're not eligible for employment since they've no legit documentation. so, nobody really cares what they do to fill their stomachs. for those who's primary purpose of coming here was to suck cock, drop panties & open legs, their wish of prolong stay is somewhat granted, due to the lengthy investigation process.

Hi Bro ah_phah,

do you know how long normally take for this lengthy investigation process? Met a girl I bonked earlier and she said she got caught during raid as she shared an apartment with the girl with panties down. Just wondering how long she can be here before she be repatriated?
Also, will the AV monitor her movement as her previous hp was confiscated?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Old 30-03-2015, 01:10 PM
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Re: White Cards for Street Walking and online FL

Originally Posted by reechart View Post
oic, so prostitution is legal or not?
isn't it legal to get pay from offering sex service?
as long not street solicitation?
the area is gray, so it depends on the situation & evidences. and also will require someone with iron balls to challenge the system.
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Old 30-03-2015, 01:14 PM
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Re: White Cards for Street Walking and online FL

Originally Posted by WIIFM View Post
Hi Bro ah_phah,

do you know how long normally take for this lengthy investigation process? Met a girl I bonked earlier and she said she got caught during raid as she shared an apartment with the girl with panties down. Just wondering how long she can be here before she be repatriated?
Also, will the AV monitor her movement as her previous hp was confiscated?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
there's no fixed duration or timeline. some easy to solve cases may only take weeks, some slightly complex cases take months, some complicated ones may take years.

there have been some rare situations where white card holders eventually convert to yellow card holders. but its always case by case. there's no fixed formula of who gets what.
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