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Old 08-09-2018, 05:42 PM
Kcwee Kcwee is offline
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Yacht Party

I looking for 25 Chio bu to my yacht party to accompany rich bosses in my yacht for 3 days 2 night. Food, drinks and stay all provided. you will be paid for it too after 3 days. interested party PM me.
Old 09-09-2018, 12:38 AM
Adeline96 Adeline96 is offline
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Re: Yacht Party

Originally Posted by Kcwee View Post
I looking for 25 Chio bu to my yacht party to accompany rich bosses in my yacht for 3 days 2 night. Food, drinks and stay all provided. you will be paid for it too after 3 days. interested party PM me.
Ref Yacht Party.

3d2n Sailing to where?
Accompany? What exactly? Bcos I am not a good drinker.
Please specify what is actually required of?
Paid after 3days? Think I dont feel good about this.
Old 09-09-2018, 09:02 AM
FreebiezWanker FreebiezWanker is offline
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Re: Yacht Party

Let me guess, u wanna be paid before the party begins rite?? lololol

Originally Posted by Adeline96 View Post
Ref Yacht Party.

3d2n Sailing to where?
Accompany? What exactly? Bcos I am not a good drinker.
Please specify what is actually required of?
Paid after 3days? Think I dont feel good about this.

Do PM me if I left you out. Thks!
Old 09-09-2018, 11:35 AM
Adeline96 Adeline96 is offline
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Re: Yacht Party

Originally Posted by FreebiezWanker View Post
Let me guess, u wanna be paid before the party begins rite?? lololol
Oh . You are so right. So smart and wise.
After he trf to me, I will run away.
Old 09-09-2018, 02:28 PM
FreebiezWanker FreebiezWanker is offline
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Re: Yacht Party

Originally Posted by Adeline96 View Post
Oh . You are so right. So smart and wise.
After he trf to me, I will run away.
Yeah, we all know that part.

Do PM me if I left you out. Thks!
Old 09-09-2018, 04:50 PM
peanodood1337 peanodood1337 is offline
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Re: Yacht Party

Originally Posted by FreebiezWanker View Post
Let me guess, u wanna be paid before the party begins rite?? lololol
Originally Posted by Adeline96 View Post
Oh . You are so right. So smart and wise.
After he trf to me, I will run away.
Actually, I agree that its kinda risky to be paid only after 3 days.

In a typical arrangement, its cash upfront. Also, there's an additional complication in this situation cos it is on a boat. There's no way out, and nothing to stop the captain from taking the boat out to international waters (its a big boat cos it can take 25 girls + TS and his bosses - so it can travel pretty far out).

If the girl realized she is expected to do things she's not comfortable with, what's she gonna do? Jump off the boat and swim home?

If TS plays the girls out by not paying their dues, what are they gonna do? Make a police report? Good luck with that. Its not like there is a contract or something that is enforceable by the authorities.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is necessarily a scam. But unless TS provides details on how this is gonna go down, would-be applicants are right to feel a little apprehensive here.
Old 10-09-2018, 07:30 AM
cleyeo cleyeo is offline
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Re: Yacht Party

To me, if I own a yacht, I wont be looking for Gals here. I will be paying an agency to provide gals instead. Anyway, the gals will be paid, so paying a bit extra (agency fee) doesnt make much different.

Just my opinion.
Old 10-09-2018, 08:13 AM
sexcision sexcision is offline
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Originally Posted by cleyeo View Post
To me, if I own a yacht, I wont be looking for Gals here. I will be paying an agency to provide gals instead. Anyway, the gals will be paid, so paying a bit extra (agency fee) doesnt make much different.

Just my opinion.
Great suggestions. Getting girls here is risky. What if they do not do what need to be done and offended ur “boss” ?
Old 10-09-2018, 08:33 AM
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Re: Yacht Party
Old 10-09-2018, 09:06 PM
peanodood1337 peanodood1337 is offline
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Re: Yacht Party

Originally Posted by cleyeo View Post
To me, if I own a yacht, I wont be looking for Gals here. I will be paying an agency to provide gals instead. Anyway, the gals will be paid, so paying a bit extra (agency fee) doesnt make much different.

Just my opinion.
Your opinion is right. Parties of this sort are usually arranged through talent agencies. Cos they need to provide insurance coverage for their talents. Eh? Insurance? Yep. Insurance. 3D2N out at sea, who is gonna be responsible if someone falls overboard and drowns? Or dies from ODing?

Not the rich guys that's for sure. If anything happens, it would mean lawsuits. Say bye bye to keeping a low profile. So nope, they would prefer to leave it to the agency to sort the logistics and legalities out.

On that note, TS's behavior is very dodgy. He has been a member since April 2013, but only has 2 posts here including this one. This is obviously a clone account. So the question is - Why didn't he post with his main account? Does he have something to hide? Would his earlier posts reveal that he is not who he claims to be?

After all:

Originally Posted by Kcwee View Post
Hi all bros do u all know what the operating hours ? I went there at night there noting ... Thx u
In a couple of years, the dude went from trawling for cheap hookers in Petain to owning a huge boat and hosting parties for the elites. Possible? Maybe. But quite unlikely, wouldn't you think?


To any applicants of this "yacht party", if I were you, I would certainly think twice unless TS can provide me with the following:

1. The name of his company and its address.

2. A written contract (preferably through an agency), or money upfront.

Keep all correspondence between you and him. Give all these details to a trusted friend or family member, and let them know where you're gonna be. Tell them to make a police report if you don't return by the date you are supposed to.

Its ok to #YOLO when you are young. Just remember to take precautions to safeguard your interests ya?

Good luck out there.


To TS, if you think you can silence me with zaps from your clones, think again. I can always make a new account. While your thread will remain trashed.

Those were legit concerns people like Adeline96 were voicing out. And instead of addressing them (which would seriously bring you more applicants), you shoot the messenger.

Well done.
Old 11-09-2018, 12:06 AM
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Re: Yacht Party

Dude use some brains when you zap. If you zap just one minute apart from each of the zaps, its quite obvious that it is the same guy:

Oh and since you prefer to communicate via zaps, I'll be posting all your drivel here to further send your thread's reputation down the trash.

And in case you think I'm impolite by not answering your messages, I'll just respond here in chronological order.

1. Yep I'm a busybody. Sue me.

2. Maybe its not a scam. But if its not, why send in the Clone Army zap brigade? Why not just clarify all the doubts with your main account here if you have nothing to hide? You are really a ball-less cunt aren't you?

3. My new nick? I was thinking peanodood1338 Don't worry, I'll let you know its me in case you want to continue this dance

4. Nah I don't really have lots of free time usually. But its a Monday night and I'm bored.

Anyway, how is the response to your "Yacht Party"? I know at least one person that is ignoring your messages because of your shadiness. I wonder how many more will drop out before we are done?
Old 11-09-2018, 07:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Kcwee View Post
I looking for 25 Chio bu to my yacht party to accompany rich bosses in my yacht for 3 days 2 night. Food, drinks and stay all provided. you will be paid for it too after 3 days. interested party PM me.
You are a trash.
Old 11-09-2018, 07:59 AM
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Re: Yacht Party

Too dangerous for the girls if there is no proper security. They might be raped and thrown into the sea.
Old 11-09-2018, 08:11 AM
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Re: Yacht Party

This post is seedy. On so many levels.

As has been pointed out by many others.

Anyone asking for ladies, from this forum , indicates what’s the expectations for the ladies.

So apply knowing the risks involved
I don't trade in points, please don't up my points and demand I return you the favour without asking first

I only up your points if I like what you posted, or because of your generally good behavior here
Old 11-09-2018, 10:23 AM
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Re: Yacht Party

Originally Posted by chevy7970 View Post
Too dangerous for the girls if there is no proper security. They might be raped and thrown into the sea.
Don’t forget our waters are surrounded by pirates!!!!
Argh!!! Dem Pirates be butt-pirates too!
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