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Old 14-11-2023, 09:39 AM
play4fun play4fun is offline
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Jio ML out rates

folks. whoever has experience of jioing the ML out .. whatever it is

whats the rate ultimately spend for having the Happi ENding?
not referring to you buying gold/bags/diamonds and give ML like carrotcake.

I rmb such thread discussing about the rates. but i cannot find liao.
anyway worth e risk??
Old 14-11-2023, 11:03 AM
Laker Laker is offline
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Originally Posted by play4fun View Post
folks. whoever has experience of jioing the ML out .. whatever it is

whats the rate ultimately spend for having the Happi ENding?
not referring to you buying gold/bags/diamonds and give ML like carrotcake.

I rmb such thread discussing about the rates. but i cannot find liao.
anyway worth e risk??
You want to jio those no chemistry one?
If got chemistry usually no need to pay one leh
Old 14-11-2023, 12:03 PM
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Re: Jio ML out rates

Originally Posted by Laker View Post
You want to jio those no chemistry one?
If got chemistry usually no need to pay one leh
ha. chemistry built.. but i not so charismatic enough to command foc f*
ML did drop hint ha
Old 14-11-2023, 12:43 PM
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Re: Jio ML out rates

Usually free for me. Just simple dinner.
Old 14-11-2023, 12:47 PM
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Re: Jio ML out rates

Originally Posted by Laker View Post
You want to jio those no chemistry one?
If got chemistry usually no need to pay one leh
Bro, can share how you goreng the lady until u get free fuck? I chiong my whole life still haven't come across such luck, maybe you term yours as "skills" Kang hu.
Old 14-11-2023, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Newsasap View Post
Bro, can share how you goreng the lady until u get free fuck? I chiong my whole life still haven't come across such luck, maybe you term yours as "skills" Kang hu.
I am sure a lot of bros in this forum managed to pull it off. Just that you need to check in the thread something like "take ML out after work".

I just give you basic tip for things you can change about yourself:
1. Work out and have a reasonably lean body
2. Groom e.g. pubic hair, nasal hair with decent haircut. If you have dry scaly skin, see a dermantologist to find some solution
3. Don't dress too shabbily e.g. sports attire unless you sure she is hooked on you. This means anything you wear she will also go out with you til morning.
4. Ask her questions and show concern e.g. how is her life here, what she had for dinner. basically listen more and read her response properly. If you watched the recent advertisement on mental health between 2 guys at a cafe you will know what I mean
5. Compliment her sparingly (hard to share here. But don't over-compliment til it is fake. Example if you are lying on the massage table, haven't even turn around to see her face properly and still say she is pretty. It's weird right?).
6. Related to point 4. You need to know when to start asking her out. This one hard to teach. You need to have experience in reading the signals. Example is when she ask you where is nice to go in Singapore during off day. Anyway this is also a numbers game. The bros who do sales here know what I mean. If you ask 10 MLs and get rejected, then you jolly well ask 100 MLs until you get one.
7. Don't give up after 1 time of course. Need at least 3rd to 4th time for me. But I did get one after 2nd time (4 year gap between 1st and 2nd).
8. She doesn't shortchange you on your time because of her next customer. E.g. she will either postpone or make them wait. 60min is 60min. Not 55min. But when you get more than 60min, your chances might be slightly higher.
9. If she asks you to "buy clock", just say you prefer to see her during her off day. Usually this kind I won't ask her out already. Obviously she thinks I am not worth to spend her off day with and want to use her "working hours" to go out with you.

Disclaimer: If you are doing all these, you are on the right track. Of course there are details which I don't have time to write here. I am confident that this applies to jio-ing not just MLs but any girl you meet online. I can almost start a 12-module course on this and I am not "blowing cow".
Old 14-11-2023, 02:28 PM
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Re: Jio ML out rates

Originally Posted by Laker View Post
I am sure a lot of bros in this forum managed to pull it off. Just that you need to check in the thread something like "take ML out after work".

I just give you basic tip for things you can change about yourself:
1. Work out and have a reasonably lean body
2. Groom e.g. pubic hair, nasal hair with decent haircut. If you have dry scaly skin, see a dermantologist to find some solution
3. Don't dress too shabbily e.g. sports attire unless you sure she is hooked on you. This means anything you wear she will also go out with you til morning.
4. Ask her questions and show concern e.g. how is her life here, what she had for dinner. basically listen more and read her response properly. If you watched the recent advertisement on mental health between 2 guys at a cafe you will know what I mean
5. Compliment her sparingly (hard to share here. But don't over-compliment til it is fake. Example if you are lying on the massage table, haven't even turn around to see her face properly and still say she is pretty. It's weird right?).
6. Related to point 4. You need to know when to start asking her out. This one hard to teach. You need to have experience in reading the signals. Example is when she ask you where is nice to go in Singapore during off day. Anyway this is also a numbers game. The bros who do sales here know what I mean. If you ask 10 MLs and get rejected, then you jolly well ask 100 MLs until you get one.
7. Don't give up after 1 time of course. Need at least 3rd to 4th time for me. But I did get one after 2nd time (4 year gap between 1st and 2nd).
8. She doesn't shortchange you on your time because of her next customer. E.g. she will either postpone or make them wait. 60min is 60min. Not 55min. But when you get more than 60min, your chances might be slightly higher.
9. If she asks you to "buy clock", just say you prefer to see her during her off day. Usually this kind I won't ask her out already. Obviously she thinks I am not worth to spend her off day with and want to use her "working hours" to go out with you.

Disclaimer: If you are doing all these, you are on the right track. Of course there are details which I don't have time to write here. I am confident that this applies to jio-ing not just MLs but any girl you meet online. I can almost start a 12-module course on this and I am not "blowing cow".
So far how many of them fall under your hand?
Old 14-11-2023, 02:33 PM
play4fun play4fun is offline
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Re: Jio ML out rates

chill.. every individual sure have some talents..
like i say. i built chemistry but not enough mojo can get the horny deed for free.. but cool.. if the ML is into me.. nah. its all about $

still if any bros do offer ML $, whats the market rate?
happy ending @ shop 1 blue note. for the happy deed outside, $100? $120?
paying 3 blues.. must b tokgong quality.
Old 14-11-2023, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by play4fun View Post
ha. chemistry built.. but i not so charismatic enough to command foc f*
ML did drop hint ha suggest a place and time for her lo. Tell her do what then hint to go somewhere nearby for a "rest". Best if go supper then go hotel. Send her back to MP early morning.
No time to waste liao.
Old 14-11-2023, 02:42 PM
Littlebigbone Littlebigbone is offline
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Originally Posted by play4fun View Post
chill.. every individual sure have some talents..
like i say. i built chemistry but not enough mojo can get the horny deed for free.. but cool.. if the ML is into me.. nah. its all about $

still if any bros do offer ML $, whats the market rate?
happy ending @ shop 1 blue note. for the happy deed outside, $100? $120?
paying 3 blues.. must b tokgong quality.
My benchmark is what I pay her at the shop plus extra entrance hours equivalent. Most time when doing it outside we take more time to relax, more cross play play and more shots. 🤪
Old 14-11-2023, 03:56 PM
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Re: Jio ML out rates

Originally Posted by Littlebigbone View Post
My benchmark is what I pay her at the shop plus extra entrance hours equivalent. Most time when doing it outside we take more time to relax, more cross play play and more shots. 🤪
swee. best is must enjoy
Old 14-11-2023, 04:04 PM
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Re: Jio ML out rates

Get a decent hotel , plus a nice dinner . Probably pay what you pay at the shop should be fine. Don’t think there’s a market rate. There’s only a rate you are willing to give I guess ?
Old 14-11-2023, 04:07 PM
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Re: Jio ML out rates

Originally Posted by Laker View Post
I am sure a lot of bros in this forum managed to pull it off. Just that you need to check in the thread something like "take ML out after work".

I just give you basic tip for things you can change about yourself:
1. Work out and have a reasonably lean body
2. Groom e.g. pubic hair, nasal hair with decent haircut. If you have dry scaly skin, see a dermantologist to find some solution
3. Don't dress too shabbily e.g. sports attire unless you sure she is hooked on you. This means anything you wear she will also go out with you til morning.
4. Ask her questions and show concern e.g. how is her life here, what she had for dinner. basically listen more and read her response properly. If you watched the recent advertisement on mental health between 2 guys at a cafe you will know what I mean
5. Compliment her sparingly (hard to share here. But don't over-compliment til it is fake. Example if you are lying on the massage table, haven't even turn around to see her face properly and still say she is pretty. It's weird right?).
6. Related to point 4. You need to know when to start asking her out. This one hard to teach. You need to have experience in reading the signals. Example is when she ask you where is nice to go in Singapore during off day. Anyway this is also a numbers game. The bros who do sales here know what I mean. If you ask 10 MLs and get rejected, then you jolly well ask 100 MLs until you get one.
7. Don't give up after 1 time of course. Need at least 3rd to 4th time for me. But I did get one after 2nd time (4 year gap between 1st and 2nd).
8. She doesn't shortchange you on your time because of her next customer. E.g. she will either postpone or make them wait. 60min is 60min. Not 55min. But when you get more than 60min, your chances might be slightly higher.
9. If she asks you to "buy clock", just say you prefer to see her during her off day. Usually this kind I won't ask her out already. Obviously she thinks I am not worth to spend her off day with and want to use her "working hours" to go out with you.

Disclaimer: If you are doing all these, you are on the right track. Of course there are details which I don't have time to write here. I am confident that this applies to jio-ing not just MLs but any girl you meet online. I can almost start a 12-module course on this and I am not "blowing cow".
You should transfer your posting to "ever fall in love with ml" many would response to you by rebates
Old 14-11-2023, 04:58 PM
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Re: Jio ML out rates

Personal experience is that vietbus tend to be easier to sian than tiongbus. And most importantly is that must be new to the line, those laojiao MLs will be more cunning and will cho cho you buy branded and bring her out for fancy meal.

All the MLs that I manage to up outside of the MP without spending additional money have been newly arrived viets, who are more naive and don’t know how to reject. Even big boob R, when she freshly arrived I remember she let me finger until super wet and juicy and I even manage to sit her on top of my cock and slide up and down on the outside. I always look back and think even if I put in raw she would allow me also. Then after a few months guess what? She become more experienced liao, then this and that ask for more tips
Old 14-11-2023, 04:59 PM
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Re: Jio ML out rates

Originally Posted by Newsasap View Post
You should transfer your posting to "ever fall in love with ml" many would response to you by rebates
Ah, forgot I didnt reply here.

Got 5 only. Ended with them for various reasons.

But yes, give $ has its advantage and clearly defines the relationship at the start.
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