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Re: Xiamen info
Xiamen NO beauty... Sianz.
Of course you can find them at the 慢摇吧 after 9pm. Below is some info I found during research for the benefit of other bros (please don't blame me if too long or not accurate). I've been to 杜尚, quite a few good looking WL. Xiamen 1、厦门人气最旺的酒吧区域 a、海湾公园 b、槟榔酒吧一条街 c、白鹭洲公园 d、明发商业广场区域 上榜理由:越夜越撩人 越聚集越火爆 2、厦门人气最旺慢摇吧a、1801吧 b、杜尚 上榜理由:市场决定地位 夜猫决定口碑 3、厦门人气最旺交友吧 真爱酒吧 老阿伦故事DNA交友会所(现在装修后就不清楚了) 上榜理由:交友成功的不少,至于有没有发生ONS我就不清楚啦,哈哈 4、厦门人气最旺自助酒吧 :阿伦故事赛福欧朋自助交友酒吧 上榜理由:价钱便宜:男士每位100元,女士每位50元,啤酒和洋酒任意喝,演艺游戏内容还行,交友一般。 最起码对得起这个价钱了。 5、厦门最老牌知名演艺酒吧 KK 上榜理由:年代久远,演艺内容还是不错的。 6、厦门演艺阵容最豪华酒吧 1801 上榜理由:豪华阵容自不待言 桃李不言下自成蹊 7、厦门最负盛名酒吧:KK、1801、杜尚、乐祺 上榜理由:KK、1801、杜尚这几家酒吧各有千秋。 KK是个老牌人气演艺。 杜尚在LABO倒闭后曾经一段时间一家独大,人气火爆,音乐独特。 1801后来居上,打造厦门超强豪华阵容,没有理由不成就其厦门夜场老大位置。 123这个新晋酒吧,但比起098、88这些同样是新的酒吧来说还是有一定优势。不过感觉这家酒吧还没想好 路子怎么走。 “Me and You 2”这种海湾公园露天酒吧还是不错得,气氛较好,无奈冬意渐渐。 乐祺酒吧的乐队还是不错的,阵容齐整。 8、厦门最具交友特色的酒吧:真爱 阿伦故事赛福欧朋 上榜理由:真爱酒吧还是比较成功,人气比起以往当然差了点。但据笔者看,其经营状况较好。 阿伦故事赛福欧朋自助交友酒吧,这家酒吧脱胎于以往的阿伦故事DNA交友会所,在以往的交友主题的基础上加 了自助特色。笔者去尝试过一次,价钱不贵,男士100元,女士50元,啤酒和洋酒任意喝。演艺方面貌似有些 加强,内部装修主要侧重于广告海报方面,装修风格还是偏怀旧型,与其他新的酒吧的装修相比没有任何优势,或 许老板玩的是文化呢。 以下是厦门酒吧大全,部分酒吧已更名或倒闭,我没时间核实了,供大家参考。 杜尚酒吧 0592-5075078 湖滨东路188号,福联饭店旁(芭拉芭拉KTV一楼) 班德瑞主题静吧 - 全场8.8折 0592-2191610 思明南路400号1F之十 阿伦故事赛福欧朋自助交友酒吧 0592-5086153 莲岳路26号之5 老别墅西餐馆 0592-2041208 白鹤路10-1号 酋长的家钢琴酒吧 0592-5805888 厦禾路873-875号(八一宾馆旁) 夜宴演艺酒吧 0592-5560767 嘉禾路海山大厦(来雅斜对面) 天场酒吧 0592-5336098 褔津大街五节点凤屿路388号 3040酒吧 0592-5144616 官任7号(马可波罗后面) 1970酒吧 0592-5151970 官任路1#店面 兰桂坊酒吧 0592-5362311 湖滨北路16号新港广场南楼0101号 真爱酒吧 0592-5315666 员当路2-4号东卉花园 老树林酒吧 0592-5805798 禾祥东路 北欧神话咖啡酒吧 0592-5855558 后埭溪路98号118(金峰山庄) 苏格兰风情酒吧 0592-5079463 湖滨东路376号 vip会所 0592-2119888、5678888 东渡路127号之19(海沧大桥旅游区) 莲花七号慢摇吧 0592-5138555 嘉禾路嘉益大厦162之101-106 天籁吧 059-5882998、5851485 (2002年前搬到银龙对面,现存的厦门最久的英式酒吧) 侏罗纪艳吧 0592-5143898、5141580 槟榔西里221号之一(槟榔路口站旁) 天场bar 0592-5336098、5336099 凤屿路388号福津大街五节点 埃及艳后酒吧 0592-5142922、5325358 槟榔联谊广场15-19#店面(槟榔酒吧一条街) 好像今年在明发商业广场开了一家 一直没去过。 舒活馆 0592-5070512、5070536 湖滨东路南湖豪庭A栋101-B MASK(面具)国际俱乐部 0592-2388886 湖滨北路15号外贸大厦裙楼201室 夜上海酒吧 0592-5365535 槟榔路45号(酒吧一条街) 海伦娜酒吧 0592-8602317 槟榔西里19号 小城故事 0592-5179809 禾祥东路28号西七商场一楼 红粉佳人酒吧 0592-5336150 莲岳路13-15号(百合花园) 水晶之恋酒吧 0592-5058190、5058220 槟榔西里229号(酒吧一条街) L.SEVEN会所 0592-5138555、5138657 嘉禾路嘉益大厦162之101-106号 时空隧道娱乐 0592-5207888 嘉禾路329号太平洋广场(天虹商场旁) 友爱吧 0592-5318111 白鹭洲摄影广场1号木屋 MD天籁电音PUB 0592-5311497 湖滨北路10号新港广场一楼 花恋蝶音乐酒吧 0592-2032588、8019313、2024949 湖滨西路都会100源通中心1楼(银行中心对面) DJ mix club音乐慢摇吧 0592-2202828、2217787 湖滨南路148号泛华大厦A座(中山医院斜对面) 北斗星演艺漫摇酒吧 0592-5188337、5188333 后埭溪路28号皇达大厦2F 黑天鹅酒吧 0592-5058082 湖滨二里闽南大厦旁 传奇演艺吧 0592-5049898 湖明路26号龙门世家 天使酒吧 0592-5049888、5037498 湖滨东路408之4(体育大酒店附属大楼二楼) 披头士D厅 0592-5081207、5056370 湖滨南路二里2号 MP’3主题音乐酒吧 0592-5334777、5334567 槟榔路33-35号(联谊广场旁) HOUSE DJ CLUB慢摇吧 0592-5068638 湖滨东路370号湖东花园(槟榔路口) 荷里活酒吧 0592-5091693 湖滨东路362号 宝莱纳酒吧 0592-5039798、5081798 槟榔西里229号之6(槟榔酒吧一条街湖东桥旁) me&you Pub 0592-6853747 槟榔路23号 SONG酒吧 0592-5813839 禾祥东路100-16号(东方巴黎) 西部牛仔酒吧 0592-5077889 槟榔西里229号(酒吧一条街) 不见不散酒吧 0592-5333202 槟榔路53号(酒吧一条街) 玛莎莉演艺酒吧 0592-5327771、5091212 湖明路龙门世家6A 罗马假日娱乐广场 0592-5822111、5823111 金榜路枫丹雅苑84号101一至二层 都市佳人演艺酒吧 0592-5361111 福津大街长城宾馆内 好莱坞酒吧 0592-2023333-6680 中国厦门镇海路十二号之八 将军时代 0592-2056111 新华路122号天鹭大厦对面 西街酒吧 0592-5136429 莲花南路7号经协大厦裙楼一楼 红璋琅酒吧 0592-5132997 莲花北路3号之8 金爵士演艺吧KTV 0592-5921322 前埔不夜城3楼 都市领秀酒吧 0592-5981713 莲前西路移动公司对面 索罗门演艺酒吧 0592-5596762 台湾街374号(桃源大厦) 金左岸KTV演艺吧 0592-5637078 湖里兴隆路498号(大唐世家对面) 湖里劳拉酒吧 0592-5635588 湖里南山路口 格格酒吧 0592-5606850 湖里华嘉路118之7(名典咖啡对面) 浪雅酒吧 0592-8287955 湖里华昌路3号(麦当劳后50米) 红河谷酒吧 0592-8512388、5607838 湖里海天路(湖里公园斜对面) 再现唐朝酒吧 0592-5714656 湖里兴隆路635之3(大唐世家五期) 醉红唇演艺吧 0592-2612388 湖里兴隆路25号(免税商场对面) 劳拉演艺酒吧 0592-2137777 文园路厦门宾馆 万紫千红娱乐 0592-2059999、2077667、2075757 虎园路植物园内(原万石娱乐城) 波士莱KTV演艺吧 0592-2914092 文园路66号合佳酒店一楼 欲望都市酒吧 0592-2026677 虎园路4号(白鹭宾馆斜对面) 圣卡地亚钢琴夜总会 0592-5068866、5070777 湖滨中路白鹭洲维多利N楼一层(有福大酒楼楼下) 有福城堡夜总会 0592-5090888、5306666 白鹭洲路有福城堡 维利吧 0592-5311727 员当路港龙花园42之8 2046粉酷酒吧 0592-5112046 湖滨北路10号新港广场1A 拉丁酒馆 0592-2299999 白鹭洲路503号金秋豪园1楼 金宝演艺酒吧 0592-5612192 东渡路124-126号金宝酒店二楼 |
Re: Xiamen info
Bro Ksst
What's the damage for those wl in the pub? Safe to venture alone? |
Re: Xiamen info
Xiamen is one of the safest city in China to venture alone. Any problem, just dial the police number and the 公安 will arrive within minutes.
Re: Xiamen info
Will be in Xiamen next week. First time there. Can anyone help on the following:
- Places & Prices which are safe for saunas and a good rub - Any problems calling gals to your room at any time of the day/night and how much do they charge? |
Re: Xiamen info
I read about this KTV 一代佳人 (新一代) Is it still around? Is this still a happening ktv? Can any bros please recommend any mummy or manager contact so that i can book a room if i am there. Thanks |
Re: Xiamen info
Looks like this thread is dead
Re: Xiamen info
Yidai is not a normal KTV but its more like a night club - hang flower that type leh. Each flower is RMB100 and the cheapest room will be about RMB1200 minimum and u have to pay for mommy (RMB200) and DJ (RMB200) ... so in the end it can be pricey. Gal price is 3/10/12 if I still remember correctly. Not the best place to go if u r alone.
Exploring main land China with both heads Thanks to brother mbz777, break78, sebast97 for points |
Re: Xiamen info
Re: Xiamen info
will be at xiamen from 27 - 30... any bro can recommend some place or PM me to go togehter if you are there... i'm staying at sheraton hotel
Xiamen MP List
Xiamen has definitely cooled down as most of my favorite MPs have been closed...what's up? Did Xiamen get a new mayor or something. However, I have found some new places, BUT they are outside the city in Haicang and Jimei districts.
The first place i have been to a few times and it is not bad. 水上丽人休闲 集美区乐海路220号 0592-6105050 18965112290 It's about a 50 rmb cab ride to this place from city center. Takes about 20 minutes and you have to go out past the airport and get on Jimei bridge. Once you cross the bridge and pay the toll (3rmb), don't get on to the elevated highway, stay underneath and take the first U turn. Once you take the U turn, get off at the first intersection and just walk up le hai road and this joint is right on the street. The girls here are in the 5-7 range looks wise, but the boss likes big tits, so they pretty much all sport big racks. In general, I would say the girls are a bit more standoffish than I am used to, but you just need to work a little harder to get them to warm up. That being said, I had one of the best fucks here. I got the two girls service and the first girl left after we'd fucked. The second girl was a little on the fat side, but once we starting talking and getting to know each other, she turned off the lights and asked me to finger her. She got real wet and horny and we had a truly great fuck session. Since it was my second time, I could last a good 10 or so minutes and she came hard twice, begging to be fucked harder and faster. It was great. Damage for two girls is 716rmb (I don't know what the 16 rmb charge is for, 350 for full service). The girls have you fill out survey forms when you are done, which I don't like to do, but who cares. My last visit I had a 22 and 19 year old, both 80cms. The second one had such a hard body...very enjoyable fuck, but took a long time for her to warm up. The first one was a 5 looks wise, but huge dangly tits, and was in to sucking the other girls tits and having a good attitude...except during the bath, she made me work to suck on her titties...said she hadn't washed them. Whatever, she let up after I sweet talked her, but I prefer not to have to do that. But, in general, worth a trip out there. Here are a list of the other places on their card. I have not been to these other places, so have no idea about the service, price, etc. 仕?楼休闲 海沧区沧林二路371-373号泉舞新旺府 0592-6086060 18965112285 水上人佳休闲 集美区杏林杏乐路27号金融大夏1楼 0592-6215111 18965112295 水上佳丽休闲 集美区杏林杏南光华里71-73号中铁时代家园 0592-6253001 18965112293 Good luck! |
Xiamen 诺亚金樽
Just a quick thing, to share with bros who might be visiting 厦门.
Was in 厦门 a couple of days ago. Visited this club. Place is huge with a wide selection of 小妹。 Small rooms: Min Spending 1200RMB Big rooms: Min Spending 4000RMB - 5000RMB Please note above room charges exclude tips. Over here, you don't tip the girl directly. The key here is to buy flowers for them during their performance at a main stage. Please note that they are allowed to butterfly from room to room. The minimum amount of flowers to buy for the girl (from the mummy) is 3 flowers. (100RMB for 1), 300 for 3. No maximum to the number of flowers you can buy. The mummy takes a cut from the flowers apparently. The feeling about this place is that the girls are actually very decent and this is not the half-KTV/half-FUCK SHOPS like in CP/CA at DongGuan. The girls sit with you, play dice, sing and drink with you through the night and anything after-work activities is dependent on chemistry or bond that you form during the session or sessions that you are there. So this is probably not that kind of WHAM-BAM-THANK-YOU-MAM kind of places. It is quite conducive for business talk or somewhere where you can go and try your charm skills. I had some fun there drinking and playing dice with the 小妹. Its really quite civilized and could be quite the fun place with the right company! Feel free to buzz me with more questions, I might not answer fast, but I'll try my best. |
Re: Xiamen info
As no Bro advise me where no visit, dare not visit alone. End up Baoing a girl which meet at Sheraton Hotel at gym centre, a very decent girl which quote me RMB2,000 to stay overnight. Is a crazy $$ but worth for her look n body. After a wonderful night with her wonder how can i paid some much $$ to a girl compared to what i paid at other place, even in SIN......
![]() Guess needing advice from senior bro here as i visit xiamen at least once a month... |
Re: Xiamen info
I just came back from 水上丽人.
Took a cab from Xiamen island. Luckily armed with Shwhiteboy's direction, I managed to find the place. It is actually opposite of Xiamen JianGeng Gynasium. Arriving there at 11:30, the lights on the signboard was already switched off. There was still activity inside and having phoned in advance, I knew that they were still opened. My 1st impression of the place was more like a JB la sup bar rather than the saunas in China that I'm used to. A small waiting area and a reception counter with mainly red light inside the joint. Ushered to a room in the second room. Think a total of 5 - 7 rooms. The room has a bed and another bed inside the bathroom/toilet. I think the bathroom is actually slightly bigger the room. I asked the staff what services they provide. He offered me 2 types of massage for like 108 and 128 where u bathe alone. Obviously, there's more to this place, I probed for more services & he disclosed that there's a 228 & a 358 service. When I asked the difference, he said that the 358 has more items & longer duration. I opted for the 358. After waiting for 5 - 10 mins, he came back with 2 girls. 1 was probably mid 30s & the other early 30s. In terms of looks, I would give a 4 out 10. Figurewise, no boobs & not slim either. The mid 30s one actually looked more eager, but I just went with the early 30s. Interestingly, she brought me to the back & a hidden door led me to the adjacent unit where there's 3 rooms. Once in the room, she was actually fairly cheerful and tried to make conversation. The service started with scrubbing of the back on the water bed using her hands and her boobs. Switching over to the front, she continued the same and grinded herself on my brother. On the bed, I noticed that there's a tray of 3 cups of different liquids & a small cup of jelly. Too sleepy.. to be continued tomorrow.. |
Re: Xiamen info
Manage to find this thread at last.
Any bros knoe how to reach fuqing or fuzhou from Xiamen by their new high speed rail? Thanks in advance.
If you think you will lose, you have already lost. ![]() |
Re: Xiamen info
Hope this is the information that you're looking for. |
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