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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
Bro Taurus75,
I have some good regard for you because I take your intention and hardwork to start and maintain this thread as an honest attempt to add variety to bros visiting Hatyai for a good time. I have contributed some ideas (eg. post real hatyai puying pictures instead of general pictures like those which could be found from the internet, less chit chat esp those one to three liners type, better FR as a form of continuous improvement) and you have rejected them. I leave it to you as the owner of this thread to decide and as an observer, I can only share my thoughts but will not impose or get into action that destroy your thread. I reckoned that you might have forgotten and I do not want to go into all your threads to dig out all the ocassions when you refer newbie bros to TV in Hatyai. I have so far only posted real and true FR and share my views and thinking in a straightforward way. I have no negative agenda and I am shocked that your kakis started an attack on me and passed abusive remarks at me and bring in TV too. I have refrained from returning abuses for abuses because I respect your thread and do not want to turn it into flames like what some other bros did to TV's thread. Also, I don't believe in violence, I would like to perceive that everything can be discussed and talk it out. Anyway, I shall just show this thread by you to refer newbies with advance enquries to TV below since you ask me for it. Hatyai Newbies are always welcome to ask even most basic questions here and i and many kind senior brudders will be very delighted to assist. i will be starting with lots of info and FRs myself, brudders who went there are also welcome to post FRs here. of coz if brudders hope to know more 'advance' enquiries on Hatyai. There are always lots of seniors like (well he's living in Hatyai)Thaivisitor 's thread 'Hatyai after Dark'. But I am starting this thread as a pure basic guide for newbies like me in the past. I will share with all for what i know about Hatyai. But of coz , i have to admit i am not the expert or well-localised. Just standing on a visitor's ground... Paisei Pasei..... Bruddersout there, pls give your most truthful advice and suggestions anytime if any brudders see this thread as unnecessary... Quote:
Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
Thanks for the compliments but I am undeserving of your praises because I am only a rookie in writing. The standard rule in the forum for bros who wants eg. FL contact is to contact the originator. While I can put up my FR on my experience of the gal's service, I cannot reveal the name of the gal or the farm. But bros who are interested can find out from the originator, TV. If TV chooses to reveal her photo, name and location, it is his perogative but I am bound by the rules of the forum to withhold it.
If this is a contact that I got on my own, I will be more than happy to share it openly in the forum. For the Snow Leopard, I really did not take notice of the farm's name though I can remember where it is located in SKY. You mentioned that I have not provided enough information. If you need more information about the gals' services, you can always PM me and I will give you more feedback but I hope you will allow me to respect the forum's norm of not revealing the gal's name without the originator's permission. Hope this clarifies. Quote:
Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
In the meantime, let me wish our TSH a HAPPY BIRD DAY! Coz I think his bird's gonna be happy tonight kekeke |
Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
I didn't know my limit on the number of shots until this recent trip to Hatyai. No need to salute me, having this gift or shortcoming only mean that I have to spend more money on bonking compared to someone who can be satisfied with one or two shots. It is also a pity that I have neither charm nor cash to match my appetite.
Unfortunately, I can't share my newbie experience and speak my mind freely here in this thread because I feel unwelcome by all the unprovoked abusive attacks. This is especially sad when these attacks were made by Bros like KLKOOL and TD0620G whom I have good regard for. I find crude poems made at my expense and irresponsible abusive allegations of me and TV being homosexual as totally uncalled for. If there are any bros who is prepared to be just, I think this is the time that calls for courage, otherwise it is only mere rhetoric. Quote:
Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
well.. I have to admit that I am totally fine with your creative writing and glad you have a bro to bring you around Hadyai, but there is a big difference between a simple thank you to the bro in person compared to massive overload of TV ads on almost every sentence that you write about HAdyai. To some people, reading about TV might make his heartbeat a little faster and more excited, but to some of us, it is simply nauseating. I hope you understand our situation. Too much of a good thing is bad, imagine having too much of a bad thing?
I won't go into baseless accusations that you might be getting air time credit for every TV mentioned on sammyboy forums so the only reason one would be so excited and mention about someone so often must be LOVE ![]() |
Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
Bro Cyberliberal,
You are too sensitive. I feel that Bro Taurus75 thread is informative and even if it is otherwise, it is his perogative to decide whether to close the thread or continue maintaining it. It is beneath me to plot or scheme to destroy what Bro Taurus75 has painfully built over time. I don't think anybody with basic decency will intentionally destroy what is valuable to others. Even when insults were shoved at me unprovoked, I have not retaliated because I do not want to start a flaming war or to injure any bro. But I will have to clarify facts and protest against their abuses and baseless accusations. Quote:
Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
Bro TD0620G,
Not sure how the appreciation works. Anyway, when credit is due to him, I will have to give him the due credit. But when it is not necessary, there is just no reason to include his name out of the blue. I don't think he can afford or is willing to hire me to be his advertiser because he is afterall a semi retired person with his own business. Your apprehensions about hearing his name are unfounded. He is only a human being, abielt one with wide contacts in Hatyai, not a demi god yet. He also has his limitations, just like you and your kakis also have your strengths. OKay for your kakis to mend fences with a harmless rookie newbie like me? Will you and your Kakis still welcome me to KL and arrange top fun for me when I visit your beautiful city in future? ![]() Quote:
Uncle TV
![]() Bro fat29, I think you would have realised by now why Bro TD0620G is damn mad reading your postings because you would have to mention 'TV' so many times in your postings. I tend to agree with him on this matter. My personal advice to you is to back off from mentioning 'TV' in your postings (if possible). I'm sure Uncle TV didn't appoint you as his Publicity Manager - am I right? It seem that you are 'so obsessed' by Uncle TV - can you please wake up and get rid of this 'obsession' ? Last edited by KatoeyLover69; 05-05-2006 at 02:14 AM. |
Re: Uncle TV
No need to take sides, just be objective will do. There is nothing to back off, what is useful is to discuss issues plainly and in a way that does not injure others.
Some of the bros are detractors of TV's services and that is why the mere mention of his name and any reflection of him in positive light invites anger. You had your fair share too and thats what you wrote when you pm me. I stand up for you in real man terms while you can only post rhetoric about standing behind bros. I hate to say this. Do what you say and be a real gentleman. I leave the parties to settle their differences and I think a good conversation is all that is needed to iron some facts and then both sides can move on, without retaining too much frustrations within themselves. When it comes to reporting facts, I don't think I need to chicken out from mentioning his name and deprive him of credit when it is due to his effort. I am my own man but I will be more concious of the sensitivities of TV's detractors if I post in Bro Taurus75 thread. In my posting, at no time did I discredit Bro Taurus75 for being selfish. You can see from your posting on what you print and now you are passing loose remarks about me. I do not want to write more to clarify issues with you and your obsession ideas. I do not believe in starting war or fighting one but I will clarify and protest against injustices, falsehoods and mistreatments. For your case, I leave it to you to outgrow the need to keep your tongue in check. Quote:
Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
fat29, when you first started you own thread "My Friend's Beautiful Wife", I have been following it and enjoyed the way you write. That is why I gave you my 3 miserable points for your contributions. However it appears to me now that you seem to lack a simple term called courtesy.
![]() Yes, I know I cannot write nor argue with the same flair as you but I can put my words in very simple terms so that you can understand. I personally feel that you have been rude and disrepectful to the thread starter. Yup, this is a cyberworld and why take things so seriously? I agree but even in a cyberworld there are some simple rules to follow. Bro Taurus has sent out a post saying that he would like all this to stop. I believe most bros here upon reading that post have stop talking on this issue. You however decided to defend your actions again by posting replies. Yes, you have every right to. However you could actually do so by replying via PM or emails. Same applies for the bros here. If they are still not happy with your comments, they can do the same. However to reply here again on this topic would be to waste bandwidth as well as encourage Big Boss to close the thread. Would this actually be your agenda? I dun really care what relationship you have with TV. I personally respect TV due to the hard work he has contributed to SBF. However after reading all your posts, I cannot help but to think that TV himself is actually paying you to be his Promotions Manager. Dun blame me but blame yourself. Abit of something is good but too much makes a person nauseating. This will be my last post in this thread on this topic.Talk all you want but I will not reply anymore. I would also like to request my bros here to ignore fat29 replies. Let him talk to himself all he wants and after awhile, he will go away.If he does not, then we let the higher authorities decide. Fat29, if you still feel that you want to continue this debate, you can PM me or email me. However, I reserve the right to reply to you. As for your question whether you would be welcome in KL, I think you know the answer to that question. ![]() |
Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
Bro Shiok1968,
I am only a rookie newbie and cannot claim to write well. As for arguing well, it is dependent on clarity of the mind and having & presenting the facts in a way that is coherent, honest, clear and non offensive manner. I did not start the flaming war first. I have previously explained via pm to one of your kakis when he questioned me in the open forum. I didn't want to reply in the open forum because I felt that it can be talked out privately and has invited him to discuss with me via email where he could even flame out his thoughts. He has insisted that I reply in the open forum of which I finally gave in to his request. While I will not return flame for flame or return sacastic remarks for sacastic remarks made, I feel that I have the right to respond and protest against unprovoked flamings and direct untrue statements made about me. Is it not more discourteous to flame me using baseless accusations compared with me making accurate, non offensive replies? If I were to reply to all the flamings, then there will be more replies. For now, I shall only reply when statements are directed at me esp when it is direct and untrue. I will not need to reply as long as there are no unfounded accusations made against me. Thank you for the points contribution to me. I have also contributed points to Bro Taurus75 and many others and I have no regrets. I gave out the points when I think they are deserving at that time. I don't want to live in the past and I look forward to new friendships even when there are disagreements. I want to be open minded and magnanimous, turn emnity into friendship but will have to rely on you and your bros to respond in kind for this to work. If you have regrets on the award of points to me previously, you can get your bros to zap me 3 points back. I hope that will appease you. Bro TD0620G has withdrawn his words and I am already moving forward, turning the page to the next chapter, until your latest post to flip it back by a page or two. I have taken the passive stand of only replying when the post is directed at me and as a signal of seeking peace, I will not take any step to initiate new points of contention in this thread for now. Sir, can we now turn the page forward? Quote:
Last edited by fat29; 05-05-2006 at 08:54 AM. |
Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
and also cant be bother to reply his post. let's just enjoy with more good contributions! btw TD, Thai75Food will be with u guys today. Give him a good one yeah.!~ |
Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies
![]() Er is er een jarig hoera hoera... Dat kunt je wel zien dat is hij... we vinden hem alles zo prettig ja ja... daarom zingen we zo blij... Happy boh? ![]() |
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