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Old 15-10-2010, 12:05 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

yes Bro to add to that the Asians look for stunner girls with SYT looks.

Ang Mohs look for any sorta girl.

My god!! if you look at some of the girls the Ang Mohs choose you would not wanna even say that girl is your maid even....

Cheers Bro Etsys

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
The girls will say they hate ang mohs, to make you happy, but when the see a naive ang moh - they will be all over him ..

Remember this - how many asian will marry bar girl and take her back compare to Ang Moh ?? For every 1 asian who do that, maybe a 100 ang moh do that - so who is the better choice for life time ATM service ??
Old 15-10-2010, 12:10 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Bro the Milk Man i think you got it all wrong....

The girls dun hate the Ang Mohs. They 101% love white skin (Ang Mohs). So they will go ."Hello Sir" "Welcome to Bar Pony Tails" and so on...

And once the Ang Moh is in about 5 -7 girls will crowd around him and try to massage him or seduce him and stuff. so i dun think the girls hate the Ang Mohs...

I said the Ang Mohs hate us (Singaporeans/Chinese/Taiwanese?Koreans) for spoiling markets in terms of buying LDs and also tipping..

[QUOTE=The Milk Man;5301627][QUOTE=The Lord;5290452]

But I thought they hate the ang mohs over there.
Old 15-10-2010, 12:25 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Yes the security situation has definitely improved. There is a lot more visible police presence.

I have seen police on buggies and other police vehicles.

You have ever so often police patrols with sirens blazing...

Yes They have also introduced police checkpoints enroute to Fields.

So yes fields is definitely a safe place for chicken hearted Singaporeans

I prefer to play outside of Fields....

That does not mean i dislike Fields... there are still a quite a few bars in the
Fields stretch that captivate my imagination

[QUOTE=The Milk Man;5301627][QUOTE=The Lord;5290452]

Saw the newsreel where the new mayor gave a speech on his first 100 days in office. He mention the security situation as very bad with the increased killings of foreigners recently. He wants more police to be deployed. He also wants the high number of illegal firearms reduced.
Old 15-10-2010, 12:35 PM
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Unhappy Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips


This forum is to discuss, how to have an enjoyable nightlife in AC and sharing your knowledge regarding your stays/vacations in AC! Don't show your ignorance or prejudice by taking negative about white race/Caucasians! In other words, don't be an asshole!
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BOYCOTT Arab owned bars in Soi Cowboy!
Old 15-10-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

I could not believe that the girl was gonna do all that.

Initially she came over and then hugged and started to put her hands down towards my crotch area and it was surprise surprise when she unzipped my pants and put her hands inside.....

And later came the kissing bit.... Phew... night to remember...

Bro Ziebart you are here since Wednesday but no time to meet up with you yet cause my other friends have their own schedules and i find it difficult to break their schedules

Il catch you today or tomorrow definitely

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Gosh, that girl with her school girl spectacles is a killer. One look at her and I am having fantasies. So did you and others in the bar. Even with my 2 girls at the table, I was tempted to table her but I saw your hand was longer... or was that the 3rd hand. She chose you over me.

Tomorrow night I will be there in the evening. Txt me where you are and I try catch up. Poor man like me managed to get 3 nights hotel sponsorship cos sponsor die die want me to be there. But my ticket price is WOW. Almost could not afford to fly back.
Old 15-10-2010, 01:17 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Bro Ziebart thanks to your tip. I think i got a very good price yesterday through your contact.

One of my friends (who was travelling with me) was insisting that i use the hotel transport.

Finally i worked out the math and your contact won.... He gave us a good van which was an 8 seater van (we were only 5 of us in the van) brought us on the beautiful highway... Not sure what its called....All the way to Subic and then onwards to Olongapo City and forward again to Baretto.

The trip cost P2500 (two way ) + 150 * 6 hours of waiting = P 3400.

We left from Angeles Sunset Garden at 500pm sharp. And we got back from Baretto and reached out hotel at 0225am. The journey via a private car is pretty fast whereas if you wanna take the public transport it could take longer...

If you wanna take the public transport there are 2 options:
1) Take the trike to Dau
2) Take the bus to Olongapo
2) Take the special jeepney to OLongapo outside of Dau
3) Take the jeepney from Olongapo to the pubs in Baretto.

My Subic Olongapo Baretto trip would not have happened thanks to Bro Ziebarts contacts and ofcourse he also sent me a dummys guide to Baretto...

Now Baretto is a coastal town.... There is one main road and most of the bars (not many) are along the main road....

One side of the main road fronts the sea and is lined with seaside resorts obviously while the other side of the road has the bars.

Now for those of you who are used to Fields Avenue.... let me tell you this is not Fields avenue..... However if you wanna get away from the "In your face" kinda bar scene in Fields then Baretto is for you... The streets are cleaner and there is no maddening rush. Most of the customers are Caucasians (not many) .... though i am not sure if its seasonal..

We visited quite a few Bars at Barettos like Wet Spot, Club 1, Angel Witch, Rum Jungle (hope i got the name right), Shooters (sports bar on top of Club 1) and finally we ended up at Bar Baretto... I cant remember the names of most bars. however i do have the list of bars with me... If any guys are interested to know the names of other bars there i can post it for your reference..

Most LDs are about 150 (so if you are visiting the bars here hoping for cheaper LDs stay away).... Also the girls tend to finish up their LD relatively faster.

The Bar fine stands at P1500....

Pricing for drinks varies.... Some drinks like Soda/SML/SMP are priced P70 in some pubs while Tanduay Ice is priced at P60....

There is this saying that goes "Of all the things you must try.... this one has gotta be in your bucket"... thats Tanduay ice for you..... IN may this year not many bars carried it.... Now all bars seem to have it.... if you still cant find it head to 7-11 or the Mini Stop Convenience store.... and you can get it for P34 (excl bottle charge)
Old 15-10-2010, 02:53 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Got this on PM:

You're an asshole, man, stop talkin nonsense about my friends in AC! (Caucasians) You're the one that all the Filipinas hate because you're so tight with your money! ASSHOLE

Well, my comments were not racist, but showing some colour to the truth - where did I mention about hating ang mohs ?? Somebody needs a chill pill and it ain't me .. and if whoever sent me this message think I am picking on ang mohs - sorry mate - I was just giving my 2 cents on filipina thinking - and which is the truth and more often, make asian think "I WISH I WAS WHITE .. "

Over and out - I am out of this thread - Mr Who-ever - you can have the forum and AC to yourself .. I got other things to do and other places to see .. and there are much better places than AC in Philippines, without the nagging and irritating guys who think other guys are trampling on their 'terrritory' ..

And if at all it means anything, I am not a tight fisted guy, never stayed in a hotel in AC for less than 2,000, and while never getting myself ripped over LDs, never said no to atleast one LD when a girl asked - and even when I was with an escort .. so - Mr - there you have it !! I AM TIGHT FISTED light you imply- go screw yourself, or choose somebody of your size to play with ..

Cheers ..
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Old 15-10-2010, 03:00 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
yes Bro to add to that the Asians look for stunner girls with SYT looks.

Ang Mohs look for any sorta girl.

My god!! if you look at some of the girls the Ang Mohs choose you would not wanna even say that girl is your maid even....

Cheers Bro Etsys
not gonna steam up a angry guy - but somebody said - when you see most of the dogs, they resemble their owner .. or is it the other way around ???
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Old 15-10-2010, 03:06 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Over and out - I am out of this thread - Mr Who-ever - you can have the forum and AC to yourself .. I got other things to do and other places to see .. and there are much better places than AC in Philippines, without the nagging and irritating guys who think other guys are trampling on their 'terrritory' ..
Chill bro....dun get worked up.
Old 15-10-2010, 05:56 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Not gonna name the guy .. but .. ha ha .. my life is very interesting... got another PM from the offended Ang Moh !!!

>> Fuck off you faggot! Stop making fun of Ang moh, as you call it! I kick your ass! Fucker <

Maybe somebody should tell Ang Moh to Chill ..

>> entertainment for the day .. but mr Ang Moh : Why pick on me ?? Did I point something sharp to you ???? sorry, my english is very very weak .. and can't decipher ..

Back to the regular programming: heard that a mid-size hotel again coming under the radar of Singapore investors .. planning to boost Singapore Tourism .. add the Air Phil Express drive into Singapore .. any smoke in the forest ???
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Old 16-10-2010, 09:59 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Bro etsys i think i am being bracketed alongside you. But does that matter bro? Losers will complain forever.

Any person who has sufficient money would love to live and play in his homeground. cause its comfortable and familiar ground.. The Indians would love to live and play in India, so would the chinese in China and the Europeans in Europe.

So when you find truckloads of Ang Mohs playing In AC what does that imply?

And when that Ang Moh gets upset cause asians are playing in AC too what does that suggest?

I guess but for 1 or 2 Ang Mohs any bro or filipina familiar with the AC scene would suggest that the Ang Mohs hardly spend.

A quick visit to the bars along Perimeter or UPper Perimeter would reveal that most of these bars have sprung up to specifically cater to the Ang Mohs small wallet. now nothing wrong with the Ang Moh having a smaller wallet. Once upon a time the Asians had a smaller wallet too. so we are just specifically expressing the truth.

In fact a quick visit to these bars will also reveal that most of the bar visitors are regular ang mohs who have retired in the Philippines. Yes while some Ang Mohs could have retired in Europe or america quite a few of the retirees have retired here to stretch their Dollar, to get more bang for their buck.

There is no reason for any Ang Moh or his friend to get upset just because we are speaking the truth.

In fact if you look at most of the hotels the ones that come with cheaper rates are generally taken up by the Ang Mohs too.
Old 16-10-2010, 10:05 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

I think everyone knows who the guy is. Insecurity lurks in the heart of the insecure.

Bro etsys dun worry about this guy and other such guy(s). I think you are too valuable to this forum that we cant lose you.

You have a lot of knowledge for us to learn from.

Only one grouse that i wanna pick with you: Il never spend as much as you do even though i can afford it.

[QUOTE=etsys;5307252]Not gonna name the guy .. but .. ha ha .. my life is very interesting... got another PM from the offended Ang Moh !!!

>> Fuck off you faggot! Stop making fun of Ang moh, as you call it! I kick your ass! Fucker <

Maybe somebody should tell Ang Moh to Chill ..

Old 16-10-2010, 12:30 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post

Maybe somebody should tell Ang Moh to Chill ..
Everyone should chill....
Old 16-10-2010, 12:31 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Last night i tried the local liquor was quite keen to try that...

So i asked around and was recommended to try the local Napolean VSOP (about 254 peso)

Pretty cheap huh? Yeah you just gotta buy some ice (p20 for a small bag of ice at 7-11), Soda and coke (for those who want it sweeter)

I was shocked when i read their liquor prices... The Thanduay Dark Rhum 5 years aged was retailing at P 62. Unbelievable but true eh?

Anyway my verdict on the Napolean VSOP not a bad drink at all and if you know how to mix it well its reasonably smooth too.

Anybody else have a decent local liquor to recommend? i would love to try...
Old 16-10-2010, 12:42 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Anybody else have a decent local liquor to recommend? i would love to try...
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