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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
TL instead of TooLan becomes TransferLoad CP instead of Changping becomes Changi Prison. Ah Kor Oi.........no problem, for friendship. Confirmed 1st night on me 2nd night on you. Happy happy go lucky hahahahahaha |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Deal but only between you and me.
You pay for my drink frist day and I pay for your drink second day. Seriously, I never expect anyone to treat KTV sessions unless there is a business angle. I can only accept your treats if it is coffee and toast. hehehe Ah Kor Oi.........no problem, for friendship. Confirmed 1st night on me 2nd night on you. Happy happy go lucky hahahahahaha[/QUOTE]
無業游民 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Yes sir........you buy me, i buy you. The rest just watch. Kekekekeke Cheers |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
This morning is occurs to me why the confusion. I caused it as usual by not posting directly. I should have post:
I did not agreed to sponser the KTV sessions. 3Dee please point out when or where did I agreed to do so. If it was my mistake sure, I will cover that session of drinks. Otherwise the person who make the mistake should pay. hehehe Instead of some long BS like:We both are man of our own words. If we said it is cover by us, it will be cover by us. But if you did not said anything, you are not liable.So instead of blanket party 3dee, we should thank 3 dee for informing us that he has found sponser for the 2 KTV sessions. Hence for the KTV sessions, all participant need not pay anything to the organiser. Organiser will pay the bill and claim from his sponser. Anyway, I remember what Botar said about this thread - this is the fun fun fun thread, so thats just to it have fun guys. Yes sir........you buy me, i buy you. The rest just watch. Kekekekeke Cheers[/QUOTE]
無業游民 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
hahaha , like that, I think no need to change mao's notes liao just bring passport will do , everything have been cover !!! so good the trip , everybody want to join ? 3dee free trip to CP
TCSS ....... ![]() |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
![]() Quote:
What happen to your sense of humour? ![]() (does this sound familiar to you, heheheheh...)
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
A man with the word... well said bro Botar, you have my full respect!! ![]() Hope you are not drinking too much last night hor... hope you still remember me hor... kekekekekeke... ![]()
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
USMjordan report today ....SIR !!!
Dont make me say to you 操你妈的鄙[/SIZE] |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
one more point for bro MonsterX to 25... anyone to help?
![]() http://sammyboy.online/showpos...postcount=2029
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
That not me. I have a lot of hair on my big head & small head;and
I would not go to that extend to give the MM extra 10 minutes of happiness. hahhaa Quote:
I still have my sense of humour, that why my orginal post try to trap you 3Dee into covering the KTV session instead. But almost back fire. Now you have a guy (a 4d (not 3D) punter) coming here posting Happy Brithday Singapore, expecting free drink; the organiser and thread starter U 3dee please answer him ok? You quick go check with PM office see can or not ok and give the man, your client a answer ok? Client ask question, must answer quick quick. 3Dee I put big big to respect you but you still no give 1 tiny point to me. (caught you there right?) Quote:
無業游民 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
廣州黑水「消毒」餐具 深圳霉蠔充烤生蠔 食唔死大命 10/08/2007 【專案組、兩岸組報道】港人喜愛北上歎美食,但無論餐具或食物原來都毫無保障。內地傳媒及本報分別在廣州和 深圳街頭踢爆內地食肆使用的所謂消毒餐具,部分其實用污水來洗;至於港人愛吃的燒烤蠔,當中不少是以死蠔充 生蠔出售,無良商販把死蠔放入蠔殼內,配以濃油赤醬來燒,以掩蓋霉味,欺騙食客。有人食了這些含菌量超高的 「霉蠔」後連番嘔吐,懷疑引發急性腸胃炎。傳染病醫生表示,若使用不潔餐具及進食不潔蠔類,很大機會感染含 毒素的大腸桿菌,除屙嘔肚痛外,更會令大腸出血,隨時無命。 內地傳媒在廣州揭發有黑心餐具消毒公司,所謂的消毒只是徒具虛名。記者以打工身份混入這些公司觀察,發現他 們根本沒有將餐具進行任何消毒程序,僅為餐具清洗。記者發現這些公司的清洗程序十分「求其」,工人將大堆餐 具擺放在廠前空地,將餐具放到水桶清洗,桶內是早已變為黑色的污水。 據悉,由於工人收入以件工計,故此清洗十分「勤快」,工人從筐中拿到桶中清洗,只花上十秒,而只需十五分鐘 便清洗完一筐碗,碗筷的清潔程度令人懷疑。至於另一間工場更離譜,工場由鐵皮蓋搭,通風條件極差,污水橫流 ,發出一陣中人欲嘔的味道,由於工場內溫度極高,工人汗流浹背的為餐具進行密封包裝,餐具亦沾滿汗水。廣州 的消毒餐具費用規定由食客支付,每套費用是一元至一元五角人民幣不等,有食客知道市面存在這些黑心消毒餐具 後,感到極度不滿,要求當局加強監管。 十元三隻 傳潲水酸臭味 此外,本報記者在深圳福田區的食肆及酒吧附近,揭發極受港人喜愛的「生蠔十元三隻,新鮮好食」的燒烤蠔,其 實是霉蠔充生蠔。這些燒烤攤位的設備極之簡陋,只由一個炭爐及一張放滿食物的小桌子組成。這些肥大烤蠔全配 以蒜油、花及辣椒粉等濃味醬料,客人品嘗後,均豎起拇指稱讚。 記者發現,這些攤位出售的所謂「生蠔」,肉質全無彈性,不但蠔肉早已與蠔殼分離,蠔殼上的肉筋亦被刮得一乾 二淨,放在桌上待烤的「連殼蠔肉」,顏色均已轉白,顯然與新鮮生蠔不同,當桌上的蠔快要售罄時,商販就會從 一矮樹叢中掏出一個白色的發泡膠盒,快手快腳將十幾隻「霉蠔」取出。 當記者到矮樹叢察看時,發現有近十個發泡膠盒,而將食物存放在這的不止一家,盒蓋微開的霉蠔,傳來陣陣潲 水的酸臭味道,令人反胃。部分盒內更混雜了肉和菜,蠔肉和蠔殼亦包裝在同一個袋,臭味根本分不清是從哪種食 物傳出來。凌晨過後,當城管人員放工後,無良小販更肆無忌憚,直接將收藏起來的發泡膠盒放在腳邊。據悉,近 日有福田區的市民與朋友一起吃了兩打燒蠔後,即感到肚子劇痛和不斷冒汗,經醫生診斷後,驗出患 有腸胃炎。 毒菌超多 可致大腸出血 港大腸胃及肝臟科授王振宇表示,過往曾發現內地出產的貝殼類海鮮,令人感染甲型肝炎的個案。他還指出,已 壞死及腐爛的蠔肉,含細菌量一定較新鮮蠔多,若進食不潔的蠔類,更有機會感染大腸桿菌及痢疾性腸炎,兩者均 可引致嘔吐、肚瀉及肚痛,若感染含毒素的大腸桿菌,更可令大腸出血,如不及時醫治,人體會出現脫水,隨時無 命。 本港生署表示,○六年因進食海鮮而食物中毒的個案有五百零五宗,共一千六百七十二人受感染;本年截至昨日 為止,則有一百三十宗個案,有三百八十三人受感染。該署呼籲凡進食任何食物,包括海鮮,均須徹底煮熟及注意 個人生。 第一手消息請瀏覽on.cc《即時新聞》 「皇后」生死戰 一觸即發! 詳情請即瀏覽《皇后碼頭最後的一夜》專輯
無業游民 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
this one i want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
r u the one savouring the honey??
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