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Old 13-10-2014, 12:34 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by ZondaF View Post
Mind asking what is ASS-Hug?
Maybe is this

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Old 13-10-2014, 12:35 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by ZondaF View Post
Mind asking what is ASS-Hug?
Maybe is this

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Old 13-10-2014, 05:17 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by seabass View Post
My point is ? Not every Vietnamese is the same. Should we discount Samsters' own experiences? Never. Although everyone has a story, not all story is the representative of a people group. Therefore take everything shared with a pinch of salt. The best way to go about it is with our eyes open, share intel and experience a relationship ourselves with a balance world view.
If we take every experience shared as `a pinch of salt', then why is there a need to come in here to read, share and learn? Yes, not every VB is bad. When majority of the VB demonstrates the same action, i should think we need to bring it up for discussion and see if other samsters experience it too. You first went Saigon in 1991 and till 2 years ago, only 16 trips, that's not enough for you to understand the Viet culture. The best is to be able to stay there for a number of years and be able to see, hear and experience. Doing business with the locals will further enhance what you know and experience.
Old 13-10-2014, 05:18 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by ZondaF View Post
Mind asking what is ASS-Hug?
Honda SH. One of the most expensive scooter on the roads of VN.
Old 13-10-2014, 05:23 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Yes, this one I also heard before. I heard there's also 2 model, one made in Japan and one made in Vn....

2 which is imported from Italy and the other is local VN made.

current price difference is slightly double
Old 13-10-2014, 06:06 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by volcano View Post
2 which is imported from Italy and the other is local VN made.

current price difference is slightly double
Of course they choose those imported ones if Viet Kieu or foreigner brother-in-law is paying.
Old 13-10-2014, 07:42 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

I just speak my mind what I think about vietnamese ladies that I meet.

To start with, I am not a goondu type of Sinkees to start with. help and advice given by Seniors from this thread was crucial otherwise I would have think anything that spill out of VBs mouths are real.

After meeting a few VBs, there seems to be a pattern. First is mother, always about giving money to mother. Follow by sick parents whom will never die. Even sibling getting married also their problem. So I joke with them I need to give parent money too, and I myself is sick and maybe taking more drugs that their sick parents.

However all this girls are WL I meet in Singapore Coffeeshop and HCM Bia om....

When you avoid those area, you find girls whom are less demanding about money.

My current girl work in cafe for a month before meeting me on a blind date. I told her to quit after meeting her as she told me she earn V3m a month. Never once she ask for any amount of money. Once she wanted to attend a friend wedding, she needed V300k to give as lixi. She did not dare to ask until she about to attend it. She say I should be able to know as she is not working and keep telling she need to attend a wedding.

Best of all, her priority now is "not to upset me when we are together". She even quarrel with her mother during first few date because I ask her to quit and her mother worry no money is going to go into her pocket.

Just sharing my on going experience with vb . I do not want praise nor been insulted for my post. I simply type my encounter and hope some arrogant and "know all" Sinkees watch what the vbs do and not simply listen to what they say.
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Old 13-10-2014, 08:09 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by SingViet View Post
Of course they choose those imported ones if Viet Kieu or foreigner brother-in-law is paying.
Hehehe they really know how to choose the best among these two model
Old 13-10-2014, 08:23 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by MIFAcafe View Post
I just speak my mind what I think about vietnamese ladies that I meet.

To start with, I am not a goondu type of Sinkees to start with. help and advice given by Seniors from this thread was crucial otherwise I would have think anything that spill out of VBs mouths are real.

After meeting a few VBs, there seems to be a pattern. First is mother, always about giving money to mother. Follow by sick parents whom will never die. Even sibling getting married also their problem. So I joke with them I need to give parent money too, and I myself is sick and maybe taking more drugs that their sick parents.

However all this girls are WL I meet in Singapore Coffeeshop and HCM Bia om....

When you avoid those area, you find girls whom are less demanding about money.

My current girl work in cafe for a month before meeting me on a blind date. I told her to quit after meeting her as she told me she earn V3m a month. Never once she ask for any amount of money. Once she wanted to attend a friend wedding, she needed V300k to give as lixi. She did not dare to ask until she about to attend it. She say I should be able to know as she is not working and keep telling she need to attend a wedding.

Best of all, her priority now is "not to upset me when we are together". She even quarrel with her mother during first few date because I ask her to quit and her mother worry no money is going to go into her pocket.

Just sharing my on going experience with vb . I do not want praise nor been insulted for my post. I simply type my encounter and hope some arrogant and "know all" Sinkees watch what the vbs do and not simply listen to what they say.
I think all of us are here to share, we share some common encounters while we encounter some not-so-common ones. Its always a pleasure to read what others have countered. The thing is most SGP man met their spouse at the nightspots in Singapore, so they these gals share some common traits. We have gone thru many times how MOST of these gals live their day to day life and how some sinkie man just couldn't get the basic point.

Of course, there are SOME viet gals that are nice and not so demanding. Its rare but there are surely some around. Some samsters may find me arrogant but to be honest, i am still learning what the different classes of viets think and react in different circumstances. The thoughts i have are mainly to think of how pathetic these sinkie man are by always giving and giving to their spouse's family but are never appreciated but taken for granted. Sinkie man are a lot of good hearted chaps and try to maintain family harmony by being gracious to the in laws. There should be better ways to handle these money hot pots than to keep giving and giving.

Different sinkie man lead different life and have different demands. Sharing is caring here and i hope that the sharing spirit can always be there. No matter if anyone doesn't like me or doesn't like what i write, anyone can choose to ignore what i write. We share in hope that most others can learn and not to fall into the same trap. Earning money is not easy in Singapore or any other parts of the world, we just got to make sure that the hard earned money don't get cheated.

have a great week ahead.
Old 13-10-2014, 09:23 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

He is no fool to give what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose
Please refrain from asking for point exchange
Old 13-10-2014, 09:24 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by seabass View Post
I made 16 trips to VN, starting from 1991 till 2 years ago. I am still amazed by the land and her people today as I was 23 years ago. In my first trip to HCMC, the city had just open up to the rest of the world under the doi moi open door market oriented policy.
My first trip to hcm back in 1999...then made more than 100 plus trips from 2008 till today flying monthly...ever stayed one month in Vietnam...

Btw I hv tickets to hcm till middle of next year...still year there is a long weekend space out nicely all within a month...namely Good Friday, Labour Day and Vesak Day...

I hv never bothered with VBs that fly overseas becos I fly to SOURCE monthly...had contributed in this thread since 2008...

I dun care if ppl think I am boastful becos I love Vietnam far more than gals and sex...still plan to retire in Vietnam when I finished my duties here...
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Old 13-10-2014, 09:45 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

My next trip will be my 16 times I step foot into HCM. (since June 2013)

And I learn very little ...... maybe I need 200 trips to now the basic.
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Old 13-10-2014, 09:51 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by seabass View Post

Try not to stereotype a VN girl. There money grabbers and there are money grabbers. Yet, there some potential goody good shoes. Don't throw the baby with the bath water, simply because there are far too many negative cases.
Nobody likes to stereotyping any nationalities be it Vietnam gals...then why in the past they stereotype Thai gals as hookers...can you blame us...

There are fine line differences between Vietnamese gals working to earn men's money (WL) and those earning a living decently...

But how do we know who are the gals if we have no prior knowledge of them...a university student can be an ex WL or even part time WL to put herself thru school...this happened before in a busted scandal ring a few years ago...whereby students model and earn moneys by providing sexual services...

We all knew money is the main culprit...mother demands money to be brought home by daughters in Vietnam...mother borrowed money to spend ahead for festive season, illness or weddings...which they have no idea how daughters going to pay...borrowing money in Vietnam means high interest of around 20% interest monthly...

Let me relate a short story :-

A gal from Hanoi working in cafe @ hcm earns around 5-6mil monthly including tips...have not went hometown for 3 years...just try to send 2-3 mil home per month...mother borrowed money becos of TET and expect 5 mil from daughter even she not going home..remain in hcm to work over in order to send money she needs to sleep with potential men who are interested in her...she has plenty of suitors becos she is a looker...dress well...but she went for a kill...asking for 4-5mil per nite...just few months of TET the brother got involved in a motorbike accident...mother borrowed 17mil to cover medical fees for all both bikes becos her brother has no Cong An fines...she hated her brother for putting her in such predicament...her mother cried and cried...she relented and went into earning men money again...

Here I dun mean there are no good gals in Vietnam...there are but you need to be there to get them...
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Old 13-10-2014, 10:01 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

A decent girl that hold a degree can only earn V7-8m per month.

Know a reception whom earn V3m. Rental V1.2m.

Only naughty girls earn more..... it is not about choice when you have no choice at all.
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Old 13-10-2014, 10:04 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
still plan to retire in Vietnam when I finished my duties here...
you got the guts to retire in vn...
this idea never cross my mind after seeing the life in vn.
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