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Old 11-01-2012, 03:43 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Meanwhile, back in Singapore, Justin has been busy with work, literally. His boss had inexplicably chosen the same time to go on leave, dumping all the work on him. The only plus side he could see was that it allowed him to work closely with his boss’s secretary, a gorgeous woman by the name of Adeline. She was an Indonesian Chinese, with the palest of skin. She was not very tall, and had long wavy hair. She had a nasal voice, and a face that was pristine. She had naturally pouty lips, and a seductive gaze whenever she looked at anyone. But what was so attractive about her was her figure. She had a huge pair of breasts that always spilled out of her tight tops. Like Pei Pei, this was a woman who knew how to dress. And even though Adeline always revealed a generous cleavage regularly at the workplace, she managed to do so without looking like a slut. She had a simple rule. Always either show breasts or legs, never both. And so she had been the most desired lady in the whole office. Everyone assumed that the boss was bonking her, since she looked like someone who was hired for her looks more than her brains.

But after a week of working with her, Justin was suitably impressed with her. Here was a formidable woman with both looks and brains, highly efficient and able to think for herself. Far from being aloof and unfriendly as her exterior suggests, she was actually very friendly and warm. Just that unless you actually spoke to her, she was very caught up in her work and so gave people the wrong impression. Her husband was a high powered attorney in a law firm, and they’ve been married three years. And from their conversations, Justin surmised that she wasn’t sleeping with the boss. After all, that old geezer would hold no attraction at all for someone of Adeline’s ability. She had a good husband who had both money and status, and so his boss had absolutely nothing to offer. Justin found it a pity, since here was a woman whom he would bed in a heartbeat if he had the chance.

One of his favorite was a red dress that she wears to the office. As usual, it had a generous cut that showed off a fair bit of her generous bosoms. It was a very sensual red dress that highlighted her womanly curves, and it tapered off nicely at her calves, clinging to her very firm and round bottom. Her two half cups that were open for all to see revealed a milky white pair of breasts that looked so soft and inviting. Like a lot of Indonesian Chinese women, she exuded a greater sexuality than Singaporean women, appearing a whole lot more of a woman without doing much. From the way she brushed her wavy hair back and gazed out at you from under her eyelashes with her smoking eyes and her pouty lips, to the way her hips swayed from side to side as she walked along the office corridors, even to the way she would lean to one side when she’s standing and talking to you, she exuded so much sex appeal that Justin found himself getting distracted from work just by merely having her around. This was a woman that he desperately wanted to bed, yet this was a rare woman that he could not have, since he had nothing much to offer her that she did not already have. All in all, it was a decidedly unhappy week for him.
Old 11-01-2012, 07:56 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Jia you !!!!!
Old 11-01-2012, 10:45 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

sounds like other people's wife is always better, is it?
Old 12-01-2012, 01:08 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Originally Posted by callmebad View Post
sounds like other people's wife is always better, is it?
Well, that's because the best women are always quickly taken.

Plus, this thread is called "Forbidden Fruits"...
Old 12-01-2012, 04:24 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Originally Posted by javlooking View Post
Well, that's because the best women are always quickly taken.

Plus, this thread is called "Forbidden Fruits"...
well, alot of us will have the same idea...

dat the grass is always greener on the other side...
One can like many, but can only love One at a time..

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Pls be patient & will share 16 Green Apples every 24hrs

Priority will be given to bro/sis above +8pts
Old 17-01-2012, 09:56 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Waiting for your continuation. Dun just stop there bro.
Old 17-01-2012, 12:28 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

One time, when they had to search through his boss’ drawers for a document, he could not help but stare in awe at the pair of boobs she had when she bent down and showed off almost everything. Beneath her pale blue dress that was cut pretty low as usual, she was wearing a sheer satin black bra that contrasted nicely against her milky white breasts, and he was so stunned that he actually froze up, transfixed at the sight. The looked soft and absolutely inviting, and the way they swayed in motion as she was rummaging through the drawer made him want to just reach out and stabilize them with his hands. Suddenly, she asked him something and it made him snap to attention, just in time to look away as she looked up, since he obviously didn’t register the question and so didn’t answer him. Even though he wasn’t looking when he looked up, he was sure Adeline knew what was up, since he looked flustered and embarrassed. She had a slight knowing smile on her face, before adjusting her dress a little. Justin was glad she didn’t seem to take offence, but berated himself for having behaved like a secondary school boy. He was usually a lot more composed and assured in front of women, but Adeline just seemed to somehow be different.

She was untouchable.

Justin would go home late after a long days’ work, exhausted and sexually frustrated, and this was compounded by the fact that Pei Pei wasn’t around. It was such an irony that Pei Pei should be the one that was getting all the action, when it should have been him that was sleeping around while she was away at work. He would go to bed and dream of Adeline’s breasts, her smouldering eyes, and how she had this amazing ability to always maintain her composure and restraint. Twice in the week, he had a sex dream of her, and would wake up running to the toilet to masturbate in frustration.

The good news is, after getting to know her, he had started to exchange texts with her, friendly messages and nothing more. But he found her to be a little on the boring side, since she didn’t have a very agile sense of humor. “No wonder she married a damn lawyer”, he muttered to himself, “I wonder if they have any fun in bed, or if they just fuck like animals.” He told himself that no matter how good she was, if she had no sexual enterprise, then she would be no fun. Even Pei Pei, as innocent as she was, had an instinctive sexuality that could drive him nuts. But of course, the more he thought about it, the more he got curious, and wanted to try Adeline out.

One night, after they finally completed a major project that their boss had tasked, they went out for dinner to celebrate. There was actually four of them, but the other two decided to skip drinks after dinner, leaving Justin and Adeline by themselves. They settled down at a relatively quiet pub, intending to just wind down the night by relaxing away from too much noise. Their conversation went from work, and slowly drifted down to family. As Justin talked about how amazing he felt Pei Pei was, and how lucky he felt to have met her, Adeline looked at him with a very slight look of amusement. He caught the look, and asked her why she had such an expression. “I was just wondering, if she really was that great, and you’re that much in love with her, why did you sneak so many looks down my chest over the past few days?” she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

Justin was totally caught off guard with her question, but quickly recovered, saying “well, being happily married doesn’t mean I lose my sense of appreciation for beauty,” giving her a cheeky wink. This drew a laugh from her, the most expressive that he had ever seen her being.

“I see that your reputation as a ladies’ man is well earned, Justin.”

Raising his eyebrow, Justin replied, “checking up on me, haven’t you?” With a chuckle, she responded by saying “I didn’t need to do any checking. Word gets around the office, you know.” Deep inside, Justin was glad that she seemed to be someone who is ok with office dalliances. After all, if she knew and was happy to do drinks alone with him, she probably was a lot more open than she looks. Still, he played along, saying “well, that was all in the past. I’m a changed man now. Don’t you see how hard I’m working, and how I’m not making any moves on you despite the allurement you present?” Adeline waved off his compliment and warned him, “don’t get started on me, you naughty boy. You’re a very dangerous man to be with.” Justin laughingly protested, and their conversation became a series of bantering and light chatter. It turned out to be a really enjoyable night, and Justin found out that just like himself, Adeline’s partner was away in China on a high profile case. He has been away for 3 weeks already, and won’t be back for another 2. He silently cursed the timing, since if he had a little more time, he could have tried to work his way into her bed. But 2 weeks was a little bit too short.
Old 17-01-2012, 01:20 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Dun stop now Bro...
Just one more pls !!
Old 17-01-2012, 08:06 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

The only thread WORTH following in my honest opinion. TS, although I can't up you with my points, but please update your story more frequently. Thank you
Old 17-01-2012, 10:46 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Upp you my humble 2 points. Pls keep the story coming....
Old 19-01-2012, 01:49 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

After they finished their drinks, they took a short walk , so that Justin could walk off some alcohol before sending Adeline home. As they chatted away, Justin increasingly found that she was actually a very engaging conversationalist. As the topic drifted to Justin’s new home, and how he’s still not satisfied with the work done, she told him that her husband is very good with interior design. Describing what he did with the place, Justin was suitably impressed. “It takes someone amazing to impress you, that’s for sure. And wow, what he did with the place sure seemed cool.” She smiled and again chided him “stop with your compliments. I’m not falling for your charms, mister.” Justin raised his hands in mock surrender, and said “geez, can’t a guy even speak his mind anymore? Anyway, its getting late. I better get you home.”

Justin was glad that at least he now knows Adeline stays pretty near his house. All the way he was quietly formulating in his mind how should he ask to get invited into the house, but he told himself not to get too excited again like a schoolboy. He needs to be patient and not push it. So imagine his surprise when he reached her front gate, and she asked if he would like to come in and see the interior design. Naturally he said yes, his heart beating wildly. Adeline always has a very neutral face, and it was always impossible to guess at what she was thinking. It was highly possible that she had nothing illicit in mind, and he repeated to himself over and over again, not to do anything foolish. He could lose everything with one wrong move. She was his boss’ P.A., as well as a high powered attorney’s wife. Nevertheless, it was still a thrill to be entering her house.

He was suitably impressed with the interior, and as she led him around the place, she was happy to point out what she liked and what she felt could be improved. Finally they hit the master bedroom, and his eyes widened in amazement when he stepped in. It was a luxurious room, with an elevated platform where the bed was. The room was dimly lit with soft lights, and an entire wall was a polished mirror. She told him that was the sliding doors of her wardrobe. Pulling open the doors to show him, she inadvertently opened one door where her underwear was stored. She quickly closed it in embarrassment, but not before Justin spotted some really nice black sheer lace negligees. As she turned to show him the toilets, Justin could not help but appreciate how her curves were accentuated in the soft lights, and the sensual nature of her stride as she walked across the bedroom. In the presence of her and her bedroom’s intimacy, Justin could not help it but feel aroused.

As he followed her into the bathroom, he was again struck by the bold design. There were full length mirrors along two walls, making the place a lot bigger than it actually was. It takes a very confident couple to put so many mirrors in a place where they stand naked, and both of them were clearly very comfortable with their nude forms. The thought of that only served to make him even more aroused, and he started to get worried that his erection might start to show. He tried to walk behind her so that she wouldn’t notice, but as they again stepped into the bedroom, she turned around to look at him, as if asking him what he felt about the decorations. She was standing there, with her body leaning on one side, serving to accentuate her body’s curves. She had her usual look, her beautiful looks framed by her luscious black wavy hair. Her eyes had a way of looking both sleepy as well as glistening, and in the soft glow of the bedroom lights, it was a look at drove Justin crazy.

In a rush of blood, he just stepped forward, reached out to cup her face, and then kissed her.
Old 19-01-2012, 06:35 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Great narration. Always looking forward to your posting. Couldn't help to think how Adeline looks like? I'm visualizing her like cna Andrea chow.... Keep up the good work!
Old 19-01-2012, 09:19 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Almost there. !!!

TS, pls let us wait too long k...
Old 20-01-2012, 11:35 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

come on... come on... more please...
Old 21-01-2012, 01:08 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

It was impulsive, and it was not what you’d call a gentle kiss. Even as he reached out to cup her face, part of him panicked, thinking of the potential consequences. But he really had no control over his actions, so great was his overwhelming desire for this woman standing in front of him, who exuded so much sex appeal that it would have made a monk lose his celibacy. And to his utter surprise, not only did Adeline not make any actions to protest, he found that she was kissing him back. With his heart beating wildly in excitement and anticipation, the kiss dragged on, as they sucked mouth, at first tentatively, then deeply. Justin snaked his tongue out and found hers with ease, and they quickly let the kiss turn into a deep and passionate affair. There was nothing gentle about it, just a fierce animal desire that obviously possessed them both. By now their bodies had deeply locked against each other, and his hands were freely roaming all over her body even as they kissed hard, and breathed heavily.

As they finally paused for a brief moment to gasp for air, with their faces still plastered against each other, she whispered to him, “took you long enough to make your moves. I was beginning to wonder if what they said about you was true.” With a shock, Justin suddenly registered the full meaning behind those words. She had deliberately led him into this! She was the huntress, and he was the helpless prey. He felt like a young schoolboy being seduced, and it shocked him that he was actually on the wrong end of a seduction. He had always considered himself very smooth and in absolute control of his trysts with his many conquests, but in Adeline he had found his match, someone who made him lose his control. He now knows what it felt like to be all those young interns that he had seduced and bedded. He looked into her eyes in wonder, thoroughly smitten with such a woman. Not only did she look smoking hot, she had the brains and even the boldness to match the looks. She was truly formidable.

As he still panted for air, he managed to regain a shred of composure, and replied “so tell me, what else have you heard about me that you feel I have yet to prove?” She smiled and just said “we’ll see.” With that, they resumed their passions, trying their best to eat each others’ face while letting their hands roam freely. Justin grabbed her breasts and gave it a squeeze, loving the fact that it was bigger than his hands. As his other hand rested on her butt, he lightly caressed them with his fingertips, loving how she felt both firm yet soft at the same time. The smooth silken material of her dress allowed his fingertips to travel very smoothly over the terrain of her ass, and it brought a soft moan from her lips as she swayed her hips left and right in response to his teasing. He felt her hands very confidently tracing the contours of his body, and he was suddenly very glad that he had maintained his workout regime even after getting married. She evidently enjoyed what she felt, she gave off soft sounds of approval at where her hands travelled. The suddenly, she reached lower and grabbed at his crotch, where Justin’s raging hard-on had been made evident from the bulge, and as she felt how hard he was, she gave off an even louder sound of approval.

Justin decided that her forwardness meant it was time to take it to the next level, and started to insert his fingers from the top of her dress, and go under the top of her bra. As his fingers slowly snaked on, she responded with a louder moan, and grabbed his waist and kissed him back harder. He smiled to himself, and probed further in, making contact with her nipple soon after. This brought out a cry of pleasure from her as she intensified her assault on his mouth and also used one hand to cup the nape of his neck. By now, they had slowly waltzed their way to her bed, and were standing on the edge of the bed as they fondled each other.
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