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Old 20-11-2014, 03:39 PM
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Re: Rape Case

Originally Posted by MichaelWinn View Post
in china jail no caning, some more i heard in china jail one's family and relatives
can remit money,food and cigarettes to the inmate
guess singapore prison is the worst of the lot
Sorry, got to comment.

You make it sound that jail in China is all nice and dandy, while the fact of the matter is that it is NOT!

This thing about prisoners able to receive money etc is nothing more than another opportunity for your wardens to squeeze you/your family out of money. EVERYTHING extra costs money in China jails, and once you do get money sent in, the floodgates open up and you will be extorted for more or face worse treatment.

Old 21-11-2014, 03:40 AM
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Re: Milf会所

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Haha power lah this PRC man open MILF会所.
most of this china wls feel more safe when they work under a pimp or pimps
it gives them a false sense of security and protection from real or fake policemen
could be due to the shenzhen case in july this year××

东莞失足女卖淫时遭劫 后被劫匪劝说入伙
头条新闻南方都市报 [微博] 李亚坤2014-11-20 07:45我要分享 418
[摘要]一名16岁少女卖淫时,遭两男子抢劫,此后竟被劫匪胁迫劝说加入犯罪团伙,三人在深圳作案时被警方抓获。目 前三人均已被移送检察机关审查起诉。

南都讯 记者李亚坤 一名16岁少女卖淫时,遭两男子抢劫,此后竟被劫匪胁迫劝说加入犯罪团伙,三人在深圳作案时被警方抓获。目 前三人均已被移送检察机关审查起诉。

女孩的母亲则告诉南都记者,女儿在东莞被抢劫时,曾向她求助,而她也向东莞警方报案,但最终无 果。


据罗湖警方透露,今年7月,罗湖万事达酒店发生一宗恶性案件,一女子应约到酒店与一男网友开房时,遭遇了两 名假警察实施抢劫,这名女子被抢走手机、金饰。抢劫实施过程中,这名女子更是被迫与男网友发生性关系,还被 拍下性爱视频和照片,遭遇勒索3000元。两天后,警方在罗湖将三名嫌疑人抓获。三人被警方认为涉嫌抢劫、 强奸罪。

其中一名假女警便是年仅16岁的周某艳。实际上就在半个月之前,她还是一名受害者。根据公安机关侦查查明, 今年7月1日,前述案件中嫌疑人刘某与张某在东莞厚街镇密谋抢劫失足女。

案发当天,张某在厚街镇康乐路富康旅馆开了房,约见失足女周某艳在房间内嫖娼。整个作案过程与前述作案过程 如出一辙,只是作案过程中少了一个“女警察”。

作案过程中,刘某冒充警察扫黄,将张某与周某艳抓获,对周某艳的手机及个人财物实施了抢劫。警方透露,周某 艳供述,刘某当时冒充警察提出要罚款,索要2万元。其间周某艳提供了其母亲的电话。

周某艳的母亲向女士告诉南都记者,她确实多次接到有男子冒充警察,要求其支付2万元保其女儿无事,她为此选 择向东莞警方报案,并没有支付钱款。

而见索要不到钱财,嫌疑人刘某竟想出要拉周某艳入伙。警方透露,刘某拉周某艳入伙是因为觉得周某艳年龄小, 容易控制。另一名同伙张某则称,周某艳本来不答应,但是在刘某的威胁说服之下,终于答应加入他们一起作案。 周某艳本人也称,她一度以为刘某真的是警察,加上对方威胁她卖淫要判刑一年,还说喜欢她要她做女朋友,就此 同意和刘某张某一起干活。


周某艳的母亲向女士告诉南都记者,7月初,她多次接到冒充警察的电话,要她给2万元保其女儿无事。由于她本 人在东莞的清溪镇工作,女儿是在厚街镇工作,她为此在东莞的清溪镇与厚街镇之间奔波,多次向警方报案,称女 儿遭到绑架。

向女士提供了与东莞110的多次通话记录。但是向女士告诉南都记者,两镇警方为究竟谁该立案没有定论。“他 们说我女儿是被骗到传销组织了。”向女士说,警方不作为,导致女儿如今身陷囹圄。

南都记者昨日致电东莞厚街警方,截至发稿时并未获得回应。广东诚公律师事务所郭向锋律师就表示 ,根据《刑事 诉 讼 法》有 关 规 定 ,公 检法机关对于报案、举报的事实及材料必须予以接收,不能推诿。

东莞女子卖淫视频东莞卖淫女的服务项目东莞一失足女记述公园失足女卖淫视频东莞沐足女技师工资关于失足卖淫 女的处罚

so prostitutes also have occupation hazard
dangers of being robbed and raped by their''customers''
no wonder so many prefer to work under a pimp or mamasan
they feel more safe
Old 22-11-2014, 12:54 PM
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Arrow Huicheng/Huiyang Red Alert

Due to the Huicheng/Huiyang Red Alert this week most of the action diverted to Changping or Boluo County.

Who's going to Desert Storm KTV today?
I come your room and say hello.
Old 22-11-2014, 03:37 PM
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Arrow Huizhou City

Huizhou City 5 Star KTVs will resume business today.
Old 22-11-2014, 06:32 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by panado View Post
We have two KTV sessions planned next week im Danshui on 28&29Nov, welcome to join us.

Meanwhile, I have two bros in Huizhou desert storm KTV right now, they meant to be partying tonight in Danshui but they relocated to desert storm due to the checks here.
Just FYI .... there was a raid in DS on the 15th and 16th. Yesterday my other friend who stayed longer went to DS KTV and found the number of girls in KTV was down to tens instead of hundred (a lot dare not come to work... those who do would not want to go out or even over night). Just came back to sillypore yesterday night.
Min power 5 to trade!
Old 23-11-2014, 01:05 AM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

I'm back in Singapore tonight for a day before heading to Penang for a photoshoot,

Then coming back to Singapore on 25 Nov late night and flying off 26 Nov early morning about 7am to head back to Shenzhen, then Danshui.

Any bros keen to meet up with me for late night supper on 25Nov night near Changi airport pls get in touch.

Will be partying in Danshui Legend KTV on 28 & 29 Nov with six other bros, anyone keen to join and open a second room ( the group is getting too big, we might split into two smaller groups) pls do get in touch via PM too. Cheers
Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV
28 Oct - 1 Nov

Bangkok FR

Baccara #176 Soi Cowboy - 11 Nov

#6 MOOK (Poseidon)
#63 Aee (Nataree)

#20 NOON (CCK massage)
Old 23-11-2014, 05:04 AM
MichaelWinn MichaelWinn is offline
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by hot1168 View Post
Just FYI .... there was a raid in DS on the 15th and 16th. Yesterday my other friend who stayed longer went to DS KTV and found the number of girls in KTV was down to tens instead of hundred (a lot dare not come to work... those who do would not want to go out or even over night). Just came back to sillypore yesterday night.
hi bro was it a raid on ktvs or raid on hotels? please kindly enlighten us thanks
Old 23-11-2014, 05:11 AM
MichaelWinn MichaelWinn is offline
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

Originally Posted by panado View Post
I'm back in Singapore tonight for a day before heading to Penang for a photoshoot,

Then coming back to Singapore on 25 Nov late night and flying off 26 Nov early morning about 7am to head back to Shenzhen, then Danshui.

Any bros keen to meet up with me for late night supper on 25Nov night near Changi airport pls get in touch.

Will be partying in Danshui Legend KTV on 28 & 29 Nov with six other bros, anyone keen to join and open a second room ( the group is getting too big, we might split into two smaller groups) pls do get in touch via PM too. Cheers
hi uncle you never bring your hong kong girl with you ? work and pleasure can mix, bring her to spore,penang and thailand
Old 23-11-2014, 08:13 AM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

chionging 101, never over-invest in one single girl, that will be a disaster when the relationship falls apart. Lol.

Besides, I will be meeting her in Hong Kong four days later. A little separation makes the heart grows fonder.

Last night was just kidding with my chiong buddies how they should try to smuggle new girls into our KTV room for me to befriend - 28 & 29 Nov in Danshui Legend KTV, drop by to say hi if you are around.

Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV
28 Oct - 1 Nov

Bangkok FR

Baccara #176 Soi Cowboy - 11 Nov

#6 MOOK (Poseidon)
#63 Aee (Nataree)

#20 NOON (CCK massage)
Old 23-11-2014, 08:40 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

True indeed, girls number were really low in Danshui past ten days but the alert status in DS legend dynasty KTV has been lifted. I'm getting multiple messages from various DJs, mamasans and managers telling me that the girls are going back for action now.

I'll be back to party in DS legend KTV on 28 & 29 nov and I'll know for sure what's the true situation when I'm back.

On the other hand, bro FeiGohGoh just sent me a reliable WeChat news that there's a raid last night or day before (22 or 21 Nov) that there's a hotel raid at 淡水南洋酒店, the police arrested and detained more than three busloads of mongers and girls, hope no SG Bros are caught in this gig.

Whether there's a alert or not, always better to play safe!
Pls refer to my simple safety guide here, lol ~

Originally Posted by hot1168 View Post
Just FYI .... there was a raid in DS on the 15th and 16th. Yesterday my other friend who stayed longer went to DS KTV and found the number of girls in KTV was down to tens instead of hundred (a lot dare not come to work... those who do would not want to go out or even over night). Just came back to sillypore yesterday night.
Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV
28 Oct - 1 Nov

Bangkok FR

Baccara #176 Soi Cowboy - 11 Nov

#6 MOOK (Poseidon)
#63 Aee (Nataree)

#20 NOON (CCK massage)
Old 23-11-2014, 04:23 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by MichaelWinn View Post
hi bro was it a raid on ktvs or raid on hotels? please kindly enlighten us thanks
Bro Michael,
When I was there in the KTV the GONG AN came and checked and recorded all our particulars and there were girls and managers being arrested (was told they came before to check and if the girls were there that time with different guest and now with another guest then automatically arrested). We lost all mood and left for the night without taking anyone as the gong an warned us about China laws ... luckily none of us were checked before. Later at night there were another group of Gong An who knocked on hotel doors to check.... luckily none of us bring anyone back ... so there were no issues.

Hope this info is useful ....
Min power 5 to trade!
Old 23-11-2014, 04:25 PM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

Bro Michael,
When I was there in the KTV the GONG AN came and checked and recorded all our particulars and there were girls and managers being arrested (was told they came before to check and if the girls were there that time with different guest and now with another guest then automatically arrested). We lost all mood and left for the night without taking anyone as the gong an warned us about China laws ... luckily none of us were checked before. Later at night there were another group of Gong An who knocked on hotel doors to check.... luckily none of us bring anyone back ... so there were no issues.

Hope this info is useful ....
Min power 5 to trade!
Old 23-11-2014, 04:42 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by hot1168 View Post
Bro Michael,
When I was there in the KTV the GONG AN came and checked and recorded all our particulars and there were girls and managers being arrested (was told they came before to check and if the girls were there that time with different guest and now with another guest then automatically arrested). We lost all mood and left for the night without taking anyone as the gong an warned us about China laws ... luckily none of us were checked before. Later at night there were another group of Gong An who knocked on hotel doors to check.... luckily none of us bring anyone back ... so there were no issues.

Hope this info is useful ....
May I know which KTV did u went?

Also which hotel u stay?

Sounds like serious shit to kana check hotel rooms... Like this who dare to bring gal back...
CP is gone... ZH, here I come
Old 23-11-2014, 06:42 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
May I know which KTV did u went?

Also which hotel u stay?

Sounds like serious shit to kana check hotel rooms... Like this who dare to bring gal back...
I think the more serious problem is what bro hot1168 mentioned about the check in ktv rooms. Up the lorry if found with different guest in a ktv room the second time around If this continues, no mms dare to work anymore.
Old 23-11-2014, 07:51 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by hot1168 View Post
Bro Michael,
When I was there in the KTV the GONG AN came and checked and recorded all our particulars and there were girls and managers being arrested (was told they came before to check and if the girls were there that time with different guest and now with another guest then automatically arrested). We lost all mood and left for the night without taking anyone as the gong an warned us about China laws ... luckily none of us were checked before. Later at night there were another group of Gong An who knocked on hotel doors to check.... luckily none of us bring anyone back ... so there were no issues.

Hope this info is useful ....
Bro, can share which hotel u were residing in? Scheduled to go over this coming week.
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