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Old 29-12-2004, 08:14 PM
Ah Thut Ah Thut is offline
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

I would like to share my experience at 2 massage parlours along Rachadapisek Road. They are not the body massage type like Nataree, Emanuelle, Hi-class, etc. In fact, they are advertised as Thai Massage, Oil & Herbal Massage parlour. Thai massage cost 400 baht whilst oil massage cost 800 baht. You will get the real massage here, i.e. a nearly 2-hour of no-nonsense rubbing.

At Subway, the girl will ask you at the end of the massage session if you want to make love and will quote 2000 baht. You can bring it down to 1500 baht. I understand 99% of girls in subway will do so. The other parlour I went to has a Thai name which is at the same building as Claudia Club. I was there yesterday and had a pleasant young girl. At the end of the massage, I did not wait and asked if she offered "extra". Surprisingly, she said no and she is not in this line. She also said most of the girls in that parlour don't do that. Surprise, surprise.
Old 31-12-2004, 07:58 AM
phantomtiger2 phantomtiger2 is offline
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Curious that alot of info only concentrated on several well known and advertised MP in Bkk. How about listed some of the small and not so known MPs. What I am seeking are some MP around 1000b and under (if any do exist anymore). Like to be able to save a little so able to do more MP exploring with limited vacation funds. ex:read in other postings, Biwa and Sweetheart and Zodiac are priced around 1000b but no stories about them (or others like them).

Also like to find out if any MP are around the Chinatown area?
Old 02-01-2005, 02:16 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

I wonder if i post about the best thai traditional massage here ok?

This joint is the best for traditional massage.
It is a must try,

distance, 10-15min from MBK shopping ( depending on the volume of the traffic)

39-41 sabsin road,
wangburapha bangkok thailand
near bangkok bank Samyod.

2228373, 6238350
2221397, 2226673
2226197, 2239759

150baht for ah hour, at least two hour required.

Please try if u want to experience the traditional massage

Old 05-01-2005, 06:47 AM
phantomtiger2 phantomtiger2 is offline
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Question Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by siamcutey
In BKK, the price you pay is for the quality of the girls you fuck. That is to say the more you pay, the "higher standard" in terms of bod and looks. Generally its like that. If not since 1000-1500 is so power, all the sidelines and model class cat at 3K baht up sure no business.

However paying more doesn't mean you get more in service. Also doesn't mean paying less, you get no service. Just that the looks and body is a factor in the pricing.

Newbie to the board. Need advice from experience bro's. in Bkk.(or elsewhere ) Ive posted b/f but no answers to question of alternative MPs that are priced around Cat 1k or even lower,ex: zodiac, biwa,New York,pornphet, heard they exist but no replies and no reports . Wondered if from your experiences could list a few with prices and location,since I will be in BKK in about 6 months.
I accept the fact that higher prices generally mean better bod/looks, but for me having a cute face with ok bod will do (dont need to look like models).Im more in it for the action.Also will be in Chinatown area and need to know if any places around there for action (after my dim sum of course). Thanks for any info will be appreciated.

Last edited by phantomtiger2; 05-01-2005 at 06:55 AM.
Old 05-01-2005, 11:05 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2
Newbie to the board. Need advice from experience bro's. in Bkk.(or elsewhere ) Ive posted b/f but no answers to question of alternative MPs that are priced around Cat 1k or even lower,ex: zodiac, biwa,New York,pornphet, heard they exist but no replies and no reports . Wondered if from your experiences could list a few with prices and location,since I will be in BKK in about 6 months.
I accept the fact that higher prices generally mean better bod/looks, but for me having a cute face with ok bod will do (dont need to look like models).Im more in it for the action.Also will be in Chinatown area and need to know if any places around there for action (after my dim sum of course). Thanks for any info will be appreciated.

Let me answer to your queries, pls dun be lazy, go thru the forum. There r tons of info in the paradise of BKK. If u can't find any info in the forum y not u go n try n post info here. Dun always spoonfeed, be adventureous. Take example me n thaivisitor, we heard of no hands rest. but nothing much in the forum, so when we were in BKK, we took a taxi, thaivisitor tried his best to describe the rest. to the driver. The driver drove us round n round BKK n finally we found it.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 05-01-2005, 11:43 AM
phantomtiger2 phantomtiger2 is offline
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Unhappy Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

No disrespect to the older members, I am not a lazy person,just a new one, did go thru alot of postings going back at least 6 months and spent hours and hours seeking info.Case in point:while searching for cheaper MPs, came across Bkk and HIV thread so I put some valuable info for those reading that post since I knew something on that subject. Note, its harder on this forum since no search engine using "key words"to find topics, so did the time searching (not wasted time since reading also educated me on other subjects) but came up with very, very little info on this topic--very few mentions on this topic. Thats the reason I started a new thread on this topic, but not much replies. Like I said, saw damn lot info and stories on the more famous advertised MP, but Im more interested in the perhaps smaller, less known, and maybe less expensive ones.Like U said,I would like to be adventurous and explore for myself these other lesser MPs and can give feedback when Im done, but need a good list for a starting point. Not looking for any handouts, just some useful info, afterall this is why we all became members in the 1st place.So we can share and not waste as much time when we get there. Sure, mistakes will always be made but like to minimize the damage with useful knowledge when Im in Bkk.
Just need a list and locations of such places from experience members( or not so experience ones with info). Because, if not alert with such info, if told taxi about MPs, U and I both know I will end up at either Poseidon,Mirage or other places that charges more and commission to taxi. What Im trying to say is, I did my part, and now I need help. Peace to all.
PM me with info or post , anything will be appreciated.

Please also note,I have spent time and I have check other forums, but topic of cheaper MPs always turn into talks of farangs being overcharge and shit like that.
Old 05-01-2005, 12:00 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2

Please also note,I have spent time and I have check other forums, but topic of cheaper MPs always turn into talks of farangs being overcharge and shit like that.
Here in SB, respect is earned, not by age or seniority.

Different ppl join different forums because of different interest. For me joining SB is to make cheong friends, read the info provided n share if possible. Bros here r very helpful, they will provide any valuable info if they know. I guess u have to wait till someone who knows abt those less known MP in BKK which cost less than 1000B. I'm almost every mth a week in BKK, me too trying to explore more of the paradise but so far I didn't come across MP with less than 1000B.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 05-01-2005, 06:31 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2
that are priced around Cat 1k or even lower
In that case, you can go for those MPs that provide a so-so massage only. After which the girl might pop the golden question of serving extra service.

A few MPs like these could be found in Ratchada area as well. Some do not have bathrooms attached.

Cost of massage - 300 B
Special - Depends on your negotiation skill & chemistry with the girl. Anything from 1K B onwards.

So do your own calculations or you can proceed to those lesser known cheaper MPs to try your luck.
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Old 06-01-2005, 01:51 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
Next will come question of safety lah, cost lah, service lah, location lah, recommandation lah.........Neverending.......
Actually to me, why bother looking for those cheap places when you can find the type of looks that you like in those average priced MPs?

Furthermore, the hassle of searching & the trouble of travelling back & forth from your lodging to those cheap MPs may not even be worth at all.
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Old 06-01-2005, 01:52 AM
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Talking Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2
No disrespect to the older members, I am not a lazy person,just a new one, did go thru alot of postings going back at least 6 months and spent hours and hours seeking info.Case in point:while searching for cheaper MPs, came across Bkk and HIV thread so I put some valuable info for those reading that post since I knew something on that subject. Note, its harder on this forum since no search engine using "key words"to find topics, so did the time searching (not wasted time since reading also educated me on other subjects) but came up with very, very little info on this topic--very few mentions on this topic. Thats the reason I started a new thread on this topic, but not much replies. Like I said, saw damn lot info and stories on the more famous advertised MP, but Im more interested in the perhaps smaller, less known, and maybe less expensive ones.Like U said,I would like to be adventurous and explore for myself these other lesser MPs and can give feedback when Im done, but need a good list for a starting point. Not looking for any handouts, just some useful info, afterall this is why we all became members in the 1st place.So we can share and not waste as much time when we get there. Sure, mistakes will always be made but like to minimize the damage with useful knowledge when Im in Bkk.
Just need a list and locations of such places from experience members( or not so experience ones with info). Because, if not alert with such info, if told taxi about MPs, U and I both know I will end up at either Poseidon,Mirage or other places that charges more and commission to taxi. What Im trying to say is, I did my part, and now I need help. Peace to all.
PM me with info or post , anything will be appreciated.

Please also note,I have spent time and I have check other forums, but topic of cheaper MPs always turn into talks of farangs being overcharge and shit like that.
Bro PhantomT, well said. I too am interested in finding less expensive MP for a good time.I also look thru postings here and can confirm not much written on subject-Yes, bro PhantomT did do his homework before begging for our help.For me, Massage could be so-so but dont really care cause really there for what comes after,hehe. dont need to be under 1K but cheaper than famous MPs. So could save and cheong more, hehe.
From reading your reply although you seem frustrated, you kept cool and respected all others. Well done.-all should learn from him.
Although you be newbie, you have already contributed to this site with what you know, --the cheonging will come sooner or later with more experiences,I read your post on Bkk and HIV, you answer bro Deferience question very well, it was informative and think all should read as well--IMO only
I also checked other web sites and bro PhantomT was correct that those other site cater to ang mos (farangs)mostly, they dont talk of cheaper MPs cause they usually not allowed in--farangs have nothing to brag about so have nothing to say.They Mostly brag about Annies MP--cause one set price only so no surcharge to farangs and also taxi dont get commission for Annies-this MP is almost never mention here cause farang taste differ from us.
PhantomT correct that we here share common interest and should help as much as possible, dont need to repeat previous post-just refer them to correct post or title will do, cause also agree, this forum not search friendly, no method for type key word to direct to topic of interest. Reason hard to find info is I read alot of post but alot of bros post answers in the wrong title/topics. ex: have found answers to MP questions under "advice for hotels", so if no interest in hotels, will never consider reading under this topic.
So we all here for same reason, bro PT said it right.
Old 06-01-2005, 06:00 AM
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Talking Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by Snuber
Actually to me, why bother looking for those cheap places when you can find the type of looks that you like in those average priced MPs?

Furthermore, the hassle of searching & the trouble of travelling back & forth from your lodging to those cheap MPs may not even be worth at all.
That maybe true,but some may like that cute-looking,ok body MP girl at a cheaper price so could cheong even more on budget. Thats why need location and name of these places so not to waste time and money searching
Old 12-01-2005, 10:08 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Let me share with bros here my list of Bangkok MP & Traditional Massage Outlets:

New Petchaburi Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 252-8914

Bangkok Cozy
New Petchaburi Road, opp. Soi Sunvijai, Bangkok

Caesars Palace
Ratchadapisek Road, Huay Kwang, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 692-5069-79

Behide Juliana Massage, Rama IX Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 719-6672-4

Chao Phaya 1
Beside Decha Hospital Sri Ayudhya Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 245-3381, 245-4810

Chao Phaya 2
Opposite Decha Hospital, Sri Ayudhya Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 245-5710

Chao Phaya 3
Pinklao, Arun-amarin Road, Thonburi, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 433-4667-71

Asoke-Dindaeng Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 246-6680-85, 246-0227

Sukhumvit Soi 12, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 229-4562-4

55 Ratchadapisek Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 275-7474

Hi Class
Behind Emmanuelle, Ratchadapisek Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 275-7474

555 Rama IX Rd (RCA), Near Radison Hotel, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 641-5757

Rama IX Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 319-4645-7, 318-6323-4
Krungthon Complex
Ratchadapisek-Ta Phra Road, Thonburi, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 476-5700-20

New Petchaburi Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 318-1786-8

111/1 Near Emerald Hotel, Soi Nium-u-tis, Ratchadapisek Rd, Dindaeng, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 276-5016-22, 276-5025

Mona Lisa
Near Asoke Intersection, New Petchaburi Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 251-0537

2nd floor Mona Lisa Massage, New Petchaburi Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 252-3955-6

Next to Emerald Hotel, Ratchadapisek Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 692-9144-8

Noah Entertainment
27 Soi Sunvijai 14/1, Ekamai-Ramintra Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 718-2050 -3

Patanakarn Road, Suan Luang, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 321-0345

Plaza Entertainment
Nikom Makkasan Road, off New Petchaburi Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 253-1500, 253-1322

209 Ratchadapisek Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 693-8222

Victoria's Secret
555 Soi Sunvijai, Rama IX Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 318-8370-3

You might want to save up these contacts for future use.
Old 12-01-2005, 10:12 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

This are my list of Traditional Thai Massage, mostly housed inside the Hotel:

Traditional Massage in Bangkok
Arima Onsen
37/10-11 Soi Surawong Plaza, Surawong Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 235-2142

Baan Nuan Foot Massage
Sukhumvit Square, Sukhumvit Soi 8-10, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 653-3323

Baiyoke Massage
11st Fl. Baiyoke Tower 1, 130 Rajprarop Rd., Pratunam, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 255-0330 Ext. 7737, 7747, (01) 443-5583

Body Center
12 G Fl. Convenient Park Inn, Sukhumvit 64, Bangjak, Phrakanong, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 741-6710-7 Ext. 1114, (01) 628-3219

Buathip Massage
4/13 Sukhumvit Soi 5, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 255-1045

Bell Foot Massage
1st Fl Grace Hotel
12 Sukhumvit 3 (Soi Nana Nua), Bangkok
Tel +66 2 253-0680

Center for the Blind
Tivanon Road (close to Kaelai intersection), Pakkret
Chao Phraya Park Hotel
247 Ratchadaphisek Road, Huay Khwang, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 290-0125-80

Doctor Feet
108/6 Sukhumvit 49 Rd. (opposite Samitivej Hospital), Bangkok
Tel +66 2 712-5990-1

Eve House
18/1 Surawong Road, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 266-3846

Healthy Massage
Sukhumvit Suite (1st Fl)
Sukhumvit Soi 13, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 651-0335, 651-0945

Royal Park View Hotel
Sukhumvit Soi 20 (9th Fl), Bangkok
Tel +66 2 259-8181-2

Top Inn Hotel
Sukhumvit Soi 4, Bangkok
Tel +66 2 656-8290

Hope this list is useful for those who want a decent & proper massage.
Old 12-01-2005, 11:42 AM
RockyIV RockyIV is offline
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2
Newbie to the board. Need advice from experience bro's. in Bkk.(or elsewhere ) Ive posted b/f but no answers to question of alternative MPs that are priced around Cat 1k or even lower,ex: zodiac, biwa,New York,pornphet, heard they exist but no replies and no reports . Wondered if from your experiences could list a few with prices and location,since I will be in BKK in about 6 months.
I accept the fact that higher prices generally mean better bod/looks, but for me having a cute face with ok bod will do (dont need to look like models).Im more in it for the action.Also will be in Chinatown area and need to know if any places around there for action (after my dim sum of course). Thanks for any info will be appreciated.
Here's one for you, Nataree along Rachada road, next to Emmunuelle, Hi-class, subway etc. Nataree is a quite a well known joint so before any bro here flame me for introducing Nataree as a joint priced around 1k, hear me out first.

There are two entrance to Nataree, the main one which you will come to first if you come out of the underground train exit. Go in here you will see the regular fish tank patronised by most bro here, prices start from 2k. On a side note, in here you can find the largest selection of body-to-body massage working girls. (most senior bkk cheongsters will know that it is not easy to find body-to-body massage in most joints, usually only a handful of girls would offer such service)

Back to the 1k question. If u walk further down past the main entrance, there's another entrance (next to subway) which also have a signboard that said Nataree. Go in there, and you will see a fish tank full of 40-50 girls priced from 800baht to 1500k.

Having answered the 1k question, let me also put things in perspective. Chinese saying "1 cent buys you 1 cent worth of quality", if you are asking where to find the 2000baht quality priced around 1000baht, then i said forget it, no such thing in life. It's worth a look in here, but adjust your expectation please, if the girl is good looking she would have long ago walked over to the other entrance and sit at the 2000baht benches.

Hope this helps.
Old 12-01-2005, 12:28 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by RockyIV

There are two entrance to Nataree, the main one which you will come to first if you come out of the underground train exit. Go in here you will see the regular fish tank patronised by most bro here, prices start from 2k. On a side note, in here you can find the largest selection of body-to-body massage working girls. (most senior bkk cheongsters will know that it is not easy to find body-to-body massage in most joints, usually only a handful of girls would offer such service)

Back to the 1k question. If u walk further down past the main entrance, there's another entrance (next to subway) which also have a signboard that said Nataree. Go in there, and you will see a fish tank full of 40-50 girls priced from 800baht to 1500k.

Nataree, is the price just adjusted? The last I went, the starts price is less than 2K. BTW u mentioned 800B to 1500B, wat tag they wearing?
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