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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Bro Botar, how come your new avatar looks like you already in CP now???
(Changi Prison) ![]()
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Just wondering are you the director of "I know what you did last summer"??? ![]() Quote:
![]() Quote:
RMB 3K is a market price in CP.
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Options time again? ![]()
Women ' s lives are hard. Morning, wash clothes. Noon, hang clothes. Evening, keep clothes. Nite, iron clothes. Midnight, take off clothes. After midnight, find clothes "我唔可以俾到你幸福,但绝对可以俾到你舒服" |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
[QUOTE=coolmanks;2227926]Heard surgery (to remake) cost RMB 1500 only. If 3000 is 100% profit?
3000 is too cheap to be true for a relative rich place like CP. Some ulu poor area maybe I believe.[QUOTE=3dee;2226769] Then the only way will be, get those girl who just lately loss their virgin!!! That will have more guarantee on the quality... (Or you want virgin girl bo? RMB 3000 for her 1st night. 3000 he say cheap, 3dee quote him 6000. we share the profit. [QUOTE=GTOKING;2227941]I thought 3dee should be ass pain Avatar in CP Sillypore Signature in CP China hahahahahaha |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
haha, all here , 3dee , botar , maitong,
good evening to all of u, nothing to do huh ?
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
So where r u now huh? In Aussie or Sillypore? ![]()
Women ' s lives are hard. Morning, wash clothes. Noon, hang clothes. Evening, keep clothes. Nite, iron clothes. Midnight, take off clothes. After midnight, find clothes "我唔可以俾到你幸福,但绝对可以俾到你舒服" |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
So where r u now huh? In Aussie or Sillypore? All ready to fire?[/QUOTE] 我靠.......MKM大哥.....我在台北呀.......我爱台妹.....台妹爱我.....T omoro going to GOLDCOAST ................hahahahaha |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
That is not me... But someone will experience it tomorrow, hahahahahaha!!! ![]() Quote:
![]() In sillypore CP still can have alcohol one meh?? How come our friend is so drunk????
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Bro Botar on the news!!
Bro Botar, your new avatar told us that you are the mastermind of the following case!!! ![]() 东莞1男子出租屋内强奸少女逼其卖淫被判11年 发布时间:2007-08-21 来源:新快报 两男子溜冰场认识两个女孩子,就欲将她们带去卖淫,遭到拒绝后一男子将其中一女孩强奸,后两女子被迫同 意卖淫。近日,覃尊杰以强迫卖淫罪被被判处有期徒刑11年。 被告人覃尊杰伙同刘军伟(另案处理)于今年1月20日在东莞市石碣镇四甲公园溜冰场认识了被害人邓某(女, 17岁)和陈某丽(女,16岁)后,便合谋将邓、陈二人带去发廊卖淫。次日20时许,覃尊杰在上述溜冰场内 强行将邓某拉至该镇庆丰西路某出租屋301房,不久刘军伟也将陈某丽带至该房。覃尊杰和刘军伟要求邓某和陈 某丽到发廊卖淫,邓、陈不同意,覃、刘即以脱光她们的衣服、吹冷风、卖给他人等相威胁,邓、陈 还是不同意。 后覃尊杰于1月22日2时许强行将邓某拉到该出租屋403房,并让邓某脱衣服,邓不同意并哀求覃不要脱她的 衣服,覃即威胁说要将邓卖掉,并强行将邓的衣服脱光,不顾邓的反抗,强行和邓发生了性关系,当日8时许再次 强行和邓发生了性关系。当日10时许,覃尊杰又将邓某带到301房,和刘军伟再次要求邓某和陈某丽去卖淫, 邓、陈二人仍然不同意,覃、刘即强迫邓、陈二人脱光衣服吹冷风,并以淋凉水、拍裸照、伤害她们家人等相威胁 ,后邓、陈被迫同意出去卖淫。 随后,覃尊杰、刘军伟将邓某、陈某丽带到该出租屋一楼的无牌发廊内接客卖淫。同日,覃尊杰在上述发廊内被抓 获归案,邓某、陈某丽亦被当场解救出来。 近日,被告人覃尊杰犯强迫卖淫罪,判处有期徒刑十一年,并处罚金人民币3000元。
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Hahahahaha come to CA we show you the hiong PRC[/QUOTE]
CA is Chang Ang ah? If possible can try also during my nov trip.... but depend on my frens also lah... They shy shy type.... hahahah.... |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Deepavali 8th Nov, so far at least bro Berber and Botar have confirmed going with their group... And high possibility i will be there as well, hehehehe...
This time we both do 死了都要爱, ok? ![]() This time I die die also have to try the 十八式liao.... na bei ![]() hai~~~~~~~~~ |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
CA is Chang Ang ah?If possible can try also during my nov trip.... but depend on my frens also lah...They shy shy type.... hahahah....[/QUOTE] We'll help you to warm them up. Quote:
na bei :mad: missed that the last time.....hai~~~~~~~~~[/QUOTE] Hahahahaha bring along a wheel chair. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Lets sing together next week.
歌曲:死了都要爱 歌手:信乐团 死了都要爱 不淋漓尽致不痛快 感情多深只有这样 才足够表白 死了都要爱 不哭到微笑不痛快 宇宙毁灭心还在 把每天当成是末日来相爱 一分一秒都美到泪水掉下来 不理会别人是看好或看坏 只要你勇敢跟我来 爱不用刻意安排 凭感觉去亲吻相拥就会很愉快 享受现在别一开怀就怕受伤害 许多奇迹我们相信才会存在 死了都要爱 不淋漓尽致不痛快 感情多深只有这样才足够表白 死了都要爱 不哭到微笑不痛快 宇宙毁灭心还在 穷途末路都要爱 不极度浪漫不痛快 发会雪白土会掩埋 思念不腐坏 到绝路都要爱 不天荒地老不痛快 不怕热爱变火海 爱到沸腾才精采 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Hahahahaha bring along a wheel chair.[/QUOTE]
Wheel Chair????? ![]() Need bo??? hahaahh |
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