I bought a vibrator , delay spray and extension condom that recommended by sales guy last Friday from Sg Wang plaza .
Never try before . a bit nervous . haha

I just forplay as usual , lick her nipple and whole body . until she hot .
Then i tell her i bought a body massager and ask her relax and enjoy .
I start massage her neck , her shoulder , her breast , her leg and slowly toward her vagina .
Initially she quite relax . but when i reach her vagina , Her face turn .
From relax changed to excited . From excited changed to horny . From horny changed to moans . From moans changed to scream .
Her reaction really out of my imagination . Really wild ..
From traditional girl become a horny bitch .
Kept begging me to bonk her . Her vaginal become so tight because vibrator stimulation .
If not because of VigRED and delay spray , i dun know how to end the game so perfectly . i bonk her almost 30 mins . She orgasm at lease 5 times .
I believed she did squirt because my blanket all wet

Dun waste money on extension condom . May be i never buy lubricant or she too nervous because of size (penis bigger and longer at lease 20%) . She dun like it .
Great experience in my life . Forever sweet memory to both of us .
Vibrator is perfect as forplay . VigRED and delay spray are importance or else she will like pool a cool water to hot steel .
Trust me . Imagine she so horny and well ready . but if your penis not hard enough and long lasting . Just play 10 mins or less . She sure kill u .