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Old 11-08-2016, 07:04 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by skl8188 View Post
James stories is not so much abt sex but the way he unfold it.
His ways to keep us addicted
Old 11-08-2016, 08:01 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

"We don’t get to choose the hand that was dealt to us, but we have every god dam right to choose how we want to play that hand."

Well said. Thanks bro ilock
Old 12-08-2016, 12:43 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Camping for more.
Old 12-08-2016, 01:09 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Waiting eagerly
Old 12-08-2016, 01:25 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office


Today's update will be a bit late.

Some issues with the laptop i'm using.

Need to retrieve some bits and rewrite some portion.

Old 12-08-2016, 01:26 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

No worries bro, we just have to refresh from time to time 😝
Old 12-08-2016, 01:35 PM
FactWire FactWire is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Will be checking later
Old 12-08-2016, 01:37 PM
by4real by4real is offline
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Thumbs up Re: My adventure in the office

No worries bro ilikeoldchangke, take your time. Just want to take the opportunity to thank you for all the hard work you put on these stories to keep us group of hamsaps satisfied!

I've never posted in the forums, and can't upz you cause no points. Even so, I want to use my virgin post to thank you for your effort. Keep it up bro!
Old 12-08-2016, 02:56 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post
Today's update will be a bit late.

Some issues with the laptop i'm using.
Need to retrieve some bits and rewrite some portion.
It's ok.

Appreciate the effort.
Old 12-08-2016, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post

Today's update will be a bit late.

Some issues with the laptop i'm using.

Need to retrieve some bits and rewrite some portion.

Waiting in anticipation!
Old 12-08-2016, 06:08 PM
aloscus aloscus is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post
Moving on down the line, we have Alex. The youngest member of the team.

He’s fast. Really fast.

I could give him something in the morning that would probably take 2 days to do and he could send it over to me by mid afternoon on the 1st day.

There’s just a problem.

It’s full of mistakes. I would waste a ton of time tidying up his work before asking him to do it again.

And Alex, stays really late.

He’s punctual, I got to give it to him.

Alex is in the office at 8am sharp everyday, rain or shine.

He would only leave at 10.30pm.

Sounds like a good worker right ? No.

He’s got nothing to do, he would still stay till 10.30pm so he can take a cab back home base on company policy. He would surf the net, watch youtube, have his dinner.

And his cab fare is eating into my project budget. That’s like 600 a month for his cab fare alone.

I massaged my head as I looked at the figures and stuff I need to deal with.

Then there is still uncle Tong. The oldest member of the team.

If you discount the speed at which he does things, he’s actually quite good.

He’s just slow.

I cannot blame him but sometimes when you need things fast, it’s really painful.

Something that would take no more than 3 hours, Uncle Tong would take 2 days.

Thankfully it has no mistakes. If not I would probably roll up and die.

He’s also a loner, I don’t know where he goes for lunch but he would just disappear. Sometimes he would appear out of nowhere from behind some cupboard or room without a word.

He’s known for startling people in the office because he’s so quiet.

Silent steps and asset of wrinkled deep gazing eyes.

It’s no wonder he has not much friends in the office.

I tried talking to Mr Liew about this but he asked me to handle it.

He’s tied down with bringing in new jobs for the team or we would all be dead in the water soon. There is a couple of jobs we’re working on but the team is bleeding money.

3rd June 2011



I was having a drink with Mr Liew across the road from our office and he says he’s confident with a job he’s bidding for. The client knows him well.

Mr Liew : I’m just worried if we can handle it given the state of the team.

I gulped down my beer and lifted up my hand.

James : There’s Sandy…which Terry is bothering. … then there’s Hakim… which….

I quickly held back from saying ‘my wife’ .

James : Which… Terry’s girlfriend is bothering…

I counted off Alex, ticked off Uncle Tong and looked at Mr Liew.

James : Bro… we cannot handle a big project with this team… not in this state…

He looked at me and replied.

Mr Liew : What did I teach you on your first day at work ?

He continued.

Mr Liew : Find the root of the problem…..then solve it…

James : Ok… ermm… fire the team… we hire from scratch….

Mr Liew laughed and said he could see the potential in the team.

Mr Liew : We just need to make it work…

James : How ?

He laughed and asked for the bill.

Mr Liew : I leave this to you…. Fix it James…. You’ve never let me down before….

James : Wa Liew…

He signed the bill and threw the receipt at me.

Mr Liew : Fix it James… I mean it….. you have 3 months…I don’t care if you have to sleep with Sandy….. which I know you do… you fix it…

He checked his watch and said he got to go.

Mr Liew : Weekend… family time..

I watch him leave the pub and I drained my beer.

Ok… now I just need to figure out how to get Terry to stop harassing Sandy, Hakim to focus and come to work on time, Belinda to stop harassing my team member, Alex to wake the fuck up, Uncle Tong to miraculously speed up on the things he do.

I sighed and leaned back on my chair.

The server came over to clear my empty mug and asked if I would like some dessert or more drinks. I shook my head.

Waitress : Piece of cake sir … Perhaps ? ?

I smiled

I was about to say no when I saw Sandy in her Yoga outfit walking towards the office.

It’s coming to 8.30pm

She’s a bit later than usual that day.

I saw her head into the lobby and decided to get her something.

James : I’ll take that piece of cake… pack it up for me please..

I paid for it and was about to cross the road over to my office when I saw something interesting.

Terry appeared from round the corner and he too went into the lift lobby.

I crossed the road and took the lift up to the office.

I got another shock when I saw Alex at the entrance all packed up and ready to go.

He’s leaving early that day.

James : Eh… going already ah…

Alex : You better go too…. Don’t stay here.

He nodded his head over his shoulder towards the office and I walked over to check it out.

From across a distance, I could see Sandy sitting down on her chair, her arms crossed while Terry was gesturing wildy at her.

I kept out of sight but close enough to hear what they were talking about.

Terry : You moved right ! you moved out without telling me !

Sandy : Why should I tell you anything !... who are you to me !...

Terry : I am still paying rent for that place.. !!

Sandy : Then don’t… I don’t need your rent, your money… just fucking leave me alone.

The argument got heated and soon Sandy was on her feet.

Sandy : Go and fuck your new girlfriend !.... leave me alone for fuck sake…

Terry : What I do it none of your business….she’s better that you…

Sandy : Good!... then go to her… stop harassing me … you think I don’t know you always come by my place… with the spare key ? You think I don’t know what you were doing ?? har !

Terry :That was our place !! .. my place !... I paid for the rent…! ..

Sandy : No one forced you to …

The quarrel went on and soon, they were pushing each other, jabbing on each other’s chest.

This would spiral out of control soon.

I wanted to do something but I don’t know what.

In the end I did the only thing I could.

I called Sandy’s phone after moving further away from the office closer to the lift lobby.

I could hear her loud ringtone from where I stood.

A few seconds later she answered.

Sandy : Yes James ? …

James : Sandy …. Do you happen to be in office ?... i was on my way back to office and I bumped into Alex at the train station..… He says you’re still there….can you help me check if I left the blue file with the project brief on my desk ? ……

Sandy : Hold on… Yup… it’s here…

James : Thank god… I thought I left it at the restaurant…. Ok thanks… I’ll head back to grab it.

Sandy : Oh… you’re coming back up…. Ok… see you..

I hung up and disappeared into the staircase landing.

I peeped through the small vision panel and I saw Terry walking out a minute later, looking a little irritated.

After waiting for the lift to chime and signal his departure, I left the staircase and walk over to Sandy.

Sandy : Here’s the file James…

She smiled but I could still tell she looked a bit upset.

James : Here… Have some dessert…

I placed the piece of cake on her desk and came clean, telling her I heard them quarrelling and that I called her in an attempt to make it stop.

Sandy : It’s ok James… thanks… I’m just….very sick of his constant harassment…. He keeps stalking me… what I’m doing…. It’s like he refuse to move on…. He kept accusing me of not moving on because I still love him….

James : Doesn’t he already have a new girlfriend ? … why is he still bothering you…

Sandy went on to say that he keeps a close tab on her life, he would secretly visit her place when she’s out.

Sandy : He says as long as I say it, he will consider having me back… but not as a girlfriend because he is already with that Belinda….. he ask me to be his lover…

Sandy : I told him it’s not possible…he says as long as I’m not attached…. He still believes he stand a chance…

I raised an eyebrow before nodding slowly.

Like that also can ah, there’s really all sorts of people in this world.

Sandy : Sigh… sorry James.. I shouldn’t bother you with all this… thanks for the cake…

She turned away and went back to her terminal, clicking away as I looked at her body. The way her legs crossed. Her slender arms and long fingers.

There’s a small mole behind her left ear. Something about it that turns me on.

James : So…. To sum it up…. He’ll stop once you’re attached right ?? ..

Sandy turned around and looked at me before she burst out laughing.

Sandy : It’s ok James…. Don’t bother volunteering yourself… I don’t want to get you into trouble… haha..

James : Wah.. you can read my mind… haha..

I thought about it for a moment before I make her preposition.

James : Well…. We’ll just have to make it seemed as if you are attached when in fact you are not then….

Sandy thought about that for a while and asked.

Sandy : Can you do that ??

I gave her a wink.

James : I’m James…. What can’t I do ?

bro ilock, reporting for your next blockbuster hit.....upped you points....
Old 12-08-2016, 06:25 PM
Olympus818 Olympus818 is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by koebshaq0_0 View Post
No worries bro, we just have to refresh from time to time ��
Every 30 minutes?
Old 12-08-2016, 07:09 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by aloscus View Post
bro ilock, reporting for your next blockbuster hit.....upped you points....
Please don't repost the whole post. For one second I thought bro ilock had updated his story
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 12-08-2016, 08:16 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Paiseh paiseh.... still editing...

It's going to tonight but real late.

It's friday.... go enjoy it and read tomorrow morning for breakfast.

Old 12-08-2016, 08:35 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post
Paiseh paiseh.... still editing...

It's going to tonight but real late.

It's friday.... go enjoy it and read tomorrow morning for breakfast.

好的东西是值得等的。no problem
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