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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 21-05-2012, 08:42 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by HoSehHoSeh View Post
I was there that night...some fat ass named Dino pretending to be some big the end when confronted he dun even dare to face it just pretend to be drunk...actually only 2 of the Chinadoll managers went down...this fella really no standard...heard not only at Chinadoll in fact quite a few other joints also looking for him...hang flower ask singer to buy him & his friends drink then in the end give bounced cheques
Old 21-05-2012, 08:54 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

I was there that night...there's this fat ass by the name Dino who likes to act like he's some big shot...he didn't even dare to face the problem that night... just ly on the sofa pretended to be drunk till the girl he brought with him had to call the police...and actually only 2 of the Chinadoll managers went down to confront him...heard not only Chinadoll looking for him in fact quite a few other joints also looking for him...hang flower then request singers or manager to buy drinks for him & his friends then give bounced cheques to the club...this fella really no standard lah
Old 22-05-2012, 02:21 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by HoSehHoSeh View Post
hang flower joint,everywhere also the same.
do you think those that hang 10K-50K are real money.
you do not know what they do or arrange behind.
so if you dare to hang,it is your own willing,no one force you.
but at least be a gentleman to honour it else please do not post such a post.

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Old 22-05-2012, 02:34 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Wow hehe
Originally Posted by zzzggb View Post
Hi ,

Was at 中国城 last night to witness how the managress chooped and favour her own province singer.

A group of chinese men come from LV took the VIP room with the pool table. The managress intro him abt 4 singers and all had $500 during PPC.

As usual last song of the night, all singers went on stage again,this time the managress pull the man out and ask him to hang $100 each for everyone on stage including the music teachers.On top of that hang $1000 for two other singers. So the song 明天会更好 goes on and on , suddenly the managress pull the man out again, tell him to hang another $3000 on singer no 27!

When the bill came , the man was very angry and ask the managrss who is no 27, she was not in the room at all! he is ok with the bill except no 27, then the bouncers came and ask them not to made a scene,after some commmotion,they pay n left.

We spoke to some of the singers and all of them said the managress favour no 27 because 同乡 and this is the first time those customer came to 中国城!

Please be level head when hanging flowers, some ppl and place are really bad.

Last edited by HoSehHoSeh; 22-05-2012 at 02:49 AM.
Old 22-05-2012, 02:41 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

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Old 22-05-2012, 03:06 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

I sue to be a regular at Dynasty Classic, thin is at the 2nd level. But now seldom go liao, bcos the mummy oredi left the KTV
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Old 22-05-2012, 04:06 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

HoSehHoSeh ah
Originally Posted by Ah Dez View Post
i just ask around...... and just comfrim story...

customer... went up stairs.

MANAGER DID bang table... and ask him wat he wants .

so, if u are a customer... and didn't pay flowers... would you dare to go upstairs?


Joint play gangster........ so lets just ban.


if they keep posting in here.... just complain to ICA. see who faster... no need to come scare us , scold people, ask us to watch out....... i also very scared.....
Originally Posted by XiBeiSong View Post
this joint, chinadoll, has been written off. owned by gangster anyway. and they thought they can win by behaving like hooligan. that's why all the big players never go liao. left with the small pai gia. but the stupid waiter there still spreading rumours all over the place. want to threaten customers? such low hand tactics leave it the cid. we see who win lor.
Old 22-05-2012, 10:03 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by Rodiron View Post
I was there that night...there's this fat ass by the name Dino who likes to act like he's some big shot...he didn't even dare to face the problem that night... just ly on the sofa pretended to be drunk till the girl he brought with him had to call the police...and actually only 2 of the Chinadoll managers went down to confront him...heard not only Chinadoll looking for him in fact quite a few other joints also looking for him...hang flower then request singers or manager to buy drinks for him & his friends then give bounced cheques to the club...this fella really no standard lah
Allo fren, you very good story teller hor. Why? trying to cover up for CD ah haha. I was there that night & was sitting at the table behind them and someone prominent from CD was sitting behind me That fellow you mentioned already knock out long before the CD contingent, not the 2 managers you mentioned, came charging into Club Jade. So it's no brainer who 放狗咬人already. Anyway, that girl with him has always been going to Jade with him & she's a very well known singer from another joint not from the building. You think a PRC will call the police? Please la, want to aesop fables also must have some standard and credibility. Fake flower hanging joint get caught want to hammer people ah? Singer manager see customers drunk anyhow make people hang then customers once know get cheated make noise SOP again want to let go pai kia force people to pay? Oh i also read that another joint looking for him also, hahaha, guess what, same story like CD. Joint say hang flower never pay. But from many eye witnesses is, joint hang fake flower got caught. Maybe you got standard, knowing people out to cheat you and still pay, i know i won't too. After what I witnessed with my very own eyes that night, and clearly instigated & instructed by the guy behind me, I knew what I was seeing & I have since stopped going to ChinaDoll. Come out & walk, rule number 1 is integrity, rule number 2 is honour. When all these are not apparent, it's nothing but a bunch of wild beasts on the loose

Last edited by HugeDoggy; 22-05-2012 at 10:20 AM.
Old 22-05-2012, 10:43 AM
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Thumbs up Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Omgs nv know cd had deteroriate into such a state. I had not been chonging the scene for sometime and it is a surprise of so much happening... A clear picture of what going on...

Originally Posted by HugeDoggy View Post
Allo fren, you very good story teller hor. Why? trying to cover up for CD ah haha. I was there that night & was sitting at the table behind them and someone prominent from CD was sitting behind me That fellow you mentioned already knock out long before the CD contingent, not the 2 managers you mentioned, came charging into Club Jade. So it's no brainer who 放狗咬人already. Anyway, that girl with him has always been going to Jade with him & she's a very well known singer from another joint not from the building. You think a PRC will call the police? Please la, want to aesop fables also must have some standard and credibility. Fake flower hanging joint get caught want to hammer people ah? Singer manager see customers drunk anyhow make people hang then customers once know get cheated make noise SOP again want to let go pai kia force people to pay? Oh i also read that another joint looking for him also, hahaha, guess what, same story like CD. Joint say hang flower never pay. But from many eye witnesses is, joint hang fake flower got caught. Maybe you got standard, knowing people out to cheat you and still pay, i know i won't too. After what I witnessed with my very own eyes that night, and clearly instigated & instructed by the guy behind me, I knew what I was seeing & I have since stopped going to ChinaDoll. Come out & walk, rule number 1 is integrity, rule number 2 is honour. When all these are not apparent, it's nothing but a bunch of wild beasts on the loose
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Old 22-05-2012, 09:20 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

come to night joints,almost everywhere also the same.
no one will force you to do anything eg hang flowers,if you do not want to.
i know some hang flower joints,you can also arrange to pay by installment if you do not have the power but want to show that you are someone.
this type of ppl will never last long.

just like ktvs,if there is no mummies,no one will force you to sit any gals unless you want to.
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Old 22-05-2012, 09:32 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by abrams75 View Post
Omgs nv know cd had deteroriate into such a state. I had not been chonging the scene for sometime and it is a surprise of so much happening... A clear picture of what going on...
Aiyo, I regular there and all the ah bengs there know me by name and usually they don't bother me if I don't bother them la, when I hang flower I pay cash immediately so no problem, anyway I only entertain them once a while hang a few hundred only, anyway the whole issue arises out of this guy with the nick tanterry aka known as jason la, he wanted the pussy of this singer called johanna and hang her $5000, bloody hell no money so borrow from the person in question who out of the kindness of his heart wrote the management of chinadoll a cheque for $5000 and told Jason to get her pussy that night if not it's a waste of money, however Jason failed to get the pussy and wanted to take back his money, the guy in question hence went back to nego with CD but the whole scene ended up ugly and pissed him off so he call the bank and stop all his cheques. After that heard the mgt of CD went on a witchhunt for him and even bash in CJ when they heard he's there, this is so wrong...and although this person in question is very bastard towards the singers, that is he will withdraw singers' share, he usually at least pays the company portion...ok I said too much already but don't believe everything you hear in the night scene and don't even need to believe what I say....
Old 22-05-2012, 10:58 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Hi all,

I always read in silent ah but this round I come and give my version of story that night.

I was there too the night, sit in far left of stage at the back role with 1 more friend.

After the PPC session like 1 hour cos my singer gal left for her session sing at stage so estimate a bit, a big group of guys came in and sit at the first table in front of the music teacher desk. Got about 15 of them, got recoginse 2 of them at least former managers or staff of Jade then jump ship to Chinadoll.

Can see the group come in to find troubles type. Got comments like want that guy to pay up or beat him break his legs type.

The 2 guys, managers as said earlier post, went up to a guy drunk lying down at the front row coach. They tried to drag him up but fail lah cos he too big size so they resort to scolding him father mother as I overhear on my way to restroom. One of his friend stood up two the 2 guys as well as one of Jade female manager and one waiter.

I mind my business so go toilet and came out, they 2 still at the poor drunken man. Got 2 or 3 Jade singers tried to mediate situation but got barked away by one of the 2 gangsters.

Back to my table my friend told me he saw that table of gangsters from 7 floor got hide bottles and weapons, this poor fat guy jialat he say.

My singer got tell me that the fat guy mouth very bad to singers but he hang them like crazy ass so singers also bopian tiam tiam endure. But all of us side tables customers know liao, cut daizi already. So my friend called the police just in case a big fight break out and innocent Jade cusomters also injured.

This type of gangsterism should not be tolerate lah. So those who want to go Chinadoll becareful and go at own risk. Very bad biz model, jiak customer money when customer drunk and force/cheat them hang singer. After bill all disappear, no pay gangster treat come in. So police must be wary of this place, customers is buyers beware hor. Many cases already. Where got joints like this chase and whack customer till another joint. Somemore this fat guy drunk and lying there half bake still hoot him. Not gentlemen lah.
Old 23-05-2012, 02:20 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by FunKid View Post
come to night joints,almost everywhere also the same.
no one will force you to do anything eg hang flowers,if you do not want to.
i know some hang flower joints,you can also arrange to pay by installment if you do not have the power but want to show that you are someone.
this type of ppl will never last long.

just like ktvs,if there is no mummies,no one will force you to sit any gals unless you want to.
When no one force you to hang flowers and you hang or fight flower with other genuine flower hanger, HoSehHoSeh liao, but if joint cheats, cons, hang fake flowers to make you hang and want to humtum customer because he realised they are cheating his $$$ then it's called a cheating con job business then BoHoSeh liao
Old 23-05-2012, 03:15 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Heard they even went to Chinatown Pt flower joint to hunt him down with about 20 guys! HoSehHoSeh man
Old 23-05-2012, 09:03 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by MoralEpitome View Post
Aiyo, I regular there and all the ah bengs there know me by name and usually they don't bother me if I don't bother them la, when I hang flower I pay cash immediately so no problem, anyway I only entertain them once a while hang a few hundred only, anyway the whole issue arises out of this guy with the nick tanterry aka known as jason la, he wanted the pussy of this singer called johanna and hang her $5000, bloody hell no money so borrow from the person in question who out of the kindness of his heart wrote the management of chinadoll a cheque for $5000 and told Jason to get her pussy that night if not it's a waste of money, however Jason failed to get the pussy and wanted to take back his money, the guy in question hence went back to nego with CD but the whole scene ended up ugly and pissed him off so he call the bank and stop all his cheques. After that heard the mgt of CD went on a witchhunt for him and even bash in CJ when they heard he's there, this is so wrong...and although this person in question is very bastard towards the singers, that is he will withdraw singers' share, he usually at least pays the company portion...ok I said too much already but don't believe everything you hear in the night scene and don't even need to believe what I say....
Sorry to all in this china doll thread.

Hope this wll serve as a valuable lesson for all.

We all know that the sad truth of finding REAL FRIENDS among drinking kakis are far from few. If you count yourself amongst the lucky few to have found a TRUSTED FRIEND but after some time realize that you are highly mistaken and the person is a fake friend- then imagine the mental agony you will face as like the world feels dark and the sky seems to fall upon this ultimate betrayal.

This was exactly what happened to that brother who lent the $5000 flower money to tanterry (Jason). It was tanterry who blew the whistle that "his brother" was in Club Jade that night because tanterry was afraid of getting himself in trouble, blaming "his brother" of the cancelled cheque thereby ruining his love and also fearing that he was unable to step into this joint to see the love of his life - singer johanna. Unfortunately for this 2-5 short tongue tanterry (Jason), despite all the bad deeds he did, karma worked in a strange way, the singer fell for another smooth face customer without even for this customer to hang much flower.

Tanterry (Jason) - Forced love no happiness. Betraying a friend for pussy is an unforgivable sin. Singers also have choices over who they want to sleep with. They are not stupid and are able to tell when all of a sudden a "1 night 1 jug beer $50-$100 loose flower customer" suddendly hung a $5000. Even the waitress also knew that you tagged along a big spender train.
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