Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations
No lah bro ... in fact he kept asking me to join him for drinking ... he also told me he can book my room at a cheaper rate ...
Bros, who've upped my points , pls pm me and I will definately up yours too Huat ah !!!! |
Re: Huizhou Recommendations
Bro , U mean my agent mark up gals price ? That's too much ..In fact when he told me price was 1400, 1700, 2200, i was puzzled coz i recalled it was lesser... All my chionging days in CP, i never encounter an agent who mark up gals price...
Bros, who've upped my points , pls pm me and I will definately up yours too Huat ah !!!! |
Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations
He might be a carrot head to you but he does know basic maths and values. He is definitely a boss. |
Re: Huizhou Recommendations
Whether he mark up or not? I can't comment.
I can only share with you the confirmed rates as of 2 days ago. |
Re: Ramada Huizhou South Hotel 惠州翡翠山华美达酒店
china men really powderful these days, can't play play ....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Huizhou Recommendations
城事 娱乐 房产 汽车 惠州最无耻劫匪专抢独居老人 头条新闻南方都市报 [微博] 张广军2015-01-14 07:31我要分享 173 [摘要]龙门四名男子(其中一人未满14周岁)专门抢劫农村老人。 南都讯 记者张广军 通讯员 卢思莹 潘子璐 卢青 龙门四名男子(其中一人未满14周岁)专门抢劫农村老人。5次入户抢劫独居老人或者对独自出行老人进行抢劫 ,抢得现金约2790元。昨日,龙门法院通报,一审分别判处三名被告有期徒刑5年至12年不等,并处罚金2 000元至5000元不等。 5名被抢老人都在70岁以上 这些案件发生在2014年2月至5月间,作案对象是独居老人或独行老人。第一起被抢的老人是龙门县龙城街道 某村80多岁的董某夫妇。 去年某个深夜,经事先踩点,被告人小立和小开踢门进入,小立按住董某身体,董某妻子见状即持刀驱赶,三人遂 逃出屋外。由于不甘心搞不定两个老人,在小立提议下决定再抢一次,三人再次入屋,小立用木凳压住董某身体, 小开将董某妻子摁倒在地,小武搜身抢得300多元,得手后三人迅速逃离现场。 数日后,三人又进屋抢劫了两名独居老人,还在大街上抢劫了一位独行老人。 考虑到第一次被抢的董某夫妇年纪很大,无法反抗。2014年5月2日17时许,小武、小立约上小帆三人驾驶 摩托车再次到董某住宅进行抢劫,这次未发现有价值财物才逃离现场。 据法院介绍,五名被害人年龄都在70岁以上,其中被害人董某87岁,被害人何某86岁。 劫匪中2人90后、1人00后 而四名被告中,有三名均为1990后出生,其中被告人小武1998年12月出生,小帆1991年10月出生 ,小立2000年1月出生,在实施抢劫期间已年满14周岁,尚未满16周岁。第四名被告小开未满 14周岁。 案发后,被告人小武、小立亲属对被害人作出退赔,获得被害方的书面谅解。 由于入户抢劫罪行严重,再考虑认罪态度及年龄因素后,龙门法院均以抢劫罪作出一审判决:小武判有期徒刑5年 ,并处罚金2000元;小立判有期徒刑5年,并处罚金2000元;小帆判有期徒刑12年,并处罚金5000 元。 目前,三被告人不服一审判决,均提出上诉。 法官说案 入户打劫老人性质恶劣 呼吁子女常回家看看 审理本案的法官介绍,三名被告人伙同他人分工合作在短时间内对年迈老年人连续实施抢劫,犯罪行为性质恶劣, 在龙门产生较大负面影响。此案发生的原因,一方面由于三名被告人均初中辍学,文化教育程度较低,在成长过程 中缺乏必要的家庭教育与社会管教、约束,导致法律意识与责任意识淡薄,未能严格管束自己的行为举止。另一方 面,由于老年人行动迟缓、反抗能力差,在遇到不法侵害时,缺少必要的防御能力和抵抗能力,同时出于害怕报复 、不愿让子女担心等原因,很多老年人在遭受侵害后选择忍气吞声而没有报警,故而成为某些不法之徒首选的侵害 目标。 法官提醒,老年朋友在遇到不法侵害时要及时与家人沟通、及时报警,依法维护自己的合法权益,让犯罪分子受到 应有的惩罚。整个社会要加强对老年人的关爱,子女要加强与父母的沟通,多回家看看;派出所、村(居)委会加 强对本村、本地区独居老人的实际情况进行摸查,加大巡查、保护力度。 相关搜索: 中国有多少独居老人独居老人被女儿雇凶杀独居老人上门推销广州老人独居死亡空巢老人与独居的区别劫匪抢劫遇 功夫女 分享到: 腾讯微博 qq空间 qq好友 新浪微博 二维码 |
Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations
this is the china girl i want to bonk most
i will pay anything to bonk her hahaha click link below http://sports.qq.com/a/20150114/016652.htm#p=1 |
Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations
Much appreciative of all the China news you've been posting but many bros may not be able to read Chinese so may I boldly suggest you post more pics or video links please. Thank you. |
Re: Huizhou Recommendations
My dear sbf bros... I'm not going to expose the agent openly but Kindly be reminded to be careful in choosing ur agents... No point saying how many lobangs or gals he may have... All this underhand act is simply unacceptable... I never had such an experience with agent till now.. Since my chionging days in Cp few yrs ago I've been engaging agents but none was like this... As I was new to ds and hz scene, I contacted an agent in sbf to answer some of my queries... As such, I gave him more than sufficient time to book transport and hotel for me base on our itinerary... However, when I arrived in Hk, I got the first screw up... The mpv which we chartered did not arrive and we have to wait 1hr+ in hkia due to the late arrival of the driver... Hk driver told us he was infd last min that's why he was late... I don't know who screw up but I only know there was never a time where I need to wait for driver... According to itinerary.. Me and my 4 bros will proceed to Cp for few hrs and then to huizhou desert storm ktv in the evening for day 1 which was confirmed days ago before the trip... However after the driver fiasco, I was told by agent hz desert storm no more hotel rooms.. I was shocked and was told I may need to stay in Cp after our ktv in hz... I disagreed.. Eventually agent said he managed to snatch some rooms in desert storm for us and we paid 350rmb each for a lousy room in desert storm hotel which I believed was meant to a sn room... Bed sucks but we just have to live with it since it's only one night... The next day all complained of backaches...To make matter worst, agent can raise ktv gals rates behind us. .. Bros... Be careful when selecting ur agent..I know they need to earn money but don't treat us as fools.... At least in sbf, we are still blessed with senior bros who is willing to share and advise... My 2 cents pls...
Bros, who've upped my points , pls pm me and I will definately up yours too Huat ah !!!! |
Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations
this time got 1 taiwan girl looking for sugar daddy to bao her click link below http://games.qq.com/a/20150114/023205.htm#p=1 |
Desert Storm KTV
Thanks for your warning. |
Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations
MONGERING DANGER: CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=508851 EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.." IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74. |
Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations
http://sports.qq.com/a/20150115/046651.htm#p=1 |
Re: Huizhou Recommendations
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