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Old 29-05-2011, 05:03 AM
freezone freezone is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by winfieldgold View Post
rather concerning to read abt that sting operation in AC and the subsequent raids taking place after that. Like myself, i believe that are bros out there that could be thinking/planning a trip to AC sometime this yr.

Much appreciated if any bros who are there or goin there soon can update all AC cheongsters on the situation over there

Cheers and thanks in advance

Just got back and nothing out of the ordinary to report. All bars are open and beers flowing. Police quiet. No news or rumours of raids when I arrive. Don't let the future of what "might" happen dampen the trip as this might affect the whole purpose of going there in the 1st place.
If you have the time and trip already planned, just go and enjoy. I know I did.

Old 29-05-2011, 06:42 AM
phantomtiger2 phantomtiger2 is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Excuse my trespass here. My shadow hasn't yet darken Angeles doors

Good 1, but who stole my cheese?

No worry about trespas here. All are invited. Good to hear from you and knowing you "may" soon enter our playgrounds. So what are you waiting for
Let us know when and some of us could join up.

I think Freezone got it right. I too believe it was the 'smarter' mouse
But no worries as I said, it happens to me all the time.

Old 29-05-2011, 06:46 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by freezone View Post
Just got back and nothing out of the ordinary to report. All bars are open and beers flowing. Police quiet. No news or rumours of raids when I arrive. Don't let the future of what "might" happen dampen the trip as this might affect the whole purpose of going there in the 1st place.
If you have the time and trip already planned, just go and enjoy. I know I did.


Holy Shit, so that's where u been hiding. Sneaking off without me eh. Been wondering why the long silence. Nice to hear from you. I have hinted to others about you so do report some of your adventures when u get the chance.


Old 29-05-2011, 09:29 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Milk Man View Post
Just do it !
waiting for seniors here to go then i apply leave to tag along
Old 29-05-2011, 05:52 PM
Wetdevil Wetdevil is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by winfieldgold View Post
hi bro wetdevil. how are u doin? Missing AC?

veri much agree with u on babydoll..i went in there as well when i was there..babydoll was terrible..but walk thru the connecting doll and u reach dollhouse. Very chinese-looking chicks there with the crowd primarily korean..quite a few lookers but mostly the spotlight cat i.e 3000p

On Typhoon, would very much recommend bros visit here as IMHO got quite a few syts here and i personally barfined a very good bonk here!

My person fav is still Champagne u din go into Champagne ah bro wetdevil?
Hihi. Doing fine here. What about you ? Any plan to head back to AC in the coming months ? For me I hope to return bck there in Oct or Nov, but still have to see when I am keen to renew my passport. No passport = no chance of heading back there. :P

Yup miss the fun I have with bro Southaddress over there . Haha actually cant remembered I step into doll-house or not when I was wandering bck then. But do know the price is high so either went in have a drink and left or totally nvr step in at all. With such a big bar such there are few gals there are super stunner.

You mean the gal you have on the 1st night there ? Hmmm total nvr went there before though it's just beside Royal Armsterdam. Haha. Even the bars right next to my hotel I seldom or nvr visited also. LOL

So Champagne should be range as small bar right ? BF should be around 1500p or 1800p right ?
Old 29-05-2011, 05:56 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by best123 View Post
waiting for seniors here to go then i apply leave to tag along
Well maybe you can suggest a date, and maybe by then some bro's will reply stating they will be there too. Then maybe you can checked with him whether is ok for you to join him so that he can bring you around for a tour.

For me I am lucky, caused it was Bro Southaddress posted his date here, so that I can take leave and joined him over there. And he really took me from 1 end to another end. Really like to thanks him again in here for his time and effort to show me around.
Old 29-05-2011, 07:26 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Is the Bar fine increase or still 1500 peso? I miss the Mahalku there
Old 29-05-2011, 09:07 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

As I wanted to find Mel so today we would be hopping around Field Ave.

Today met Bro Southaddress in here. 1st bar of the day. Bro southaddress have already started drinking when I reached. It's a small bar with a L-shaped small stage.There were only 4 - 5 gals dancing on the stage and already got 1 that Bro Southaddress liked. Did nothing much bck there while Bro Southaddress decided to tease with the gal. But response not good so eventually we left and headed to the next bar beside it.

king of diamond
This bar is actually owned by the same boss of Voodoo bar. Its a small bar too with the stage in the center. Around 8 - 10 gals dancing on the stage. Bro Southaddress knew 1 of the waitress there, so were lead to a table. There were 1 korean, 2 Indian Singaporean in here while we were arrived. 4 gals and 2 waitresses were surrounding the 2 Indian guy. They guys were having tons of fun with the ladies there, while once a while the waitresses will disturbed us too. Not much gals I liked but the fun while we were in there was priceless.

Next we head to gecko as we always passed here but nvr entered. Went in and sat at the back. Its a small bar where the stage is at the left of the of the bar while we entered. 8 gals were dancing on the stage. Saw 1 that seems pleasant so decided to buy her LD. Jessa is her name. She the quiet type of gal who speaks very little. So eventually nothing happened in there for Bro Southaddress.

Pop in here around 6pm. Nothing changes with 3 or 4 new gals dancing on the stage.
So sat there for around 1 hr. Still no sign of Mel, so decided to buy a gal a LD to check with out who is Mel mamasan. Eventually got to know who the mamasan is, so checked with her. she smses and told me she's not around, so would be working only tomorrow at 6pm. While doing all this Bro Southaddress have also buy a LD for a gal too. And eventually Bro Southaddress BF-ed her. Parted with them and headed to a bar I am comfortable with.

La Bamba
At the entrance saw Leah, the GRO which I wanted to BF-ed since the time I stepped in here, but she always code-red so nothing happened til now. Went in bought her LD. Then saw Lis, 1 of the gals I met at Jolibee bought her a LD too. Enjoyed myself in there til Bro Southaddress smsed me that he wanted to bar hop again. LOL

Met him outside Rhapsody and he decided to go in. Well bro Southaddress must have a good time with the gal from Typhoon. He finally decided to buy LD for the dancer he have been noticed since few days ago. As for me I just looked at the C+ waitress that I liked in here. Time flies and all drinks were done before we headed back to the last bar before turning in.

La bamba
Yes back to here again and I bought Leah LD again. Well having her around really made me enjoyed this bar even without BF any gals.

Thats all for day-7
Haha today I totally start something new by drink pineapple juice from bar 1 to last bar and not drinking SML. LOL

The last FR will be out in next weekend. Enjoy.
Old 29-05-2011, 09:08 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by kawabanga View Post
Is the Bar fine increase or still 1500 peso? I miss the Mahalku there
Well some bars have increased to 1800p.
Old 30-05-2011, 03:49 AM
phantomtiger2 phantomtiger2 is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by kawabanga View Post
Is the Bar fine increase or still 1500 peso? I miss the Mahalku there

As some have said, only some bars have increased their barfines but most still have not. Can't remember the whole timing of it though so not sure if some of the bars increase the barfine right after the raids last year to offset perhaps the increase in bribe money??

But in any case, the increase shouldn't break your bank acct so just go and enjoy.

Old 31-05-2011, 04:24 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

6 more days (and counting...) before I touch down in AC!

Excited as mad (who is not) about it. Wonder how are all the bars doing... and what are the new bars since I last went there (I think easily 2 or 3 years ago). Wonder how my previous flings are doing...? Most probably they had moved on, found some rich fella to support them, or went back to their hometown to start another life. I am imagining that most will not stay around in AC for long.

Looking forward to lingering around in the small pubs, drinking a SML and looking at butts and boobs wiggling around. I always fancy the small / medium pubs and bars. I always have the impression that the bigger establishments has too much bling and too commercialized to have that personal touch. They have the show, but not the touch (so to speak). I would still go to places like Atlantis, Dollhouse, Blue Nile, etc... but just to look and see at the shows. Would probably give Skytrax a miss since I am not really a big fan of too loud a music (unless my group of friends do want to go and I want to tag along).

Oh boy... am I filled with anticipation!
Old 31-05-2011, 04:53 PM
winfieldgold winfieldgold is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by freezone View Post
Just got back and nothing out of the ordinary to report. All bars are open and beers flowing. Police quiet. No news or rumours of raids when I arrive. Don't let the future of what "might" happen dampen the trip as this might affect the whole purpose of going there in the 1st place.
If you have the time and trip already planned, just go and enjoy. I know I did.

thansk for update bro freezone. Good to hear all is as per Angeles normal in AC
Old 31-05-2011, 04:58 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
Hihi. Doing fine here. What about you ? Any plan to head back to AC in the coming months ? For me I hope to return bck there in Oct or Nov, but still have to see when I am keen to renew my passport. No passport = no chance of heading back there. :P

Yup miss the fun I have with bro Southaddress over there . Haha actually cant remembered I step into doll-house or not when I was wandering bck then. But do know the price is high so either went in have a drink and left or totally nvr step in at all. With such a big bar such there are few gals there are super stunner.

You mean the gal you have on the 1st night there ? Hmmm total nvr went there before though it's just beside Royal Armsterdam. Haha. Even the bars right next to my hotel I seldom or nvr visited also. LOL

So Champagne should be range as small bar right ? BF should be around 1500p or 1800p right ?
hi bro..good to hear u are well. My fren and i wld of cos like to make a return trip to clark but have to see schedule lo. Prob end oct or early nov Champagne is 1500p..unless there is price hike with all that is goin on over there ler.
Keep in touch and let me know if u goin again..mebe can see u there again
Old 31-05-2011, 05:33 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

I miss Clark....Champagne girls are the best! and i rather go Casinos there than MBS!!!!


drink water
Old 31-05-2011, 06:11 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by JWNY View Post
I miss Clark....Champagne girls are the best! and i rather go Casinos there than MBS!!!!

yes bro....we are still waiting for you to have a few rounds of SML in Champagne! Who knows..1 lucky spin at the jackpot and ur trip and BFs all covered liao!! hahahaah
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