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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 12-03-2013, 01:44 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by Mickiev2379 View Post
Any brothers recently " ta Bao " at china doll ? Is it easy at that said ktv ? What is the price range ! Thank ?

All gal can tabao why you worry? Its how you package your deal.

You can bao them and one month later can goodbye.That kind of thinking any gal also can bao. They hate this job. No matter how man day's booking they get they just hate one day of butterfly pushing door get rejected. Even pretty ones must entertain Ah Beng Ah Seng.

As long as you bao them and make sure you pay money and they repay you with service thats all. Their service include their feeling. Don be idiot to invest feeling. Its the worst ending you get. 我们付钱她们对我们好是应该的
Old 14-03-2013, 11:53 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Any brothers can share contact for China Dolls?

Is it mumy system there?
Old 18-03-2013, 11:22 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

went there last fri. reached around 11.40 pm and left at 2am. very disappointed with the experience. i understand its a butterfly system, but it was like too much. i got 3 gals, and the combined time is less than 20 mins. anyone got the same experience? or was it just me?
Old 19-03-2013, 08:39 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by mnf123 View Post
went there last fri. reached around 11.40 pm and left at 2am. very disappointed with the experience. i understand its a butterfly system, but it was like too much. i got 3 gals, and the combined time is less than 20 mins. anyone got the same experience? or was it just me?
How can be so pathetic? I told a gal I dont booking one. She say never mind she sit the whole night.

Another one I dont let her come in she cry from outside window until door until inside untill sit down. You have such experience?

Please la. I visit that place for over two years. You rarely and you expect gals to treat you like VIP. If they treat everyone like VIP. Is that feeling really as such?
Just sit I have gals I know for a year and more. Some only 1 to 3 weeks. They know who are regulars who are new. Even if you new you go often sit the same gals after awhile they treat you better.

If you go alone its worst. They thought you pervert. Cant sing, cant drink,cant chat and cant dance. Sitting like a log is another killer customers because not all the gals can do all four also.

If you look like a monster they butterfly they worry you lose your temper. If you look good they worry you misunderstand them and you fall for other gals. Whatever it is, you are the man species, they are gals. So everyone is fair one. Dont listen to those people who say market price dont spoil market. Only people with no market value worry about market price.

Be yourself, have you own market.Let the gals like you market. Even after sleeping with you dont treat people like shit like many guys do. They just keep rejecting the gals. Find those proper ones who dont do ST, who want to up you. Make sure you dont bluff people say you like them, you love them what what. Saying these kind of words just make life difficult for yourself. After up them you cant live up to your words and have to avoid them. Many men are cheebye man. Tell the gals honestly you want to up them because of any reasons except you like them. Say you feel she is nice. Why she so good to you? That way she must up you to prove it Now she must own up to what she say. Next time she wont reject you because after up you gals just like to come back to you so they dont feel rejected. Do these ofte you sit with a bunch all up you liao and a bit jealous if you have someone new in mind. But they are fine one. As long as you chit chat, during other days you not at the joint. Are you prepare for these kind of life

I never care much. Dont like 20. Like I just tell her butterfly see her attitude. If she stay very long I play 100 to 200 and its still not booking. Forever its this price. She still can run. But will 'tabao' me one day. Because she feel so bad. She must tabao you. Leave the things to the gals and they will treat you like a gal Some of the gals know I there liao even at 10 to 12am they will rush back from other joints. I think those goodoo customers ask the gals go other joints so they can one to one mental attack the gals, squeeze their own balls. Need so troublesome meh ??? Even go MBS some gals no up means no up. Some gals no up, the right gal, anyway way they also up. You dont like that meh. Sometimes up also dont know why?

Understand how a gal feel. If she from geylang come here its a different thing.Butterfly. Some client run away without paying so they sit at least 5 to 7 'tai'. One tai 30 to 50.2 run away. 3 they get average 40 is $120 for HH 5 hours, SH 6 hours. Butterfly so good meh. At best 7 'tai' 50 each is $350 for 6 hours. HH will never cross $290 on average.

Try use hours can court. Its a 11 hours job aday. Sitting 6-12 tais looking at 6-12 no guarantee handsome charmful customers. Afterall they are decent average and above looking gals. Not the professionals with no feelings. All these gals are condable. Its how you 'con' them. They know what the men want. The more you want they more difficult it becomes.

Never ask the gals to drink. Many idiots out there are doing it for us. The gals drink 11 hours a day for 7 day. 77 hours a week non-stop. They can drink but they hate it. Drink yourself.If she pick up the cup and drink on her own its a sign she feel you are a good guy at least. If she feel comfortable to get plain water, soya bean and other non alcoholic and non-cold drink. Your seat is already a comfortable seat for her compared to any other rooms. Chat about her work tonight, about tomoro about her plans after this trip and so. Dont chat the same dame things other idiots are doing. They are just too many fools out there who think they are doing the right thing by complaining.OK?

Please la wake up.If the gal feel you sit them not they sit you. You will find they all want you because you entertain them. Understand? I not asking you be a gigolo but a customer they find hard to satisfy, they will tabao you and a sense of achievement thats why they dont get to sit they cry. You do the aiyan aiyan them they more happy than you.

By the way Fri Sat is a busy day. Most office hours employees could only visit during those days. So its packed. Plenty customers so what you expect? A gal rather face one customer and earn lesser than face 7 customers and earn more. They also feel bad come 10 min and go. In 5 hours they come 5 times 50 min in total. Each room one cup is a total 25 cups of beer and liquor. Your math how?

For 9 years I never ask a gal to drink. But I see some guys ask the gal drink so much. Makes no sense. They go 1-3 times a week. The guys themselves lousy drinker thats why they thought the liquor can kill. I will the gals dont drink so much in case other rooms ask them drink. That way they feel you are not even a customers because you refer to other people.I sure tell them my room no need drink so much and they can dont drink. Because other room customers dont like if she say cant drink when she drink too much.I even ask them go other rooms first if they too busy. Dont be their problems, be their solutions And soon they will solve your problem willingly. You have only one problem. No one to up. Soon you have a ne problem. Too many to up

Impression sitting. Like my friend sit 20 gals. Nice no nice also $20. That way every gal feel you are VIP. No chance to talk to you. Its not he stingy. They simplier have no excuse to ask for much. So you have the joint coming after you. They see you so poor thing. They just want to be your favourite gal and just to teach you what is booking or at least loyalty sitting : )

Last edited by jojn; 19-03-2013 at 09:45 AM.
Old 19-03-2013, 09:43 AM
woodywoody woodywoody is offline
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

sorry bro, unless i misunderstood your comment here....but are you telling us to do the reverse, as in go and play nice and try to get the girls to up us instead?
Old 19-03-2013, 09:49 AM
jojn jojn is offline
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Impression sitting.

Like my friend sit 20 gals. Nice no nice also $20. That way every gal feel you are VIP. No chance to talk to you. Its not he stingy. They simplier have no excuse to ask for much. So you have the joint coming after you. They see you so poor thing. They just want to be your favourite gal and just to teach you what is booking or at least loyalty sitting

After a few times, the gals feel you dont know how to reject people. They help you reject. Soon you know who want you From 400 you drop to a total of 150. One gal is all you need

When you couple quarrelling you lose your sense again its back to 20 gals. Even your previous gal want you back. You will be very busy!!!

Stop complaining and leave the complaining to the gals
Old 19-03-2013, 09:53 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by woodywoody View Post
sorry bro, unless i misunderstood your comment here....but are you telling us to do the reverse, as in go and play nice and try to get the girls to up us instead?
Yes man. Understand them not make them understand you. Simply thats what all the other idiots expect

Some bros dont agree to this tactic. But ask yourself if you are gals. Whats life here like? Hell or Heaven?? HH+SH is 5+6 or 4+5 9 to 11 hours drinking. 4 rooms 5 rooms. 4 rounds each 36 cups a day. Thats at least 1 and a half tower everyday for each gal. Havent include whiskey or brandy.

Its boring to see all customers even if you are good looking paying well and just another now understanding guy. You buy LV, Gucci every week but you are just too morally poor to bao for a few months and she still need butterfly when you not around.

Be understand and you win liao. Dont insist. Dont expect everytime it works. Use the gals with no hope against gals with hope. You still have hope.

Last edited by jojn; 19-03-2013 at 10:23 AM.
Old 19-03-2013, 09:58 AM
jojn jojn is offline
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by woodywoody View Post
sorry bro, unless i misunderstood your comment here....but are you telling us to do the reverse, as in go and play nice and try to get the girls to up us instead?
If you really need to tabao a gal tell you gal to recommend you a friend of hers. Just say you are in a bad mood and because you feel she is a proper decent gal you dont expect her to do you.

That way you ask indirectly liao. Isnt it the same. Its a respectful way to ask. You can even say must be that night. You dont mind pay her for the recommending because they need to earn for their living. So can dont sit you she can go find.

Who knows she offer herself. I got one she ask me if I really need it so badly. I acted like I want to drop the topic.
Then I say I rather talk to her friend is willing to go and its not nice to speak to her about such things. She feel distant.
She say never expected me to be like this. I said I rarely do it also.
End up she go with me
You think they rather lose a rarely do it guy to some friends
Next time you keep find her friend?
After all they know you are a character-seeking person and looks may not be all you looking for. You seek personality.

The top gals of CHINA DOLL. Top 10 I mean. Only 4 can tabao. 6 cannot. And your strategy must totally change.
Old 19-03-2013, 11:03 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

jojn, i really fell off my chair when i read your posts Are you living in dream or your own imagination of prc gals and chinadoll.

Idiot like you really make all these prc joints no longer fun to go to as the gals there take us for granted and worst you are not the only idiot and there are many more around who are as naive as you.

Do you understand PRC mentality or they have been treating you like 菜头
and you are not aware of it due to your one dimensional's brain.

if a PRC con you, they won't feel bad or guilty conscience because they think they are smarter than you and you are stupid to be conned by them.

This msg is a wake up call for you. Is time for you to wake up and face the reality of the mercenary world of KTV where money count.

Originally Posted by jojn View Post
If you really need to tabao a gal tell you gal to recommend you a friend of hers. Just say you are in a bad mood and because you feel she is a proper decent gal you dont expect her to do you.

That way you ask indirectly liao. Isnt it the same. Its a respectful way to ask. You can even say must be that night. You dont mind pay her for the recommending because they need to earn for their living. So can dont sit you she can go find.

Who knows she offer herself. I got one she ask me if I really need it so badly. I acted like I want to drop the topic.
Then I say I rather talk to her friend is willing to go and its not nice to speak to her about such things. She feel distant.
She say never expected me to be like this. I said I rarely do it also.
End up she go with me
You think they rather lose a rarely do it guy to some friends
Next time you keep find her friend?
After all they know you are a character-seeking person and looks may not be all you looking for. You seek personality.

The top gals of CHINA DOLL. Top 10 I mean. Only 4 can tabao. 6 cannot. And your strategy must totally change.
Old 19-03-2013, 11:24 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by moshea View Post
jojn, i really fell off my chair when i read your posts Are you living in dream or your own imagination of prc gals and chinadoll.

Idiot like you really make all these prc joints no longer fun to go to as the gals there take us for granted and worst you are not the only idiot and there are many more around who are as naive as you.

Do you understand PRC mentality or they have been treating you like 菜头
and you are not aware of it due to your one dimensional's brain.

if a PRC con you, they won't feel bad or guilty conscience because they think they are smarter than you and you are stupid to be conned by them.

This msg is a wake up call for you. Is time for you to wake up and face the reality of the mercenary world of KTV where money count.
So what you propose? Just keep going TAM,Lido P,OrchardK and just get the mummy arrange the 500-1000 per session or the one night 2K chicks. Thats easy right?

Or go down to the low end joint and get the 100 per session gals rite?
Thats most down to earth. Go with the regular ST gals lo

Everything is going up except the many bros pay.
Even the PRC chicks are less likely to go ST compared to 10 years ago with the China economy expanding. As the wealth gap get larger and social consciousness get more wide spread either they go the way or only selective going. No more naive like last time. Of course you feel they are conning you la

Not all their ideal target can 'tabao' unless they use more resourceful approach.
Every gal have a price you pay meh???

Last edited by jojn; 19-03-2013 at 11:34 AM.
Old 19-03-2013, 11:31 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

with your strategy or mentality wherever ktv you go, you will still be an idiot and 菜头. Make no difference

Originally Posted by jojn View Post
So what you propose? Just keep going TAM,Lido P,OrchardK and just get the mummy arrange the 500-1000 per session or the one night 2K chicks. Thats easy right?

Or go down to the low end joint and get the 100 per session gals rite?
Thats most down to earth. Go with the regular ST gals lo
Old 19-03-2013, 11:43 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by jojn View Post
So what you propose? Just keep going TAM,Lido P,OrchardK and just get the mummy arrange the 500-1000 per session or the one night 2K chicks. Thats easy right?

Or go down to the low end joint and get the 100 per session gals rite?
Thats most down to earth. Go with the regular ST gals lo

Everything is going up except the many bros pay.
Even the PRC chicks are less likely to go ST compared to 10 years ago with the China economy expanding. As the wealth gap get larger and social consciousness get more wide spread either they go the way or only selective going. No more naive like last time. Of course you feel they are conning you la

Not all their ideal target can 'tabao' unless they use more resourceful approach.
Every gal have a price you pay meh???
Bro you got gf or are you married? Just curious...
Old 19-03-2013, 01:24 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

sounds to me like you find it too ex to tapao them and blame other bros who are willing to pay? I like to have a ferrari but its so ex....i should appeal to all ferrari owners not to pay or buy the car so the price may come down enough for me to finally afford it?
Old 19-03-2013, 01:29 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Not all their ideal target can 'tabao' unless they use more resourceful approach.
Every gal have a price you pay meh???[/QUOTE]

Of cos not, but willing buyer willing....we all put different value to the same things....not to put you down bro, but i think its a case of you having a smaller budget compared to others and not others having bigger budget than you being at fault for their methods leh....

I assume you are working? if so, would you expect to negotiate or want a higher pay? these girls are working too
Old 19-03-2013, 06:34 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

better than see these men tat kena their back fr the animals.
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