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Old 05-04-2012, 10:48 PM
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Re: A Getaway

hey ... good build up and coming to be a potential orgy feast! Like your story said ... Don't stop!
Old 05-04-2012, 11:09 PM
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Re: A Getaway

your story is quite funny to me
especially someone mistaken you as her bf
what a wonderful mistake!
Old 05-04-2012, 11:11 PM
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Smile Re: A Getaway

please continue.....tempo building up
Old 05-04-2012, 11:13 PM
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Re: A Getaway

Getting some fries and a coke while waiting.
Old 06-04-2012, 12:20 AM
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Re: A Getaway

Originally Posted by Hardaway1818 View Post
Thanks for the encouraging words! I almost wanted to give up writing the story as I thought no one like it at all.

Only when I started writing a story myself do I realise how difficult it is to write an interesting story that can capture one's imagination.

I will continue with the story as soon as I can find time
Thanks for the support!
Nice story! Do cont.
Work, play, work, work, work..... imba life
Old 06-04-2012, 01:26 AM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: A Getaway

I know this is so wrong but I can't help myself. I mean, who can resist a 19 yr-old SYT who is now cuddling against you on bed in pitch darkness with absolute horniness. I would be crazy to give up at this juncture. I begin to get rough and pull off May's white spaghetti and somehow just wank off her bra. I am fondling her naked breasts with my bare hands. This feels like eternity. My sweet little sister-in-law, moaning with pleasure at my touches, and frenching me as if she wants to suck my tongue out.

I can't even remember how I have gotten rid of all my clothings and before long, both of us are totally naked, body to body, full of lust. I want to call out her name, but I know I can't as that would give me away, so I am shouting out loud "May, I want to fuck you" in my mind 100 times as I can't believe this is happening.

I caress every part of her young body... her hair... her face... her mouth... her neck... her breasts... her tummy... her legs... her thighs... her butt... and finally her sacred hole. My tongue starts to lap on her pussy and May starts to push me away.

May: "Peter, what are you doing? We agreed that we would not cross the line, only petting allowed. I won't be able to control if you do this to me! If you continue to do this, I will stop already."

Oh my god, so May is still a virgin! How could Peter that bastard able to withstand the temptation to fuck this SYT for so long? And how on earth do you expect me to be able to control myself now? I am like a demon on fire now!

Ignoring her pleas, my mouth wrap over her crotch and nestled into her pussy, my tongue prying deep into the wet cunt lips. Her pussy tastes like honey, sweet and slimy, and I can feel her vaginal muscles clenching and relaxing. I lost my sanity and I am sucking her pussy juices like I have been starved for days.

May throws her head back, clench her hands tightly onto my arms, her body arching to push her pussy into my mouth. I know her defence has been broken.

“Peter, oh my god, you are so good, oh fuck, oh Peter" Hearing May moaning makes me want to pleasure her even more.

I can't stand it any longer too. I move myself up and starts to push her head down, and down. May seems bewildered, not knowing what to expect. I keep pushing her head down, to my crotch area, and before May figures out what is happening, I am pushing my cock into her mouth. That sweet little mouth. The mouth that always call me Kor and the mouth that always pout at me when she wants something from me. I can't believe that my cock is now in her small little mouth now. May doesn't seem to know what to do and want to protest against it but her mouth is now fully gagged by my throbbing cock. I start to thrust into her mouth. It feels so good. There is no sucking, no technique, but pure plain lust of fucking that innocent mouth of hers, and I am quite sure that is the first cock in that pure virgin mouth. How lucky I am.

I know May is getting to the point of no return as well, as I can feel her mouth starting to respond to my thrusting. It's time now. In one quick movement, I pull my cock out, move down my body, grab her thighs, push them wide, and push it in. I don't know how I did it, but this must be a world record, this must be pure animal lust at its prowess.

I am now fucking this virgin. I am thrusting in and out, in and out, in and out, I can't even remember how many times I am doing this. It just feel like eternity. My SYT sister-in-law is now totally broken into by me, the person whom she has called Kor for so many years. It's building up, the waves are coming, and in one loud explosion, I explode into her cunt. I am so indulged in my own sexual pleasure that I didn't even notice if May has climaxed. I just collapse into her.
Old 06-04-2012, 12:22 PM
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Re: A Getaway

I think we are both too exhausted and fell asleep in each other's arm... I don't know how much time has passed but I am worried that Peter might come back in or when dawn breaks, May will discover that I am not Peter. I gave May a nudge to wake her up.

"Oh we fell asleep huh... I better get back to my own room. We would be dead if Kor came back and found us together in this manner" Glurp... I just fucked you high and dry and you are worried I found out about you.... kekeke I am laughing secretly in my mind.

I am still feeling tired so I gone back to sleep, still with the fond memories of what had just happened... May's moaning, her sweet tongue intertwined with mine, her honey juices flowing into my mouth, her vagina muscles clinging onto my cock... ... ... May's angelic face kept appearing in my dreams, I want to fuck her again.

__________________________________________________ _____________

"Hi Sleepyheads, wake up for breakfast!" Jake's voice is ringing along the corridor. I woke up and saw Peter sleeping beside me. Hmmm where did you disappear to last night and when did you come back? I must be totally knocked out last night. Luckily I got May to leave before he came back, phew.

At the dining table is a spread of fried bee hoon, nasi lemak, soya bean and youtiao etc. All of us are quiet and heads down eating. We are all gobbling down our food as if all of us have been starved for the whole night. Well, I am for sure as I have not "exercised" so vigorously for a long time.

The chirpy Kim broke the silence: "hehe everyone is so hungry yah. Hee hee seems like we are not the only couple that is hard at work last night. I can hear other couples hard at work as well" Wow, Kim is such an open-minded and blunt person.

Oh die! I can recall now that in the heat of things last night, May was crying out loudly in passion when I am penetrating her and fucking her virgin pussy. I sneak a quick glance at May and can see her head facing down, almost wanting to bury inside the bee hoon that she is eating and her face is totally blushed. If Jake and Kim can hear us, that means Peter and April would have heard us too. Die, would my secret be exposed? April should be deep in sleep as she is a deep sleeper and she took some panadol before sleeping last night as she was having a headache. How about Peter? Where was he the whole night?

While a thousand questions are going through my mind now, Kim broke my thoughts again by continuing "Who is using the toilet for so long in the middle of the night? We can't even go to toilet"

Peter (sheepishly): "Errr it's me lah. Stomachache lah, what to do?"

Ok I am starting to feel better now as the picture of events last night got clearer. Our rooms are lined up in a row at the second storey along a single corrider, with the toilet right at the end in the innermost. Jake and Kim are taking the first room beside the toilet, April and May the second while me and Peter the third. Peter must have heard the love-making sound of Jake and Kim and hide inside the toilet so that he can hear the sound more clearly while jerking off. That sneaky bastard, I figured that he must have lusted after Kim for a long time after the groping incident under the waves. For April, she must be deep in sleep throughout and don't know anything. And Jake and Kim must have thought it's me and April that is joining them in the heat of passion last night. That must be it. I am starting to feel better now.

Wait... if Peter is in toilet, won't May be confused who is in the room with her?

I glanced at May again. She is looking at Peter now, and I can see her giving him a little nudge using her elbow. There is a little smile at her lips and she raises her head and clears her throat "Ya, Peter is complaining of his stomach feeling weird the whole evening. Must have eaten something wrong."

Hahaha I am laughing to myself. May must have thought that Peter is so smart to think of a toilet "excuse" so that Jake and Kim would not think that it was she and "Peter" who are contributing to the sexy symphony of last night.

Ok, at least the secret is safe now... and I am more relieved to face everyone. Everyone starts to warm up more and chat happily over the breakfast. Only April is still very quiet, but that is her nature, more conservative and does not open up to new friends easily. Totally different from Kim, who is so open, radiant, and not forgetting sexy... And I am now looking at May in a different light. When she speaks, my eyes are always locked on her lips... they look so sensual now. I can't see it in the dark last night when those lips are wrapping around my cock. How I wish I can see her innocent and lusty expression when those lips are wrapped around my cock. How I wish I can hear her moans again, especially when I am fucking her hard and she is crying out "Kor fuck me, Kor fuck my pussy hard"...
Old 06-04-2012, 01:10 PM
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Re: A Getaway

Nice storyline. Hehe jiayou! btw, why do i get a feeling that peter surely have done smth to april during the nite :x hopefully i'm wrong.
Old 06-04-2012, 05:12 PM
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Re: A Getaway

good story!
Old 06-04-2012, 07:00 PM
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Re: A Getaway

Wow this story is good! Keep the updates coming! Im sure there are lots of silent readers too
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Old 06-04-2012, 08:49 PM
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Re: A Getaway

you naughty little rascal, your mum ought to give you a good spanking
Old 06-04-2012, 09:51 PM
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Re: A Getaway

Wow one of the best stories I have read here. Simply superb!
Old 06-04-2012, 10:09 PM
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Re: A Getaway

Wow TS u 混水摸鱼... Power sia... Pls do continue with your story...
Old 07-04-2012, 01:19 AM
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Re: A Getaway

Thanks to all the kind bros who up my points. Really appreciate it. Will definitely continue the story when i can find the time.
Old 07-04-2012, 02:04 AM
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Re: A Getaway

More! More! More! More! We want more!!! Pls continue. Pitching my tent here!
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