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Old 19-03-2013, 09:40 PM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

of course 17 yr old can go Geylang
look look see see
to bonk really not advisable, i only try commercial sex past 30
why pay when you can try to go for girl friends and get free bonk?
Old 19-03-2013, 11:39 PM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

Stumbling upon this thread has spurred me to share my personal experience (a couple of years ago) with bros out there who are quite young yet keen in visiting a brothel. I truly understand the dilemma faced by the OP's cousin (or himself for that matter).

My experience:

I was 18 going on 19 when I lost my virginity to one of the WLs at the Petain brothel area. Having recently finished my GCE 'A' levels, I had a couple of months left before my enlistment into the armed forces (NS). Prior to my initial trip to Petain, I was regularly reading the "Petain Romps" section for FRs, general information and other valuable advice to make my trip a worthwhile one.

To be frank, the thought of stepping into a brothel made me feel nervous and awkward. I eventually overcome that unwillingness as I was accompanied (during the first trips and many other trips thereafter) by a more experienced friend who dispelled such negative feelings deeply rooted in my mind. After my first few trips, visiting the brothels at Petain was no longer a fearful task for me to the point that I frequented the place pretty often, with most of these trips eventuating in sex sessions. Mind you, I was working part-time as well a undergoing an internship during this sex-filled period.

As for Geylang, although I had walked in and out its lorongs a couple of times before NS, I only engaged the services of its fishtanks twice during my pre-enlistment peiod, mainly due to my preference for the lower prices offered at Petain (CAT30/CAT40).

You may wonder why I chose not to engage the services of young and pretty $26/$40 Vietnamese and Indo FLs along the lorongs of Geylang whose services were priced comparitively to the Petain WLs. Well, I was a worrisome guy (and still am worrisome) and felt that there was too much of an STD/HIV risk involved with FLs (especially during a condom break/slip) unlike legal WLs who were much less likely to have STDs/HIV.

During my 2-year stint in NS, I was hardly into commercial/casual sex partly because I was physically and mentally drained by the rigours of my NSF life. Moreover, upon booking out of camp, I was engulfed by other activities that left me with little time for as well as thoughts about sex. Of course, I still made it a point to PCC during that period

I've come a long way since those days, which are still etched in my mind in the form of sweet memories. I'm now living overseas for my further studies, with 1-2 yearly trips back to SG under my belt. When I was in SG early this year, I tried 2 sweet and lovable WLs (L8H66G#26 as well as L20H36#44) at Geylang. It is interesting to note, however, that these 2 recent trips made me realise that I'm a different person now. Unlike in the past where the satisfaction derived from visiting a WL was the sex itself, the happiness derived during those 2 visits was from the verbal interaction with those 2 girls. We learnt a great deal about one other during the 25 min sessions.

In retrospect, indeed a considerable sum of my money was spent on WLs. I could have spent the money on other pleasures, such as getting a high-end laptop, indulging myself in Singapore's nightlife, buying branded apparel. Better still, I could have simply saved the money for my further education (although my parents have always insisted on paying for it) as part of my desire to evolve into a financially responsible/mature adult. At the end of the day, I can honestly tell most bros out there that I thoroughly enjoyed my sessions at Geylang and Petain, even though there was a significant opportunity cost involved. I could have reduced the frequency of sessions during my initial phase, though.

My advice to OP's cousin: If spending on WLs means you have little money left for your needs, don't go for it. As per what other bros suggested, wait till you start to receive a decent and stable income before even deciding whether commercial sex is for you or not. It is very inapproriate to spend pocket money given to you by your relatives on WLs. For myself, saving a large proportion of my army pay helped too as it made me feel "financially stable" such that I was less likely to dwell on and regret spending $XX on the sex session I just had.

On a serious note, given that you're only 17 and probably in school, I'd urge you to concentrate on your studies, as your educational success is crucial to your financial success. If you think you are unable to control your urges, force yourself to wait till NS. Asking you to entirely give up the idea of commercial sex is ridiculous as I unsuccessfully tried to persuade myself many times that commercial sex is something I could live without. I'm merely urging you to put your strong sexual desires on hold. As a former teenager myself, I understand that you are battling against your raging hormones.

Sorry for this long post. It came from the bottom of my heart.
Old 20-03-2013, 12:57 PM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

Originally Posted by whacky View Post
On a serious note, given that you're only 17 and probably in school, I'd urge you to concentrate on your studies, as your educational success is crucial to your financial success. If you think you are unable to control your urges, force yourself to wait till NS. Asking you to entirely give up the idea of commercial sex is ridiculous as I unsuccessfully tried to persuade myself many times that commercial sex is something I could live without. I'm merely urging you to put your strong sexual desires on hold. As a former teenager myself, I understand that you are battling against your raging hormones.

Very good writting. Commerical sex appeals to all, but as a student at 17, it is not a good idea.

In the working world, where extertainment and business goes hand in hand, the money spend is different from your allowance you get or from the part time jobs you earn.

You may see the glamour and fun these boss spend on gals, or on drinks or in KTV, but you never see how the money come by.

Also, not to forget the KC trap. By now, you should know the workings of these FT WLs whose aim is to get as much money as possible. Not to forget your time in NS that is coming soon too, you will have not much time for such activities either, and physically worn out too.

You still have a long way to go.

Old men like many brothers here are season people in the society and cheongsters as well, with much experience
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 20-03-2013, 01:45 PM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

As many advised, it's a point of no return hahaaha.. I started visiting Petain Road when I was 16 plus.. Was a regular to one Msian gal. If she's off I would recce all the open door rooms, like those uncles.

When my regular bonk went back Msia, I switched to GL.. was 17plus then. Ventured into Thai, short time and overnights. Got so addicted, that when I ran outta cash, I borrowed from friend to go. Think back it's really embarassing.. The journey continues.. to health centres.. to FLs.. to Geylang legal msian bonks.. till today still into FLs.. Lost count of the gals I did and licked.

Ask if I regret I will say maybe not, but I do advise maybe not to get started.. or maybe at least not so young.
Old 20-03-2013, 02:11 PM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

Bro newyorker88, it really brightens me up to know that you appreciate the sharing of my advice with the other brothers (and possibly sisters) out there. I agree with you that while the commercial sex scene appeals to all, an individual must exercise a certain level of patience and maturity before indulging in it. He/she must never jump straight into it, especially if he/she lacks sufficient knowledge of the potential pitfalls involved. At the end of the day, the OP's cousin must be able to get his priorities right and decide between his future or instant/short-term gratification. This is precisely why I wish to advise him to wait until the post BMT/further training phase of NS - given that he will be able to freely enjoy drinking/clubbing/doing random fun stuff/casual and commerical sex without worrying at all about studies - assuming of course he does well during his final year of jc/poly/ite/other system. And don't forget to use a quality condom while bonking.
Old 20-03-2013, 02:50 PM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

Originally Posted by whacky View Post
At the end of the day, the OP's cousin must be able to get his priorities right and decide between his future or instant/short-term gratification.
Yes, at 17, he is too young to know the workings of the other side of the society. Our times are different, when we grew up in the streets and kampong, with older "brothers" to guide. Not to mention that we are not that focus on education and came out to work at earlier age.

OP's cousin or himself, I guess he should be more careful about joining the ranks of the ah peks, and spend more time with his friends or his peers in school and studies.

Commerical sex scene is not like his school mates or friends of his age. It is commerical and there is always the addiction factor. Not to forget he may not have the earning factor and how his girl friend may view of him. Of cos, sex with GF and WL are different too. You may not expect such good service from your GF, since they dont serve many men in one day too. End of the day, it may affect your relationship with your GF.

remember, the WL are to please you, and your GF is for mutual understanding/living together/sharing of life/etc... You may not find that your GF is giving you what you expect from a WL.

Just my 2 cents
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 20-03-2013, 03:02 PM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

to add my own views to this matter, I sincerely wish no one introduced me to geylang.

it's an addiction that sucks up your time, energy, money and your soul.
Old 20-03-2013, 04:37 PM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

I agree with bronzegod's viewpoint. Cheonging is definitely an activity that drains away your money, time and energy. When you start, you will tell yourself that the next trip will be your last and so on. The cycle becomes endless to the point of no return. I myself have often wished that i hadn't made that first trip to Petain. Although I'm much less of a regular than many bros here, commercial sex is something that i wish i hadn't started to begin with as it is possible to live without it. I have come to realise, however, that certain decisions in life are undertaken at the spur of the moment and there is no point regretting over the past as doing so wouldn't change a thing. What we can do is to change our lifestyles to improve our future. I hope that OP's cousin will do his utmost to avoid developing the habit in the first place.
Old 20-03-2013, 11:03 PM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

Given that this thread is more than a week old, I am pretty sure that the OP's cousin (or OP himself for that matter) has made up his mind about whether or not to engage in commercial sex as a 17 year old.

Whatever his decision is/was, I hope it is not one that would cause a high level of regret that I'm sure some bros are facing.. As for me, my level of regret is minimal as I was fully aware of the consequences of commercial sex and went wholeheartedly into it. I could have quit the scene after my first few trips to Petain but I chose not to do so - without any form of peer pressure. Upon reflection, I realise that during many of my trips, my friend(s) and I were the only teenagers around in PT or walking through a particular lorong at night. At that age, most of my peers were either at dinner with their girlfriends, hanging out at LAN gaming centres, spending time with their families, hitting the nightclubs or heavy weights.

I'm sure many other bros have no regrets at all getting into the scene. Just to add, I'm around 5 years older than the OP's cousin.

Whatever it is, I hope that teenagers can learn from bronzegod's (whom I believe is much older than I am) reflection on his cheonging habit. The fact that even a highly experienced and respectable bro like bronzegod can regret getting into the habit (despite its pleasures) speaks volumes of the pitfalls and reality of commercial sex.

To put things simply: if you have the willpower to live without commercial sex and brush aside thoughts of it, then obviously there is no reason for you to engage in it at all. I'm personally aware of many people (some of whom are my friends) who have yet to engage in commercial sex due to their strong refusal to do so. If like many other bros and myself, you lack the willpower to do so, then at least wait till your studies are over and you start drawing a decent, stable income.
Old 21-03-2013, 06:52 AM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

Originally Posted by whacky View Post
Stumbling upon this thread has spurred me to share my personal experience (a couple of years ago) with bros out there who are quite young yet keen in visiting a brothel. I truly understand the dilemma faced by the OP's cousin (or himself for that matter).

My experience:

I was 18 going on 19 when I lost my virginity to one of the WLs at the Petain brothel area. Having recently finished my GCE 'A' levels, I had a couple of months left before my enlistment into the armed forces (NS). Prior to my initial trip to Petain, I was regularly reading the "Petain Romps" section for FRs, general information and other valuable advice to make my trip a worthwhile one.
at least you did your intel gathering before heading to PT. i was like you, broke up with my gf of 3 years after A Levels and was quite depressed when enlisted. it was during army that my bunk mate offered to help me by shifting my focus away from my hopeless ex to GL. he brought me for a tour through the narrow streets at darlene hotel, lor 10 and lor 12. back then, it was bustling with PRC FLs. at that point in time, i curiously thought to myself, what an interesting place and became extremely curious about everything in it. even if it is to take a stroll down those streets after dinner and appreciate the beauty of those FLs. soon, i found myself wondering into the legal scene and after a while, i started to appreciate communicating with the WLs. i certainly learnt a lot from them. this aside, it should remain as a secret hobby and one should never neglect the other aspects of their life e.g. family and friends.
Old 21-03-2013, 10:47 AM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

Originally Posted by haizdie View Post
at least you did your intel gathering before heading to PT. i was like you, broke up with my gf of 3 years after A Levels and was quite depressed when enlisted. it was during army that my bunk mate offered to help me by shifting my focus away from my hopeless ex to GL. he brought me for a tour through the narrow streets at darlene hotel, lor 10 and lor 12. back then, it was bustling with PRC FLs. at that point in time, i curiously thought to myself, what an interesting place and became extremely curious about everything in it. even if it is to take a stroll down those streets after dinner and appreciate the beauty of those FLs. soon, i found myself wondering into the legal scene and after a while, i started to appreciate communicating with the WLs. i certainly learnt a lot from them. this aside, it should remain as a secret hobby and one should never neglect the other aspects of their life e.g. family and friends.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us
As for myself, I've never had a girlfriend.
Old 21-03-2013, 10:59 AM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

Originally Posted by whacky View Post
Thanks for sharing your experience with us
As for myself, I've never had a girlfriend.
wait, you've never had a girlfriend your whole life?
Old 21-03-2013, 11:22 AM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

Dear Bros,

I agree wif Whacky. I too started out with Petain during my army days. Reasons..Did badly in my As, a girl rejected me, never had a gf so curious etc etc.. Years later, I cannot remember how the girl looked like. My As started a downward spiral all the way even in my Uni. Now I am stuck in a shit job. I am already pushing 40. And even today, this very morning, I am waiting for an OKT (FL) to confirm a booking which will be my last....

Was it worth it?

"Guilty. Guilty of a wasted life."
- Papillion
Old 21-03-2013, 11:31 AM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

Originally Posted by haizdie View Post
at that point in time, i curiously thought to myself, what an interesting place and became extremely curious about everything in it. even if it is to take a stroll down those streets after dinner and appreciate the beauty of those FLs. soon, i found myself wondering into the legal scene and after a while, i started to appreciate communicating with the WLs. i certainly learnt a lot from them. this aside, it should remain as a secret hobby and one should never neglect the other aspects of their life e.g. family and friends.
as described

I can totally relate to your own experience, namely the part that I've quoted in this post. I clearly remember my maiden visit to Geylang as a Sec4/JC1 (Can't remember which year) student made me fall in love with the place, especially since it was full of unknowns and surprises. Prior to the first trip, I cannot recall ever visiting Geylang as my house has always been in the central west region and thus my family never saw the need to travel to the East. Most of my hangouts prior to Geylang were in the Orchard/City Hall/Dhoby Gaut area. The frequent visits to GL only commenced after the end of my JC life, as I was trying hard to focus on my studies.

I remember a couple of occasions in which I persuaded my experienced friend to lead me to Geylang either by walking from his house or taking a bus (if we were far away). Even merely passing through Geylang during my bus trips home was a source of satisfaction for me. This could be due to the "fun" atmosphere and "feel good" vibe of the place.

Teenage curiosity also played a part in my interest in Geylang. Although I didn't cheong in Geylang much, I visited the area many times for its dining opportunities, after which I would spend close to two hours walking in and out the lorongs. Like bro haizdie, i loved appreciating the beauty of FLs, many of whom I fantasized having a relationship/marriage with (i know this sounds funny/unbelievable but yes, it was true back then). In the end, I never had any session with an FL girl. As for the legal houses , I only started entering them closer towards my enlistment date. Like bro haizdie, I learnt a lot from WLs (in terms of sex, Thailand, relationships, difficulties they face). In fact, chatting with WLs was slightly more important to me as their sex services/GFE-ness. After all, as a guy who barely had any female friends, I wanted some female company.

Bro haizdie and I are indeed similiar in many ways!
Old 21-03-2013, 11:32 AM
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Re: 17 years old can go geylang meh?

Hi bronzegod, I've never had a girlfriend my whole life. In my early 20s now. Sometimes I do regret not being bothered to find one. As for now, I am happy being single.
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