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Old 05-09-2005, 09:51 AM
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Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

Originally Posted by ang076
After watching ch8 drama in which Haishan (played by Shaoguang) and his wife (Qiaohua) visit gynae's clinic. And gynae give him a container and a porn magazine for him to PCC in a room.

However, is porn magazine good enough to make every man cum?

I think it is better that sexy nurses perform HJ on...

Hahaha, Bro, this was precisely what I told my wife when we saw the episode. I told her that the nurse shld either give the man a BJ or HJ, otherwise, she can just strip and let him fonder also can....kekekekekeke
Old 05-09-2005, 10:24 AM
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Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

Originally Posted by ang076
After watching ch8 drama in which Haishan (played by Shaoguang) and his wife (Qiaohua) visit gynae's clinic. And gynae give him a container and a porn magazine for him to PCC in a room.

However, is porn magazine good enough to make every man cum?

I think it is better that sexy nurses perform HJ on...

Ke,ke,ke...reminded me of my younger days in the U where they asked us for volunteers to donate our sperms. There was a bet amongst the guys as to who's dare. So being adventurous, I put up my hands. Boy, they checked my family background and put me thru' several stringent tests before approving. Then I was asked to abstain from sex for at least 3 days before the "appointment". I remembered being very nervous on the D-day and wanted to back out. They were very proffessional about the whole thingy and explained the procedures to me. Signed a few papers and they brought me to a small private room. They gave me a small plastic container for my DNA. In the room was a satte and a TV and VCR. Some Playboy mags. and a small selection of porno. tapes. You can select the "movie" you want. They then leave you in the room until your deed was done!
Old 05-09-2005, 12:27 PM
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winger_tag winger_tag winger_tag
Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Ke,ke,ke...reminded me of my younger days in the U where they asked us for volunteers to donate our sperms. There was a bet amongst the guys as to who's dare. So being adventurous, I put up my hands. Boy, they checked my family background and put me thru' several stringent tests before approving. Then I was asked to abstain from sex for at least 3 days before the "appointment". I remembered being very nervous on the D-day and wanted to back out. They were very proffessional about the whole thingy and explained the procedures to me. Signed a few papers and they brought me to a small private room. They gave me a small plastic container for my DNA. In the room was a satte and a TV and VCR. Some Playboy mags. and a small selection of porno. tapes. You can select the "movie" you want. They then leave you in the room until your deed was done!
Bro, were you in Australia?
Old 05-09-2005, 12:49 PM
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Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

i am sure it does not take place in the asia countries...
Old 05-09-2005, 01:09 PM
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Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
...reminded me of my younger days in the U where they asked us for volunteers to donate our sperms. .....They gave me a small plastic container for my DNA. In the room was a satte and a TV and VCR. Some Playboy mags. and a small selection of porno. tapes. You can select the "movie" you want. They then leave you in the room until your deed was done!
Ho Ho Ho !! Chief, Did not know you visited a Sperm Bank before !!??!!?

So how long did it took for you to do the... ahem... "Deed" ??

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I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 05-09-2005, 06:17 PM
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Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Ho Ho Ho !! Chief, Did not know you visited a Sperm Bank before !!??!!?

So how long did it took for you to do the... ahem... "Deed" ??

Member of The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN
Actually not very long they had quite a good selection of XXX movies but felt a bit strange. I purposely stay a bit longer in the room so that the boys would not tell others that I had a "running " gun! Some more when you hand in your plastic container, the nurse will take a long look at it before saying thank you. It happened a long time back liao....dun't know if there were little Zacks running around now.
Old 05-09-2005, 08:42 PM
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Talking Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

Originally Posted by chickenzip
imagine if our wife like Chen liping...hiaz...sure cannot stand...
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Bro-chickenzip, really chio-kah-peng!!!! Anyway, in the same situation and wife is allowed in the PCC room, i'll tell Wifey i'll go alone because paiseh and then pull my gf to go along for the appointment...... Heeheehee....!!!
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Old 05-09-2005, 08:57 PM
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Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

Originally Posted by groo
i'll tell Wifey i'll go alone because paiseh and then pull my gf to go along for the appointment...... Heeheehee....!!! sibei cunning...but i like your idea!
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Old 05-09-2005, 09:14 PM
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Talking Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

Originally Posted by chickenzip sibei cunning...but i like your idea!
Heeheehee.... ya lor, wu-si-zho-lang-tio-ai-kan, cannot be too innocent! And i see your avatar, sibei-kueh-gian!!! Bwahahahahahha!!!
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
Sex Wisdom: Sex takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble... BUT there is no remedy for sex except more sex!!!
Old 06-09-2005, 07:53 AM
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Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

So, Bro Chickenzip, will you write story involving these acts in your thread,"Mediacorp Drama (RA version)??

Old 06-09-2005, 08:06 AM
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Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

Originally Posted by ang076
So, Bro Chickenzip, will you write story involving these acts in your thread,"Mediacorp Drama (RA version)??
hmm...ideas noted...

bro groo...y u laugh at me huh? i reali look like my avatar leh...
人要自信,不要自大, 人要自爱,不要自恋, 人要自知,不要自欺

What's the difference between love, true love and showing off? Spitting, swallowing and gargling.

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Mediacock Drama , A Sinful Lust...
Old 06-09-2005, 10:23 AM
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Talking Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

Originally Posted by chickenzip
...bro groo...y u laugh at me huh? i reali look like my avatar leh...
Really ah? Wah-hahaha! Soooooo CUTE! I think you should be a favourite with many girls liao, so pinchable!!! Bwahahahahaha!!! Will up you 4 Groo-vy points for your super-cute-kueh-gian-ness when i regain my RP! Cheers!
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
Sex Wisdom: Sex takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble... BUT there is no remedy for sex except more sex!!!
Old 06-09-2005, 10:28 AM
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Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

Originally Posted by groo
Really ah? Wah-hahaha! Soooooo CUTE! I think you should be a favourite with many girls liao, so pinchable!!! Bwahahahahaha!!! Will up you 4 Groo-vy points for your super-cute-kueh-gian-ness when i regain my RP! Cheers!
Thanks leh bro...but Naibei...i go clinic to donate sperm...they give me children story book instead of playboy...&%$#@...the nurse pinched my face cheeks instead of my ass cheeks.
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What's the difference between love, true love and showing off? Spitting, swallowing and gargling.

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Mediacock Drama , A Sinful Lust...
Old 06-09-2005, 11:38 AM
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Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

anyone got record le yao in yesterday episode? chio man, with her short skirt first and then hot pant in bed.. *steam*
Old 06-09-2005, 12:14 PM
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Re: Do you think porno mags provided by gynae..

In sillypore, u will not be given any porn magazine or video for viewing. Either u are ask to do in at home and bring your semens in a seal container within 1 hour or u can pcc in a small room at the hospital iitself.......I've try once in KK hospital... luckily the nurse that serve me is pretty and sexy...... my imagination runs wild all over the nurse when I pcc......
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