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Re: JESS-Story about an Aunt
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Re: JESS-Story about an Aunt
i CANT WAIT FOR YOUR NEXT POSTING LER....excited liao following the storyline, excited all over.
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Re: JESS-Story about an Aunt
Wow bro! This is definately another kinda story!!!! Very fresh and interesting!
I'm starting a campfire here... who wanna join in... lai lai lai... FAster continue hor... thanks for sharing. |
Re: JESS-Story about an Aunt
**** Chapter 12 **** I could sense that Jess had accepted my words. After all, I might well be the only one she could talk to regarding that matter. She probably would not tell her girl friends, and certainly could not tell all the others about it, simply because of something known as ‘Social Norm’. ‘Social Norm’ is a concept. It generally refers to the socially normal person, and excludes others who do things out of the normal. Notably, many people are worried that they do not fit into the ‘social norm’ model. But how normal ‘normal’ is, is highly capable of question. I guess it is not for the individual, or for that matter a group of individuals, to decide who is normal and who is not. “Thanks. I appreciate it,” Jess said. “Don’t thank me. I sometimes think that I’m encouraging you to do that.” “You’re not. It’s my own choice.” I kept quiet and went into deep thought for a moment. After putting together bits and pieces of information that I had gathered from Jess, I thought I finally understood better what was going on and why it was happening. If there was indeed a problem with Jess, I guessed it had to be the irony in her. “The only reason why you are ignoring Pete now… is because he fell for you, right?” “…Why ask? You already know.” “I’ll not be like him… but I wonder how far you’ll go with me.” “What are you getting at?” According to Jess, they used to be very close as well. There was one instance when Jess got drenched on her way to Pete’s place. Once she reached there, she actually took off her top and bra to let them dry, while alone with him inside his room. That was how much she could trust him. Therefore I wondered if Jess would do the same if it had been me. At that time at least, that was all I wanted to find out. Apparently, Jess had interpreted my question a little differently. “Just wanna know if you’d strip before me also.” “Uh huh. And then?” “That’s all.” “Well… there’re still people around.” I did not think that Jess would interpret those words that way, really. But then again, sometimes it does not matter… Compared to those stone steps, the thing that I was sitting on then certainly felt better. It was soft, comfortable, and to quote the least, conducive. So that was what Jess slept on every night. I wished I had that kind of luxury in my room. As I was observing her bed, Jess had removed her light make-up. “Why?” Jess turned around to face me, her bottom still resting on the seat. “Nice bed.” “You can lie back if you want.” “Later maybe.” “Anxious?” Jess asked me if I was anxious. Not quite knowing what to say, I kept quiet and smiled a little. I had not expected things to turn out that way. Earlier, while we were still on the steps, she said there were still people walking around. I did not understand why she said that, so I asked her. It turned out that what she meant was she could not undress there. Of course she could not undress there. This is Singapore. Her words left me curious. I wondered why she said that in particular. So, she thought I wanted her to prove it, that she would do the same thing before me just as she would before Pete. It therefore implied that she would not mind doing it if there were no other people around. I asked her if that was indeed what she meant, and whether she was serious. She confirmed my suppositions. Until then, I had not considered other options which could be available, besides plain chatting. But upon her confirmation, my mind ran a little wild. I thought about the places we could go next, and it was then she told me I could go to her place if I wanted to. Going to her place meant that I would actually get a chance to see her strip. Not that I had been praying for that, but I was really astonished. I felt like some part of me was going to burst. And to feel that way, I thought I was only human. Besides, she did not mind. Needless to say, I was quick to accept her offer. Jess had her eyes fixed on me, as she spread her elbows to reach for the knot behind her neck. I watched in disbelief as her hands untied the knot. I might have thought about the possibilities of such an occurrence, but taking into account that it actually happened on the first day we met, it was still too awesome an experience. I felt an instant surge of impulse, and before I knew it that constriction had been felt inside my pants. The halter was then unzipped, lifted off and put aside. I could not remember where it was left, for my attention was soon focused on the baby-blue on her bosom. It was simple and pretty, and the best part was that I knew I did not have to look at it for very long. I was right, and in just another short while it was unfastened and left on the dressing table. Jess got up from her seat and stood before me, her hands on her hips. As she peered down at me, she raised her eyebrows a little, as if making an inquiry. Her fair mounds were slightly above my eye level, so I had to look up a bit. At that moment they sure tantalized me like forbidden fruits hanging from a tree. How suitable that comparison was, I thought. I watched Jess strip to her waist without making a noise. As a matter of fact, I did not know how to respond, until she broke the silence first. “So how?” Jess asked. “I… unbelievable,” I stammered, “Can’t imagine other girl-friends doing this in front of me, … even the ugliest ones.” “Is that a compliment?” “I… I have no idea. Hearing over the phone that you’re open-minded is one thing, but seeing it is another.” “Uh-huh. Any comments?” Jess inquired as she took a glance at her own body. “…Good.” Jess was asking me what I felt about her figure, and that was all I said at first. Of course, that was not nearly all of what I had to say, but how was I supposed to tell her how much she was turning me on? Still, I would try to express myself as much as possible, if the situation allowed. “That’s all?” Jess taunted, “What about my waist?” “Slim. You’ve been exercising for sure.” “I think I added an inch or so.” “It doesn’t matter.” “Then what matters? My boobs?” “Not just that of course.” “Sure? You’ve been staring at them the whole time.” “Well I haven’t seen naked ones this big in real life...” “Is that a compliment? But I’m not that big really.” “I don’t know. Let’s put it this way, gals here are generally quite small.” “So… have you seen enough? I’m going to put on something,” Jess teased. “Aren’t you… going to remove that as well?” I asked, pointing at her skirt. My voice had become a bit coarse. Jess paused for a second upon hearing me. Even though it was only subtle pause, I could sense the slight hesitation in her. I guessed she was okay with baring all before me, just that she had to be sure things would not go out of control. “You can control yourself right?” Jess asked, as she undid her skirt. Jess was ready to take off her skirt, even though I had not shown any response yet. As I watched her, I could not help but experience mixed feelings. While I was glad that she trusted me so much, I felt kind of guilty as well… “Hey, there’s some more over there. On the bed,” Jess said as she handed me yet another piece of tissue paper. “Um… thanks.” At best, I could restrain myself to a certain extent, but that was all. Looking down at the mess that I had created, I sighed in disbelief; although on hindsight there was actually nothing so unbelievable about that. I cleaned off the last bit of my secretions, which happened to be on her bed, and hurled those soggy pieces of tissue paper into the dustbin. Then I tucked my softened member into my briefs and zipped up my pants. “Didn’t think you’ll shoot so much and so far,” Jess remarked.
The definition of SEX is: It's an injection with affection to the mid-section with the projection without any objection and hopefully no infection. My humble apologize should there be any photo have been posted before.
JESS-Story about an Aunt
**** Chapter 13 **** If it were not for Jess, I would not have been able to ejaculate that much and that far. If not for her I would not have been able to let it out in the first place. Instead I might have ended up doing something rash or stupid, just for the sake of relieving the urge. “Thank you, Jess.” I was not sure if that was appropriate then, but I said it anyway. Maybe I should have said it earlier on, when Jess told me to do something about my urge. It was good advice, for the urge was really unbearable. Her naked body was totally delectable. Not only was it in the right proportions, but it had truly feminine contours as well. Unlike some others, it did not appear artificial, and was what I considered as natural beauty; no deliberate slimming, no colouration of her hair, and no permanent removal of her not-so-desirable growth. The tips of her mounds were pink, though I had expected them to be brown instead. I thought the skin colour should have darkened considerably with the amount of handling they had experienced. However, that was not the case, and presently they looked as if they belonged to a college girl. Looking at any part of her body was sufficient to keep my member hard at all times, as there was not a piece of clothing left on her. I must say I had gotten so stimulated that the thought of getting into her ever came to my mind. However, I also remembered that unless she was willing, it would not be nearly as enjoyable. Clearly, she did not expect nor want me to do that to her. Hence, the only thing that I could do about my urge at that moment was to unzip my pants and release the tension myself. I recalled how awkward it felt when I began to perform the act in front of her. Still, I thought I might as well go ahead with it, since it would be so dull without her around. She showed no signs of disapproval, and even provided some form of help. “You should get your tissue ready first you know,” Jess snapped. She had just put on a top over her naked bosom, and her lower body was still bare. “You really know how to stimulate guys,” I said, “ and I appreciate it.” Jess had helped me to reach climax earlier on. Not that I was unable to reach it on my own, but having her coordination made it much better. She made me feel so ecstatic with her highly provocative stances. I could feel the enormous tension inside me, and it felt like I was going to burst any time. What really excited me was not so much of her nude, but her confident exposure and unrestrained sexual expression. “Would you… pose for me again next time?” I asked. “Um… I don’t want it to be too deliberate you know.” “What do you mean? But you were just now.” “That’s because you were already jerking away. I don’t think it’s a good idea if we do that every time.” “Relax, I don’t mean every time.” “That’s not the point.” “Okay, okay…” That night, I stayed at Jess’ place until way pass midnight. I was able to take a close look at most of the things at her place, and after that I thought I could visualize better those things she had ever told me. I guessed the twenty-dollar cab-fare that followed was worth it after all. ***** I did not think that two weeks could feel like an eternity, but for me it actually did. Over the next two weeks, I had to complete a stack of assignments which all happened to be due on around the same date. The situation was made worse by the fact that I could not understand some of it, since I had not been able to pay attention during lectures. As a result, I had to work like a dog, with no time for games, clubbing, or chitchat. It was only on a Friday evening that I managed to clear them at last. I lay on my bed, and flipped my organizer to the page where I wrote Jess’ number. As her number appeared before my eyes, images of her came to my mind; first a demure lady who exuded feminine charms, then a bold temptress who expressed sexual liberty. As thoughts of her went through my mind, hardness grew inside my shorts. I just could not help it. “Hello…Jess?” “Oh hi.” “How’ve you been?” When I called her that night, she had taken her shower and was relaxing on her bed. A small talk ensued, as we updated each other on recent happenings. In the meantime, I had not forgotten that she had a nephew. “Is your nephew in your room?” I asked. “Nope.” “Doesn’t he come to look for you at night?” “Not yet maybe?” I wondered if there had been any progress between the two of them. Maybe the word ‘progress’ was not really appropriate, for every forward step they make would only take them further away from societal conventions. Still, I did not think it mattered to them. To Jess, it was a matter of personal preference. As for Yong, I did not think any boy would want to give up that kind of special treatment. “How’re his studies getting along?” “Good question. It seems that he is making more mistakes in his workbooks.” “Of course. Lack of concentration,” I said. I felt I was be referring to myself as well. “My sis was making a lot noise when she came to visit him that day.” “About his work?” “Yup.” “But it’s expected right?” “She was very disturbed, and even said she needed to talk to me.” “Yong, have you done your schoolwork yet?” A stern voice asked. “Nope,” the boy replied. “Then go and do it now.” Yong had been told to return to his room by his mother Jolene. Reluctantly, he picked up his storybook and got up from the sofa. As he disappeared into his room, he could vaguely hear his mum whispering to his aunt. “What’s the matter?” asked Jess. “I need to talk to you,” replied Jolene, “Can we talk inside your room?” “Okay.” Once they were inside, Jess closed the door and broke the silence. “What’s up?” “It’s about Yong.” “What about him?” “I feel he’s not quite right.” “Are you being oversensitive?” “I…don’t know how to put it. I feel disturbed.” “What did he do?” Jolene paused for a moment, as if experiencing difficulty in expressing herself. In terms of mindset she was much more conservative than Jess, and there were many things which she felt awkward mentioning. “I…saw him masturbating in his room.” “Uh huh… Did you confront him?” “No…I was just shocked. Yong had always been a good boy.” “Don’t worry too much. It’s quite normal.” “I wondered where he learnt those things from.” Jess kept quiet for a second; obviously Yong had learnt it from her. She recalled her how her fingers moved up and down his little member, and how attentive he had been as she was doing so. “And…I feel that he now looks at me differently,” said Jolene. “Why do you say that?” “The other day I was wearing this top…and I noticed that Yong kept staring at my breasts.” While she might not have a 34-inch bust-line, Jolene maintained a good level of self-esteem before her younger sister. At thirty plus, she still looked great; though her breasts were no longer as firm as before, under a push-up Maximizer no one would know the difference. “Was your bra very obvious?” “It can’t be that bad right? The top’s a bit thinner that’s all.” “Oh okay. But if you want something cooler why don’t you wear spaghettis instead?” “That’s even worse. I don’t want to wear so little in front of the boy.” It was amazing how different the two sisters could be. While Jolene would never bare herself in front of minors, Jess did not mind taking off her clothes, amongst other things. If there had to be a reason for their differences, then it must have been due to their age gap. Being much older than Jess, Jolene was assertive and hard headed at times, so Jess would rather just obey than to try to influence her. When it came to thinking, Jess had always wanted to develop her own, for she did not like to adhere to conventions. Even if she could not share it with her sister, she would be happy keeping it to herself. “Hmm…is that considered little?” “And I think you should wear bra at home, otherwise he can see your nipples.” Jolene’s words could not have been more ironic, for her son had not only seen her sister’s tips, but had also sucked them as well, not to mention other things. “He’s…a good boy. I’m sure he won’t stare too much?” Jess responded. She was getting better at feigning ignorance. “Still, it’s not nice… You’re his aunt. I don’t want him to have dirty thoughts.”
The definition of SEX is: It's an injection with affection to the mid-section with the projection without any objection and hopefully no infection. My humble apologize should there be any photo have been posted before.
Re: JESS-Story about an Aunt
**** Chapter 14 **** As Jolene was talking to Jess, she inevitably looked around. She saw a few sets of clothes hanging on the wall, while several shopping bags lurked under the dressing table. The room’s arrangement was generally neat, but certain things which were seemingly out of place quickly caught her attention. “Jess, do you always leave your stuff lying around?” Clearly, Jolene was referring to the blue bra left on the dressing table. That was what Jess had worn to work earlier on, and it had been less than an hour since she had taken it off. As a matter of fact, Jess had not expected Jolene to visit her during midweek. All she received was a moment’s notice before her sister popped down to her place, and so her room was caught in its most natural state. “I just came back not long ago.” “Keep it…don’t let Yong see such things.” Although Jess never really understood why Jolene was ever so uptight on such issues, she never bothered to ask. Who knows, her sister might think that looking at women’s underwear would corrupt a young mind. Or it could be that she did not want him to mature too soon. It could even be because she did not want her son to find out that she had been relying on Maximizers. “Um…I’ll take note of that,” Jess responded, though she knew better what she would continue to do. “Look at the impact you have on him,” I said. “Now he even sets his eyes on your sis.” “He won’t dare to try funny things.” “Still, I can’t say it’s a good thing for him… It’s his mum after all.” “I told him not to look any more.” “You told him about it?” “Yup. He got so scared after hearing me.” “Great…I guess now he’ll concentrate on you.” “That’s not what I want…” “So when did you start to…masturbate him?” “Last week?” I asked Jess to elaborate, and she did. Her head resting on the pillow, Jess closed her eyes as she lay in the comfort of her bed. Every now and then, she would feel a strap brushing gently against her upper-arm. She had pushed those purple straps off her smooth shoulders a moment ago, and presently they hung loosely about her arms. It made her feel naughty. She had wanted to feel that way, as least for that night. She felt a slight pressure on her ribcage as her bra-cups got flipped over. It felt familiar; it was what her past lovers used to do. They would flip down her bra to expose her swollen nipples, so that they could take them one by one into their mouths. She recalled how each and every of them looked as they helped themselves hungrily; even though they had not stayed with her, those intimate moments would always remain in her memories. As thoughts went through her mind, a warm sensation had developed between her thighs. “Ah—” Jess let out an erotic moan. It was a moan that expressed her inner desires. Higher-pitched than her usual sounds, it was meant to be deliberate. It had, in the past, kept many a shaft hard while they moved rapidly inside her, and incurred powerful ejaculations as they neared climax. It was like a feather with which she teased men’s most vulnerable spots. Subconsciously, Jess had allowed her fingers to slip into her panties. The loin of her thongs had become soggy for some time. As she manipulated her fingertips in her darkness, she found herself indulging in that titillating feeling which only women would understand. “Oh…” Jess opened her eyes. Above her left breast, she saw her nephew’s pleasurable expression. His eyes were looking up at her, though his lips were still working on her tip. Apparently he had not noticed how hard he had bitten her.
The definition of SEX is: It's an injection with affection to the mid-section with the projection without any objection and hopefully no infection. My humble apologize should there be any photo have been posted before.
Re: JESS-Story about an Aunt
**** Chapter 15 **** “…That hurts.” “Sorry…” “Not so hard… My nipple’s falling off.” “It won’t.” “Stop sucking already. Take off your clothes.” As Yong removed all his clothes, he watched his aunt. With her bra flipped down and her panties dug into by one of her hands, she looked delectable. He wondered if she was in the process of ‘making herself feel good’. Then, as if sensing him, she retrieved her hand from below. “Come on,” murmured Jess, as she shovelled her middle finger into Yong’s mouth. “How does it taste, hmm?” “What’s that? Is that from Auntie’s…” “It’s from my vagina… Like it?” Upon hearing his aunt, Yong palpitated in astonishment. Of course he liked it. At last, he had been given the chance to taste his aunt’s most feminine flavour. In his tongue, it tasted almost sweet. There was little need for his verbal reply. In the meantime, Jess felt she could contain herself no more; she had been feeling horny the whole night, and by then what she really needed had way exceeded her own touch. Promptly, she pulled off her sleek purple and spread her thighs as wide as she could. Then, anxiously but gently, she pressed Yong’s face onto her forbidden area. For the first time, she had allowed him to sweep his tongue over her. Under the prudent guidance of his aunt, Yong finally completed his first cunnilingus. It was an awesome experience for him, for he could never imagine himself licking an adult woman’s vagina. Yet just a moment ago, he actually did. In fact, he had buried his face in his aunt’s pubic hair as he painted her slit with his saliva. His attempt had been so thorough that a few strands of her hair even got into his mouth. Dabbing off the perspiration on her neck, Jess recalled how much she had moaned earlier as she was licked. It felt good, and was better than she had expected. Feeling revitalized, she smiled. She thought she would do something for Yong as well. She let him lie across her once again, albeit this time in her slouching position. Holding on to his member, she began to play with it. Her fingers went up and down and all around his erected member. Her skilful touch and endearing style were but indications of her experience. As she set her fingers on him, she noticed his bewildered expression. It was a sensation he had never felt before, and he did not know how to react. Very soon, he let out a loud groan. “It’s so itchy! It won’t go away…!” Yong exclaimed. “Don’t worry, you’ll be okay. Just…hold on to Auntie.” Yong pressed his face into her cleavage, his hand still clutching onto his member. On one hand, he felt terrible; yet on the other he had faith in his aunt. It had to be something good, he thought. That night, the intense feeling did not go away, until much later. And all the while, he held on tightly to his aunt. “Oh, so that’s why…” “Yup.” “Didn’t think you would let him lick you.” “Well…once in a while, why not?” “By the way, would he be around tomorrow night?” “Most probably not. Why?” “Can I go over to your place again?” “Why are you thinking of meeting me again so soon?” “I…don’t know what to say.” “You silly men are so superficial.” “Sorry. Not my fault though.” “But tomorrow I’m going out. Next time?” “Okay, sure.” I was a little disappointed. But just a little. I thought I could always ask her out again. I guessed I would call her again another night. The following night, I stayed at home, despite the fact that one of my acquaintances had asked me out for a drink. I thought I would rather spend my time talking to my friend. Picking up the phone, I dialled Jess’ number. “…Didn’t go anywhere?” Jess asked. “Nope,” I replied, “… So where have you been today?” “Was out shopping with a friend.” “Really? Spent a lot again huh?” I smiled. I remembered how packed her wardrobe was. Besides those pieces which were hanging, there were other clothes which were folded and packed into the bottom area. I must say she had a great variety of outfits. Ranging from casual wear to office wear, I estimated she had no less than double the volume that I had in my wardrobe. When I asked her why she would spend so much on clothes, it turned out that actually some of them had been bought for her. They could be presents and gifts, or simply paid for while she was shopping. Not only had she received tops and skirts, but she received undergarments as well. For example, a few of her favourites were actually bought for her by Pete. It appeared that she would continue to wear them as and when she felt like it, even though she was no longer in good terms with Pete. “Not a lot. Only bought a few pieces,” Jess replied. I guessed she was referring to tops. She had mentioned before she wanted to get a few tops. Then I remembered seeing an interesting sleeveless top inside Jess’ wardrobe. It was black, and was made of fine see-through material throughout. I guessed she must look really alluring in it. “You there?” Jess inquired. “Uh…yup. Why?” “What are you thinking about?” “Oh, nothing much. I thought I saw this see-through top in your wardrobe.” “Uh huh. You want me to wear that the next time we meet is it?” “Um, not really.” “Don’t bluff.” “I’d like to see you in it, but certainly not when we’re out together.” “How come?” “You’ll attract too much attention…and I’m not used to it.” “You don’t have to be bothered by how others look at you.” “Still…I guess next time you could wear a halter again.” “Why halter? Why not tube?” Jess taunted. “Because…” I said jokingly, “I don’t want others to get lucky when it drops down.” On those nights when I wanted to chat with Jess, I would make it a point to call her earlier; for if I called her after a certain time she might be busy. She could be engaged in her self-maintenance or preoccupied with Yong. In any case, it would not be very nice. It must have been one of those nights after the following Sunday, when Jess got irritated by an incoming call. Well, I was just glad that I had not made that call. “Auntie, you look so beautiful tonight,” remarked Yong, as he gazed at his aunt’s figure. His aunt had displayed yet another style of beauty which he could not describe. Dressed totally in white, she looked pure and demure as she lay on the bed. It felt very different from other nights. He wondered how his aunt could look so different. Jess smiled faintly, as she fondled with her ponytails. Tied slightly above her ears, they appeared fluffy on either side of her face. She had seldom done her hair in this fashion, except behind closed doors. Like her outfit, it was like something special that she reserved only for those who were intimate with her. She fidgeted her thighs a little as Yong caressed her. Dressed in smooth stockings, only her upper-thighs were bare. Visually, they corresponded to her trim arms, which were covered in long silken gloves; they stretched beyond her elbows, giving her a somewhat elegant look. The wholly white accessories did make her complexion appear darker, so that as Yong observed her, he could see the contrast between the white of the fabric and her dark areas. “…Can I kiss you?” Yong stammered. “Kiss where?” “Lips.” Jess was a little surprised. No matter what, lip kissing was still something that she took to heart, and unless she had feelings for someone, she would never do it. She had occasionally allowed Yong to kiss her on the cheeks, while in the bedroom or the bathroom, but never had he asked to kiss her on her lips; and neither did she ever expect him to come up with such a request. “Why do you want to kiss my lips anyway?” “Because I like Auntie very much.” Jess was sure that Yong had not expressed himself very well, though she understood better what he meant. The look in his eyes revealed more than ordinary infatuation. She found herself at a loss of words; for it was not really something that she had looked forward to. Yet she still believed that one day he would just drop the idea. Not wanting to upset him, she gave the boy a nippy kiss on his lips. Simple as the kiss was, it yielded tremendous satisfaction in Yong. Visibly it showed on his flushing face. Jess took care not to look at him in the eyes though, for she somehow considered that to be more appropriate. Appearing casual, she closed her eyes and relaxed. She felt the boy taking sniffs at her from her waist up. Flinging her arms onto her pillow, she fidgeted a little, though she did not really mind what he was doing. She was glad that he liked her scent. While most of the men that she had come across liked it, there were some who did not. She would feel awkward having intimate relationships with such guys, so they usually did not last very long. Intimate physical contact was about to ensue, when the phone started ringing. Dispassionately, Jess picked up the phone. Whoever it was, she just wanted it to be quick. “Hello?” Jess murmured. “It’s me.” Jess could easily recognise the voice. After all, she had heard it more often than she actually wanted to. “Pete. What’s up?” “Nothing much. Just want to know how you’re doing.” “I’m fine. I’m not free now. Bye.” “Hey…wait! Can’t you spare me some time? What’re you busy with?” By then, Pete had grown very eager to find out what Jess had been doing all the while. However, it did not occur to him at all that she was not obligated to tell him anything; she did not have to tell him what she was doing, or for that matter, who she was with. It was none of his business. Besides, the two of them were by no means as close as they ever used to be, and she had never told him about Yong. It would not be a simple task to tell him about it anyway. “Please. Give me a break.”
The definition of SEX is: It's an injection with affection to the mid-section with the projection without any objection and hopefully no infection. My humble apologize should there be any photo have been posted before.
Re: JESS-Story about an Aunt
**** Chapter 16 **** It must have been that moment when Jess let out a soft moan, for Pete’s voice grew awfully anxious from then. He had, apparently, overheard the moan and was at the moment very disturbed, as wild thoughts went through his mind. Why would Jess be moaning? What could she be doing? Was she having…? He needed to know. “Is… is somebody at your place?’ Pete asked. “That’s none of your business.” “Someone’s there right? Who is it? Tell me!” “You’re nuts.” Impatiently, Jess hung up. She felt that Pete’s behaviour was becoming more and more unacceptable. No matter how much she had explained to him, he would not accept the fact that they could never be together. Instead of leaving her alone, he just kept on bugging her. Placing the handset beside the phone, Jess made sure that Pete would disturb her no more for the night. Meanwhile, she appreciated Yong for keeping quiet, even though he did not really understand what was going on. Feeling glad, she closed her eyes once again, and before she knew it she had fallen into sweet slumber. “Auntie…” Yong murmured. Soft as he was, the boy managed to awaken his sleeping aunt. In her sleep, he had taken countless sniffs at her luscious body, savouring her bodily scents as he moved up and down her curves. Having helped himself for some time, he decided to wake her up; for he felt so hard below, he wanted to do something with his aunt. “Oh…you mean I actually fell asleep?” Jess inquired, as she rubbed her eyes a little. She was feeling a lot more zestful after the nap. “Yup.” “What time is it now…? You wanna go to bed?” “I…want to stay longer. Can I?” Jess could see why Yong wanted to stay longer. It was almost the middle of the night, and she was still in her bra and panties. She guessed the boy must be hungry for more. “So…what do you want to do now?” “Um…I want to…” “… Go on?” One thing that I ought to mention is that although Jess and Yong had been engaged in carnal interaction for about a month so far, the process had seldom been vocal. Most of the time neither of them needed to say a word, and things just happened. The boy would approach his aunt, she would know what he wanted, and the two of them would begin their sessions. Occasionally Jess might ask a question or two to get things started, but Yong had never been too direct in his requests. Notably, he was still rather shy. He had never dared to explicitly ask his aunt to strip. Hence at that moment when she asked him to speak up, he just could not express himself. Jess sort of guessed that he would react that way, for he had shown the same response before. But that night, she just wanted to hear him say outrageous things to her. “Just say it.” Elatedly Jess said those words. For a moment Yong was silent as he tried to articulate himself. A faint smile appeared on Jess’ face. She found it so amusing each time Yong felt embarrassed over such matters. After a seemingly long wait, Yong finally spoke. “Auntie…can take that off?” “Sure. I will take off—my bra.” Certainly the last two words of the statement could have been omitted. In particular, the last word was amongst the list of all taboo words in Singaporean context; it would trigger off reactions in any boy upon hearing it, be it light or significant. Indeed, Jess could have given a less explicit answer, but clearly she had chosen otherwise. She found herself starting a dirty conversation with her nephew. “Anything else?” she teased. There was to be even longer pauses prior to every of Yong’s subsequent responses, as he flushed under his aunt’s taunts. She was ever so outgoing and willing to give; he ought to serve and obey her. If she so wanted him to say something, he would try his best to. “And…I want to suck.” “Suck what?” “I…I want to suck your breasts,” Yong summoned all the courage he had and spoke as boldly as he could. That was one of the things which Jess had wanted to make him say. Contented with the fact that she had succeeded, Jess sat up and turned to the side of the bed, her back facing Yong. With her hands reaching for the fastener on her back, her posterior view was highly seductive; it was an indication that the white cups would be off her mounds soon, so that the softness would then be ready for kneading and more. With a soft clicking sound, the white band became loose. Yong watched the laced straps fall from his aunt’s smooth shoulders, his heart pounding in anticipation. That was one of the things that he would never get tired of watching. Not going to wait anymore, he moved forward and gave his aunt a kiss on her back. Jess felt the kiss above the lighter strip on her back. The boy should be in his kneeling position, she thought. As she put away the upper piece of her white set, she felt a cool sensation. Looking down, she saw the boy’s hands. They had assumed the position of her inner beauty. For a moment, Jess wrapped her hands over Yong’s. Sandwiched between her hands and mounds, the boy’s fingers soon became warmer. It felt better to be handled by warm fingers, and Jess liked it. She also liked the many kisses she felt along her back in the meantime. Sensing that Yong was about to make bigger movements, she raised her arms and held on to her ponytails. That should allow him to try more variations. As Jess was telling me over the phone about her latest events, I could not help but feel aroused. I wondered how Pete would feel if he also heard about it. Would he get uptight over it? Or would he try to visualise the scene too? I was more inclined to think that he would get an erection though, just like myself. “So your nephew sucked you?” I inquired. “Yup, left side. And I caressed him with my right hand.” “Huh? You…finished him on the spot?” “No… Not yet.” “Oh yeah, you haven’t stripped everything.” “Hey that’s not the point.” “Okay, okay… Then what is?” So I learnt from Jess that she did continue her dirty conversation with her nephew later that night. I must say that it was very dirty indeed, and merely hearing about it was stimulating enough. As she spoke, vivid images of her nude inevitably came to my mind—again. I had done it right in front of Jess before. So I guessed it would not matter if I did it again while on the phone with her. Jess’ subsequent account of what happened after the conversation did not really get into my ears, as I got immersed in my own imagination. At the moment when she ended her episode, I was still somewhat in my own world. She must have said ‘hello’ one or two times before I realised she had finished talking. “Hello…yep,” I responded sheepishly, still gasping a little. I wondered if Jess was aware of what I just did. “And…that’s all for that night.” “Anything else that you want to highlight? For the past few days?” “Yea, but I’m thirsty.” “It’s okay. You can tell me tomorrow.” “Oh I just forgot… Where are we meeting again?” Looking around, I was glad that the Junction had not been as crowded as I had expected that weekend afternoon. A few people would walk pass the restaurant every now and then, but there were hardly any crowds. In the middle of the walkway, a mini toy-fair had been set up, and looking at the way the goods were displayed, it seemed almost ad hoc to me. I was no longer interested in that kind of toys of course; I was too old for that. But a glance at the kids there did remind me a little of myself, when I was in primary school. Those were the days when I could really be satisfied by mere He-man figures and transformer toys. It made me wonder if kids’ mentality nowadays was as simple as what it used to be ten or twenty years ago. My attention was soon refocused on the lady who was then sitting opposite myself. Her attire that afternoon was somewhat casual, consisting of a light-blue tank top and a white checked pair of three-quarters. Those light colours sure looked pleasant on her as they wrapped round her curves, so whenever I could I would take a few more glances.
The definition of SEX is: It's an injection with affection to the mid-section with the projection without any objection and hopefully no infection. My humble apologize should there be any photo have been posted before.
JESS-Story about an Aunt
**** Chapter 17 **** “Still wanna order anything?” I asked Jess. “Nah, I’m full.” “Okay,” I said, taking a glance at our surroundings. “So do you wanna stay here or go somewhere else?” “I wanna take a look at some of the clothes actually… Mind if I tell you as we walk?” “Sure thing.” Seated comfortably on the sofa, Yong watched his aunt dearly as she was ironing his school uniform. She sure looked adorable in her pink spaghetti; its fabric seemed so taut as it stretched over her bosom, creating little protrusions at the tips. Looking at those curves, he remembered there was something he wanted to share. “Auntie, my friend told me something the other day.” “Which friend? What did he say?” At primary school level, boys just loved to brag about anything they could think of. It could be the number of electronic games they have, the size of their father’s cars or the amount of allowances given to them. Whatever the case was, most of the time these boys were merely saying things for fun. There was usually no way they could sustain their claims. “Winston. He said his girl-cousin has large breasts.” “Oh, really?” “Yeah, he said they were big as oranges.” “And how old is she?” “In secondary school.” “And you believe him?” “I don’t know, but I don’t think so.” “Don’t take everything for real.” “Okay. But he doesn’t believe what I told him also.” “What did you tell him?” It appeared that Yong had talked about Jess to his friend. When Yong first mentioned his aunt, however, the friend laughed at him. He thought Yong’s aunt would be the typical type; she must therefore be so old and unattractive. Yong got upset, of course, and started to defend his beloved aunt. He told Winston how pretty he thought Jess was and described her as best as he could. All those praises about her left the friend curious. After all, Yong did not sound like he was kidding. He had always been known to be innocently honest. But how could one know if Yong was indeed telling the truth? Winston wanted Yong to prove his claim, by any means, if it was true. “What?” Jess exclaimed. “You serious?” “…Can I?” Yong had, blatantly, asked Jess if he could bring Winston to her place. By doing so, Yong thought he could then show Winston how impressive his aunt really was. That was the solution that the boys had come up with after their serious discussion that afternoon, and to them it seemed a brilliant idea. Jess felt that the idea was absurd though, at least at that moment. She did not see why Yong would want to show her to somebody else. Nevertheless, she could probably give it a thought, if that was what Yong really desired. “Please…? Auntie?” “You sure? So when do you want to bring him here?” “Saturday.” “I’m not free. I’m meeting a friend.” “Next Saturday then?” “I’ll think about it…” “Thanks!” “But your mum’s coming at around one to pick you.” “Then I’ll ask him to come earlier.” “So you’ve decided to let the friend go to your place?” I asked. “Haven’t. Depends on my mood next week.” While I was listening intently to Jess, I had followed her into the ladies fashion department, where she stopped every now and then to take a closer look at the merchandise. It was not crowded, so we could generally move through with ease. I looked around, and was not surprised to find myself being the only guy around. “Supposing you’re happy next week and that boy comes to your place… What’s he going to do?” “I don’t know. Watch TV?” I guessed she had a point. What else could a boy do at her place? There were no games and toys at her place, only pieces of worn clothing and occasional panty-liners. “As much as I guess. But it doesn’t matter, since his main purpose’s to see you.” “I must say it feels a little strange.” “What’re you going to do then?” “Nothing. I’ll probably just sit there.” “Then on that day are you going to at least…wear something underneath?” “You mean bra.” “…Yup.” “I think so…because that boy’s gonna stay for a while. I don’t want him to know that I’m like that in front of my nephew. He’d ask Yong questions. And the last thing I want is for Yong to tell him about what had been going on.” “I see… So you do have considerations after all.” “Yah…of course.” Stopping by one of the stands, Jess picked up a white sleeveless top. It had a somewhat simple design on it, and the material was very smooth to touch. I thought that was the sort of clothes that she would be comfortable with at work. “How does this look?” Jess asked. “Fine… Uh, should be comfortable,” I replied. I was a little slow at the sudden change of topic. “Okay, I shall try it.” Jess’ hair swayed from side to side as she turned about searching for the fitting rooms. It had with it the scent of her shampoo, which I followed closely as she moved. Soon she found the rooms, and once we were near I found a comfortable spot to stand while she got into one of the cubicles to try on that white top. “How’s it?” I asked, upon her exit. She gave me a neutral look. I guessed she was going to try on a few more tops, so I waited again as she went to look for the right ones. After numerous tries, however, she still could not find one that she really liked. “Are you bored? You can go to another section first,” said Jess. “It’s okay. I don’t mind waiting here.” “Did you often accompany your past girlfriends for shopping?” “Well, kind of.” “I see. No wonder.” “Is it good or bad?” “Quite good…I appreciate it.” “Thanks… but any reward?” I inquired in a joking manner. “Like what?” “I don’t know, just…” “You want me to get you a pair of briefs?” laughed Jess. “No thanks, I can get for myself… Uh, hey, why not I get something for you instead?” Jess first gave me an amused look, but then as I casually moved to the side to make way for some passer-by, her expression changed a little. Even though it had lasted for just a split-second, I was sure I noticed a difference. Quickly, I turned around to see what had incurred that reaction. Nothing big was really happening there and then. In fact, there were not even minor occurrences such as clothes dropping from their hangers, or little toddlers crying. To me, everything seemed to be as usual as could be. Therefore I concluded that it must have been someone, instead of something.
The definition of SEX is: It's an injection with affection to the mid-section with the projection without any objection and hopefully no infection. My humble apologize should there be any photo have been posted before.
JESS-Story about an Aunt
**** Chapter 18 **** My focus quickly shifted to the only other guy in the vicinity then. The guy was in a black T-shirt and jeans, and was rather fair. I reckoned he was older than myself, but by how much I was not sure. In any case, he did not look very friendly, so I did not look at him for too long. As he noticed me staring at him, I turned back to face Jess. “You know him?” I asked. “He’s one of my ex,” Jess replied, as-a-matter-of-factly. For the entire duration of their encounter, neither Jess nor that guy made any gestures or acknowledgements to each other. Judging from that, I guessed they must have ended their relationship rather unhappily. The following week was another busy week for me. I had several assignments to rush, all to be submitted by Friday or Saturday. As a result, I was not really in a comfortable position to give Jess a call, all the way until Saturday afternoon. “Hello… It’s me,” I mumbled. “You sound worn out,” replied Jess. “I am, I just returned from school…” “I see.” “It’s a Saturday and I have to go back to school just to submit my stuff… How boring. Oh, Saturday! Isn’t your nephew’s friend supposed to go over to your place today?” “Yup…he did. In fact, he just left.” “Really? So how was it?” There was a slight pause, before Jess responded. “How shall I put it…” “Slowly. Take your time.” “… Hmm. You know, today my sis came earlier to fetch Yong.” “Uh huh. At what time?” “Twelve forty-five or so.” “Okay. And so…” “Yong didn’t have his lunch at my place. His friend did.” “I see. Was the friend naughty?” “Not really…but he sure is naughtier than Yong.” When I asked Jess if the friend was naughty, what I actually meant was whether he knew how to behave at someone else’s home or not; whether he was disciplined and had good manners. But from the way she replied, it occurred to me that she meant something else. “Like how? Did he stare at you a lot?” “Yeah…” “At your 34-inch bust?” I teased. “It’s as if he’d never seen women in his life! I feel sorry for him.” “Was it because you revealed a lot?” “I’m in my singlet and shorts. That’s not revealing right?” “Hmm. And he’s only eight,” I paused a second. “So how did you feel when he ogled at you?” “I guess I’m okay with that. Why?” “If you didn’t feel uneasy, it just means that you like the idea.” “Well…” “I’m just…concerned. Are you going to benefit the friend as well?” “I don’t think so. He’s not as adorable. Why? What if I said I’m going to?” “Nothing, because I can’t really stop you.” “You jealous huh?” I knew Jess did not mean it, and I certainly was not jealous; but for a moment I just kept quiet. My mind strayed off a little, for the word ‘jealous’ did remind me of what she told me the other day. I remembered her telling me a little about her past relationships after running into her ex-boyfriend last week. The guy whom I saw was actually her sixth boyfriend, Boon. Jess got together with him when she was around twenty. They were together for about half a year, before they eventually broke up, and ever since then they had not been seeing each other at all. If Jess had a sixth boyfriend, it could only mean that she had a fifth one, fourth one and so on. In particular, her fifth boyfriend, Dave, happened to be one of Boon’s not-so-close friends. And it is not exactly the best thing in the world when this happens, for obvious reasons. “Hey, why the silence… You okay?” Jess asked. “Yeah…was just thinking about something.” “You sure? What?” “Uh… About your ex being jealous?” “Oh.” “Sorry to bring this up…” “It’s alright.” “But I thought it’s a real pity that he gave you up for such reasons.” “Well, I’m sure he didn’t think that way.” “Why? I supposed he loved you a lot, that’s why he’s jealous?” “He was just sore over my past relationships.” “How come? But he knew about it right?” Sure, Boon was aware that Jess had gone through several relationships, but little did he know about the quality of those relationships. In particular, he did not know Jess actually had sex with some of her ex-boyfriends; all the while it had been his assumption that he was the one to whom Jess lost her virginity to.
The definition of SEX is: It's an injection with affection to the mid-section with the projection without any objection and hopefully no infection. My humble apologize should there be any photo have been posted before.
JESS-Story about an Aunt
**** Chapter 19 **** “So Boon found out from Dave…” I reasoned. “I was hurt when Boon kept questioning me after that… I felt that he didn’t trust me anymore,” Jess recalled. “He thought you were still in contact with your ex?” “Let’s put it this way…his thoughts went haywire.” “Like how?” I learnt that Boon became very unreasonable with Jess. That was particularly so in the areas of intimacy. He would insist that they have intercourse, even when Jess did not feel like it. If she did not grant him his wish, he would accuse her of being nasty to him. He would ask questions like, “If you could satisfy your ex, why not me?” Many a times Jess got upset, yet ultimately she would let him have his way. She thought that by giving him the sex he wanted the relationship would become better. However, it did not. He only became more ridiculous. Jess went into details about those things which Boon said and did to her, while I listened intently. She also talked about relationships with her other boyfriends, albeit only the more significant ones; but well, that already took up quite a bit of time. In conclusion I would just say that Jess had been through quite a lot of bad experiences. “So that’s…the reason why you won’t get into relationships again?” I asked. “I thought you always knew?” “Yeah…but I’m not sure if that’s also the reason why…” I paused, wondering if I should say certain things. Jess remained quiet for a moment as well; I guessed she knew what I was trying to ask. Anyone would be curious to know the underlying reason why she gave preferential treatment to little boys, if only one was aware of her interactions at all. “Frankly, I don’t know.” “Okay…” I muttered. I must have sounded rather unconvinced, for Jess’ response came quick. “I don’t think as much as you do. Anyway, it’s not important.” I thought that by finding out the true cause of her behaviour, I might be able to help her change that. But if she did not see it as an issue at all, and liked the way she was, then should I just leave it as that? Maybe things would turn out well for Jess. Maybe she would grow out of it. Or maybe I should just drop the topic for the time being. “So…what’re you gonna do this afternoon?” “No idea… Maybe chatting online?” “Oh. Hey, remember when was the first time we chat?” “About a year ago? You were complaining about how crappy it was,” laughed Jess. That was how we got to know each other initially. As I recalled, Jess did not usually go online, and even if she did, she did not chat with people a lot. So I was really lucky to have come across her almost a year back. That I told her, and from her response, I knew she appreciated me as well.
The definition of SEX is: It's an injection with affection to the mid-section with the projection without any objection and hopefully no infection. My humble apologize should there be any photo have been posted before.
Re: JESS-Story about an Aunt
Quick quick more please!!!
![]() This is easily one of my fav stories... bring back a bit of my own memories ![]()
SBの皆さん、 よろしく お願いいたします |
Re: JESS-Story about an Aunt
wow, nice story...really wonder how lucky the young boy is...or izzits wat they say , the aftermath of all these stuff...anyway let the story continue..
Re: JESS-Story about an Aunt
kao FINALLY!!!!!...aft such a long time of wait n searching here n ther for Jess a kind soul decide to coutinue n it seems to hav a much longer way to go..
http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread...ht=aunt+nephew |
Re: JESS-Story about an Aunt
Thanks bro!
but sad oso end of story ![]()
SBの皆さん、 よろしく お願いいたします |
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