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Old 28-07-2016, 11:53 AM
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Welcome back James...
Old 28-07-2016, 12:00 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Support support my fav author
Old 28-07-2016, 12:01 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Welcome back,ilock.
Old 28-07-2016, 12:15 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Undercurrents of office political damsel in distress....bad guy who would we would grow to hate....and our protagonist James with his fetishes and master strategist mind.

Looking forward to another whirlwind of a story.

Welcome back ilock!

Old 28-07-2016, 12:16 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

nice story building with the background!! Keep up the the good works
Old 28-07-2016, 12:31 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Love the writings! Please post more!
Old 28-07-2016, 01:07 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

You are back!
Old 28-07-2016, 01:10 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Welcome back bro!!!
Old 28-07-2016, 02:37 PM
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Cool Re: My adventure in the office

if this was china... sure got one whole village with firecracker and drums awaiting your arrival. In short, WELCOME BACK Bro ILOCK!
Old 28-07-2016, 03:01 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

My favourite sick, perverted but fiendlishly awesome James!

Y O U A R E B A C K !!!!!

HOMER SIMPSON:If you really want something in this life, you have to work for it - Now quiet, they're about to announce the lottery numbers!
Old 28-07-2016, 03:12 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Sandy laughed and waved me off.

Sandy : Don’t joke la…

James : Have a nice weekend… go back and rest ok… leave this to me…

She laughed and thanked me for the cake.

6th June 2011



I got into office and I saw Sandy putting her head down on her arms to catch some rest.

James : Hey… you ok ??

When she looked up at me, I could see she has a bit of dark circles around her eyes. Despite the light makeup she had on, you could still tell she’s tired.

Sandy : Terry…. He’s bothering me at my new place…

James : As in what ? he keeps knocking on your door or something… ?

She shook her head.

Sandy : He’s just being creepy, I see his car being parked at my place the carpark…. But I can’t see him anywhere….. then out of nowhere, he would call me and I would jump.

She began by saying that she got so paranoid that she kept peering out her window every now and then but still sees Terry’s car at the carpark. It would freak her out so much she rather not leave the house.

Needless to say, she did not get much rest or sleep over the weekend.

James : Go and tell Terry’s girlfriend…. Ask him not to bother you…

Sandy : Haha… it’s not simple… Terry… he’s very scheming… he always make things out in such a way he’s he good guy…. He will surely have something to say about that…end up will make me look stupid…

I thought about it for a while before going back to work.

Meetings kept me busy for most of the day till about 4pm.

I saw Terry came into the office with a few boxes of muffins and he passed it to the receptionist.

Wah, free snack for afternoon tea. This I would not miss out. Grabbing my coffee cup, I headed to the pantry just as the receptionist Lisa is arranging the boxes on the narrow counter.

She opened up 1 box and stack the other on the lid of the 1st before opening the 2nd one and so on. This would save quite a bit of space since the counter is pretty small.

Lisa : Lai lai James… eat…. Terry buy one…

James : Of course… thank you… thank you…

Lisa turned and happen to see the water dispenser was empty and she asked if I could help her grab a bottle out from the storeroom and change it.

James : Sure..

Lisa : Thanks !

I left my cup on the counter and opened the storeroom which is right by the side of the water dispenser. It’s a old storeroom, cramped full of stuff. You cannot even open the door fully, which meant I can’t leave it with the bottle in my hand. It’s too tight to even accommodate the wide of my shoulders and the bulky bottle.

I squeezed myself in and grabbed a bottle of water.

Suddenly I could hear some voices outside and I recognised it as Terry and Sandy.

Sandy : Why were you at me place the weekend ?

Terry : You’re mad… why ? I cannot park my car there is it ? You own the HDB carpark ?

There was a angry silence as I kept really still inside the storeroom.

Terry : Try the muffin… it’s nice… hmmm… this cheese flavour is fantastic…

I could hear him munch on the muffin as Sandy went to make her coffee.

Suddenly Sandy screamed.

Sandy : AHHH!!!..

The sound of boxes crashing down rang out and I could hear Sandy’s cup fall against the table.

Sandy : What are you doing !! ? Why did you throw your muffin !

By then the commotion attracted a few other colleagues and I could hear Lisa and Sharon talking in the pantry as well.

Lisa : Aiyo…. What happened….

Sharon : Oh no… get Auntie Fang here to clean up…

Terry spoke next and it made my blood boil to hear the words that came out of his mouth.

Terry : Haizz… Next time be more careful Sandy… now everyone no need to eat already…

Sharon : Aiyah… this muffin nice one leh… I was still hoping to eat…

Terry : Nah… go and buy another round Sandy… it’s your fault..

I could not believe what I was hearing.

Sharon : Thanks ah Sandy… buy more chocolate ones…

I could hear Sandy stomping out of the office in her heels as the crowd dispersed.

I waited a while more before I heard Auntie Fang comment in Hokkien that it’s so wasteful.

She was picking them up and said she wanted to keep them and eat but I stopped her.

Auntie : Still can eat one…

James : Auntie… wait you stomach ache… who bring your grandchildren to school…?

She thought about it for a while and relented after I told her Sandy is buying a new batch.


I went over to Sandy’s desk and asked if she’s game to stop the harassing once and for all.

James : I can’t say it will work 100% but it’s a good mind fuck nevertheless.

She gave me a puzzled look and as I outlined to her what I have in mind, a smile slowly broke out on her face and before long, she was laughing and smacking her thigh.

Sandy : Let’s try it then… haha..

Mr Liew came over a while later at 7pm before he left and said.

Mr Liew : What are you up to James…. This is a office ah… your boy girl relationship please don’t play here….

James : Don’t worry… I’m just doing my job…

He gave me a frown and asked me to send him some documents and he will review them at home.

10th June 2011



As much as we want to put the plan into motion, we cannot do it immediately.

If something happens out of the blue, it might seem a little suspicious. This was why i waited a week.

It’s Friday . Belinda would usually come and disturb Hakim because she gives him his assignments on a weekly basis and they’re due on Friday. From where I sat, I had a clear view of everyone coming in and going out of our office wing.

Whereas for the rest of the team, they all had their backs towards the entrance in a straight line.


Belinda did her usual 10 minutes talk with Hakim in a impatient manner.

Belinda : You only just came into office ? We start work at 9 you know…. I have been looking for you the whole morning…. The file you send me…. The file name wrong spelling…

I rolled my eyes and went back to work, keeping a close eye at the entrance.

I was to warn Sandy when Terry comes in.


Terry walked in with a file in his hand and I sneezed into a napkin a couple of times. That was the que.

Sandy caught it immediately and quickly picked up the phone and pretended to speak softly into it.

Sandy : oh…. Ermm…. Yes ….

Terry got right up behind Sandy and waited for her to hang up.

Sandy : Ermm.. yes I’m in office…. Oh ok… just leave the delivery at the reception….thank you…

When Terry did her usual stunt of asking her about stupid and trivial admin stuff, Sandy just nodded with a smile without protest.
She did not frown, she did not seem like she was affected by Terry, more so of just wanting to get it over and done with.

Her nonchalant attitude seemed to affect Terry as he seemed to be lacking some insults that day.
Old 28-07-2016, 03:15 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

I checked the time, I had made arrangements for flowers and gifts to be sent to Sandy that afternoon.

99 roses and a bottle of wine.

Yah I paid for it but I’m going to claim it from Mr Liew.

It’s about making a statement.

Sandy went back to her work after Terry left.

12 Noon.

The commotion has started.

I can hear Lisa and Sharon talking about the flowers from the pantry.

Lisa : Wah… chio leh….

Sharon : Wah… like that a couple of hundred leh… who give one…

I had already prepared the story for Sandy.

Sandy : No la… friend only ….Developer’s son..

Lisa : Wah… where you know one…

That was enough to sow the deceit and fan the flames of rumour

By 3pm, news had spread throughout office that a developer’s son had given Sandy 99 roses.

Auntie fang told me someone would be coming to propose to Sandy later and I almost burst out laughing.


Terry burst into office. He looked mad and upset.

He walked towards our table and I notice he could not tear his eyes away from the roses and wine. He looked like he wanted to talk to Sandy but held back. I tried to keep a straight face but I still found it funny.


Sandy started to pack up her bags.


Sandy got up and immediately left work on time, skipping her usual schedule of yoga.

As expected, Terry came looking for her barely minutes after she left.

Terry : Where is Sandy ?

James : Oh.. she… answered a call … then took her bag and left… think her friend picking her at the drop off point…..just leave only….

Terry : ok thanks..

I held back a chuckle and shut down my computer.

Mr Liew : Tonight no happy hour ah ?? …

I smiled and gave him a wink.

James : I’m working tonight….

I pulled out a small trolley suitcase from under my desk and rolled out to the lobby.

Instead of taking my usual route to the train station, I walked in the opposite direction, crossing the road towards the HDB blocks at Everton park.

I walked towards the ATM where a lady with 99 roses waited.

Sandy : Why so long… heavy leh…

James : Got people give you roses still want to complain…

Sandy : No one gave me so many before mah.. haha…

I checked the time and looked back at Sandy

James : Are you ready ?

She nodded.

We walked towards the carpark and I unlocked a Mercedes C class I rented for the weekend.

Yes I kept the receipt.

Claim from Mr Liew.

We drove back to Sandy’s rented place in Hougang avenue 7. She rented a flat there on the 3rd floor. It gave her a direct view of the carpark from the kitchen and her bedroom window. Given a choice, she would want to just rent a room but she wanted the privacy, so she splurged a little on the old 3 room flat, spending almost half her pay on it.

James : Very fast hor… the moment you move out… Terry knows…

Sandy : He knew the moment I updated my address with HR.

I laughed and established the loyalty of Sharon and where it lies.

We went in slow into the carpark, just to be sure. Sandy said Terry’s car is nowhere to be seen and she directed me to park at the very spot he parked over the weekend.

James : Don’t worry, I doubt he’s here last week… probably just parked his car to rattle your cage.

We got out and I directed Sandy to leave the roses in the car.

James : Take off your cardigan ….

She narrowed her eyes and gave me a look as she folded her arms.

James : Take it off.

She removed them, revealing a pair of creamy arms, she had on a sleeveless dress that day. Dark grey, with some black trimmings.

Sandy : Stop looking ok…

James : free show why not ??

She threw the cardigan at me and I caught it.

Sandy : Now what…

I brought it to my nose for a sniff.

James : Hmmm… nice..

Sandy : JAMES!!! TSkk… sick…

I laughed as she came over and hit me on my arm.

I left Sandy’s cardigan in the back seat.

Using my index finger, I gestured for her heels.

She made a face with her mouth and took them off.

Sandy : Don’t you dare smell it James. ! ..

I laughed and I dropped 1 in the back seat and 1 in front.

I threw a bag of opened tissue and a condom wrapper on the floor.

James : Let’s go..

Heading up to Sandy’s place, I put a pair of men’s shoes outside the gate.
We entered the flat and closed the door.

The lights were off but we switched on a small lamp to cast a orange glow throughout the place.

We ordered Pizza, watched some TV in the living room and chatted.

I asked her about her relationship with Terry and briefly understood from her his character. The way he thinks. His manner in which he treats the people around him and beneath him.

Sandy : He has airs, very arrogant…. If he doesn’t think you are on par with him, he looks down on you…

After we’re done with dinner, we hung around in the kitchen in the dark, drinking a can of beer.


Sandy : He’s here… there… there…. His car…. Turning in…

I drained the beer and got ready.

This kind of people don’t give up easily . You would be naïve to think that just a simple trick like this would make it stop.

It would not but for a start, it would fuck with his mind.

That’s what we want to do.

Fucking with his mind and playing with his thoughts is a good start.

I quickly put on my shoes, grabbed my suitcase and got out of the house.

I took the stairs up a couple of floors and took up a observing position from an angle.

Terry’s engine remained running and he parked beside my car. His is a newer model, looks better too. It’s a S class after all.

I knew he would choose to park beside my car. It’s a ego thing.

As if sizing up your competitor.

What better way to show off by parking your car beside another one that screams mine cost about twice of yours. Besides, there’s a lesser chance of the car owner being a dick and ramming his car door into yours.

It would hurt everyone equally.

I watch him do a double take at my car.

There was no way you would miss the large bouquet of roses on the passenger seat.

I even threw a few petals on the dashboard and on the bonnet.

I watch as Terry peered into my car, no doubt taking in the scene and letting his mind run wild.

He suddenly turned and looked back up towards Sandy’s place.

My phone buzzed and vibrated.

James : Hello…

Sandy : I’m ready…

James : Ok…he’s heading up…

As Terry walked towards the flat, I unzipped the trolley case I brought along with me.

If this was a Hollywood movie or something you would expect perhaps stun grenades and a slick sniper rifle, maybe some bullets arranged in a straight line for visual effect but sorry, this is Singapore.

You cannot buy a gun off the mama shop around the corner.

I unclasped the buckle and looked at the stuff I have prepared.

It’s everything you can get from the mama shop at the corner.

Old 28-07-2016, 03:44 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Camping and supporting bro ilock..
Old 28-07-2016, 03:53 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Waiting for more
Old 28-07-2016, 03:59 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Nice updates
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