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Old 22-08-2007, 11:05 AM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Originally Posted by moodyz
Bro i tink tis is the same Xiao Ping as the ger intro by Bro Sianren lay cos their number same.I tink u must hav got the same gem as him
Bro same Xiao Ping as receive one Pm telling me about the tread...

Originally Posted by jedycity View Post
Bro who wish to try her service / her contact….kindly drop me a pm. But I will only reply to reputable Bros only. Hope you understand.

Name : Siow Ping
Age : 25 (I think so, cos saw the pink boobs…forgot to ask liao) 23 already confirm
Body: 7/10
Boobs : 34B to C with pink nipples…but a bit hard side.
Cath bath : 7/10
BBBJ : 7/10only do BJ, don't be confuse
Looks: 8/10
FJ: 8/10
Attitude : 9/10
Damages: $60 + $20 (tips) + $6 (room and condoms)
RTF: Definitely yes.
Bro jedycity, glad U post a tread on her , but confirm from my source, definitely same as, understand that U might not have read about my posting, as I never receive any of your PM, hope this will not confuse anyone here...but best if the FR written as one from where I started

Mr Cactus

Last edited by sianren; 22-08-2007 at 11:23 AM.
Old 22-08-2007, 01:24 PM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Bro,can pm her contacts?Cause read about she got pink nipples,really excite me.Promise to post Fr once try on her.TY!
Old 22-08-2007, 03:24 PM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Originally Posted by sianren View Post
Bro same Xiao Ping as receive one Pm telling me about the tread...

Bro jedycity, glad U post a tread on her , but confirm from my source, definitely same as, understand that U might not have read about my posting, as I never receive any of your PM, hope this will not confuse anyone here...but best if the FR written as one from where I started
Hahaha...bro sianren,
That shown that we have the same taste. As for the FR part, i dun really care....since it already there...i am only here to share....

I pass the contact to bro below;

moodyz, insomia, Rof|maoxz, fatty_leo, Luckytime, starman, justl00king, suckerll, wildbeast, Zonal101, Da Vinci, dirtyhairy

They wish to post FR here or Bro sianren link or not to post is their wish.

Bro who wish to try her service / her contact….kindly drop me a pm or bro sianren. But I will only reply to reputable Bros only. Hope you understand.
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:01 AM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Fyi, I received sms from Xiao Ping that she have changed her hp number due to someone always call & disturb her. Therefore, bro who have wish to know her new number, please pm me. Thanks
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:02 PM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

I have given contact to bro l3est, shchen, hoho99, Sex Devil7....sorry for bro who have no reputable points or power. I need to protect this contact.
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Old 10-10-2007, 10:21 PM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Wanted to try XP today. Sms her in the afternoon no reply. Later around 6pm called her moblie directly but handphone was off?

Not fated to meet her today so went to try another mei mei.
Old 10-10-2007, 10:36 PM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

lor 16 is my favourite, can pm me her mobile? thanks.
Old 11-10-2007, 09:18 PM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Wanted to try XP today. Sms her in the afternoon no reply. Later around 6pm called her moblie directly but handphone was off?

Not fated to meet her today so went to try another mei mei.
Bro justl00king,
If my memory did not fail me. The number that i passed to you is old one. Now have changed to new hp number leh... please confirm whether the number is 81xx2x05
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Old 12-10-2007, 08:15 AM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Originally Posted by jedycity View Post
Bro justl00king,
If my memory did not fail me. The number that i passed to you is old one. Now have changed to new hp number leh... please confirm whether the number is 81xx2x05
Bro justl00king,
I have pm you the correct number. kindly check....
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Old 12-10-2007, 08:22 AM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Pls pm contact.... sound interesting leh, TQ
Old 12-10-2007, 11:48 PM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Originally Posted by jedycity View Post
Bro justl00king,
I have pm you the correct number. kindly check....
Thank you...manage to hook up with her.

But never get to upz her..
Old 13-10-2007, 12:51 AM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Hi bro, mind to pm me her contact number....Thanks
Old 16-10-2007, 12:17 AM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Thank you...manage to hook up with her.

But never get to upz her..
The one that I never got to bonk.

Arranged a session with XP. Reached location, checked in room together. Friendly and chatty gal. We both undressed, proceed to shower and she helped me wash up.

Next proceed to bed for action. Started with catbath and bj. Her phone keep having sms or ringing. Told me sorry for stopping need to pick up a call. After that was told that raid going on!

So told her its ok we stop here and leave. Will still pay her for the session. She said sorry many times I replied its ok safety first. She helped me wash up again, dressed up and left.

Looks 6- Pleasant looking
Boobs 7- Never get to explore much. Think enhanced.
Catbath 6- Too short to comment
Bj 6- Too short to comment
FJ 0- Nil
Attitude 7.5- Friendly and smiley
Damage- Standard+ room
Rtf- No

After I left, she still sms me to say sorry. I replied its ok dun worry about it. Here goes my FR of the one I never got to bonk.

Big thanks to Bro Jedycity for the contact.
Old 16-10-2007, 01:58 PM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Looks 6- Pleasant looking
Boobs 7- Never get to explore much. Think enhanced.
Catbath 6- Too short to comment
Bj 6- Too short to comment
FJ 0- Nil
Attitude 7.5- Friendly and smiley
Damage- Standard+ room
Rtf- No
Big thanks to Bro Jedycity for the contact.
Welcome Bro justl00king,
That day i went also have raid. But not finding Xiao Ping lah. Hehehe...
Anyway, fully agreed on safety first.

I have also pm bro LifeLife, ROCKY_MAIVIA, Zonal101 for the contact. The rest i dunno reply, please understand.
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Old 17-10-2007, 08:36 AM
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Re: PRC 34B-C pink boobs with cunt squeezes technique good attitude

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
The one that I never got to bonk.

Looks 6- Pleasant looking
Boobs 7- Never get to explore much. Think enhanced.
Catbath 6- Too short to comment
Bj 6- Too short to comment
FJ 0- Nil
Attitude 7.5- Friendly and smiley
Damage- Standard+ room
Rtf- No

Big thanks to Bro Jedycity for the contact.
Thanks for the FR, will contact her and give it try.
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