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Old 29-12-2007, 01:37 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Dear Brothers,

I am in bangkok now looking for a place called Teen massage. Does any of you know where it is? I also heard of a place which cost about 700+ sing to chill and sing with girls. its called century i think. Anyone of you know where is it? Thanks A million!!!
Old 29-12-2007, 05:14 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by Norikasan55 View Post
...think she marrying a farang working in BKK so haha we don't stand a chance at all.You going to BKK isit?
Errr, actually in town since 26. Got no false hopes, dare not even dream.. but thanks for heads up hehehe
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Old 29-12-2007, 06:12 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Errr, actually in town since 26. Got no false hopes, dare not even dream.. but thanks for heads up hehehe
You very active.
SG and TG also bonk.....
I am out of the scene but I will still be here to TCSS with my supporters/friends.
Thanks for the greatest support ever. Wish everyone success, good luck and good health.
Hoping to hit 1000 pt target.

Hope to have everyone's support inside here
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Old 30-12-2007, 04:22 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by Norikasan55 View Post
..balance of YIN and YANG.
Originally Posted by beauthaiful
You very active. SG and TG also bonk.....
Tonite, junior take a (involuntary) rest.. got invited to thai house party at Lat Phrao with exchange gifts etc. Nice experience, but kns at expense of lil one. Must restore inbalance tomorrow. Frank, I can't be sightseeing in krung thep mah. Thanks, appreciate your pts. Dun write me off yet
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Old 30-12-2007, 09:24 AM
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Red face Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Tonite, junior take a (involuntary) rest..
Hi hi ...and then the next day, junior resumes its active duty, by first getting a :

a) soapy bath
b) oil/lotion/aromatherapy rub

then proceed to AGG to clean the eyes, later bar-fine one to let junior explore twin-peak & wet-tunnel with bushes for 2 rounds...
Old 01-01-2008, 03:38 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by pocketrocket View Post

Wah Piah! Arrived for 4days already been to 3 MPs...You're a very busy man. Ha! Thanks for the FR anyhow :

I have been in BKK for 8 days and accounted for 6 soapie sessions so far. That's not bad considering I have participated in other activities with the Bros. I travel a long distance to BKK and do not have many opportunities to come here. So once in LOS, I try new things, play hard and enjoy the varieties.

I shall be in BKK on Jan 8- Jan 12, 08 again after an excursion trip.
For Bros who care to meet up, please feel free to PM me.

New Year Day 2008 in BKK
Old 01-01-2008, 04:25 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

I visited Nataree soapie MP twice in this trip. For good or bad, this place is a bit choatic and deserved a word or two.

I was there at 10 pm 3 days ago, picked one of many sideliners, paid 2300 B and had a good session. She was one of those Thai Yai ( spelling ) who came from the Myarmar Thailand border town. Her face was about 7.5, she had great figure and exhibited very pleasant manner from beginning to end.
BTW, this girl spoke zero English. It was quite strange that we had to lined up for the elevator to go up, then searched from floor to floor and ended up waiting about 20 minutes for a room. Once inside the room, the water off the tub faucet was running was slowly -- too much water demand and not enough water pressure. Yes business there is indeed that good.

In my second visit at 3:30 pm yesterday, I picked a fishbowl girl, costing 2000 B and had enjoyed the air mattress slide. This girl is slightly older and had gained some extra weight that was good for the air mattress slide. My session was relatively good with minor hiccup. I had to lined up for the elevator, but the water pressure was fine.

So why is business so good here ?
This place have numerous sideliners, as a conservative guess, 60 + in quantity. Majority are 7-9 in face, throw in a couple of 9.5 too. Almost all have great body. Most are young ( around 20 ) and they have good attitude and eager to please and for service the customers.

There have been countless reports on bad room condition and water pressure in Nataree. However, this is mai pai lai. Goog looking girls with great attitude have overcome that. I noticed numerous eager Asian men in multi lingo dialogues stormed into this place and pay to head upstair. Well I was one of them too.

They have many papasan to make recommendation there. However, it feels choatic since all the sideliners are sitting in the customer lounge and so much traffic is going in and out. May be the papasans are getting confused too.

Our famous Bro Norice, who is an expert on this, probably laughs at me being too analytical again. But mai pen lai krap ......

Old 01-01-2008, 07:02 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by chanyboy View Post
Norice SMALL?!!! U believe him - until u see his throbbing muscle & muscular manhood! (Ignore the specs or teeth, btw).

Perhaps, the puyings are small & tight hence keep telling us - big, big - they like. Squeeze me until I can't cum (how to, after days & days of boozing)...

Merry X'Mas guys, btw.

Locally, we had a great nite with Vn-con-gai & a few frens who don't mind squeezed into a small rm (my pant was wet, so many pairs of hand holding me down that I can't remember who's who! They keep pouring things into mine at the countdown..wahlan..dunno who grab & suck also lost count), unfortunately Vmtech cannot make it..otherwise we gonna ...<...>....

hehe yeah i wont be down there until the end of jan man, glad to hear u all enjoyed yrself!

oh yes, i will be landing in the morning in jan, and before i report to my CO, is there any massage joints that is opened in the morning? say 9?
dont really wanna pop into CO so early in the morning leh :P go in cannot come out liao hahaha
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Old 01-01-2008, 08:09 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
..landing in the morning in jan, and before i report to my CO, is there any massage joints that is opened in the morning? say 9?
dont really wanna pop into CO so early in the morning leh go in cannot come out liao hahaha
Bro, before your kena house arrest? Think brekkie massage maybe only foot massage type. Maybe MP vets Chanyboy, Norice and Knowntender know better or can pull strings kekekeke
Originally Posted by knowntender
..BKK for 8 days and accounted for 6 soapie sessions so far. That's not bad considering I have participated in other activities with the Bros. I travel a long distance to BKK and do not have many opportunities to come here. So once in LOS, I try new things, play hard
Add +1 today = 8. Appreciate your showing me the ropes. I caved in to temptation at 1 next to Cupidly (forgot name liao) in same complex. Paid through my nose for sideliner.. am a sucker for sultry, exotic looks. Only highlight was doing the doggie on her with shiok views on side and ceiling mirrors.. just like bonking a model (sorry, imagination's run wild but at least it's free).

Almost got caught by my evening date calling in before my grand entrance. Had to lie I'm with another bro for coffee...(knowntender overheard) hehehe.
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Old 01-01-2008, 08:21 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Bro, before your kena house arrest? Think brekkie massage maybe only foot massage type. Maybe MP vets Chanyboy, Norice and Knowntender know better or can pull strings kekekeke
bahhh i wanna massage my 3rd foot leh ahhahaha
already managed to push the CO away, actually she wanted to fetch me at the airport , managed to tell her to "save money, i take cab down to find her instead"

so better not waste this chance hehehe
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Old 01-01-2008, 10:11 PM
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Wink Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Bro, before your kena house arrest? Think brekkie massage maybe only foot massage type. Maybe MP vets Chanyboy, Norice and Knowntender know better or can pull strings kekekeke

Add +1 today = 8. ...

Almost got caught by my evening date calling in before my grand entrance. Had to lie I'm with another bro for coffee...(knowntender overheard) hehehe.
...go for a 'sweet girl haircut/head-msg+facial-cleansing with leg-masg' perhaps? I think Knowntender is back in Bkk when VMtech hits town... link up then. Knowntender knows what 'August' means...he wud be glad to bring another bro there so the 'big-smiling cutie' waiting there will be happy again..

YY's right - the MPs nowadays seems to start later (although the card indicates 10am, 11am...when one checks it out, most come in around 3pm.. wasted mornings if one doesn't hv LT..)

YY & his dates - gosh...
Old 01-01-2008, 10:51 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

oh well, i touch dwn 9am, looks like nothing much to do already, gotta go back kanna housearrest by CO
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Old 02-01-2008, 01:29 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by pocketrocket View Post
Yep...Just like Bro ChaYen said...Gotta ask first, coz not all girls dun that.
thks! will check with the papasan there. juz hope they know what i mean when i say soapy massage. Dun mind fishbowl ones..
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Old 02-01-2008, 08:43 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by King View Post
thks! will check with the papasan there. juz hope they know what i mean when i say soapy massage. Dun mind fishbowl ones..

Actually, I did had one from the fish bowl before that does soapy massage...She was pretty good, great body (decent size boobies and slim waist but face is not that pretty . Ha!

Forgotten her name/number already

Give it a go and ask the Papa san and show how lor...FR after ok?! Heehee! Good man
Old 02-01-2008, 02:20 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk


Becareful in Phuket, tons of beautiful ladyboys! 4 pm appointment to see Som at Orient Massage. I wanted to try Oil but she on extended holiday leave.
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