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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 14-05-2005, 11:44 AM
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Re: FootJobs

Originally Posted by sexybearbear

Gosh. $10,000 a year!!!!

how many woman's toe u have sucked already man?!?!? kekeke
Haha... I gave myself a shock too when I made that calculation...

And um, not all of them are foot fetish related bonks lah... but I have sucked on a fair few toes, yes....
Old 23-05-2005, 07:35 PM
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Re: FootJobs

After shopping at KL lot10 area and feel cheonging, I decide to drop in SKY RIVER HC. After doing body rub, massage and ask captain I’m really to go for the real bang..

He bring me into a room to wait, and I was shock to realise he bring 9 girls for only one customer. Seriously, all 9 are 7/10 at least.

In this situation, I got to go for feet for sure and choose 661 ( Qiu Qiu).

I finally found my beautiful girl, and of course her beautiful feet to do footjob for me. The best part is she do not understand but willing to try any instruction given and quite interested to learn. I have not feel something like that and is like dream come true after so many year of waiting.

She promise to give me better trying next time but, I’ve to leave KL the next day.

Good news is she might be coming to singapore next month ( working I guess) and she will call me to update her where about. I will update all you brother also..

HC: Sky river HC, next to STARHILL.
Name: Qiu Qiu (autumn autumn)
Nos: 661
Age: 19
Feet: 8/10 ( with tattoo )
Package: RM218
Massage: 78
Body rub: 28
Total: pay RM350 plus tip here and there..
Old 01-06-2005, 02:37 AM
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Re: FootJobs

To all the lau chio,what is the damage????
Old 01-06-2005, 06:36 PM
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Re: FootJobs

Originally Posted by weirdo
To all the lau chio,what is the damage????
Check my quicklist bro - just scroll back a page.... Important details are there.

And, I think you mean 'lau jiao'... 'Lau chio' is a term to describe the more mature but still attractive ladies.
Old 01-06-2005, 06:47 PM
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FR on Joey of Dragon HC

As some of you may have read, I've been seeing Joey the past few times I have been to Dragon. Well, I have written two FRs on her in the Dragon thread, but I've seen her more than that.

As stated in those FRs, Joey is still relatively new to the trade and thus her skills are nothing to shout about. She's quiet, but as I have found out, will warm up to you if you're nice and friendly. I didn't want to scare her with requests for kinky stuff the first couple of times, but during the past few visits I finally had a taste of her lovely feet. Fair, slim with nicely pedicured, longish toenails. Silver with some nail art. Her slim legs just add to the pleasure.

I shall not dwell too much on the other action - read my FRs on her in the Dragon thread if you're interested. Her stats as I posted in the last FR, plus some:

Name/location: Joey, Dragon HC
Looks: 7.5/10 (I rather like her side profile and her luscious lips - reminds me of Jolin Tsai)
Body: 7.5/10 (slim frame, well proportioned boobs and slim legs)
Feet: 7.5/10 (fair, slim, longish pedicured toenails)
Massage: 7/10 (a little short)
BJ: 6.5/10
FJ: 7/10
GFE: 7.5/10 (on account of no faking moans...)
Damage: $56 + $120
Old 01-06-2005, 08:02 PM
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Re: Quickie on TS/TV...

Originally Posted by imom
...Chris, Excelsior HC...Good-looker, tanned and sultry. Obliging. Pedicured feet. Possibly a TS/TV.
Hehheh, bro-Imom, this i must learn.... how do you tell that a WL is a TS/TV?
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
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Old 01-06-2005, 09:50 PM
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Originally Posted by groo
Hehheh, bro-Imom, this i must learn.... how do you tell that a WL is a TS/TV?
sorrie. its me that gives him the idea.

bro imom, suggest you put a bracket on whose comments its from. I am not trying to gain credit. But its easy for bros to point the question to.

Just tried Brenda.

Very pretty & sexy

She likes to converse in English

Asked for foot fetish, and it does not take her long to comprehend. Very participative, and willing to try new tricks. Even suggested some of her own.

Looks : 8 (long hair demure looks, but looks is deceiving)
Body : 7.5
Feet : 6.5 (not long enuff for me)
Attitude: Excellent
Old 02-06-2005, 01:43 AM
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Re: FootJobs

Originally Posted by imom
Check my quicklist bro - just scroll back a page.... Important details are there.

And, I think you mean 'lau jiao'... 'Lau chio' is a term to describe the more mature but still attractive ladies.
My apology on the spelling,will take note on that..
Old 02-06-2005, 11:45 AM
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Thumbs up Re: FootJobs

Usually I try and bring the type of ph i want, since it is esp. frustrating if you got urge and the girl does not have any, so always bring your own. it also pays to get to know the girl, makes it less easy for her to reject esp if you are repeat customer.

I always hang out at ip and have tried the following with ph:

Michelle - She is there no more and she was the best!!! she will keep all her clothes on (except panties for ease of action when the heat becomes unbearable!) while wearing ph, and sit on your lap and let you suck her nips, when they are slightly exposed and nestled beautifully in her bra. basically my many sessions with her have no massage, just groping and heavy foreplay with ph, and through the entire session she has this cfm attitutde and acts like a secretary (for OL fans) in a tryst with the boss. sometimes i put her on the mattress and service her first with ph while she strokes my manhood. Have to give her full marks each time. She is now back home and I eagerly await her return!

Ivy - she is very accomodating, but i suppose it is because she knows me well. like it esp when she is in ph, which is torn with a hole at you know where and and doing it doggy from behind. her hips are quite fleshy (not fat) and it adds to the shoik feeling when you grab her ph'ed hips and butt. also very good feeling doing standing up from behind as well. i am trying to get educate her to become another michelle, so await my good news and hope you will appreciate my efforts (OL fans please give me some credit)

Just my 2 cents worth, hope you guys enjoy it.

Old 02-06-2005, 08:16 PM
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Re: FootJobs

Thanks to Bros Amsterdam/Dan and Jocky for the new info...

Bro Amsterdam, you say you are awaiting Michelle's return - does that mean Michelle is no longer working at IP or she's just on a break? Also, did you supply the PH for both Michelle and Ivy?

Old 02-06-2005, 08:56 PM
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Re: brenda

Originally Posted by jocky14
...bro imom, suggest you put a bracket on whose comments its from. I am not trying to gain credit. But its easy for bros to point the question to...
Will keep that in mind bro. Thanks for the suggestion....
Old 03-06-2005, 12:06 AM
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Red face Re: FootJobs

can advise me how much is the damage for the footjob
Old 03-06-2005, 10:50 AM
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Re: FootJobs

To bro imom : yes bought my own ph. Michelle is no longer working in sillypore as far as i know, went back north. left already for more than 3 months, but I think she will be back (i hope!). She came back after 1-2 years absence last time, formerly she was from Dai-Ichi then to Riverview, disappeared for a while, then popped up at IP. Some of you experienced bros might know her, went under the same name before also. My first impression back then was that she look abit (just a bit) like Jean D*nker, but that's just me. If anyone sees her anywhere let me know I be first to go and come back with a detailed-oriented, ph fetish-driven FR!

To bro shoot2 : Cost wise no different from normal charges for HJ, FJ etc. But then again I did not ask for footjob, only to wear ph during the action for FJ. Like I said if they know you well, it is easier to get them to cooperate.
Old 15-06-2005, 11:23 PM
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Re: FootJobs

Originally Posted by HC_LOVER
Joanna from casala HC (Sambawang shopping Ctr) can give a very good foot job and also like her toes and sole to be lick by her client. No regret.
any idea if the place still available? hw much do the gal charge for FJ? Me working ard there but din know there is such a place. Think of trying it. heez.
Old 17-06-2005, 12:06 PM
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Re: FootJobs

Can try Fiona at Casanova - she would definitely be accomodating. See FR on BDSM thread.
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