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Old 08-05-2011, 04:02 PM
wildandkinky wildandkinky is offline
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Unhappy Re: Beijing Recommendations

Come on brothers. I know I am new in this forum, but there must be many of you experienced brothers in Beijing who have experienced the same feeling of lonelieness that I am experiencing now on a rainy Sunday afternoon . Any word of advise will be greatly appreciated
Old 08-05-2011, 10:12 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Girls who eat spicy food are hot?
Bros' rep to up:
Old 08-05-2011, 11:25 PM
AssLover AssLover is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

This thread is becoming just filled with okt posts...why it is hard for people to post true FR? This is a hobby and more true reports the right OKT will benefit.

To keep it simple, what is needed is looks, clean shaven below and arm pits, service details , cost and name of okt.

The issues with lily and others are they are using girls from looks like a central store

I do not call for girls in Beijing and has a housewife who likes to be serviced!
Old 08-05-2011, 11:30 PM
wildandkinky wildandkinky is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Okie dokie. So the deal is to go to a chinese resturant and look out for girls who order hot food? Thanks for the advice

Ok now let me share my third unpleasant experience in this trip to Beijing. I am almost starting to think the problem must somehow br related to me Well of course one big problem I have is that I don't know the local language and having to deal with the girls who don't know english doesn't make it any easier.

After a long boring rainy Sunday in Beijing I decided to use Maria's service tonight (+86 13911246512). So I called and asked the price for one hour and I was told 500 +100 for taxi for one hour. I asked who is available and she mentioned a few. I told her that I want a girl who provides GFE. So she suggested Yang Yang and I accepted. The girl arrived on time with no dramas and I went down and picked her up from in front of the lift. She was a tall girl and the look was ok as well. So so far so good. The only problem again was that she knew zero english. Anyway we came to the room and I gave her the money (now I am thinking this might be the problem and I should not give the money first and keep it until the end of 60 minutes). Then I ask he to have a shower and she says something in chinese and after a few attempts she refuse and here is the first draw back. she undresses and undress me and start the act.
Just a little bit of sucking nipples and touching the tool and then asks me to lie down and a little bit more touching and then she puts on condom. I try to kiss her with no luck and then she jumps up on me. No BBBJ no CBJ no kissing not much hugging. So basically she just jump on me and after a few position I finish. And as you can imagine during this whole time I feel so bad and thinking what the hell is this service? Is this supposed to be a GFE as I asked? Anyway. once we finishe then she goes to shower, Spends 10 minutes in shower and then she dresses up an leaves and I am here left alone again with the worst feeling and worst experience I have ever had. So although Maria might have been kind to other people, she certainly wasn't kind to me at all.
I guess I will have one more attempt during the week, possibly Tuesday night with Lily and if I get the same crap, then I will have to go back to the girl I know in Beijing. She might not be great, but at least I know what to expect. I guess I just have to organise a BYO from other cities in China or even other countries for next times in Beijing (Iknow you don't take a sandwich with you when you are invited to dinner, but at least your own sandwich is better than a poisoned dinner ).
I keep you guys posted anyway during the week again. I am still here till the end of the week and will continue the saga.
Old 08-05-2011, 11:38 PM
wildandkinky wildandkinky is offline
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Question Re: Beijing Recommendations

To all respected members and experienced bros.

If my posts seem to be boring or not useful just give me a hint.

Old 09-05-2011, 12:57 AM
zen11 zen11 is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by wildandkinky View Post
Come on brothers. I know I am new in this forum, but there must be many of you experienced brothers in Beijing who have experienced the same feeling of lonelieness that I am experiencing now on a rainy Sunday afternoon . Any word of advise will be greatly appreciated

Hey i am in BJ too....just to share how i overcome the loneliness...actually not that difficult. few months ago. i went to heaven temple and met a girl (also visting alone) i just asked her politely whether she wants to join me for the temple tour...found out that she is a doctor from another province, since then we met when i am in beijing for biz trip and arrange for sightseeing, today we went to Yonghegong and shopping but rain during mid afternoon. She is a nice lady, at least she did not those looking at $$$$. She is only for strictly sex..

If you are ard Guomao, you can try a club call Yintai building..lots of pretty girls, on sat met a girl (NOt FL) with solid body...ask her whether she want to dance with me...she say ok...

(i have to warn you, there are FL working here, pretty ones ard RMB 2K - 3K) NOt so pretty ones i dun even bother to ask as service is unknown...u can do with the girls from OKT here.
Old 09-05-2011, 06:39 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Hi mayoni and nameci,

Just send you both the same message, I will be in town so pls plan for our next outing on Thu and Fri night.

Same KTV again or some new ones nameci has been checking out up to you guys?

Originally Posted by mayoni View Post
Finally!!! Waiting for your arrival!

I do agree that CD girl's are hot... 又麻又辣
Old 09-05-2011, 11:05 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Bro Nameci,
Looks like you have been velly busy in BJ ...hee heee heee. checking out on a lot of fun places. found any sexciting place can share?

Old 09-05-2011, 11:08 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by zen11 View Post
Hey i am in BJ too....just to share how i overcome the loneliness...a.
Beside Xiu, you can always hangout at some of the other places like banana, babyface, mix or latte. If you wanto get some FLs, then Maggies at ritan would be a good place or even centro at kerry center.
Old 10-05-2011, 12:41 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Beijing Recommendations

Thanks for all your reply bros. Definitely a lot to explore
Old 10-05-2011, 08:33 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by CookiesMonster View Post
Bro Nameci,
Looks like you have been velly busy in BJ ...hee heee heee. checking out on a lot of fun places. found any sexciting place can share?

Not super busy but found a couple of interesting places. Depends on what you're looking for. But seems like some people here think I'm talking crap though, tio zapped. Haha.
Old 11-05-2011, 01:18 PM
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Cool Re: Beijing Recommendations

Rarely find the time to write FRs but finally have some spare time whilst on the road from Hangzhou airport to the city.

Been to Beijing a couple of times and have gone with lily's stable since Day 1. Must admit most are just so-so, nothing to shout about (I would rate them between 5-5.5) and just go about the deed as expected. Being a frequent Changping and Zhuhai visitor, I must say these outcalls would be similar to the standards in BBS except that you get the occasional eloquence if they hold a white collar day job. Otherwise the average age is about 24ish.

Can't recall all the names of the chicks I've tried but Alice (小燕)was so far the freshest in my memory so I'll take it from here.

Alice is the real chatty sort and she immediately bombard you with questions and opinions as she walks pass your room door. Petite but not frail, she looks like your average secretary in an overseas company. Right amount of makeup and a conservative yet sensual (read womanly) dress sense. She can hold down a conversation in Chinese history and literature if you dig this. Otherwise, if you're looking for a romp as well as an introduction to Beijing I would highly recommend her. She probably understands very basic English but would not engage in an English conversation, at least not with me when she knows that I can speak the local lingo fairly.

The stats:
Boobs: B (she wears a complete bra panty set so I guess she is pretty particular about appearance and face value)
Height: 1.6m
Frame: well toned
Skin: More like the average southeast Asian chick. Not the fair northern type.
BBBJ: Yes. One bro from another thread mentioned that you increase your probability of this experience if you take a shower together with the chick. She ain't eating what she ain't washin'?
Plus: shaven pussy and a horny pulsating cunt and with the ability and experience to turn on your tool
Minus: not exactly the freshest meat on the Market if this is your thang.

Lily's number is frequently posted so I would not repost

Last edited by nowhere; 11-05-2011 at 01:24 PM. Reason: Update details
Old 16-05-2011, 12:50 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Any bros got recommendation on a sauna with nice facilities for chilling and relaxing and get a good massage?
Old 16-05-2011, 05:52 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by wildandkinky View Post
To all respected members and experienced bros.

If my posts seem to be boring or not useful just give me a hint.

at least I read your post careful and I'm interested to get an update!
Let me know, how it continued in Beijing.
Old 17-05-2011, 01:09 AM
bairen bairen is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Contact for a girl in Beijing

She got pregnant by her (foreign) boyfriend, and after several months he ran. She got into this to pay off the abortion, and school bills. She's just trying to take care of herself after being abandoned, and seems really dedicated.

Height 170
Weight 120
still a bit of tummy fat from the pregnancy

She gets into sex, seems to really enjoy it. She likes it a bit rough.

She's near 五道口. People that are interested in her phone number can message me. I'm not related to her in any way, just that she doesn't need a bunch of people calling that aren't actually going to visit. Perhaps adding another small step to the process will weed out some of the people that aren't serious. I'll try to check messages often, but realize that I'm new, so my inbox is quite limited.
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