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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
hahahahha! I guess I have had enuff of words...really dunno what to say now. Guess this friend of Runwest is in a better position than my friend..at least his friend is not a MARRIED MAN...not like my poor friend...
![]() Anyway...just wondering if it's really so difficult to find a gal not from the WL industry? Why not revert back to looking for match making agencies and help u to look for wife back in VIETNAM? At least they are from Village..might end up finding a VIRGIN somemore... ![]()
Women ' s lives are hard. Morning, wash clothes. Noon, hang clothes. Evening, keep clothes. Nite, iron clothes. Midnight, take off clothes. After midnight, find clothes "我唔可以俾到你幸福,但绝对可以俾到你舒服" |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
![]() one side only , no joke. Until one day your $$$ finish , not affort to pay feed them. will be ' 分手终要在雨天 ' , or when u not around the girl will be " 独自去偷欢 ' only one sentence : ' 天才与白痴 '
TCSS ....... ![]() |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
[QUOTE=SexKing972;2501518]That is CP CB Magic..............The power of " LOVE ' is it ?
![]() one side only , no joke. Until one day your $$$ finish , not affort to pay feed them. will be [B]' 分手终要在雨天 ' [/B], or when u not around the girl will be "[B] 独自去偷欢 '[/B] only one sentence : [B]' 天才与白痴 ' [/B][/QUOTE] Hahhha...Good on u Sexking..make sure u look after Sxx***#i.9 h!JN xL+ hM .s9 h=M 7h9 1N k xMYM `L9 N Xq 8
Women ' s lives are hard. Morning, wash clothes. Noon, hang clothes. Evening, keep clothes. Nite, iron clothes. Midnight, take off clothes. After midnight, find clothes "我唔可以俾到你幸福,但绝对可以俾到你舒服" |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Maitong ,this will be sound familiar
老公 ! 我好喜欢你, 好想你 . ( 的$ ) 老婆! 我也是很想你 ( 的CB ) 老公! 那你几时才来看我, 你不想我吗? 老婆! 我安排一下, 很快的 老婆! 亲我一下 老公 ! 你也亲我一下 This is the trap of the CP magic .............so ignore all the phone no from WLs do not call them , once u call them , u get ' HOOK '
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
But there are reports of happy ending too...hehehe. LTC |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
How about if Mamee instead of MMs? Will they be more trust worthy? |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
![]() Quote:
anyway, being my type or not, i am currently not available, look look see see still can, but not to go further... Quote:
but one thing i don't like is the sound system is lousy... Quote:
please ask him to call non-toll-free number, 1900-3dee-sos. consultation is S$888 per hour... ![]() although many bros are a bit skeptical about the marriage with the china WL girls, but through my years of experience cheonging in dg, i have seen few bros who have married the china WL and so far still happily staying together. in 2007, i have seen 2 couples. i know many bros will said 99% the girl is mainly to cheat the money; we shall cautious in life but we shall not too passive, there is always a bright side... Quote:
![]() getting the girls in china is not that tough, in fact, those factory girls are really decent and easy to sian... but the problem is, most of the bros only have time to cheong and do not have time to pay attention on them... also, plentty of match making agencies in china... Quote:
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
2008 January trip
Any bros going to cp/ca/hj in jan 20 - 30? ![]()
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
breaking news from Malaysia!!!
![]() maybe most of you have heard about this news, but to those who are faraway from sg/my, here is an update. a malaysia chinese minister trapped himself into a sex case and his actions are being recorded and published. as the outcome, he admitted the case and resigned from his position. the lessons we may learn from this case: 1. don't be too popular and don't be too high profile. 2. don't create too many enemies (or be careful with your enemies). 3. here is the most important one, don't always go to the same hotel!!! and to my new knowledge, oral sex is against malaysia law and can be jailed up to 20 years! bro sexking, cakesim, you better watch out!!! ![]() ![]() 首相:為自己行為負責 蔡細歷辭職決定恰當 updated:2008-01-03 09:55:34 MYT (布城訊)首相拿督斯里阿都拉形容拿督斯里蔡細歷辭去衛生部長已作出適當的決定,並且讚揚他肯為自己的行為 負責。 因此,他表示接受蔡細歷的辭職。 他感謝蔡細歷顧全大局,並考慮到有關事件可能為政府和黨帶來負面影響。 阿都拉在週三(2日)下午6時30分在首相署召開新聞發佈會時說:我認為他做出恰當的決定,因為在事情爆 發的短短數天內,已出現負面發展。 考慮對政府和黨影響 詢及蔡細歷週二(1日)堅持不辭職,但週三卻宣佈辭職,是否經過他的勸告,阿都拉說,蔡細歷應該已考慮到人 民的反應會對政府和黨帶來影響,所以才決定辭職。 詢及性愛光碟的出爐,是否有人要推翻蔡細歷時,他表示不要作出任何猜測,但此事的確已侵犯個人隱私,屬於刑 事罪行。 他表示,全國總警長丹斯里慕沙哈山已下令展開調查,因為在刑事法典下,一旦涉及者罪名成立將被 判刑。 詢及蔡細歷週二指偷拍有關光碟的人背後一定有特定議程時,他相信蔡細歷將把他手上的資料交給警方,因為根據 程序,警方必須向涉及者錄取口供。 當事人已解釋 不會看性愛光碟 阿都拉透露,他週二才得知蔡細歷涉及性愛光碟事件,並對此感到吃驚。 他表示沒有看過光碟,也不會去看,因為當事人已解釋及說得很清楚,大家都明白事件的來龍去脈,所以再看也沒 有意義。 他叮囑國陣的人民代議士及黨員,一定要慎言慎行。 他說,人民不但寄望國陣的人民代議士和黨員,積極為民服務和良好的履行人民委托給他們的責任,人民也會審視 他們的道德行為。
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
did not have chng to get into the Thread until now since rtn... my girl donot know good or not (I like to learn fr Sifu; Petroheadsq to do bedroom gymnastics ...so I can do King Kong to her)...Aiyeh.. 3dee surely u either had too many GF or they were too good to let u out... including visiting clean places as you mentioned..hehehe
Care to update us on your factory FL.. few hundreds / thousands ...sure u can spare a few... oh .. wander u had tried all those G that u marked down on visiting BBS / saunna ?? if not I have a few new 1 for u...I do know your type ![]() |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
mm! "我也是很想你, 好想你".
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
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