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Old 11-01-2013, 04:17 PM
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Re: Summary of HK Happenings

Originally Posted by ray2003 View Post
Will check out Hop Yee Bldg next week when I am there. Any idea what time they will be open until? 10/11pm?

Bro Ray..

Hop Yee opens till abt 2-230am. FuJi bldg most gals stopped working abt 1-130am.
Champagne court in TST.. Most gals stopped work abt 1230.

Hope U have fun
Old 11-01-2013, 11:18 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Hello bro... Anyone can recommend me a good Hong Kong escort website.
model escort... Want to call in to my hotel ..

Please let me know going there next month. Thanks
Old 15-01-2013, 01:22 AM
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Smile Re: HK Happening

Hi all bro in hk,

so any much happen ,sorry out of the pic quiet some time,,,

anyway CNY coming should be there for some fun...cheer all hk bro.....
Old 15-01-2013, 02:15 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Hi! Guys! I'm going Hong Kong on 17th Jan 2013. I'm staying in Yau Ma Tei area. Any happening there? or where can I get go massage & bonk by milfs....I know Temple street got those FL from PRC & some old local milfs hanging around & you also can get viet & pinoys there loitering around.Thanks for any info.
Old 15-01-2013, 06:37 PM
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Re: Supply of Hotel Walk-in Gals curtailed?

Originally Posted by mozquit0 View Post

You can go to Daily sauna in TST. 天天。 legit good hard solid oil massage and they let u sleep till 7am if
Interesting! Is this the one on Chatham Road?
Would appreciate a bit more info - like the charges, what the facilities are like and if you get your own actual bedroom to sleep in.

But you say they'll only let you stay to 7 am? Wonder why that is/what are they gonna do with the place at 7 am in the morning when I'd think there'd be zero clients who'd want to get a massage?!

And so what did you do when they made you leave at 7 am? Most hotels will not let you check in till after noon to facilitate their existing guests first checking out.

Thanks for the info.


Last edited by SEAJ; 16-01-2013 at 12:39 PM.
Old 17-01-2013, 04:31 PM
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Re: Summary of HK Happenings

Originally Posted by duckking View Post
Thanks a lot SEAJ. I am a regular to HK and several things I learned the hard way. ALOT of door knockings until I finally settled on a 141 girl I like and simply returned to her everytime I am in HK. I think door knocking is a lot of luck. You are also right about wanchai. The pino mamas simply try to rip you off. I paid HKD10 for beer, walked out, and never returned. Pinoys are never worth much, never.

I've fallen in love with HK sauna's 2-hrs package. Usually 30+ milf serving me, but I only pay $508. I tried paying more, but I realized more=better isn't always true. Hence I keep the $ side of the equation low, and I've only been seriously disappointed only once. The rest of the time was either so-so or not bad~.

Will be in HK again next week. Love the place. Love the people.

Hi Bro ! Fully agree with you, Duckking about pinno mamas.. Wherever it is, same disappointment... I now run away their places !

I sometime go to HK but I didn't find any good sauna, except one which is Good Fortune Sauna (Jaffe Rd) but package is only with HJ, no BJ or FJ. Could you share yours ? What package do they offer ?

Thanks !
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Old 17-01-2013, 05:14 PM
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Re: HK Happening


Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
For the Casual visitors (as well as non Chinese speaking locals) Wanchai is their adult playground. For nice, easy and cheap service, one just go up to buildings with walk-ups and go window shopping; for a bit higher class girls, go to one of the several web sites advertising the Hotel Walk-in gals. Similar quality Gals are on offer in Hong Kong at competitive prices to even Shenzhen and WAY cheaper than in places like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing etc.
Thanks for your good advises...
What websites do u speak about ? I know S..141 or $$$$$ (same girls than S..141 but less choice and less comfortable to use). Do you know any other (in English) ?

Additionally, I tried one gal in Tai On Blg last time (first time) and I was really disappointed by the place, the gal and the FJ. Rush, small place... For sure it's cheap but I prefer to pay a bit more for better service... What's your opinion about Fuji blg ? Ladies are a bit more expensive. Does the package $800 worth the difference ?
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Old 17-01-2013, 05:15 PM
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Thai gals

Anyone knows a good place to find Thai gals ? I really like their attitude and service !

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Old 17-01-2013, 06:09 PM
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Re: Thai gals

Originally Posted by gic99 View Post
Anyone knows a good place to find Thai gals ? I really like their attitude and service !

You can specify "Thai" as a search option on the sex141 website. I see a few hotel walk-in gals listed today.

Other days, there should also be Thai gals listed for the Walk-ups which are usually VERY CHEAP - from HK$250 upwards. Most of the time these Thai gals are at coronet court in North Point or at one of the crap Hunghom buildings -really ghetto places I must warn you!

Besides that, quite a few Thais make the rounds in Wanchai but there, you're of course talking about higher prices - HK$1k UP for ST and all the way up to 5k for o/n if you're lousy at bargaining.

And on your comments on Good Fortune Sauna - please note that for longer term/known customers, it is quite common to get more than just a HJ there; you just gotta book for longer than 3 hours and make your intentions well known and its not that hard to get more.

And on Fuji building, I personally like going there and the Hop Yee building just down the block as its a matter of convenience for me (am easily around the Causeway bay area) plus the quality of the gals are OK reasonable for the price.
But you say $800?? WHAT?? Nah, you ain't gonna get much more for overpaying - just go to the doors and if you see one you like, just ask her how much and if she quotes much above $500 just walk away, cause 480 + is the going rate there.


Last edited by SEAJ; 17-01-2013 at 06:27 PM.
Old 17-01-2013, 11:29 PM
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I am a regular with GFS Before and it is true that FS is available there but u need to trial run a few before u hit a bingo . Night shift usually have more milf that is willing to go more if u pay them more. And u NEED TO SNEAK IN CD so to prepare if u happen to get a FS from random encounter ( if u happen to meet a girl which she always do FS for regular, she will bring in CD with her)

The manager who know u are a regular will also arrange a girl who will do more then just HJ for u( i got bbbj by this arrangement)

But frankly speaking, for a thrill is fun with surprise factor as u do not know who is willing to do more and be prepare they are milfs most of the time. And the damage is always around 1k to 1.2k hkd ( inclusive of massage part) . Not worth it as u can get guarantee FS at that price in places like daily spa in tst with younger girls and better skills.

GFS have staying over available too and u can arrange to slp over till morning if u go there late night ( just tell the manager) . Ur bed is the two massage bed combining together ( as well as ur bed to do the FS with lots of bed moving sound)

Personally i like going to 37 dudas street k pressure at ya ma tei . At price of 600 hkd u can get shuang fei for 45 mins.( 90 mins is 1100 hkd) U get to choose the girls as the mamasan will bring them in and u can reject till u find a pair to ur liking. The girls are likely to be milfs but their skills are good. The girls will bring u up to the room upstairs and u will pay 120 hkd for the room.

K pressure Normal session with 1 girl is 398 hkd for 45 mins
CD is provided

But do note there are two levels. There is a lift beind to go up to 2nd lvl. It is recommend by 141 bros to go 2nd lvl.
Think k pressure is operating 24 hrs

( For adventurers bro only)
There is another place which i like that only cost 250hkd for 45 mins but do note that this place consist mainly Chinese Gilf and Milf. U can get early twenties girls if u are lucky.( but dun pinned in too much hope on looks. Average looking only) but some milfs are really sexy and look nice.

It is at nathan road 746 -748. ( forget the building name but opposite a shopping centre) Go up to lvl 10,
there shld be a notice on door state massage in chinese ( but no massage service la)
When u reach the place , u can look into the living room with milfs sitting around and choose the woman u want . Be sure to ask to go up to lvl 14 for rooms as the toilet is inside the room.

I got frenching , bbbj and fs without problem and i think it is their standard service package. Cd is provided.
Operating time is 11am to 11 pm .
What i like about this place is that there are a variety of dishes to choose , from young to mature ( all same price)

I like myself like exploring too but it will hurt ur pocket to find a right one . . :-)
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Old 18-01-2013, 03:31 AM
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Re: Thai gals

Originally Posted by gic99 View Post

Thanks for your good advises...
What websites do u speak about ? I know S..141 or $$$$$ (same girls than S..141 but less choice and less comfortable to use). Do you know any other (in English) ?

Additionally, I tried one gal in Tai On Blg last time (first time) and I was really disappointed by the place, the gal and the FJ. Rush, small place... For sure it's cheap but I prefer to pay a bit more for better service... What's your opinion about Fuji blg ? Ladies are a bit more expensive. Does the package $800 worth the difference ?
Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
You can specify "Thai" as a search option on the sex141 website. I see a few hotel walk-in gals listed today.

Other days, there should also be Thai gals listed for the Walk-ups which are usually VERY CHEAP - from HK$250 upwards. Most of the time these Thai gals are at coronet court in North Point or at one of the crap Hunghom buildings -really ghetto places I must warn you!

Besides that, quite a few Thais make the rounds in Wanchai but there, you're of course talking about higher prices - HK$1k UP for ST and all the way up to 5k for o/n if you're lousy at bargaining.

And on your comments on Good Fortune Sauna - please note that for longer term/known customers, it is quite common to get more than just a HJ there; you just gotta book for longer than 3 hours and make your intentions well known and its not that hard to get more.

And on Fuji building, I personally like going there and the Hop Yee building just down the block as its a matter of convenience for me (am easily around the Causeway bay area) plus the quality of the gals are OK reasonable for the price.
But you say $800?? WHAT?? Nah, you ain't gonna get much more for overpaying - just go to the doors and if you see one you like, just ask her how much and if she quotes much above $500 just walk away, cause 480 + is the going rate there.

I have not seen 800 being quoted at Fuji, Hop Yee or Champagne court. They are usually between 388-488 HKD.
Old 18-01-2013, 11:05 AM
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Re: HK Happening

First, thanks a lot to Dude_Hean and SEAJ for your kind advises ! It's very complete. In conclusion, I keep GFS for nice massage in clean environment with a good HE and go Fuji Bld for more. I'm fine with Milf cause they often much more experienced, less shy and more playful !
Here is an example of 800 at Fuji but I keep in mind that it's useless, meaning that I need to avoid 1st floor ! Any favourite floor ?

I never went to TST because I always stay in HK island (business) but next time I have enough time, I'll go there
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Old 18-01-2013, 01:09 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Hi all hk regular bros, going to hk for a business trip in feb... Planning hit some hk sauna to relax. Can anyone give me a good recommendation for a solid place with bath pool, good massage girls, etc... Appreciate any advise given. Cheers!!
Old 18-01-2013, 06:15 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Originally Posted by nashzzz View Post
Hi all hk regular bros, going to hk for a business trip in feb... Planning hit some hk sauna to relax. Can anyone give me a good recommendation for a solid place with bath pool, good massage girls, etc... Appreciate any advise given. Cheers!!
If you'd do a bit of reading of this thread, you'll know that the sauna scene in Hong Kong is nothing compared to Macau/China and is not that great. Please also tell us what you want exactly - kind of Service you want, price you're looking at etc.

Old 18-01-2013, 06:22 PM
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Re: HK Happening

Originally Posted by nashzzz View Post
Hi all hk regular bros, going to hk for a business trip in feb... Planning hit some hk sauna to relax. Can anyone give me a good recommendation for a solid place with bath pool, good massage girls, etc... Appreciate any advise given. Cheers!!

Nearest for that sort would be Shenzhen or Macau. Esp Macau.. if U can find the time to break away from ur business engagement.
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