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Old 22-07-2004, 03:52 PM
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Hee hee ... she was another Cat 80 I tried when no targets for Cat 150 and she is good and worth the $80 .... repeat a few times liao
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 22-07-2004, 06:10 PM
glstunner glstunner is offline
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Re: Le

Originally Posted by cuntking
Hee hee ... she was another Cat 80 I tried when no targets for Cat 150 and she is good and worth the $80 .... repeat a few times liao
FR leh......hee hee........
Old 22-07-2004, 07:41 PM
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Re: $80 recommendation

hi all big brothers..i got some questions here about cat80..but dont think have to start new i post here..

(1) how do i call on a specific cat80 girl? is it i go to any house which provide the cat80 service (i went westerhout house 6 and 8) and tell the okt her name? then if she is free she will come down to that house..?

(2) i see the okt name Tommy alot in this forum..may i know where he is situated at..?

sorry for the newbie quesion..thanks in advance !
Old 26-07-2004, 11:51 AM
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Re: $80 recommendation

Originally Posted by tiostun
hi all big brothers..i got some questions here about cat80..but dont think have to start new i post here..

(1) how do i call on a specific cat80 girl? is it i go to any house which provide the cat80 service (i went westerhout house 6 and 8) and tell the okt her name? then if she is free she will come down to that house..?

(2) i see the okt name Tommy alot in this forum..may i know where he is situated at..?

sorry for the newbie quesion..thanks in advance !
Just pay a visit to the house stated in cuntking $150 list. All cat$150 house does the cat$80.

Pls correct me if I am fcuking wrong.

with regard to your question on location on tommy's place. Brother you have to work harder man, it is all over the place, look harder and you shall find the answer.

Sori for that crap, just hate people who are fcuking lazy
Old 26-07-2004, 11:55 AM
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Re: $80 recommendation

went to try Janet yesterday, cheeby okt want me to take cat$150 stating better service, fcuking cb okt did not know econmy bad nowaday.

I work out furious, but have lot of fun mentally undressing the PRCs queing outside the street one by one.


Will try to get Janet again SOOON...... cannot tahan oredi....
Old 26-07-2004, 08:17 PM
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Talking Re: $80 recommendation

hi bro,
U try already?? Still waiting for your FR.What more WLs in Your list.Care to recommend??Cause U 'gun" I "gun then song song .Who U really think is the best in your bonking list??share share leh......

Originally Posted by shctaw
went to try Janet yesterday, cheeby okt want me to take cat$150 stating better service, fcuking cb okt did not know econmy bad nowaday.

I work out furious, but have lot of fun mentally undressing the PRCs queing outside the street one by one.


Will try to get Janet again SOOON...... cannot tahan oredi....
Old 28-07-2004, 09:28 AM
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Re: Le

Originally Posted by cuntking
Hee hee ... she was another Cat 80 I tried when no targets for Cat 150 and she is good and worth the $80 .... repeat a few times liao
Hi bro,
Wondering how to pronouce LE.It's L,E or ???
Old 01-08-2004, 12:37 AM
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Re: $80 recommendation

Yo brudders,

Just look for Zhi ling and I am extremely happy with her service. Do not talk much and that is the way I like it. Beautiful breast and white skin. Good long and slow BBBJ. Almost shot in her mouth. Face not too bad. At the end of it all, happy customer!!!

Checked with OKT

Rose, Xiao Tian, Jacqueline, Janet are back into their hometown for 1 month. Try to call them just now.

Pai sei, I have searched the forum but I can't seem to find the base of Janet. Can any brudders care to tell me which house is she from?

Thank you in advance.
Old 07-08-2004, 03:32 AM
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Cool Re: Le

it is just the letter L and E. Happy bonking.
Old 07-08-2004, 01:26 PM
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Re: Le

Originally Posted by devil069
it is just the letter L and E. Happy bonking.
thanxx to all bros, I tried LE at H29.

yup she is good, her cat lick esp WOW cos she gives wet kisses all over me. when she reached by legs, my didi fel like exploding. her BBBJ excellent, told her i enjoyed it, the more I enjoyed the longer she blew me. use tounge and lips so dun feel the pain, only shiok feeling.....

later asked me if like to bonk her on a high chair beside the bed. she sat opened up her l gs and told me to poke her. very nice pussy lips she got...bside the cahir t\i sthe mirros and I can see my didi sliding in and out her pussy and can see her pussy lips envloping my shaft. cum in no time.....

good girl and friendly..RTF definitely!!!
Old 12-08-2004, 10:35 PM
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Re: $80 recommendation

Hi, LE is from which Lorong? Can you please advice?
Old 13-08-2004, 01:14 PM
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Re: $80 recommendation

Originally Posted by jurongguy
Hi, LE is from which Lorong? Can you please advice?
02-01-2004, 02:09 AM
Samster Join Date: Dec 2001
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Could someone recommend me a few good $80 gal?


Hello guys,

I have seen a few reports on Rose and Joyce. Seems like they are good tries at this bad times. $80 seems to be a better choice now. But as compared to the $150, are the girls really worse off? I mean I know that $80 gets you 30 minutes of joy whilst $150 gets you 45 minutes. Could any kind bro comment and advice me? Me want to see some advice 1st b4 embarking on my 1st visit to the merry land. Thanks!

31-03-2004, 02:09 AM
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Going down GL later, need CIM recommendations....


Hi all,

Later free to go down GL to look for $80. Can anybody recommend ok looking girl, nice body close to $150 that does BBBJ and allows CIM? Plan to go L28-30. Please advice, thanks in advance!!!

01-04-2004, 03:26 AM
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Thanks, booby...


Trying to keep this thread alive... and thanks to bro booby for his recommendation on LE:

>You can try LE. I think she allow CIM, and bj not bad. Enjoy and
>don't foget to post FR.


Hope everybody can contribute!

05-04-2004, 01:57 AM
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Re: $80 CIM recommendations


Keeping thread alive.... any contributions? Sincerely hope all bros can contribute on $80 encounters in this bad economic situations.... $150 may be too expensive for some bros here... so anybody got good $80 recommendation, please actively contribute! thanks!


Noticed you have been asking around for FRs since 2002 and believe you had tried many WLs till now. Well so do you have FRs to share with us for cat $80 rather than expecting and urging others to contribute.....
dun be selfish leh.

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Old 13-08-2004, 02:41 PM
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Re: $80 recommendation

how do you actually pronounce "LE" ? as is "lay" or "lee" ?
Old 13-08-2004, 03:52 PM
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Re: $80 recommendation

It has been a while since I last visited GL. Too much FL also gets sick off it, so decided to visit GL again. When to my usual house 2060 ask for “Seow Ying” from 3012A.

This is the first time I try her, she is ok look with normal figure and boob. Her bbbj was so super that I almost CIM. I visit GL for more then 10 over years and she is the third girl then almost makes me CIM.

Rating as follows:

Look: 6.5/10
fig: 6.5/10
bbbj: 9/10
FJ: 7.5/10

Rtf: YES.
Old 13-08-2004, 08:06 PM
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Smile Re: $80 recommendation

Originally Posted by Hasa Sas
Noticed you have been asking around for FRs since 2002 and believe you had tried many WLs till now. Well so do you have FRs to share with us for cat $80 rather than expecting and urging others to contribute.....
dun be selfish leh.
Good work by u.

+2 pt for yr effort.

Thank you to the bros who have upped me and your appreciation will be reciprocated.

Welcome ........

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