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Old 02-07-2013, 09:07 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Seems alot of negative information on AC chionging scene. Who going this coming national day holiday...
Old 02-07-2013, 09:16 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by jackurass View Post
bro,do u knw which building was tat?
I have a fleeting suspicion which area Ninja_Assassin mentioned, as I was around there, most likely, but the comment 'FA is for working class people' affirms my suspicion

I was with some decent friends, and we had a decent drink and went to see a live band, though we didn't see the shows mentioned Maybe I didn't push my friends too much

One thing that stuck out in the place I went was no single women allowed .. unless they are members ..
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Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 02-07-2013, 10:14 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Past few days is always sudden sunny n sudden very heavy rain.
Luckily the maingate jeepney i took today during rain went into the airport n drop passengers off.

Just took the out flight at Clark airport in the evening, just wanna relate an incident which happened at the 2nd x-ray m/c after passport chopped.
As usual i put my sling bag, passport n a packet of food through the m/c n stand for searching by one of the officers.
He sensed something in my short's pocket n asked me wat is it?
I took out the 50p note (which is change from terminal fee) out from my pocket n he smiled n said "xie xie" in mandarin.
I just act blurred n proceeded to collect my things which is on trays after the m/c.
As i collected my things there was a pen left on the tray which another officer asked me wat is that? I said it's not mine.
He took up the pen pull out the cover n it became a knife w a 3 inch blade n he asked me: U use this?
I looked at him calmly for a few seconds n he started to say it's just a joke.
I smiled at him n left.

Maybe i consider myself lucky a narrow escaped.
If I had panic or reacted angrily the situation might be worse.

Another incident a week ago is when i played pool at one of the bars, 3 pinoys came in n play too. I was on n winning streak n one of the pinoys after losing a game to me said he wanted to bet 50p w me on his next game w me but i told him i don't do bettings, just friendly game.
After some games i decided to leave n the pinoy who wanted a bet was persuading to stay but i declined n left.
After taking supper near the bar, i run into the bar manager n he told me there is 3 police inside the bar n i confirmed w him it's them.
So i wonder what will happen if i had taken the bet??

I hv also witness few pinoy hustlers who purposely plays badly, lost n then lure the opponent for a bet like 1000p.

Just caution bros here to take precaution that they play such "jokes" n "bets".
Wonderful post. I have to be extra careful.

"Winning streak"??? Guess you the pool guy being referred to in the past post. You now hoard the table and don buy LD. Hahaha. Anyway, you have improved much.

Lucky you disclaimed ownership of the pen, or else you would have admitted to bringing a concealed weapon on board a plane. Big trouble you side stepped there. The old datou would have scolded the officer. The new datou is super cool.

Last night while eating at Chow King, I saw 2 beggar kids follow some young Koreans to the door. The boy put his hand into the Korean's shirt pocket but failed to grab anything. Korean let the matter rest and Chow King guard only shouted for the kids to go away. As I went out of Chow King, the kids came for me. I shouted for them to go away. They shouted back and left. I lucky I only budget 3 days here, leaving for Manila tomorrow. Exchange rate 33.80p to S$1 and 12.60p to RM1., and weather fine.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!

Last edited by ZIEBART; 02-07-2013 at 12:44 PM.
Old 02-07-2013, 01:23 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
I lucky I only budget 3 days here, leaving for Manila tomorrow..
Huh? You're the AC resident! How can you leave?
Old 02-07-2013, 01:52 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by MAYOR View Post
Huh? You're the AC resident! How can you leave?
Exactly. I don want to be a permanent resident if I am not as cool or lucky as datou. Minimising my risk here and moving on to other safer place.

The beggar kids have learnt that its ok to just take from your pocket and run. No foreigner will retaliate. Not worth it. I give up. I stood in front of Chow King and saw them attacking other foreigners with no fear.

I took a number from a sweet girl outside Chow King last night and she txt me to meet this morning. Told her I tired but she said she needed money. Told her I only give 300 for ST. She replied happily that its ok and asked for my hotel. I smelled a rat and stopped further txt. I don want to be given permanent residency with free food and lodging.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 02-07-2013, 01:57 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI) was hoping to meet bro Z when me in AC...
__________________ Ol'Coyote...

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Old 02-07-2013, 05:51 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Quaterpounder View Post
Spot on here, but I think Angeles will still be there for few years more or I really hope so it will
AC will always be there, just depend on what direction it takes in the future.
Old 02-07-2013, 05:56 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
Not really. You have not been to AC as long as I have and seen all the changes taking place there over the last 15- 20 years. Your statement would be true up until about 10 yrs ago as AC back then was nothing but a dusty playground. Not so today as AC bars contribute very little to the overall economy. True that the immediate hotels and restuarants immediately surrounding the bar areas are directly affected by the bar customers but there are so much more now outside of Fields/Perimeter area. Just a simple 10min drive going towards the airport will already show very modern apt complexes and factories that have nothing to do with the bar scene. Just the employment in this area far exceeds the bar scene. The govt is not worried at all if the bar scene folds and is eliminated as they know the price of prime real estate so near an Intl airport will be priceless in the future. Many more companies will move in to fill the void without the negative stigma of a "red light district" in the area. The hotels will also fill up but not with our kind but with legitimate business men working for the various corporations. This is the future that scares me and City Hall already have these thoughts in mind. Believe me everything is already thought out but just a matter of when the Govt plans take full effect as it seems even now they already started to do so but in stages.

Also just for reference, I have also been playing in Manila and Cebu over the last 20 yrs and just for the record, Manila was "cleaned up" over 15yrs ago when Mayor Lim went on a crusade to stamp out the bar scene. The Manila that exist today is only a shadow of what it was before. Trust me when I tell u that Manila was at least over 3x the size of AC back in the glory days and because of the competition many of the prices were even cheaper than AC.
Same goes for Cebu, as the recent crackdowns there over the last 5 yrs had started to make the scene harder and much more expensive in the process.
Thanks for the insight.

Wise words from a wise one.

I guess if AC is cleaned up, it wouldn't be such a bad thing. It was probably getting out of hand so a bit of enforcement wouldn't be a bad thing.
Old 02-07-2013, 08:18 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Makashi View Post
Seems alot of negative information on AC chionging scene. Who going this coming national day holiday...
I'll be there 3~9 August.
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Old 03-07-2013, 01:25 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by MAYOR View Post
Some info that came in you guys may like to know.

Apparently there was a directive to the AC cops to conduct 1 raid + 5 inspections every week. So there will be weekly raids now. Which will be the lucky bar next week?

There has also been a representation put up for City Hall to cease issuing licenses to the AC bars...... this will be in discussion at the next Congress meeting.
I guess my source was correct after all.

Last week - Candy bar was raided and Midnight Rock, Sillyhat, Runes were inspected.

This week - Babydolls bar was raided and Midnight Rock, Nasty Duck, Ice bars were inspected.

Next week - ?????
Old 03-07-2013, 11:52 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by MAYOR View Post
I guess my source was correct after all.

Last week - Candy bar was raided and Midnight Rock, Sillyhat, Runes were inspected.

This week - Babydolls bar was raided and Midnight Rock, Nasty Duck, Ice bars were inspected.

Next week - ?????
i heard candy bar was raided last week but resumed operations shortly. however yesterday they were asked to cease operations again for afew days without a second raid.

bro mayor, so far any news of customers being caught in the raids?
Old 03-07-2013, 01:46 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Wonderful post. I have to be extra careful.

"Winning streak"??? Guess you the pool guy being referred to in the past post. You now hoard the table and don buy LD. Hahaha. Anyway, you have improved much.

there is more room to improve so have to play more if can, dont wanna let the team down. Watever they wanna say up to them, i live my own life. i buy LDs for whoever i want to buy for.

Lucky you disclaimed ownership of the pen, or else you would have admitted to bringing a concealed weapon on board a plane. Big trouble you side stepped there. The old datou would have scolded the officer. The new datou is super cool.

Throughout our cheonging AC ,We hv seen, experienced n learnt ways to counter their never ending crooked scams. There is no choice but to be alert at all times..I.never trust pinoys n keep as far away from them n asap.

Last night while eating at Chow King, I saw 2 beggar kids follow some young Koreans to the door. The boy put his hand into the Korean's shirt pocket but failed to grab anything. Korean let the matter rest and Chow King guard only shouted for the kids to go away. As I went out of Chow King, the kids came for me. I shouted for them to go away. They shouted back and left. I lucky I only budget 3 days here, leaving for Manila tomorrow. Exchange rate 33.80p to S$1 and 12.60p to RM1., and weather fine.

There was once just outside Manson ,a korean was chasing after a beggar kid n the kid was running towards me, i could hv stop the kid but i chose to ignore as there were 2 trike drivers near me viewing the whole incident. As a regular in AC , its better not to be a busybody.
Hv a great time in Phils

Last edited by datou; 03-07-2013 at 01:58 PM.
Old 03-07-2013, 01:50 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

i be joining u on the 17th same time.

Last edited by datou; 03-07-2013 at 03:47 PM.
Old 03-07-2013, 06:22 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by MAYOR View Post
I guess my source was correct after all.

Last week - Candy bar was raided and Midnight Rock, Sillyhat, Runes were inspected.

This week - Babydolls bar was raided and Midnight Rock, Nasty Duck, Ice bars were inspected.

Next week - ?????
Which bar next week? You forgot to post
Old 03-07-2013, 06:36 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by ol'coyote View Post
wow...tis sounds bad...
me next trip is scheduled for aug...
should me make alternative arrangements ?...
Are you still going?
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